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Search results

  1. P

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    My example is close enough. Is it a coincidence that the daughter was a cheater, when the moms lesson regarding cheating was how not to get caught (instead of how could do that even!?). So with your example, your future daughters will be blowing dudes and letting them use their asses in...
  2. P

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    I once caught a 24 year old gf cheating basically with a coworker because of texts they sent each other. A few weeks later, I asked what her mom said about the whole thing since we broke up over it and apparently this was the lesson from her mom: "don't put things like that in writing."...
  3. P


    My biggest gripe about the smaller learning bikes is that their components aren't that great. To use my sports car analogy from earlier, I recommend a Miata instead of a Ferrari to learn car control. But a lot of smaller bikes sold in the US are more like a Kia Santa Fe or Nissan Sentra (the...
  4. P


    1st, that is a massive employee discount. Interesting. 2nd, both those bikes will kill you basically the same, so I don't think it really matters. I learned to ride at 17 on an fzr600, and had a 929rr a year later. I used to buy and sell while in college to pay the bills. I commuted home on...
  5. P

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    I think the days of using it as a binary are gone because you'll simply be limiting the pool so much you'll end up accepting other bad things potentially if you put so much weight on just virginity. I think virginity vs promiscuity is on a sliding scale that either gives or takes away points...
  6. P

    Words and Phrases You Don't Hear Anymore

    Woke culture is so deep in California that I swear even the word renege, as in renege on a deal, takes the air out of a conversation sometimes. Maybe it's because sometimes people spell and pronounce it renig. Also, I haven't heard people say Jerry-rig in a long time... Mostly because fewer and...
  7. P

    Marketing and Sales Thread

    I'm somewhat of an Internet nerd and I don't know what SEO for Yelp means. Maybe it's the obvious, make sure you come up onyelp results pages of top 10 cleaning in xx city. What the other poster was recommending was SEO for your website. You can test this yourself. If you search "housekeeping...
  8. P

    Marketing and Sales Thread

    One advantage of doing commercial cleaning is that you can begin cold calling businesses, which can be pretty lucrative for something that has a decent lifetime value when sold. If you're extra personable, you could probably treat every failed call of selling commercial cleaning services as an...
  9. P

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    A lot of women do genuinely worry about the impact of hormonal birth control on their body and mental state. They think it makes them fat, gives them skin problems, makes them act different, changes the type of men they like, and can ruin their future fertility. So they avoid it. I personally...
  10. P

    Scott Adams Thread

    Those are great personal dreams for humanity. But the American dream used to be to come and prosper in a safe fair country where hard work was rewarded. Now if you work hard in a leftist city you might be thrown in front of a train while going to work. There is a difference between an...
  11. P

    Ways to eliminate Belly Fat

    48 hour fasts as often as you can stomach honestly do something amazing. You can find testimonials online if people losing 100 lbs in 4 months by doing 72 hours fasts, 1 day eating as nutritiously as possible, follow by another 72 hour fast over and over. Ive also done 30 days on home made...
  12. P

    Scott Adams Thread

    He's always been semi fun to listen to in short doses. I liked his older book where he mentions how he messed with corporate AT&T and won. But the best thing he ever did was sacrifice himself to say "if black people aren't sure it's ok to even be white (based on a major survey), I think it's...
  13. P

    Died Suddenly (SADS)

    I've noticed that even my anti-vax friends are forgetting to connect the dots these days. A good friend who is adamantly anti-vax, who was ready to leave his career if forced to take the vax at work, told me yesterday he's going to a funeral for a family member in the super liberal part of our...
  14. P

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    A company will need to have an owner. You own the company and are married which means you both own the company technically even if on paper it's just you. Why would they asses it's value? For the same reason they asses all the value of everything and all bank accounts even overseas. Hiding...
  15. P

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    But what does that really solve when you need to split the company or it's value when getting divorce? All it seems to do it making valuation even less straight forward, which means the courts that seem to favor women have more ability to arbitrarily value the entity. Two homes are worth what...
  16. P

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    If things were this simple divorce issues wouldnt be so common. A company can own a house, but you still own the company. That company will go through a valuation, and you will be paying out half that value approximately one way or another. Heck, people losing businesses they worked their...
  17. P

    Will Society collapse after the boomers die?

    If all the old people in your town spend the remainder of the life savings on corporate chain bought food, electricity, insurance, fuel, vehicles, electronics and junk bought on Amazon, and advanced health care, that doesn't automatically make the young people in your town richer. Unless they're...