The Destruction of Modern Women

Yes but the company is a different legal person to you.
But what does that really solve when you need to split the company or it's value when getting divorce? All it seems to do it making valuation even less straight forward, which means the courts that seem to favor women have more ability to arbitrarily value the entity.
Two homes are worth what two homes are worth.
A company on the other hand with two homes, both being rented with long standing tenants paying rent currently at below market value can be valued the asset value plus the future income from established renters, and even potential bluesky value of the upcoming junior college campus development near by which will bring in even more renters. Since legal fees are paid out of joint money often, it's just another thing for an angry ex-wife to litigate til you wave the white flag and give her 60% instead of 50.
The autism risk was a big reason why I didn't have a second child. Wife and I were already 33 by the time we thought of a second but our first child was difficult enough with her personality (and still is), and since my brother is on the spectrum and one of my older brother's kids is on the spectrum I was not going to risk it.
But what does that really solve when you need to split the company or it's value when getting divorce? All it seems to do it making valuation even less straight forward, which means the courts that seem to favor women have more ability to arbitrarily value the entity.
Two homes are worth what two homes are worth.
A company on the other hand with two homes, both being rented with long standing tenants paying rent currently at below market value can be valued the asset value plus the future income from established renters, and even potential bluesky value of the upcoming junior college campus development near by which will bring in even more renters. Since legal fees are paid out of joint money often, it's just another thing for an angry ex-wife to litigate til you wave the white flag and give her 60% instead of 50.

What I mean is, the company has nothing to do with the person getting divorced. Why would they assess its value?
You need to be prepared before getting married. Have your passport ready have second citizenship with a passport in another country. Rent a house instead of owning. Have most of your assets in bitcoin in a hard wallet. If you get served with divorce papers take your Bitcoin and jump on a plane to the country you have second citizenship in and never return to the U.S. most countries will not extradite you only for dodging a divorce settlement.

ABetter yet do not get married in the west which is cucked. Marry a foreign woman and live in her country and have a lot of your assets in Bitcoin so you can be prepared to pack your bags at any time.

I totally agree with you, but it is more complicated if children are involved. I would not want to abandon my family. With that said if someone isn’t in that situation yet your advice is spot on.
Related to this thread. You can’t believe the number of foreign woman I see treating their husbands poorly in the West. Even Muslim women in near total garb, minus the face coverings which tells me it’s the culture.
Water and container my friend, indeed. If there is a legal and social culture to enable bad behavior, it can't be a surprise that you would get that on balance. We are talking about emotional and impulsive creatures by definition, on balance, here.
That thing about bad behavior is very true. Ignoring them, then giving a little attention, can work wonders.

I'm testing this girl right now that seems really into me. Asked her to sit by me at church this Sunday. If she shows up, I'll ask for her number after. If she doesn't, I'll assume she was out partying or something and go back to ignoring her.
I think the only resolution is love. Not in a sense of denying anyone culpability because ultimately we are all still responsible for saying "yes" to the demons. But in the sense that animousity and resentment are just as much steps towards destruction as anything "the left" is doing. No one can reach anyone anymore, everyone is just isolated, angry, and yelling at eachother.
The topic is interesting since the overall point of the forum is based on this issue, and then the other issues, which are good for knowledge, self improvement, and hopefully all building blocks for the glorification of God, stem from the initial interest or nexus of having found yourself here due to the amazing irrationality of the modern day, which has a feminine archetype as its theme.

In the larger scheme of things, we are all responsible for the evil working in the world, there is no doubt. This realization is a high level understanding in Christianity, however, and doesn't help most people in our current world in that few are aware, have any interest in getting to that level, and are quite frankly battered by the evil forces, breaking up of the family, and overall lack of any good leadership from a country or familial level. That's how successful the evil one has been, through actions of "our leaders" on the social/governmental/technological levels.

We can understand all of these things, and know where we are going, but still roll our eyes about how comforting it may be for anyone else. I am still planning and have hope for a plan, and I can see it, and even those on this forum are amazingly unaware of such things, which I also find amusing given they call guys like me that point out clearly obvious, bad realities "black pill." I urge people to go beyond the "just go monk mode", since this is not a one size fits all phenomenon. I truly see human selfishness and competition as parts of that suggestion, even though for some it may be appropriate. I cannot stress that enough, because we are entering times where the dysgenic production of children has peaked and is falling, and more proper genetic and quality family and lineage is being crowded out. I largely don't see that as a win for the world or the godly, to be quite frank. I don't see older men and priests really care about the activity or behavior of women, or else we wouldn't be here. They now see converts and disenfranchised young men as opportunities for healing, and they are, but these also aren't going to easily find mates or have children, so what we have no is an imbalance of the future and what it holds, and family formation in general. I could go on, but I think you see where I am going - no one seems to care one iota about a portion of this generation of high quality men that would make wonderful leaders and fathers. They'd rather just focus on the future, which is what they should do, but not ignoring what has happened and what is right in front of their face. Sadly, that leaves the only option - if these men are high quality - which is to force them to leave to find suitable women. Period.

