2024 Election Lounge

Revolutions were never fought by the majority. 5% of a population can be enough. The 80% will go along with whatever happens.
This war probably wont be won with physical violence: yes, guerilla tactics are asymmetric, but so is cyberwar - even more asymmetric.

It took 100 years for the creature from Jekyll Island to become what we have today…it’s not going down in 12 months, but it will eventually.
Every escalation of clown world is more evidence of that fact - that it is losing. They are creating diseases in labs, and selling fake vaccines, in order to keep the financial system alive!! We are in the end game brother, and they just keep throwing Hail Marys hoping something will work.
Quit advocating violent uprising on this site!!

Learn to read Mr. "Suicide" and don't accuse me of something so serious and illegal. I have clearly stated that violent uprising is impossible because Americans are on the whole too fat, lazy, selfish, and disorganized to embark on such an endeavor, much less have I "advocated" for it or tried to organize such an impossible mission on this site. Why don't you talk to your boy @Samseau who was ready to embark on an imaginary civil war had Trump's assassination been successful?

There is a difference between random pointless violence, and a geniune revolution.

Real revolutions have leaders to direct the righteous anger of the masses towards a productive end. Without such leadership, however, all you get is vigilantes and angry men targeting random government officials. Such empty violence just allows the government to consolidate more power, using those isolated acts as justification.

There has never been a revolution without leadership. Had Trump had the courage to launch a revolution, I would have supported it because there is an actual chance of success if there is a leader to direct the violence towards the formation of a new government. Without such leadership, it's just criminal law breaking, and dreaming of "physical violence" is actually some kind of spiritual sickness. Revenge seeking is toxic place for the soul. Instead, forgive your enemy, and seek justice from God. He will decide when we will have real leader capable of guiding a righteous revolution.

It's how God made America, using George Washington, who was for his entire life a God-fearing Christian, obedient to King and country, and fought in many wars on the King's behalf. The reason America's revolution was successful was because they had God on their side, maintained their purity of purpose, and had a clean consciousness when it came time to rebel.

Likewise, we should remain pure of mind and soul. We should pay our taxes, vote to the best of our ability, and love our Neighbors and country. If, after many years of rigged elections and abuse of the people by lawless officials, God grants our wishes for justice with a proper revolutionary leader, then of course I would absolutely support such a leader. I would have a clean conscious when doing so. But you'll never see me advocate breaking the laws for the sake of revenge, and that's why it's against the rules on this site as well.
If she wins I'm checking out of politics (except local) for life. And don't give me that black pill garbage. Look how obnoxious these clips are. If it makes this little sense then I'm done trying to be logical.
You're not black pilling, because you still will care for your community in the way you can, and not give up on life, at the local level.

You're also being realistic - if Kamala wins and lets in another 20-50 million illegals, how will victory at the federal level even be possible in any meaningful sense?

You're also not black pilling, because you are tacitly admitting that a Trump victory would prevent this outcome.

Black pill = despondency, a very dangerous sin and can actually lead people to suicide. There is a reason there are rules against it on this forum.

You'll never see me advocate breaking the laws...
This is a very naive take. Jews make many unjust, irrational laws meant to hurt Christians, and it is our moral imperative to fight back by breaking those laws, or as Thomas Jefferson once said, "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."
We should pay our taxes...
Again, I could post countless social media posts about rich people bragging about paying ZERO taxes (Trump included). It seems to me that if you're against funding Israel to bomb Palestinians that you would do everything you could to not be personally funding such an atrocious endeavor. I sleep better at night knowing that I'm not giving one red cent to Ukraine or Israel. Some of us are into voting and showing up to J6 rallies, but I prefer economically starving The Beast through small acts of non-violent aggression.

And when Target was selling rainbow tranny outfits to toddlers I would ethically "take" one from the store, walk outside, and put it in the trash. Doesn't do much, but it makes me feel better and less demoralized. I do the same thing at majority Blackrock-State Street-jew owned grocery stores that have been plandemic price gouging. Pay for one steak, "take" another one, walk outside and hand it to an old lady in a walker or homeless person in the parking lot. "Stealing" for me isn't about money and personal gain, it’s about justice. But to each is own.

"Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you King."
This is a very naive take. Jews make many unjust, irrational laws meant to hurt Christians, and it is our moral imperative to fight back by breaking those laws, or as Thomas Jefferson once said, "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."

Again, I could post countless social media posts about rich people bragging about paying ZERO taxes (Trump included). It seems to me that if you're against funding Israel to bomb Palestinians that you would do everything you could to not be personally funding such an atrocious endeavor. I sleep better at night knowing that I'm not giving one red cent to Ukraine or Israel. Some of us are into voting and showing up to J6 rallies, but I prefer economically starving The Beast through small acts of non-violent aggression.

And when Target was selling rainbow tranny outfits to toddlers I would ethically "take" one from the store, walk outside, and put it in the trash. Doesn't do much, but it makes me feel better and less demoralized. I do the same thing at majority Blackrock-State Street-jew owned grocery stores that have been plandemic price gouging. Pay for one steak, "take" another one, walk outside and hand it to an old lady in a walker or homeless person in the parking lot. "Stealing" for me isn't about money and personal gain, it’s about justice. But to each is own.

"Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you King."
If by ethically take one you mean purchase....You do understand the supply demand curve and how buying an item you wish wasn't in demand you're contradiction is working against your end result?
If you don't mean purchase then I don't advise stealing... Why not just go to a different store?

More power to you, but I don't watch gay porn to protest pride month....not do I buy wagyu beef tenderloin to protest rising beef prices... But hey i get it. Might as well enjoy peak clown world while you can ;
This is a very naive take. Jews make many unjust, irrational laws meant to hurt Christians, and it is our moral imperative to fight back by breaking those laws, or as Thomas Jefferson once said, "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."

Again, I could post countless social media posts about rich people bragging about paying ZERO taxes (Trump included). It seems to me that if you're against funding Israel to bomb Palestinians that you would do everything you could to not be personally funding such an atrocious endeavor. I sleep better at night knowing that I'm not giving one red cent to Ukraine or Israel. Some of us are into voting and showing up to J6 rallies, but I prefer economically starving The Beast through small acts of non-violent aggression.

And when Target was selling rainbow tranny outfits to toddlers I would ethically "take" one from the store, walk outside, and put it in the trash. Doesn't do much, but it makes me feel better and less demoralized. I do the same thing at majority Blackrock-State Street-jew owned grocery stores that have been plandemic price gouging. Pay for one steak, "take" another one, walk outside and hand it to an old lady in a walker or homeless person in the parking lot. "Stealing" for me isn't about money and personal gain, it’s about justice. But to each is own.

"Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you King."
By ethically “take” I’m assuming you have a back door way of getting a five finger discount. You have my sympathies to be honest. But the store writes that off as shrinkage and tries to make up for the losses in the form of higher prices. WHY IS EVERYTHING SO EXPENSIVE? Truth is companies don’t just eat the shrinkage. They pass it onto customers and their insurance goes up.
Anyone besides me notice how little the democrats talked about policy or what they’ll do for the American people? The only thing I got was “we’ll start fabricating chips” which is a uniquely Democratic task now I guess. Cos chip plants and semi conductor manufacturing won’t open if Trump is President. This is all driven by geopolitics. They avoided talking specifics. It was all about hyping up Harris.

Their only arguments for why Kamala? are “Trumps a felon” and “republicans are lying about their intentions on abortion, they want a national ban”
Again, I could post countless social media posts about rich people bragging about paying ZERO taxes (Trump included). It seems to me that if you're against funding Israel to bomb Palestinians that you would do everything you could to not be personally funding such an atrocious endeavor. I sleep better at night knowing that I'm not giving one red cent to Ukraine or Israel. Some of us are into voting and showing up to J6 rallies, but I prefer economically starving The Beast through small acts of non-violent aggression.

Using legal ways to minimize one's taxes is of course encouraged. It's still a way of paying the tax man, you follow the laws and do not pay more than what you owe. Which is hopefully 0. Nothing wrong with that. I never said to "give charity" to the government.