2024 Election Lounge

I believe that most women (at least most godless and unmarried, childless women) harbor a deep resentment toward both God and man over their innate lack of control over their reproduction. The idea that they, as women, could conceivably be raped and forced to carry and deliver the baby of their rapist strikes them as a horrendous and most unjust fate. But this is simply the reality of the natural condition of female human beings. It's no different than the horror of the natural condition of men routinely facing brutal murder at the hands of other men.

Civilization is the joint agreement between human beings - and blessing from God - that largely spares us these horrors, and monogamy and marriage play a large part in that. The threat of male-on-male violence is greatly curtailed, and along with it the threat of rape. But it comes at the price of women submitting themselves to their husbands. But with modern technologies like birth control, antibiotics, abortion and social media/dating apps - and with the rights granted by modern liberal governments and societies - women no longer need submit themselves to the care and protection of one man, and instead are free to enjoy the social and sexual attention of as many men as they'd care to entertain.

Essentially, women are free riding on the sacrifices of men, who are still forced by legal and social sanction to curtail their worst impulses, while women themselves are given free license to indulge theirs. Men built society and invented great technologies largely to benefit their families - women and children. But women have betrayed this sacrifice, and have spat on the gift they were handed, forsaking submission to their husbands and the nurturing of their children in favor of chasing pleasure and vanity.

It's a very bad situation, and this dynamic - this terrible imbalance between the sexes in regard to the enormous female privilege baked into modern Western society - is playing a large part in contributing toward the degradation and eventual collapse of that society.
I believe that most women (at least most godless and unmarried, childless women) harbor a deep resentment toward both God and man over their innate lack of control over their reproduction. The idea that they, as women, could conceivably be raped and forced to carry and deliver the baby of their rapist strikes them as a horrendous and most unjust fate. But this is simply the reality of the natural condition of female human beings. It's no different than the horror of the natural condition of men routinely facing brutal murder at the hands of other men.

Civilization is the joint agreement between human beings - and blessing from God - that largely spares us these horrors, and monogamy and marriage play a large part in that. The threat of male-on-male violence is greatly curtailed, and along with it the threat of rape. But it comes at the price of women submitting themselves to their husbands. But with modern technologies like birth control, antibiotics, abortion and social media/dating apps - and with the rights granted by modern liberal governments and societies - women no longer need submit themselves to the care and protection of one man, and instead are free to enjoy the social and sexual attention of as many men as they'd care to entertain.

Essentially, women are free riding on the sacrifices of men, who are still forced by legal and social sanction to curtail their worst impulses, while women themselves are given free license to indulge theirs. Men built society and invented great technologies largely to benefit their families - women and children. But women have betrayed this sacrifice, and have spat on the gift they were handed, forsaking submission to their husbands and the nurturing of their children in favor of chasing pleasure and vanity.

It's a very bad situation, and this dynamic - this terrible imbalance between the sexes in regard to the enormous female privilege baked into modern Western society - is playing a large part in contributing toward the degradation and eventual collapse of that society.
This is a keeper-post and should be filed under the Destruction of Modern Women. I literally screenshot posts like this.
If only we knew how to.

Are female republicans willing to overturn that amendment?
I mentioned this the other day. A person who truly believes in a way of life or policy would sacrifice for said life/policy. Ann Coulter mentioned this a long time ago, stating (presuming elections are real) that Dems would never win an election again if women couldn't vote.

I think if you asked any woman at random, "Oh you are conservative? If we repeal the 19th, we win and you never have to worry about this dumb politics stuff, more or less, ever again." I suspect fewer than 3 out of 100 would say sure, I'd support repealing it. If I'm right about that, it again points out how little agency certain people and certain groups have.
I believe that most women (at least most godless and unmarried, childless women) harbor a deep resentment toward both God and man over their innate lack of control over their reproduction. The idea that they, as women, could conceivably be raped and forced to carry and deliver the baby of their rapist strikes them as a horrendous and most unjust fate. But this is simply the reality of the natural condition of female human beings. It's no different than the horror of the natural condition of men routinely facing brutal murder at the hands of other men.

