The Destruction of Modern Women

The vast majority of [women] will either never marry or will divorce their husbands for no reason.
I just found out two people I have known since elementary (not close friends with either, but occasionally in touch) are splitting up. They have FOUR children together. Immediately every man here knows what that means. More Big Bucks 🤑. He has a mediocre job but apparently he has family money and she is asking for the house plus a million dollars cash. One. Million. Dollars.

That's a very big reason right there, and while I naturally side with the guy, It's not like I can't understand why the girl wouldn't take advantage of this ridiculous deal. No company in the world will ever offer her that. No single man will ever offer her that. The US government itself can't even get that from the man. But the woman, in current year, can, and will get that, and likely more.

If she didn't get a bailout she would probably struggle to earn $40,000 a year. She has zero job skills and never finished college or worked.
I just found out two people I have known since elementary (not close friends with either, but occasionally in touch) are splitting up. They have FOUR children together. Immediately every man here knows what that means. More Big Bucks 🤑. He has a mediocre job but apparently he has family money and she is asking for the house plus a million dollars cash. One. Million. Dollars.

That's a very big reason right there, and while I naturally side with the guy, It's not like I can't understand why the girl wouldn't take advantage of this ridiculous deal. No company in the world will ever offer her that. No single man will ever offer her that. The US government itself can't even get that from the man. But the woman, in current year, can, and will get that, and likely more.

If she didn't get a bailout she would probably struggle to earn $40,000 a year. She has zero job skills and never finished college or worked.
What would happen if he refused to pay?
I just found out two people I have known since elementary (not close friends with either, but occasionally in touch) are splitting up. They have FOUR children together. Immediately every man here knows what that means. More Big Bucks 🤑. He has a mediocre job but apparently he has family money and she is asking for the house plus a million dollars cash. One. Million. Dollars.

That's a very big reason right there, and while I naturally side with the guy, It's not like I can't understand why the girl wouldn't take advantage of this ridiculous deal. No company in the world will ever offer her that. No single man will ever offer her that. The US government itself can't even get that from the man. But the woman, in current year, can, and will get that, and likely more.

If she didn't get a bailout she would probably struggle to earn $40,000 a year. She has zero job skills and never finished college or worked.
Men who know about this, in a nutshell, please tell us younger guns on the marriage hunt exactly what documents need to be signed with a lawyer to avoid this disaster. Please don't write me an ebook about why I shouldn't get married, or that's it's hopeless and I need to flee to Philippines. I know, I know. I'm with you. I get it.

I just want to make sure to have this document in my filing cabinet for my wife to sign. I'll make sure to consult a lawyer.

Lastly, the other thought I know beckons is, "a woman will never agree to this, especially a woke modern materialistic American ham beast." Again, I agree - that's why I'm not going to marry them if they don't. Yeah, "good luck with that". Fair enough.

I'll make it even worse for her: she also has to sleep in her own bedroom. Not up for debate.

Needle in haystack boys! Lol.
What would happen if he refused to pay?
As I understand it, a judge will decide which assets you are allowed to keep, as well as how much a man must pay in monthly "child support" (which is not based upon the child as much as the income and assets of the dad) and if you are married for a certain number of years, an additional amount of "wife support" / alimony. If you do not pay, once the amount owed reaches a certain amount, the government will instruct US banks to freeze your accounts and confiscate the money. Since Ronald Reagan instituted "no fault divorce" I don't really think there is an option to fight or oppose this. If you did not participate, the wife's lawyer would present info on what your income or assets are, and the judge would decide how much of that you must give to the wife.

Your only option would be to leave the country.

But you must already have a passport in hand. One friend in this situation is prevented from obtaining a passport (?!?) until he satisfies this debt.

Edit: @TrainedLogosmotion You can TRY signing a document prior to the marriage where your wife agrees that she doesn't feel entitled to your assets, and that if things go poorly, you will each go your separate ways. Commonly called a prenuptual asset agreement. But a) these are increasingly ignored b) it is all up to the judge, which more and more is going to be a woman (often a black woman in my area) c) Who knows what the legal situation may be 15 years down the line if she decides to split and d) if there is any argument that this was your idea and she just signed it only to marry you, it will be ignored.

