Ways to eliminate Belly Fat

My wife lost a lot of weight about 20 years ago. It made her boobs deflate, but her belly still had stubborn fat, and loose skin.

She got a tummy tuck which made her belly nice and flat again. However, now with the belly fat gone, her body couldn't store fat there any more, so her boobs got big again.
I guess that can work. However, I don't think people should go for surgery except in case of copious amounts of loose skin due to major fat loss. Losing more weight and building muscles is preferable.

If you work out your core and abs properly you can grow these muscles sufficiently to have a solid midsection even with stubborn fat.

Also, I doubt anyone will have much fat left there at all if you go down to about 12% bodyfat even with a disadvantageous bodyfat distribution.
Very general answer, but proper weight training* and proper diet. There's no way to specifically target your abs but if you work out efficiently and eat properly they'll be the best they can be.

Diet is more important than exercise, but both are important. As far as exercise, don't do "cardio" or at least don't focus on it. This is one of those areas where normies get it all wrong, they tend to think of "cardio" as "real" exercise whereas weights are just something extremists like bodybuilders and other meatheads do. In reality most "cardio" that people do is borderline useless or even harmful and weights are the way to go for pretty much everyone.

* There are good types of exercise that don't involve weights. Body weight stuff, core workouts with different kinds of planks, HIIT like Beachbody's Insanity series, yoga if you don't think it's satanic, and so on. You could probably even do some running or treadmill stuff if you like that kind of exercise and it might be beneficial, but I wouldn't focus on it.

I could ramble on for hours about this, but I actually have to go lift weights now.
IF you feel healthy enough to do sprints, they will absolutely transform your body. It's a big if, because muscular imbalances and weaknesses will lead to frustrating hamstring injuries. So make sure your legs are used to some heavy work before you start a sprint regimen.
48 hour fasts as often as you can stomach honestly do something amazing. You can find testimonials online if people losing 100 lbs in 4 months by doing 72 hours fasts, 1 day eating as nutritiously as possible, follow by another 72 hour fast over and over.

Ive also done 30 days on home made vegetable juice (using a jack lalanne juicer) and also had great results. It's doable for anyone other than an active construction worker than needs to handle heavy material IMO. An office worker can easily do well on the 1000 calories a day from 1 gallon of vegetable juice made from 10 lbs of vegetables. You can easily lose 20 lbs in a month doing this.

My father (63 years old, 5'9" 190 lbs before) even tried this, with blood work before and after the 30 days of vegetable juice and all his metrics improved even sugar level and a1c, which surprised even the doctor because you can argue he was living off the sugar in vegetables for all 30 days. Even ketones went up, even though all he had for calories was basically sugar from the vegetables.

He juiced 1-2 celery, 4 cucumber, 2 beets, 2 tomato, 1 orange, 8 carrots. Tastes from eh, to ok, to good depending on the person and the ratio of the above. I recommend adding less carrots if you want less sugar, but you do need to get calories from somewhere and carrots and beets have it

Do not forget to add salt to water, or lemon water, or the vegetable juice if you're fasting. You'll get headaches and muscle cramping if you don't.
If you have a decent amount of muscle mass, 200lbs at 6’3” is thin. How much can you lift? For comparison, I’m 180 at 5’10” and I don't have belly fat at all. Muscle mass will make you lean.
I advise against water fasts, especially prolonged water fasts. If you search online, you can see results of people who have done water fasts for longer than two weeks, had a DEXA scan before and after, only for the results to show that they lost even more muscle mass than they did fat mass.

A Protein-Sparing-Modified-Fast, when applied properly, is much more preferable.
Fasting doesn't target fat in specific areas, there is no way to target body fat. The only exception is that cardio tends to target visceral fat, the fat stored around your organs. Visceral fat is far, far worse for your health than subcutaneous fat - the fat we can pinch and makes you look fat. Subcutaneous fat isn't even really bad for you.

Regarding where fat is stored, it's specific from person to person. If you're someone who stores fat on your belly, like most men, there's nothing you can do about that besides getting stronger to make it look balanced or lose weight primarily by dieting. Ab exercises are mostly all nonsense, just floor cardio that can hurt your back, and it doesn't remove belly fat. What we can do is make muscles bigger - and doing 100 of something in a row doesn't really make muscles bigger. It'll make them endure more, but it does nothing really for appearance or strength beyond a very low level. If you can do more than 10 or 20 of something, you need to add resistance if your goal isn't endurance based, but that's going on a tangent.

