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Search results

  1. Rainy

    Whore addiction

    Some of you are thinking emotionally about this instead of rationally. There is a religious/spiritual aspect of marriage I don’t disagree with any of you on. It is a beautiful thing. It is a gift. There is also the real world aspect of marriage. One doesn’t negate the other. It’s not either/or.
  2. Rainy

    Whore addiction

    Not really, Samseau. You're pivoting to a different point in this response and focusing too much on the sexual act itself. My point, which it appears you're responding to, has literally nothing to do with one's ability to get or attract a woman. The point which I thought was relatively clear...
  3. Rainy

    Whore addiction

    I don’t condone paying whores for sexual favors. But I’ll leave God to judge. I’d however raise the perspective that to a certain extent, all women are whores. A significant part of the incentive men have for working hard and providing is for the exclusive sexual relationship marriage...
  4. Rainy

    The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

    Brother, I’m glad you’re back but you come across as abrasive and argumentative in a lot of your posts. The issue isn’t not believing the MSM. The issue is whatever conclusion you then present, you feel is the only acceptable conclusion. When questioned, you then fall back on claiming your...
  5. Rainy

    The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

    The Jews being reckless goes beyond their political and military backing. There is a bottom line issue where Israel sits upon an incredibly small piece of real estate. And a huge portion of their population being vaporized can happen quicker than most places.
  6. Rainy

    The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

    Israel brought this on themselves. The Jews have been incredibly reckless of late.
  7. Rainy

    Clown World Thread

  8. Rainy

    Moving From State To State

    Maddox, I thought you wanted to move abroad? Why the change to moving to another state? And how far. Moving from NY to NJ is entirely different than moving NY to ID. And why for only a year? The last question is important given current costs. If I was only moving for a year it would mean I'm...
  9. Rainy

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    This is a factor I would certainly place a good deal of weight on when considering moving abroad. I am not the least bit surprised Bulgaria, Romania, Czech and Slovakia are four of the bottom six. These are countries where the national spirit and culture remains far stronger than elsewhere and...
  10. Rainy

    The future of flying

    It's still much safer than driving a car. But the airline industry in general is a complete disaster. Flying is a miserable experience, especially long hauls overseas. My biggest issue is they don't enforce fat asses must pay for two seats.
  11. Rainy

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    I'm usually a pretty even-keeled dude. But this really pisses me off. If you wanna celebrate the freaks, you have plenty of days throughout the year to choose from. This is a direct and intentional attack on Christians.
  12. Rainy

    How come nobody speaks on Corona/Covid19 anymore?

    I question that to an extent. And to me most people are retards. That’s the description they deserve as they still look to legacy media for direction. They still don’t realize the whole thing is a show. Refraining from confrontation is probably best but when the retards say something retarded...
  13. Rainy

    Current Events in Russia

    There is zero chance the US alerted Russia to a potential terror attack out of the goodness of their hearts. At best, it was a public threat to Russia essentially saying ‘we would hate to innocent Russians killed in a terror attack in Moscow…..” It would be akin to you or I having an enemy who...
  14. Rainy

    Pros and Cons of Anglosphere Countries

    You bring up a good point. Cartels are setting up shop in rural America. Can easily avoid them but it is a reality and it is increasing. I’ve been to some very rural areas and drove cross country last summer. Very hit and miss. Many rural areas while beautiful, are white trash drug dens, full...
  15. Rainy

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    If you want to move abroad due to longer term concerns with the west, starting a new life, ready to commit to a new culture and country, by all means take a few months and get everything in order to provide a solid foundation. If you want to move abroad for a wife, should have left yesterday...
  16. Rainy

    Current Events in Russia

  17. Rainy

    Current Events in Russia

    There is truth to this. How much, not sure.
  18. Rainy

    US Border Crisis

  19. Rainy

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    It’s the most ignored aspect of moving abroad. Language and integration. It is why if actually looking for a wife abroad, aside from essentially buying one from a slum, the intention should first be to move somewhere and focus on getting a place, income in order, then learning the language and...