2024 Election Lounge

Did you see Walz's son Gus in tears? He done raised a soyboy. Although to be fair, if my dad got up on stage and acted like a flamboyant homosexual, I'd probably want to cry too.
I dunno, maybe tears of joy that the sodomy might stop? Tears of joy that his father, who has already made it, has now made it even more with the most powerful political party in America and so now the son, no matter what ADHD disability he has, has by proxy made it to have a soft, comfortable, and successful career.
Walz has a little bit of a Chris Farley vibe, goofy, bubbly off-keel Midwestern personality. I think it works to his advantage, his HS teacher/football coach and small town background makes him more relatable for their target demographic of midwestern Whites than was Biden.
I dunno, maybe tears of joy that the sodomy might stop? Tears of joy that his father, who has already made it, has now made it even more with trhe most powerful political party in America and so now the son, no matter what ADHD disability he has, has by proxy made it to have a soft, comfortable, and successful career.
I know Tim Kaines (Hildogs VP pick) son from the Marines, we were in the Officers School together and served at the same time . He got out and then proceeded to work for the Democrat party before now in DC where he is hooked up with all sorts of government jobs and contracts.

Its gross how incestuous this whole thing is.
Walz has a little bit of a Chris Farley vibe, goofy, bubbly off-keel Midwestern personality. I think it works to his advantage, his HS teacher/football coach and small town background makes him more relatable for their target demographic of midwestern Whites than was Biden.
He’s flamboyant and weird. Gives off pedo vibes. I can’t stand the sight of him with the mugging and antics. He’s putting on a “schlub white dude” minstrel show, that’s phony baloney. I suspect the “target demographic “ sees right through it.

And what’s the deal with him bashing Vance for going to Yale? Vance is a poor guy who grew up in a dysfunctional family, who through his smarts rose above it all and achieved the ultimate elite degree. And success. The American Dream. That used to be admirable, and this freaks turns it around into something bad? WTF. By the way, Bill Clinton has a similar background as Vance. He grew up in hillbilly country in a dysfunctional family, and rose above it and went to Yale law school.

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BREAKING: Source close to RFK campaign says he has not yet decided on dropping out and endorsing Trump. There is an internal war happening within the camp with Nicole urging him to join forces with Trump and Cheryl Hines urging him to just drop off the ballot in swing states and not endorse

Edit. Never heard of Cheryl Hines so I looked her up. Apparently she is an actress in (((Hollywood))). Go figure. Looks like she's received instructions from (((Hollywood))) to stop RFK Jr from endorsing Trump-Vance over Harris-Walz.
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Cheryl Hines played Larry David's wife on Curb your Enthusiasm:

View attachment 11690
Ah, that's interesting. Have never really seen the show.



"The DNC is in Chicago talking about their commitment to voting rights, while they're spending tens, maybe hundreds of millions of dollars to keep me off the ballot."

"There's a million people in this country who have signed petitions trying to get me on the ballot. 145,000 at least people here in New York State. They want to see me on the ballot. Why is the Democratic Party trying to disenfranchise those people? What's happened to the party?"

"I don't think my father would recognize this party, and I don't think my uncle would recognize this party."

Presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein says the Democrat Party is "suing us off multiple state ballots" and "hiring spies and infiltrators to sabotage" her campaign.

@DrJillStein: "Democrats ABSOLUTELY cheat and change the rules to maintain their grip on power."

@MichelleObama: "We don’t have the luxury of cheating others to get further ahead—We don’t get to change the rules so we always win."

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jill stein whining about democrats tampering with the ballots should be a big thing, if it's a bona fide account. it's one thing for republicans and conservatives to point out the obvious manipulation only for their claims to be dismissed as nonsense. but when one of the triple round brackets member brings up the fact there should be some unintended consequences.
Since the DNC is over I thought I’d post this here:

But there is one area where the Chicago Democrats bear no resemblance to the Democratic Party of old. I remember a day when Democrats used to treat abortion as a necessary evil that should, in Clinton’s famous phrase, be “safe, legal and rare.” But here in Chicago, abortion is something to be celebrated. Democrats dedicated much of the first night of the convention to abortion. Harris, their nominee, became the first vice president to campaign by visiting an abortion clinic. And Planned Parenthood actually has a mobile van set up outside the convention that is providing free abortions and vasectomies for those who want them. You read that right: If you come to the DNC, not only can you call for greater abortion access, but you can actually get one, too.

Which just goes to show — despite the concessions to reality on fences, police and voter ID for the Democratic elites’ personal comfort at the convention — this still isn’t your father’s Democratic Party.