Basically, there are two things you can control. Your muscle growth, which can be targeted on a muscle specific basis, and overall body fat. My concern with people who recommend nothing but cardio is that you get weaker, and it doesn't guarantee fat loss unless paired with diet. If you really love cardio and want to be skinny, then this is fine, but being too skinny is bad for your joints and women don't like it anyways.

To someone concerned with their fat, I would recommend a combination of light cardio (walking/elliptical/jogging/easy cycling) depending on circumstances, heavy strength training - as in heavy compound lifts, and a high protein diet with caloric consumption matching whether you want to lose total weight or maintain your weight while building muscle.

Why a high protein diet? High protein diets are really crucial here because that minimizes muscle loss when you lose body fat - things that are almost always linked. If you lose a lot of fat, you will be losing muscle as well, and you want to minimize that.

Why heavy compound lifts like deadlifts, squats, bench press and others? Because those target your entire body in a functional manner, putting muscle on everywhere, and for someone concerned with belly fat, it will build muscle all around it, making you look strong and imposing. I put on 20 pounds in the past few months of lifting, and my wife has been complimenting my looks. I weight 210 now and am 5'10". I can run several miles at a good pace and was recently able to do 10 chinups after not having done them since July due to a shoulder injury. I just mention this because people are obsessed with the numbers and think a low weight is always good. Not so, I feel way better at 210 than I did at 160 or 170, which I was in 2022. If I were to be a bodybuilder at my height, I'd probably be looking at a weight of 165-180, and I've never met a woman who thinks a lean bodybuilder is more attractive than a big strong guy. Bodybuilders look good to other men, and that's it.
Yes, you nailed it. Great post.
The fastest and most efficient way to lose weight is to go on a carnivore diet -- eat until satiated, no starvation or calorie counting -- until you hit target weight. I've gained a bit of weight recently and am hopping on this diet in the short term to get back down to my normal weight.
Last night I cracked after a 3 day electrolyte fast. 5 days is my record and I was aiming this time at some lofty goals a lot more than 5. It definitely does something to all your glands and hormones, pituitary, growth hormone, pancreas, insulin and more and this time I was in full ketosis very early on. There is however a very intense feeling and state of mind that led me to crack yesterday and no amount of electrolyte water seemed to save me from it.

I'm relatively thin and light but badly want to lose the last bit. Have done multiple 2, 3 and 5 day fasts over the previous months. Lots of weights as well. Lots of runs up to 10km and lots of walking. I even devised a run which involves 2 major hills, each being a vertical rise of about 200 metres. So it's a 60 to 80 minute round trip up the one and back down again, up the other and back down again, essentially interval training. Even that did not shift the flab.

Of course there's also the countless interval training on treadmills, stair machines climbing an imaginary skyscraper. I even started taking seven flights of stairs in my building instead of the lift.

Almost time to pull out all stops, am at my wits end and it is interfering with happiness and other life goals.

I just took the seal off my bottle of yohimbe to see what it looks like. Very small capsules containing a dark beige powder. I don't know how to describe the smell, but it definitely has one. Just like some kind of unusual plant bark which is what it is derived from.

However I am still too scared, was thinking of taking one and sitting in the cafe of a hospital for a few hours reading a book so I don't need to go far if necessary. This was one of the reviews :
Dude I’ve done my body weight in cocaine 50
Times. I’ve take yohimbine and caffeine a multitude of times getting shredded for a show. This is by far the strongest stuff I’ve ever encountered. 8mg and 16 hours later and I contemplating a trip to the ER. Probably take it again Monday
This review is what I am taking it for :
This is real Yohimbine, with the outstanding effects you can experience doing cardio IN SLOW PACE during a fasting experience.
and this -
You will definitely feel the effects of this product on your workout. One little pill and I’m amped 20 minutes later. Very thermogenic. Careful with dosage, one pill more than enough for me and I’m 5’11” / 185 lbs.
That makes me wonder if I should pour out some of a capsule before trying this. Say take a half-dose for the first time and see how it goes, to avoid the risk of a bad trip which lands me in a hospital or ambulance. Would save the precious beige powder in a small ziplock bag or jar, not that it was expensive, just that it's very hard to find living where I live, I only managed to find it while traveling overseas.

source - https://www.amazon.com/NutraBio-Yohimbe-4mg-Weight-Supplement/product-reviews/B07YM3F68J/

Actually I went to
...and entered the number on the bottom of the bottle and it provided a data sheet.

