Will Society collapse after the boomers die?

Will society collaspe after the boomers die?

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Orthodox Inquirer
Hey Just curious if this is the case since of how bad are starting to become or are starting to fully seem
There won't be any functioning smooth systems except for what the bagels have hoarded for themselves and their servile mischlings, outside of their compounds it will be a melanated deluge of blood and demonism. The Christian Europeans that attempt to put together civilization will have darkies sent after them by the hoarder noses.

The present is a good indicator for the future on steroids:

Whites and Europeans (with some east Asians) showing in-group preference for forming societies will be bombarded with the dark hordes, used as biological weapons to disrupt and destroy those societies by jews. Nothing new under the sun. Just more poisons on top of it all, no quality controlled clean water supply or edible food outside of wild game and protected farms, whatever planes or drones the jews can keep sending up to spray their satanic sunblock that will continue to poison the air, and whatever cell towers are still active and maintained will still be irradiating any flesh that stands near it. Add all these factors in and you can see what you must do.

Form groups of people similar to yourself in faith, race, morals, values, and intelligence, and get ready to withstand the orc invasions until the jews are removed from their usurped power.
Saw some clickbait article the other day saying millennials will be the generation that will inherit the most. Hard to predict the implications.
If the boomers spend all they have then by definition the younger generations would own everything.
If all the old people in your town spend the remainder of the life savings on corporate chain bought food, electricity, insurance, fuel, vehicles, electronics and junk bought on Amazon, and advanced health care, that doesn't automatically make the young people in your town richer. Unless they're hiring small local contractors and service people and stores for everything, their money is really going to the elites already heavily invested in the major corporations.
Society (however you define that) won't collapse, but childlessness and emotional misery will continue to increase I think for centuries ahead. Depopulation is a great thing in terms of planet ecology etc. It makes everything better in all ways; pollution, food access, housing, jobs etc. etc. The planet is insanely overpopulated, even 80 million people is too much. I wouldn't be concerned unless the global human population drops below 1 million. So we have a loooong way to go!

The sad thing is that we're programmed to reproduce, and most will be miserable without being able to do so. All other things related to the economy, pensions and so on are irrelevant in the grand scheme. I can't see this trend stopping until we reach some far-flung future. Wait long enough and everything changes though...
Who says that?
the planet is not overpopulated its that its overpopulated with low quality people, if we had billions of swedish and japanese instead of indians and africans nobody would be concerned ( apart from the chews ). And instead of raising the reproduction rates of the people who contribute the most and care the most about the planet we are getting the complete opposite.

There is a challenge or drinking game where ppl go on google maps in india and select random places to see whether they spot garbage or not and majority of the time you can guess what it is. This is our overpopulation future.
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