If you want to try this, you should give your fiance some money, tell her to find a lawyer to help her, and you do the same, and have the 2 lawyers agree on a prenuptual agreement. That is the only situation that has a good chance of standing up in court. But no guarantee. And not the way I would want to enter a marriage anyway.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to the woman's feelings, because she can say that the agreement "wasn't negotiated to her satisfaction" and that is one of the 5 reasons the agreement may be thrown out. Maybe if you spent tens of thousands of dollars and years in court you could debate this.

Also, and perhaps most importantly, the prenuptual agreement doesn't apply to children, only to the wife herself (alimony / assets). Child support is already the largest way the wife benefits financially, and you get zero protection at all from this with a pre-nup. IF you have kids, and IF you jump through all the hoops and get a fair judge, At best it MIGHT let you keep your house, but not your money.

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All of these realities confirm the ecological imbalance or regression back to lower population levels. What's hard for those of us that maintain higher quality and desire that for our kids is the ability to find wives and have kids in the first place, and THEN sift through all the noise and retards of the future. But there are also benefits to being secure, normal, and well developed and raised in that world = easier to succeed.

By the way, and I know a few have been complaining about the doom supposedly talked a lot about on the forum, but the slow degradation does have a benefit in a sense. The truth is, big time collapse would make it harder to build and succeed without a good amount of time, since you CAN continue to stack and get to another location. That would probably be nixed if we hit trouble or the geopolitical skids. And anyone who is 35+ right now with any sort of stacks and wisdom realizes there's nothing in the west left for you when you value a partner who is physically attractive, pleasant, and will cook / clean / you know what.

I was thinking about that this morning. You can't get #1 priority as a man (youth & beauty) in the west on average without sacrificing major $ and you won't get the pleasant or cook/clean thing. If you get the pleasant and cook/clean, you'll almost assuredly be with a 4 or 5 who is chubby at best.

That's the best summary of what's going on.
At this point I don't care if a woman will cook or clean or do anything useful. That is a luxury at this point. Just give me a beautiful 18 year old virgin with a sweet demeanor and I will be more than happy.
Men who know about this, in a nutshell, please tell us younger guns on the marriage hunt exactly what documents need to be signed with a lawyer to avoid this disaster. Please don't write me an ebook about why I shouldn't get married, or that's it's hopeless and I need to flee to Philippines. I know, I know. I'm with you. I get it.

I just want to make sure to have this document in my filing cabinet for my wife to sign. I'll make sure to consult a lawyer.

Lastly, the other thought I know beckons is, "a woman will never agree to this, especially a woke modern materialistic American ham beast." Again, I agree - that's why I'm not going to marry them if they don't. Yeah, "good luck with that". Fair enough.

I'll make it even worse for her: she also has to sleep in her own bedroom. Not up for debate.

Needle in haystack boys! Lol.
You need to be prepared before getting married. Have your passport ready have second citizenship with a passport in another country. Rent a house instead of owning. Have most of your assets in bitcoin in a hard wallet. If you get served with divorce papers take your Bitcoin and jump on a plane to the country you have second citizenship in and never return to the U.S. most countries will not extradite you only for dodging a divorce settlement.

ABetter yet do not get married in the west which is cucked. Marry a foreign woman and live in her country and have a lot of your assets in Bitcoin so you can be prepared to pack your bags at any time.
You need to be prepared before getting married. Have your passport ready have second citizenship with a passport in another country. Rent a house instead of owning. Have most of your assets in bitcoin in a hard wallet. If you get served with divorce papers take your Bitcoin and jump on a plane to the country you have second citizenship in and never return to the U.S. most countries will not extradite you only for dodging a divorce settlement.