Women, whether they "fell for it" or were more egocentric and less humble than they should have been, make their choice in their 20s. There's nothing we can do about that. The reality for men is that they have a long lasting value in different ways, so being honest about this and what we should recommend to them and inform others about, has been a top priority for me as a poster on this site.
Water and container my friend, indeed. If there is a legal and social culture to enable bad behavior, it can't be a surprise that you would get that on balance. We are talking about emotional and impulsive creatures by definition, on balance, here.
Not just women but even men indeed when I see these days how evil the average person in the world behaves today (to say nothing of the elites who are 1000x worse) it makes me lose faith in humanity. That being said while the average man behaves in a vastly immoral manner the average woman is an order an of magnitude more immoral and evil than the average man. Women's brains are just wired differently in that they do not seem to feel guilt or shame in the same way that men do (unless they were brought up in a deeply religious family). Why is it that without genuine religious belief constraining people's behavior that 99% will behave in an evil and self serving manner? Why are people not imbued with a better moral compass from birth? Why are humans so inherently evil?

I am an agnostic who now believes in some type of creator or intelligent creative force as I came to realize when recently inspecting my previous atheistic beliefs how scientifically absurd atheism actually is. Now to go from that to believing in a Christian god is a big leap of faith for which there is very limited evidence hence why I am an agnostic rather than a Christian.

But I believe in what Nietzsche said (I think he said it from memory) that if god did not exist we should invent him. But as an an agnostic I realize that most people need genuine fear of god and religious morals to behave like a decent human being and without it they return to behaving like animals. Some people will still behave well as an atheist or agnostic but that is a minority of people. And Christianity compared to other religions seems to have an objectively good and moral belief system even if I am not totally convinced by the religion itself. Without it humans are inherently evil and self interested. We need to return to being a Christian society.

When I was in Latin America and I saw how well the old people (60+ years old) who grew up as genuine Catholics behaved compared to the average young and middle aged person who was a complete and utter immoral degenerate It drove home to me how desperately society needs Christianity.

All of that being said when I very occasionally (exceedingly rare) meet a woman who is young, beautiful, feminine and appears to have morals or at the very least kindness and empathy the positive energy that they radiate and the impact they have on those around them is unreal. Such a woman's mere prescence is uplifting to others..
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Details matter..... that 4.4 million likes on this post is what lead to this. Young people (girls especially) have had their brains wired to seek out online attention. That's what releases dopamine now for kids raised in this social media age. Other girls will see this post and see their opportunity to become TikTok famous and now they see the path forward to achieve it. When they start to post about being "nonbinary" they see their online attention go from a few hundred to a few thousand and that starts the ball rolling.... eventually you take the next steps and you get the online "validation" and clout that makes the world go round. Before you know it here you are...... a shell of what you used to be. However you have all the online love you ever dreamed, but sadly you come to the realization that it's never enough and not what you thought it was going to be. Then what? You are to proud to admit you have been duped so you keep living the facade for awhile. The reality of the situation is you have likely transgressed too far for normalcy....

These are dark dark times

Why is it that without genuine religious belief constraining people's behavior that 99% will behave in an evil and self serving manner? Why are people not imbued with a better moral compass from birth? Why are humans so inherently evil?
We have explanations for this, which is that we have inherited a nature of ego and selfishness, but I think you are also falling into a trap of bias, possibly overstating how bad the world is. On average it definitely will move towards chaos and disorder, but there are godly people and good actions that happen more frequently than people realize, or notice. And this is coming from a man who is more convinced that the natural aptitudes of man are far less than he ever imagined. Nick Fuentes pointed out something interesting in a different way regarding this topic, that is a bit different in its approach, but something I've felt as well: it seems like the creation of the world with humans had as a large component, what seems to be NPCs. This would fit my hypothesis that there is quite a bit of randomness built into the world, especially when population booms happen, because they require food/medical innovation/welfare systems.