"it feels much more racy and aggressive than caffeine"

- when you have exhausted all other options - cannot do any more cardio, fast any more, at your wits end..

This is the video review of the product -

I used to take L-Carnitine but it didn't seem to do anything so that's why I have not bought it up till now. But today I bought it for the first time in years and will take the max dose of 6 capsules and see if it makes a difference. At least it is not scary like yohimbine. Actually if L-Carnitine is found in red meat that is extra reason to include red meat on the refeeds.

They said to skip your morning coffee when you take the yohimbe and that it takes 40 minutes to kick in.

Have also considered organising some kind of medical alert bracelet which contains the message has not eaten for days and took yohimbe Just in case I have to call an ambulance from here but pass out before they scrape me off the floor. Spoke to the pharmacy and they said the person should wear a card around their neck with the medical information rather than a bracelet - saved embarrassment by saying I was asking for someone else.

At the moment, I just test ketones with ketostix. It does cross my mind to test blood glucose, but that involves poking a hole in yourself which I hate. Then other things one could test at home are blood pressure and heart rate. I normally have no problem putting two fingers on my wrist and checking heart rate but wonder with yohimbine if one goes on too much of a psychedelic trip to be collected enough to even do that. It might just be better to have a digital readout that essentially says you're going to die call emergency.
48 hour fasts as often as you can stomach honestly do something amazing. You can find testimonials online if people losing 100 lbs in 4 months by doing 72 hours fasts, 1 day eating as nutritiously as possible, follow by another 72 hour fast over and over.
That is what I have to some extent done and would be the likely healthy option. Perhaps with just L-Carnitine and L-Tyrosine supplementation but no Yohimbine. But how much patience and dedication does that require. Patience is running very low after the number of multi day (electrolyte) fasts I have done with less than wonderful results.
Ive also done 30 days on home made vegetable juice (using a jack lalanne juicer) and also had great results. It's doable for anyone other than an active construction worker than needs to handle heavy material IMO. An office worker can easily do well on the 1000 calories a day from 1 gallon of vegetable juice made from 10 lbs of vegetables. You can easily lose 20 lbs in a month doing this.

My father (63 years old, 5'9" 190 lbs before) even tried this, with blood work before and after the 30 days of vegetable juice and all his metrics improved even sugar level and a1c, which surprised even the doctor because you can argue he was living off the sugar in vegetables for all 30 days. Even ketones went up, even though all he had for calories was basically sugar from the vegetables.

He juiced 1-2 celery, 4 cucumber, 2 beets, 2 tomato, 1 orange, 8 carrots. Tastes from eh, to ok, to good depending on the person and the ratio of the above. I recommend adding less carrots if you want less sugar, but you do need to get calories from somewhere and carrots and beets have it

Do not forget to add salt to water
I definitely won't forget to add salt (and a few other ionic compounds perhaps, potassium and magnesium)

That sounds healthy with the vegetable juice. I remember when I moved away from my last long term home among all the items I either sold, gave away or stored, there was the juicer and someone came and gave me some cash and took it away. It had sat in the cupboard unused for years. And when I did use it, it may have been for carrots but would never have put cucumber, celery or beets in it.

Maybe that vegetable juice fasting is more bearable than just electrolyte fasting, that's how your father managed 30 days, which is a lot more than my 3 days or 5 days.

At least yohimbine is directly from a plant (a tree) not some kind of exotic made in a lab. Tribes in Africa use it, but not for slimming. So it's not a big pharma thing as such. But I never take anything but paracetamol a few times a year when sick and maybe every five years antibiotics for something or other that won't go away by itself. Did not get vaxxed. So the idea of taking a very powerful alkaloid which may lead to a bad trip remains quite scary.