ABetter yet do not get married in the west which is cucked. Marry a foreign woman and live in her country and have a lot of your assets in Bitcoin so you can be prepared to pack your bags at any time.
Think of it ... after doing all that work, now you have to do major work for a conditional agreement ... which means, just leave in the first place and get the better woman/youth/culture. You woudn't be worried about the prenup in the first place if you didn't have enough to lose, confirming the point.
One of my friends married into a super wealthy immigrant family. He's doing really well. Money isn't an issue. They all live in the states.

Not saying this is the norm. More likely to get burned, I know.

Hiding funds in crypto and having passport/second citizenship set up is solid advice.

The double lawyer thing with the prenuptial is smart too.

I have another plan. How about I sneak an illegal across the border? Then she won't have any rights to screw me later. Lol.

It sucks that all the places I really want to go are so freaking far and expensive round trip flights, but then again, I'm judging all of Latin America based on my experience in Mexico, which was actually decent. I didn't hate it. But covid did leave a bad taste in my mouth for it, since it was during then...

Latin America just makes a lot more sense for me personally as far as finding the wife and resettling. Because I can't leave now I have to keep working.

With Latin America I can start flying there every month or even every month. Some round trips are like $200 or less for me.

I can get to work on a second Church community, the wife hunt, investing in a piece of real estate, getting residency (Probably an issue in some cases because required to be boots in the ground for certain periods). Etc etc.

For those familiar with Latin America, where would you suggest based on this? Argentina and Brazil are out. I can't afford the expensive frequent flying. Costa Rica and Colombia stand out for the incredibly affordable flights. Just off the top of my head...
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What about simply marrying without getting a marriage license? God doesn’t require a marriage license to view it as valid. Modern marriage contacts are so flawed even gay men are joining in on it.
I've mentioned this to my wife. We live near her mother and my wife doesn't work, so if we weren't legally married and my wife “lived” at her mother's house, all the state would see is a single mother with a kid, and she'd get tons of benefits.

This is very very common by the way in the Orthodox Jewish community.

Of course this is fraudulent and illegal and as Christians we shouldn't do that.
What about simply marrying without getting a marriage license? God doesn’t require a marriage license to view it as valid. Modern marriage contacts are so flawed even gay men are joining in on it.
I've mentioned this to my wife. We live near her mother and my wife doesn't work, so if we weren't legally married and my wife “lived” at her mother's house, all the state would see is a single mother with a kid, and she'd get tons of benefits.

This is very very common by the way in the Orthodox Jewish community.

Of course this is fraudulent and illegal and as Christians we shouldn't do that.
Could a church even perform a marriage without notifying the state ?
What about simply marrying without getting a marriage license? God doesn’t require a marriage license to view it as valid. Modern marriage contacts are so flawed even gay men are joining in on it.
This will not help. In most places, cohabitation = marriage as far as the state is concerned.

If your wife is inclined to divorce you and to get everything she can out of you by destroying you like a piñata, the state will stop at nothing to facilitate it. At this point it wouldn't surprise me if they made it a law that there doesn't even need to be cohabitation or even a relationship at all and she just needs to say "he made me FEEL like his wife, like we had something special!".

Their goal is to make marriage as terrible of a deal for men as possible, and they are not at all concerned about whther or not any of it is coherent or logical.
I think it is important to remember that pitting men and women against each other is the aim of the demonic powers that are trying to orchestrate our downfall.

What do I mean by that? I guess I mean it is easy to see the number that they have done on women; removing all culpability from them, telling them they are godesses who can do no wrong and utterly poisoning their view of men etc. But if their aim is to wreck the family, pit men and women against one another and so forth, then we have also had a number done on us if we play into that by developing resentment and animosity towards women.

Everything that is happening is all being done to the beat of one drum, and Satan is laughing at us whenever we direct our ire at anyone besides him. It all counts as a win for him. That doesn't invalidate any of the points being raised in topics like these. But I think we have to look at it in these terms. Its not "look at what women have done to society." Its "look at what Satan has done."

I think the only resolution is love. Not in a sense of denying anyone culpability because ultimately we are all still responsible for saying "yes" to the demons. But in the sense that animousity and resentment are just as much steps towards destruction as anything "the left" is doing. No one can reach anyone anymore, everyone is just isolated, angry, and yelling at eachother.