Currently, one of the most difficult questions that might offend others who deem themselves christians, would be (especially in egalitarian times such as these) would be the conflict in seeing Christ in others (which you should do) and the obvious reality that you shouldn't be going into dangerous neighborhoods or backward places/countries with some silly ideology in your mind that will quite clearly get you killed. I feel this way about most big city environments currently. We can help all sorts of people and groups, but to me, groups are different and we should handle these things very wisely, and very cautiously.
When I was in Latin America and I saw how well the old people (60+ years old) who grew up as genuine Catholics behaved compared to the average young and middle aged person who was a complete and utter immoral degenerate It drove home to me how desperately society needs Christianity.
This is a big part of why the current reality is more dangerous than usual, absolutely, and is related of course to what I just wrote above. Notice also that if you have men who are christian running a society, they also do not put up with nonsense, or fall for some silly feminine policy that just leads to more chaos and destruction.
Not just women but even men indeed when I see these days how evil the average person in the world behaves today (to say nothing of the elites who are 1000x worse) it makes me lose faith in humanity. That being said while the average man behaves in a vastly immoral manner the average woman is an order an of magnitude more immoral and evil than the average man. Women's brains are just wired differently in that they do not seem to feel guilt or shame in the same way that men do (unless they were brought up in a deeply religious family). Why is it that without genuine religious belief constraining people's behavior that 99% will behave in an evil and self serving manner? Why are people not imbued with a better moral compass from birth? Why are humans so inherently evil?

I am an agnostic who now believes in some type of creator or intelligent creative force as I came to realize when recently inspecting my previous atheistic beliefs how scientifically absurd atheism actually is. Now to go from that to believing in a Christian god is a big leap of faith for which there is very limited evidence hence why I am an agnostic rather than a Christian.

But I believe in what Nietzsche said (I think he said it from memory) that if god did not exist we should invent him. But as an an agnostic I realize that most people need genuine fear of god and religious morals to behave like a decent human being and without it they return to behaving like animals. Some people will still behave well as an atheist or agnostic but that is a minority of people. And Christianity compared to other religions seems to have an objectively good and moral belief system even if I am not totally convinced by the religion itself. Without it humans are inherently evil and self interested. We need to return to being a Christian society.

When I was in Latin America and I saw how well the old people (60+ years old) who grew up as genuine Catholics behaved compared to the average young and middle aged person who was a complete and utter immoral degenerate It drove home to me how desperately society needs Christianity.

All of that being said when I very occasionally (exceedingly rare) meet a woman who is young, beautiful, feminine and appears to have morals or at the very least kindness and empathy the positive energy that they radiate and the impact they have on those around them is unreal. Such a woman's mere prescence is uplifting to others..
Perhaps the average man is less consumed by evil than the average woman. The evil women do mostly consists of devious thinking and ruthless, cunning tactics. Though at the extremes of evil, it's almost entirely men. I am referring to pedophiles, serial killers, and the vicious elites who govern us.

People are not made inherently evil, rather it is the opposite. We do have a inner moral compass God imbued us with, that is what makes us feel wrong when we are about to do something immoral. It's why you feel remorse when you lie, or why you may feel an urge to help a fellow person in need, even if you have to risk your own life. It's why those living in sin, like sodomites, become so unhappy and often kill themselves. God has written his law on our hearts. Christianity is just the outward expression of that law. People are not made evil, but they choose to do evil. Because, as I said before, the folly of the godless man is that he believes man is the only intelligent being out there. He doesn't see beyond the material world and who resides there.

Well you already see that good and evil exist. You see how corrupt the modern world has become when man is separated from God. Then you must also understand there has to be an objective source of truth for that good and evil. That is also what Christianity is. I won't get into the evidence for it since enough has been written on Christian apologetics over the years. But what you say is "limited" others say is enough to prove Jesus is God beyond all reasonable doubt. If good exists, and good comes from God, wouldn't it follow that this God would want to communicate it somehow to us? That he would care about us enough to send us his message, and not leave us alone in an indifferent world?

You say Christianity works very well in fostering a moral society and that man needs God, but have you thought about WHY it works? Either it's some sort of psychological evolutionary hack that randomly fell into place, or could it not be that it works because that's how God designed it to work? As you say, most people cannot remain moral without it. The inner law we are born with is not enough for them. That's why we need the outer law found in the Church and the Bible.
Details matter..... that 4.4 million likes on this post is what lead to this. Young people (girls especially) have had their brains wired to seek out online attention. That's what releases dopamine now for kids raised in this social media age. Other girls will see this post and see their opportunity to become TikTok famous and now they see the path forward to achieve it. When they start to post about being "nonbinary" they see their online attention go from a few hundred to a few thousand and that starts the ball rolling.... eventually you take the next steps and you get the online "validation" and clout that makes the world go round. Before you know it here you are...... a shell of what you used to be. However you have all the online love you ever dreamed, but sadly you come to the realization that it's never enough and not what you thought it was going to be. Then what? You are to proud to admit you have been duped so you keep living the facade for awhile. The reality of the situation is you have likely transgressed too far for normalcy....

These are dark dark times

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Where was the father in all this?
Relevant to Cr33pin's post above and the thread in general:

Nearly 30% of Gen Z women identify as LGBTQ, Gallup survey finds
Women ages 18 to 26 were more than twice as likely to identify as LGBTQ than their millennial counterparts, the survey found.