Hope this post doesn't trigger anyone, I've got personal reasons for being so obsessed with this, can go into a bit more detail some other time perhaps. If I take yohimbine I'll post the results. The first use will basically be a test to see if I can handle the effects, not necessarily to see any results from just one usage. Any opinions or help would be welcome, please don't be mean though we all have our quirks. Maybe there comes a point where one has to get over a fear of powerful drugs or herbs. Getting another juicer and buying beetroot and stuff daily is not a bad idea either but I'm really running low on patience now and fear a month of all kinds of colourful vegetable pulp in the bin, digestion effects I won't even want to write about and then not even any proper results in the end to show for it. There is a lot of effort involved in keeping those juicers clean after disposing of the pulp. The only advantage of it is it does not risk damaging your heart muscle, mind or endocrine system or sending you on a bad trip over many hours.
Last night I cracked after a 3 day electrolyte fast. 5 days is my record and I was aiming this time at some lofty goals a lot more than 5. It definitely does something to all your glands and hormones, pituitary, growth hormone, pancreas, insulin and more and this time I was in full ketosis very early on. There is however a very intense feeling and state of mind that led me to crack yesterday and no amount of electrolyte water seemed to save me from it.

I'm relatively thin and light but badly want to lose the last bit. Have done multiple 2, 3 and 5 day fasts over the previous months. Lots of weights as well. Lots of runs up to 10km and lots of walking. I even devised a run which involves 2 major hills, each being a vertical rise of about 200 metres. So it's a 60 to 80 minute round trip up the one and back down again, up the other and back down again, essentially interval training. Even that did not shift the flab.

Of course there's also the countless interval training on treadmills, stair machines climbing an imaginary skyscraper. I even started taking seven flights of stairs in my building instead of the lift.

Almost time to pull out all stops, am at my wits end and it is interfering with happiness and other life goals.

I just took the seal off my bottle of yohimbe to see what it looks like. Very small capsules containing a dark beige powder. I don't know how to describe the smell, but it definitely has one. Just like some kind of unusual plant bark which is what it is derived from.

However I am still too scared, was thinking of taking one and sitting in the cafe of a hospital for a few hours reading a book so I don't need to go far if necessary. This was one of the reviews :

This review is what I am taking it for :

and this -

That makes me wonder if I should pour out some of a capsule before trying this. Say take a half-dose for the first time and see how it goes, to avoid the risk of a bad trip which lands me in a hospital or ambulance. Would save the precious beige powder in a small ziplock bag or jar, not that it was expensive, just that it's very hard to find living where I live, I only managed to find it while traveling overseas.

source - https://www.amazon.com/NutraBio-Yohimbe-4mg-Weight-Supplement/product-reviews/B07YM3F68J/

Actually I went to
...and entered the number on the bottom of the bottle and it provided a data sheet.

"it feels much more racy and aggressive than caffeine"

- when you have exhausted all other options - cannot do any more cardio, fast any more, at your wits end..

This is the video review of the product -

I used to take L-Carnitine but it didn't seem to do anything so that's why I have not bought it up till now. But today I bought it for the first time in years and will take the max dose of 6 capsules and see if it makes a difference. At least it is not scary like yohimbine. Actually if L-Carnitine is found in red meat that is extra reason to include red meat on the refeeds.

They said to skip your morning coffee when you take the yohimbe and that it takes 40 minutes to kick in.

Have also considered organising some kind of medical alert bracelet which contains the message has not eaten for days and took yohimbe Just in case I have to call an ambulance from here but pass out before they scrape me off the floor. Spoke to the pharmacy and they said the person should wear a card around their neck with the medical information rather than a bracelet - saved embarrassment by saying I was asking for someone else.

At the moment, I just test ketones with ketostix. It does cross my mind to test blood glucose, but that involves poking a hole in yourself which I hate. Then other things one could test at home are blood pressure and heart rate. I normally have no problem putting two fingers on my wrist and checking heart rate but wonder with yohimbine if one goes on too much of a psychedelic trip to be collected enough to even do that. It might just be better to have a digital readout that essentially says you're going to die call emergency.

That is what I have to some extent done and would be the likely healthy option. Perhaps with just L-Carnitine and L-Tyrosine supplementation but no Yohimbine. But how much patience and dedication does that require. Patience is running very low after the number of multi day (electrolyte) fasts I have done with less than wonderful results.

I definitely won't forget to add salt (and a few other ionic compounds perhaps, potassium and magnesium)

That sounds healthy with the vegetable juice. I remember when I moved away from my last long term home among all the items I either sold, gave away or stored, there was the juicer and someone came and gave me some cash and took it away. It had sat in the cupboard unused for years. And when I did use it, it may have been for carrots but would never have put cucumber, celery or beets in it.