Civilization is the joint agreement between human beings - and blessing from God - that largely spares us these horrors, and monogamy and marriage play a large part in that. The threat of male-on-male violence is greatly curtailed, and along with it the threat of rape. But it comes at the price of women submitting themselves to their husbands. But with modern technologies like birth control, antibiotics, abortion and social media/dating apps - and with the rights granted by modern liberal governments and societies - women no longer need submit themselves to the care and protection of one man, and instead are free to enjoy the social and sexual attention of as many men as they'd care to entertain.

Essentially, women are free riding on the sacrifices of men, who are still forced by legal and social sanction to curtail their worst impulses, while women themselves are given free license to indulge theirs. Men built society and invented great technologies largely to benefit their families - women and children. But women have betrayed this sacrifice, and have spat on the gift they were handed, forsaking submission to their husbands and the nurturing of their children in favor of chasing pleasure and vanity.

It's a very bad situation, and this dynamic - this terrible imbalance between the sexes in regard to the enormous female privilege baked into modern Western society - is playing a large part in contributing toward the degradation and eventual collapse of that society.
And what are we going to do about it? Are you guys dunking on them for doing this and ripping them off? I cook in a “female” charge to all my clients. I don’t call it that but I charge women way more then I do men to account for their unearned privilege. All hail the junk fee. Kind of like how there’s a “white tax” to a lot of American tourists. Or do you coddle them and refuse to be subversive cos you want to … yeah. It’s like I said in another thread. Us as men can hold women accountable but we won’t do it because “we be so lonely” and “I don’t wanna blow my chances” I’ve concluded I’m gonna croak alone, so might as well have fun.
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Weak sauce
I mentioned this the other day. A person who truly believes in a way of life or policy would sacrifice for said life/policy. Ann Coulter mentioned this a long time ago, stating (presuming elections are real) that Dems would never win an election again if women couldn't vote.

I think if you asked any woman at random, "Oh you are conservative? If we repeal the 19th, we win and you never have to worry about this dumb politics stuff, more or less, ever again." I suspect fewer than 3 out of 100 would say sure, I'd support repealing it. If I'm right about that, it again points out how little agency certain people and certain groups have.
Weak sauce. I believe we need to reinstitute a poll tax and a form of grandfather clause. If you move to the US you can’t vote for two generations.
Basically voting requirements -
18+ male or female, own property but that doesn’t translate to our modern economy very well so if you don’t own property there’s a poll tax you can pay. You can repeal the 19th without repealing the 19th. Women would rather keep their money than pay a poll tax. And probably the most controversial position - your father has to be born in the United States to vote. So say someone moved to America. Their child can’t vote but their grandchild can. This solves the birthright citizenship issue. This is our land. We won it fair and square. It takes a generation to become American. I’m 3 in and there’s still some Mediterraneanisms in me. There needs to be some generations to make a paper American an American American. Why I’m sad I can’t find someone cos my kids would be real Americans. Bloodline ends here. I know it sounds a bit silly but there is a genuine physical and spiritual difference between the “yo, job opportunity” people and those who tilled the empty lands, fought in our historic wars, and conquered the Indians (sorry, if they didn’t do it in the 1700s 1800s someone else would’ve, probably our neighbors to the south. A newly independent Mexico would’ve conqured the west instead of us. I know it’s controversial but is what it is. Who’s heard of Brazilian or Colombian guilt?)

Furthermore my rant only applies to the house. To vote for the presidency you’d have to serve in the armed forces and the senate was never supposed to be an elected body.

Problem is we have a corrupt democracy. We all know how to get rid of a corrupt king or corrupt oligarchy. Kill the king. So how do you get rid of a corrupt democracy? Put in an oligarchy! However my proposal is it’s an open oligarchy. You can get in, if you got the stones. Many people don’t have the stones though so they’ll shut up and not vote. Perfect solution.
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Furthermore my rant only applies to the house. To vote for the presidency you’d have to serve in the armed forces and the senate was never supposed to be an elected body.