When I see a "modern woman" I see a vulnerable person who has been led down a really dark road, and its kinda heartbreaking really. I don't think anything is solved by telling her "you whore, you've ruined society etc etc" I don't really know what the solution is because everything seems so far gone, but I think somehow it begins by seeing how much we as men get "played" in all this too. It's simple to see it in our "enemies" but not so much in ourselves. And I don't say it to point a finger at anyone, I am the worst for having such a mindset.

God help us all.
Make sure that you don't own any major assets in the country that you're living in
Put assets in a company (if it's not yours, it can't be taken)
Get a prenuptual agreement (worth a shot)
Have a passport ready, and a plan B
Establish a secret way to communicate with your kids (i.e. social media account with a different name)
Have a consultation with every divorce lawyer within a few miles radius (conflict of interest if she sees them too)
Put assets in a company (if it's not yours, it can't be taken)
If things were this simple divorce issues wouldnt be so common. A company can own a house, but you still own the company. That company will go through a valuation, and you will be paying out half that value approximately one way or another.

Heck, people losing businesses they worked their whole life building is very common. You build a business, courts think it's worth $5million. How do you pay your wife $2.5 million to keep it? Becomes a problem for many small business owners.
I've mentioned this to my wife. We live near her mother and my wife doesn't work, so if we weren't legally married and my wife “lived” at her mother's house, all the state would see is a single mother with a kid, and she'd get tons of benefits.

This is very very common by the way in the Orthodox Jewish community.

Of course this is fraudulent and illegal and as Christians we shouldn't do that.

The legal and tax system is a fraud, too. You're money is used against your interests and there is nothing you can do about it, except ...
I think it is important to remember that pitting men and women against each other is the aim of the demonic powers that are trying to orchestrate our downfall.

What do I mean by that? I guess I mean it is easy to see the number that they have done on women; removing all culpability from them, telling them they are godesses who can do no wrong and utterly poisoning their view of men etc. But if their aim is to wreck the family, pit men and women against one another and so forth, then we have also had a number done on us if we play into that by developing resentment and animosity towards women.

Everything that is happening is all being done to the beat of one drum, and Satan is laughing at us whenever we direct our ire at anyone besides him. It all counts as a win for him. That doesn't invalidate any of the points being raised in topics like these. But I think we have to look at it in these terms. Its not "look at what women have done to society." Its "look at what Satan has done."

I think the only resolution is love. Not in a sense of denying anyone culpability because ultimately we are all still responsible for saying "yes" to the demons. But in the sense that animousity and resentment are just as much steps towards destruction as anything "the left" is doing. No one can reach anyone anymore, everyone is just isolated, angry, and yelling at eachother.

When I see a "modern woman" I see a vulnerable person who has been led down a really dark road, and its kinda heartbreaking really. I don't think anything is solved by telling her "you whore, you've ruined society etc etc" I don't really know what the solution is because everything seems so far gone, but I think somehow it begins by seeing how much we as men get "played" in all this too. It's simple to see it in our "enemies" but not so much in ourselves. And I don't say it to point a finger at anyone, I am the worst for having such a mindset.

God help us all.
Absolutely. Just yesterday I posted Ephesians 6:12 in the favorite Bible verses thread:

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

I love this verse because it reminds me why we are so weak without God. But you made me realize it has another meaning as well. All our hate should not be directed at each other, but at the source of evil in this world.

And it actually makes everything feel simpler and more manageable when you realize that. Behind all these numerous human philosophies, battles and conflicts, there is only one true conflict that matters: that between good and evil. That's all we really need to focus on.
If things were this simple divorce issues wouldnt be so common. A company can own a house, but you still own the company. That company will go through a valuation, and you will be paying out half that value approximately one way or another.

Heck, people losing businesses they worked their whole life building is very common. You build a business, courts think it's worth $5million. How do you pay your wife $2.5 million to keep it? Becomes a problem for many small business owners.
Yes but the company is a different legal person to you.