2024 Election Lounge

That is disturbing. Does Walz's son have some kind of disability?

Yes, he has what's being called "Nonverbal Learning Disorder," which seems somewhat similar to autism.

Considered to be neurologically based, nonverbal learning disorder is characterized by:

  • impairments in visuospatial processing
  • discrepancy between average to superior verbal abilities and impaired nonverbal abilities such as:
    • visuoconstruction
    • fine motor coordination
    • mathematical reasoning
    • visuospatial memory
    • socioemotional skills
People with NVLD may have trouble understanding charts, reading maps, assembling jigsaw puzzles, and using an analog clock to tell time. "Clumsiness" is common in people with NVLD, especially children, and it may take a child with NVLD longer than usual to learn how to tie shoelaces or to ride a bicycle.


Kamala Harris is exploiting our innocent, bright-eyed youth, who are captivated by social media, to push an agenda that will ultimately harm them. This agenda risks repeating the tragic mistakes that led to the Great Famine my family endured in China at the turn of the 1960s. She is ushering in an era of widespread chaos and xenophobia, fueled by poor economic policies and divisive rhetoric toward fellow Americans. I know this because I was once used as a front for these people, who promised that after defeating Donald Trump, they would focus on meaningful policies like regenerative farming and criminal justice reform. They lied, delivering instead chaos, open borders, unnecessary social controls, and a surge in violent street crime.


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Most women don’t even understand how too much immigration is bad.

Gosh all they wanna do is screw and kill their babies.
I believe deep down, most women in our society, that teaches them to behave this way, believe deep to their core that they can lie/cheat/steal/backstab and end up with a 6'5" CEO that makes 8 figures and allows them to stay home and look down upon the "little people".

I don't think anything can shake them of this belief, until they are too old to even get the 5'8" grocery store clerk to notice them and by then the damage is done.

Women know deep down that if they can't abort their children, then they can never be in the "high society" looking down at the little people. They don't care about the economy or immigration, because that is the concern of "little people" and they will be saved by this by their CEO husband.