Problem is we have a corrupt democracy. We all know how to get rid of a corrupt king or corrupt oligarchy. Kill the king. So how do you get rid of a corrupt democracy? Put in an oligarchy! However my proposal is it’s an open oligarchy. You can get in, if you got the stones. Many people don’t have the stones though so they’ll shut up and not vote. Perfect solution.
Everything is weak sauce. I made a post to prove a point, which also shows us that nothing changes until it collapses and creative destruction commences. The way that happens faster is that states and regions get BTC and don't need DC anymore. They can tell them to fuck off in every last way and it won't matter, they have the money everyone wants, including the mercenaries that might consider DC ...
Everything is weak sauce. I made a post to prove a point, which also shows us that nothing changes until it collapses and creative destruction commences. The way that happens faster is that states and regions get BTC and don't need DC anymore. They can tell them to fuck off in every last way and it won't matter, they have the money everyone wants, including the mercenaries that might consider DC ...
My biggest struggle with BTC is it’s just another fiat currency. I don’t see how BTC will make DC pound sand. The only way I could see it happening is if the dollar hyperinflates and secessionism re-emerges and you get a secessionist movement that can outcompete DC by trading in BTC over DC’s hyper-inflated dollar.

Btw no personal offense on the weak sauce comment. I want to see the creative destruction 🍻. Probably in an unhealthy way tbh. I just see restricting the franchise from women only as not seeing the forest for the trees. This will only solve the woman problem but will do nothing for the unqualified men, and men with no ties to the country pursuing short term gains. Plus it does nothing to counteract the mob which is a tool of billionaire Americans trying to chase an agenda. DEI is bunk. It’s wealthy people trying to keep labor costs down and keep a docile, obedient workforce. Plus it’s a hard sell. The corporate model where only productive useful people get to vote with money (shows ability to pay some taxes) and military service as a proxy goes down way easier than flat out “women shouldn’t vote” the example I always use is if I show up at a Ford share holders meeting they’ll go “who’s this guy?” You didn’t buy in, no vote.
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My biggest struggle with BTC is it’s just another fiat currency.
I've got good news and bad news. And the bad news isn't that bad because you can make it good: you don't understand BTC. The good news is that it's not fiat. It's literally the exact opposite of it, in fact. So I'm happy that makes things more hopeful.
Btw no personal offense on the weak sauce comment.
None taken.

Of course, things will sort themselves out, we just don't know how long it takes (just like with BTC). I actually agree with you about all the requirements that should go back closer to the original constitution, but when we can't even get 1 to be rolled back, all the rest are major pie in the sky stuff. New jurisdictions which stick to principle and ignore the current nonsense is what will be required, which means a total overhaul.

I can't believe somebody actually said this.

Columbia professor John McWhorter says that Kamala Harris doesn't speak in word salads; it's just her way of being “articulate.”

He calls this “a really effective way of speaking smoothly.”

Watch him try and sell this narrative.

“You have to listen to her in the right way. She actually has learned a really effective way of speaking smoothly. She does these triplets, and she'll say, ‘the ambitions, the hopes, and the aspirations of the American people.’

“Those three things are really all the same. The reason she did it is not because she's stuttering. It's because that is her way of not saying 'um.' She's avoiding saying 'um' or hesitating. She wanted to say aspirations, and then she'll give the synonyms as she waits. That's a form of being articulate.”
I don't think these types fully understand the protection they get from the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Allegiance to these items is about the only thing holding back the right. Generally, we have contempt for these people (as they do us), but we abide the laws as they at least purport to be Constitutional.

The right is in an "honor trap" presently. Activist rightists are neutered by charges of insurrection and the Constitution is weaponized against them. They've sworn oaths and pledged allegiance their whole lives, so doing anything extreme whilst the Constitution is still in effect remains taboo.

When the Constitution is substantially/categorically discarded, the right will become less constrained. Maybe totally unconstrained. This is how the law is being abused against us - as a trick-box of sorts. They discard it at their own peril.