Broken down by gender, the survey of 12,000 people 18 and older across the country found that women were nearly twice as likely as men to identify as LGBTQ.


The group most likely to identify as LGBTQ, by far, was Generation Z women (ages 18 to 26), 28.5% of whom identified as LGBTQ in the survey. The lion’s share of them, of all Gen Z women surveyed, 20.7%, identified as bisexual, followed by 5.4% who identified as lesbians. Gen Z women were nearly three times more likely than Gen Z men to identify as LGBTQ.


“Overall, each younger generation is about twice as likely as the generation that preceded it to identify as LGBTQ+,” says the report, which was published Wednesday. “More than one in five Gen Z adults, ranging in age from 18 to 26 in 2023, identify as LGBTQ+, as do nearly one in 10 millennials (aged 27 to 42).”


Notice in the chart below which group(s) show the worst levels of mental health (Female + LGBQ):
By the way, this also fits my unifying theory of behavioral sink and a quick boom in population with debasement. While there might be some collateral damage at the margin that is harder to believe, my suspicion is that most of the nonsense behavior and acting out truly hideous or crazy things regarding biology is done by people who are quite borderline in attractiveness and competence. And this is as competitive world as ever with constant reminders due to tech. It's sad to say, but is mostly true if you are honest.
What I mean is, the company has nothing to do with the person getting divorced. Why would they assess its value?
A company will need to have an owner. You own the company and are married which means you both own the company technically even if on paper it's just you.

Why would they asses it's value? For the same reason they asses all the value of everything and all bank accounts even overseas. Hiding that stuff is very difficult even if you don't tell your partner about it. When you get married you are forming a partnership with the person, basically like a company. Now you're trying to dissolve your partnership with your wife, a partnership that said you both own everything together, without splitting the company that owns all the houses? You think guys loses their inherited parents vacation home because they forgot to follow internet advice and put it in some company? They have to sell or split their construction business because they formed the wrong type of corporation? The state knows what it's doing and you're not going to trick them with very obvious and simple steps.
Relevant to Cr33pin's post above and the thread in general:

Nearly 30% of Gen Z women identify as LGBTQ, Gallup survey finds
Women ages 18 to 26 were more than twice as likely to identify as LGBTQ than their millennial counterparts, the survey found.
You could see this as both technology, especially mass social media, and societal decay/loss of morality (read: religiosity) intersecting with histrionic female behavior documented well before our time.

Anyone who gets a chance should see a performance, even on a screen, of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. And then they should read further into the history of events like those at Salem.

Many of the accusers in places like Salem felt hard done by by their parents and other elders (almost replicating the feelings held by Millennials and Gen Z today toward Boomers) and unleashed a mendacious, attention-seeking drivel that had catastrophic results.

Miller was very much a weirdo, despite his talents, and could have, in my opinion at least, made a better point of critiquing gender relations in his work, rather than McCarthyism, but The Crucible is very good by modern standards.

#MeToo nonsense, however commonplace it still is, cannot be used in every circumstance, hence the need for less overtly antagonistic attention-seeking through asinine methods like identifying as “LGBTQ+^*#{}[]<>~” and getting all the attendant benefits of such status.
You could see this as both technology, especially mass social media, and societal decay/loss of morality (read: religiosity) intersecting with histrionic female behavior documented well before our time.

Anyone who gets a chance should see a performance, even on a screen, of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. And then they should read further into the history of events like those at Salem.

Many of the accusers in places like Salem felt hard done by by their parents and other elders (almost replicating the feelings held by Millennials and Gen Z today toward Boomers) and unleashed a mendacious, attention-seeking drivel that had catastrophic results.

Miller was very much a weirdo, despite his talents, and could have, in my opinion at least, made a better point of critiquing gender relations in his work, rather than McCarthyism, but The Crucible is very good by modern standards.

#MeToo nonsense, however commonplace it still is, cannot be used in every circumstance, hence the need for less overtly antagonistic attention-seeking through asinine methods like identifying as “LGBTQ+^*#{}[]<>~” and getting all the attendant benefits of such status.
Again, population booms all end up this way. You could look at it historically as population aggregation in big cities or empires, as well, since the exponential increase in population didn't really happen until the 20th century due to technological and knowledge advances. When you see how many average people there are, it's not a surprise. And I don't mean that in a bad way. The problem with the modern day is that most people don't think they are average and they can survive easily due to this tech, so average gets worse and average people don't connect because family and survival issues aren't a big deal to them.

The successful men, or above average men, in general, who have the worst deal of all in my view, don't really care about the misfits that become whatever acronym, apart from the fact that they may care about humans or their country in general. From a potential mate point of view, I don't see the people falling for that stuff, or incorporating it in their life, as very high quality anyway.