Maybe that vegetable juice fasting is more bearable than just electrolyte fasting, that's how your father managed 30 days, which is a lot more than my 3 days or 5 days.

At least yohimbine is directly from a plant (a tree) not some kind of exotic made in a lab. Tribes in Africa use it, but not for slimming. So it's not a big pharma thing as such. But I never take anything but paracetamol a few times a year when sick and maybe every five years antibiotics for something or other that won't go away by itself. Did not get vaxxed. So the idea of taking a very powerful alkaloid which may lead to a bad trip remains quite scary.

Hope this post doesn't trigger anyone, I've got personal reasons for being so obsessed with this, can go into a bit more detail some other time perhaps. If I take yohimbine I'll post the results. The first use will basically be a test to see if I can handle the effects, not necessarily to see any results from just one usage. Any opinions or help would be welcome, please don't be mean though we all have our quirks. Maybe there comes a point where one has to get over a fear of powerful drugs or herbs. Getting another juicer and buying beetroot and stuff daily is not a bad idea either but I'm really running low on patience now and fear a month of all kinds of colourful vegetable pulp in the bin, digestion effects I won't even want to write about and then not even any proper results in the end to show for it. There is a lot of effort involved in keeping those juicers clean after disposing of the pulp. The only advantage of it is it does not risk damaging your heart muscle, mind or endocrine system or sending you on a bad trip over many hours.

The half dose seems like a good plan. Maybe even go for a 1/4 dose, then a half. That way, you can get a feel for it with no worries. A 1/4 dose is not going to send you to the E room.

I'm curious to hear your results. I never knew yohimbe was so strong.
Last night I cracked after a 3 day electrolyte fast. 5 days is my record and I was aiming this time at some lofty goals a lot more than 5. It definitely does something to all your glands and hormones, pituitary, growth hormone, pancreas, insulin and more and this time I was in full ketosis very early on. There is however a very intense feeling and state of mind that led me to crack yesterday and no amount of electrolyte water seemed to save me from it.

I'm relatively thin and light but badly want to lose the last bit. Have done multiple 2, 3 and 5 day fasts over the previous months. Lots of weights as well. Lots of runs up to 10km and lots of walking. I even devised a run which involves 2 major hills, each being a vertical rise of about 200 metres. So it's a 60 to 80 minute round trip up the one and back down again, up the other and back down again, essentially interval training. Even that did not shift the flab.

Of course there's also the countless interval training on treadmills, stair machines climbing an imaginary skyscraper. I even started taking seven flights of stairs in my building instead of the lift.

Almost time to pull out all stops, am at my wits end and it is interfering with happiness and other life goals.

I just took the seal off my bottle of yohimbe to see what it looks like. Very small capsules containing a dark beige powder. I don't know how to describe the smell, but it definitely has one. Just like some kind of unusual plant bark which is what it is derived from.

However I am still too scared, was thinking of taking one and sitting in the cafe of a hospital for a few hours reading a book so I don't need to go far if necessary. This was one of the reviews :

This review is what I am taking it for :

and this -

That makes me wonder if I should pour out some of a capsule before trying this. Say take a half-dose for the first time and see how it goes, to avoid the risk of a bad trip which lands me in a hospital or ambulance. Would save the precious beige powder in a small ziplock bag or jar, not that it was expensive, just that it's very hard to find living where I live, I only managed to find it while traveling overseas.

source - https://www.amazon.com/NutraBio-Yohimbe-4mg-Weight-Supplement/product-reviews/B07YM3F68J/

Actually I went to
...and entered the number on the bottom of the bottle and it provided a data sheet.

"it feels much more racy and aggressive than caffeine"

- when you have exhausted all other options - cannot do any more cardio, fast any more, at your wits end..

This is the video review of the product -

I used to take L-Carnitine but it didn't seem to do anything so that's why I have not bought it up till now. But today I bought it for the first time in years and will take the max dose of 6 capsules and see if it makes a difference. At least it is not scary like yohimbine. Actually if L-Carnitine is found in red meat that is extra reason to include red meat on the refeeds.

They said to skip your morning coffee when you take the yohimbe and that it takes 40 minutes to kick in.

Have also considered organising some kind of medical alert bracelet which contains the message has not eaten for days and took yohimbe Just in case I have to call an ambulance from here but pass out before they scrape me off the floor. Spoke to the pharmacy and they said the person should wear a card around their neck with the medical information rather than a bracelet - saved embarrassment by saying I was asking for someone else.

At the moment, I just test ketones with ketostix. It does cross my mind to test blood glucose, but that involves poking a hole in yourself which I hate. Then other things one could test at home are blood pressure and heart rate. I normally have no problem putting two fingers on my wrist and checking heart rate but wonder with yohimbine if one goes on too much of a psychedelic trip to be collected enough to even do that. It might just be better to have a digital readout that essentially says you're going to die call emergency.

That is what I have to some extent done and would be the likely healthy option. Perhaps with just L-Carnitine and L-Tyrosine supplementation but no Yohimbine. But how much patience and dedication does that require. Patience is running very low after the number of multi day (electrolyte) fasts I have done with less than wonderful results.

I definitely won't forget to add salt (and a few other ionic compounds perhaps, potassium and magnesium)

That sounds healthy with the vegetable juice. I remember when I moved away from my last long term home among all the items I either sold, gave away or stored, there was the juicer and someone came and gave me some cash and took it away. It had sat in the cupboard unused for years. And when I did use it, it may have been for carrots but would never have put cucumber, celery or beets in it.

Maybe that vegetable juice fasting is more bearable than just electrolyte fasting, that's how your father managed 30 days, which is a lot more than my 3 days or 5 days.

At least yohimbine is directly from a plant (a tree) not some kind of exotic made in a lab. Tribes in Africa use it, but not for slimming. So it's not a big pharma thing as such. But I never take anything but paracetamol a few times a year when sick and maybe every five years antibiotics for something or other that won't go away by itself. Did not get vaxxed. So the idea of taking a very powerful alkaloid which may lead to a bad trip remains quite scary.

Hope this post doesn't trigger anyone, I've got personal reasons for being so obsessed with this, can go into a bit more detail some other time perhaps. If I take yohimbine I'll post the results. The first use will basically be a test to see if I can handle the effects, not necessarily to see any results from just one usage. Any opinions or help would be welcome, please don't be mean though we all have our quirks. Maybe there comes a point where one has to get over a fear of powerful drugs or herbs. Getting another juicer and buying beetroot and stuff daily is not a bad idea either but I'm really running low on patience now and fear a month of all kinds of colourful vegetable pulp in the bin, digestion effects I won't even want to write about and then not even any proper results in the end to show for it. There is a lot of effort involved in keeping those juicers clean after disposing of the pulp. The only advantage of it is it does not risk damaging your heart muscle, mind or endocrine system or sending you on a bad trip over many hours.

You mention you’re thin and light, do you have much muscle mass? First time I ever tried cutting to sub 10% fat I just didn’t have enough muscle, I starved myself to misery and still couldn’t shift the last pockets of fat, and even though I looked lean and athletic I was still conscious of some remaining belly fat.

Could be worth having a “diet break” and eating at maintenance or even slightly above and having more carbs. It’s a technique that has worked for me when I’ve had long fat loss phases due to reckless fat boy bulks for powerlifting
You mention you’re thin and light, do you have much muscle mass? First time I ever tried cutting to sub 10% fat I just didn’t have enough muscle, I starved myself to misery and still couldn’t shift the last pockets of fat, and even though I looked lean and athletic I was still conscious of some remaining belly fat.
Sounds like me. Yes, to starve oneself to misery. If you have the right surroundings it can be more pleasant but in a regular urban environment it can easily be misery.

My muscle amount is bit more than usual for me, even my ex remarked.. Still, I'm always like a runner / athlete more than a lifter, although I can lift generally a fair bit more than the average guy these days but not in the same league as the truly bulked and strong.
The half dose seems like a good plan. Maybe even go for a 1/4 dose, then a half. That way, you can get a feel for it with no worries. A 1/4 dose is not going to send you to the E room.
Thanks for the encouragement. Yes, once these substances are in your system and you've managed to effectively take an overdose all you can do is regret it and wait for it to wear off. A bad first experience is also more likely to put one off altogether, never to try it again.

I am getting more and more curious about how this will go. Coffee I can really tolerate. Although I try to drink the milder kind, I can drink a lot of it and nothing happens, only if I have some very strong robusta can I get just mildly unwell.

Tea is also generally okay but if I say put 2 teabags in, I can get a strange and unpleasant feeling in my head, worse than what coffee can do which can go a few hours. If I stupidly do that late at night which I almost never do, can get very nasty insomnia.

Then, sometimes I tolerate South American Yerba Maté well but with nasty addiction tendency. The last attempt though left me with a bad feeling in the head so I moved it to the top shelf in the kitchen to discourage myself from having any more of it for the moment.

But none of those stimulants above have a very specific chemical effect on fat burning. I'm hoping yohimbine is closest to coffee but will soon find out. At least once to see, might save me a month of drinking vegetable juice.
Something that has held me back, and holds a lot of others back: having an all or nothing mentality.

Sometimes when you're dieting, cutting calories, whatever, you give in and have that snack that you know you should've avoided. But since you now gave in, you figure that if you're knee deep in hell keep going, so you pig out. That is an all or nothing mentality that holds you back.

Even if you have a cheat meal here or there, you are still making progress no matter how slow, as long as you are doing what you're supposed to be doing.
I'm curious to hear your results. I never knew yohimbe was so strong.
About 6am today I had a coffee as usual and about 8am I sliced a quarter off a capsule and took it with the powder in it. Waited an hour and nothing happened so I took the rest. Now it is many hours later and still nothing has happened. My resting pulse does not seem to have gone up at all and I notice nothing in my head either.

Just to be sure it wasn't sawdust I ate some of the beige powder out of another capsule I had emptied and it indeed has a bitter taste as you would expect from an alkaloid.

Hope I'm not speaking too soon but it is very good news, I'm not sensitive to the stuff like all these characters who have thumping heartbeat etc. Maybe it's just doing what it is supposed to do, help fat metabolism. Not a mind altering substance, a fat altering substance. This gives me the confidence to have another one tomorrow morning after 36 hours fasting rather than just one night.
About 6am today I had a coffee as usual and about 8am I sliced a quarter off a capsule and took it with the powder in it. Waited an hour and nothing happened so I took the rest. Now it is many hours later and still nothing has happened. My resting pulse does not seem to have gone up at all and I notice nothing in my head either.

Just to be sure it wasn't sawdust I ate some of the beige powder out of another capsule I had emptied and it indeed has a bitter taste as you would expect from an alkaloid.

Hope I'm not speaking too soon but it is very good news, I'm not sensitive to the stuff like all these characters who have thumping heartbeat etc. Maybe it's just doing what it is supposed to do, help fat metabolism. Not a mind altering substance, a fat altering substance. This gives me the confidence to have another one tomorrow morning after 36 hours fasting rather than just one night.

I have noticed that fasting, or even low carbing, made me much more succeptible to supplements and drugs. If you will be on 36 hours fast tomorrow, you might want to try the smaller dose again.

Thanks for letting us know your results. It's very interesting, and I am planning to try this as well.
Carnivore diet. (With permission from your priest if fasting). Belly fat will melt away. I guarantee.
Do you include much 'processed' or preserved meat in this, for example jerky, dried sausage etc. Or is it mainly fresh meat that you cook yourself or eat in a restaurant?

I am much in favour of a diet that leans on meat especially red meat but have trouble with the idea of eliminating everything else completely.
While you cannot spot target fat loss, the subcutaneous (and visceral) fat around your torso is indicative of your overall health. If you're otherwise at a normal weight, but still have a gut, it probably indicates inflammation and metabolic dysfunction. In my experience, the best way to get rid of belly/chest fat is carnivore and fasting, hands down, bar none. It was clearly not just from the reduced calories but the improved gut/GI health. I now stay away from beans for this reason, or anything that makes me gassy.

Do you include much 'processed' or preserved meat in this, for example jerky, dried sausage etc. Or is it mainly fresh meat that you cook yourself or eat in a restaurant?

I am much in favour of a diet that leans on meat especially red meat but have trouble with the idea of eliminating everything else completely.
I don't think processed meats are as bad as they say. A lot of the research is based on epidemiological studies which are flawed. They don't account for correlations (for instance, people who are likely to eat lunch meats are more likely to also smoke cigs) nor does it account for general flaws in survey-based food studies in general.

That said when I did carnivore it was more like ketovore. I still mostly ate omelettes with sour cream, ground beef, steak, organ meats, and low carb meatloaf. Occassionally I did have jerky/cheese, although it was higher quality than the typical stuff you see in gas station stores.
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