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Whore addiction

Yes, my emotions got the better of me sir.

BUT I stand by my comment
I think you mean well, I just don't think we can treat this as though the society isn't totally broken: it is.

I saw a clip of Fr. Josiah talking about people investigating what marriage should be, and it's not a political movement that did this, etc.

I like Fr. JT, but I tended to agree with the commenters that said, "No sir, not really. The government did all sorts of things that totally sabotaged marriage." I would even say from my realizations and analysis, that this is confirmed by the fact that if we're really honest, all of these things come from a society in which women follow other things, not family or seeking marriage. That's precisely what happened. No fault divorce, careerism, etc all led directly to this. My challenge to a lot of the older Fathers out there would be, "If it were so easy to maintain christian cultures and have our own marry our own without a lot of problems, why haven't barely any of us been able to do it"? The proof is in the pudding. In America, I'm sure there are higher success rates for particular groups or religions, but it definitely affects them all. I don't think older people really understand just how bad the culture has gotten, even though they see it, because they never experienced it themselves. The culture of women, the culture of business and careers, the culture of everything. Most fathers and older men in America in general can barely admit the problems in the culture, so I'm generally calling BS on most of this. If I didn't have even priests suggest 35 year old washed up women to me before, I'd believe they had a clue. Fact is, they don't.

By the way, I still haven't heard anyone of note talking about women's role in things. If they don't have a role, then we need to bring back complete authority. If they do have agency, why aren't we talking about all of their (bad) decisions? You can't have it both ways.
The dude said in the OP he met a stripper and paid her for sex in the first two sentences. Dats a whore my friends.

Whores are not merely slutty women. Whores sell their bodies for cash.
Just saw this, but I didn't. The title still seems sorta silly. Maybe it's also that in my view, online dating is just extended period socially acceptable whoredom. I honestly don't see a difference. It might even be worse. I was recently told about a young man that got reported to the authorities for breaking it off with an older, crazy woman - someone he clearly was with just to have sex. Now he's got a lot of annoying, bigger problems, possibly even legal. Sounds like something worse, to be honest.
To be fair the club I met this dancer is known for the women doing extra things like sex, so we are speaking semantics here. Sugar babies are also whores in my opinion, strippers, it is all sex work and whoredom. I don’t mind the title, but like Blade has said things are complicated. In the United States the culture is most women are taught to be whores, the good ones are few and far in between. Instagram, single mothers, weak men, online dating, all lead to whoredom. As single men there are few options: settle for a woman who is not that great many men do this, single forever/monk mode, whore and sugar dating, or an attempt at sanctification. I will choose the final option or try,

But that is all beyond the point. It is bad, but my goal of this thread to escape this type of life. Would the people here be opposed to me using this thread to keep myself accountable? It’s been more than a week I have not seen this girl and our last text was yesterday breaking it off.
Are there a lot of these around, in your estimation? I'm not trying to lead you, just want to legitimately know.

Does this matter? I also want to know your thoughts.
Small towns have them for sure.
Also, if he is mid to late 30s with that income I think his problem is access to these groups of women. That's why I suggested hospitals. Teachers would be good also but less accessible.
Stay away from any woman that has a business type job obviously.
Online dating could work if you extended your range to capture these small towns since the women there have a problem finding good men. But I think the secret has been out on that for years as well.
Iv never heard of a protestant who has a priest and confession? What protestant church do you belong to? Im no expert but a very hard fast like not eating for 3 days and 3 night and only drinking water or black tea without milk and sugar will take all sexual desire away during your fast, the times I did this fast I had zero desire for sex, and combine it with prayer liie the Jesus prayer and reading the scriptures and good reading material during the fast will really help, but this kind of fast is not how we fast in the orthodox Church I did it when I was a protestant its a bit of an extreme fast but sounds like you are in a bit of an emergency here. Maybe if you when to spend a few days living at a monestary that would help you out to be in contact with Godly men
After attempting to find the Lord and failing I fell into a state of loneliness because of the strict rules on celibacy. I reversed course and went wildly in the other direction and as an older man I began a relationship with a 24 year old woman who is promiscuous and works as a stripper. At first nothing would happen, but I got to know her and we began a sexual relationship. This entire scenario reminds of how much I’ve fallen, I remember I was the one who pushed everything, like evil spirits were guiding me.

We began having sex with protection, then one day out of the blue like a demon was speaking through me I said do you want to have sex without a condom, she says…yes of course we can do that. I warned myself I should be careful but I wasn’t and busted inside her. Now the scenario plays out exactly the same, she comes to my place or we meet somewhere and we have sex. The first time she was nonchalant and said oh don’t worry I’ll just go get plan B tomorrow, now she doesn’t even mention it and accepts my seed no questions asked.

I feel shame for what I am doing, but I can not stop. I confessed and my priest gave me such lame advice like chastity is important, yes father I know but what do you expect with these stupid rules on celibacy? We are told to procreate but the church woman are usually old and ugly or prudish. I would rather have kids and if it takes having them with a hot but promiscuous women so it is, I feel depressed and in the gutter my brothers in Christ but this is where I stand. I will keep having sex as a man should and avoid these strict rules and get nothing instead. The monk and priest life is for the very few and they have failed miserably too
Listening to E Michael jones podcasts will help you . https://culturewars.com/videos/fear...ow-sexual-freedom-created-political-prisoners
Iv never heard of a protestant who has a priest and confession? What protestant church do you belong to? Im no expert but a very hard fast like not eating for 3 days and 3 night and only drinking water or black tea without milk and sugar will take all sexual desire away during your fast, the times I did this fast I had zero desire for sex, and combine it with prayer liie the Jesus prayer and reading the scriptures and good reading material during the fast will really help, but this kind of fast is not how we fast in the orthodox Church I did it when I was a protestant its a bit of an extreme fast but sounds like you are in a bit of an emergency here. Maybe if you when to spend a few days living at a monestary that would help you out to be in contact with Godly men
Absolutely we fast like this in the Orthodox Church. The first 3 days of Lent are no food, water only. The first 5 days of Lent contain only one meal. This is serious fasting. Not only this, but many monastics and lay people go beyond the recommended fasts. Some monks/nuns, for example, go no food and no water on Wednesdays and Fridays. In America it's admittedly quite rare, but some do a lot more than what's recommended, you just don't realize it because they aren't advertising their ascetism.

Overall, however, I agree that serious fasting could seriously help OP. Go outside for 3 days and eat no food at all. Stay off all electronics. Be outside in nature and pray during this time. It can really help change a person's life.
Indeed. Jones does a great job highlighting the psychological warfare aspect of how our oligarch rulers use sex/lust/porn/etc to control the masses. Once you realize that this is the game that's being played, it becomes a lot easier to understand on a deep level why we cannot allow ourselves to fall into these modern traps. They are not only life-ruining (like the transformation of Gollum from Lord of the Rings as he becomes more enslaved to sin), but they also destroy entire civilizations.
Also, if he is mid to late 30s with that income I think his problem is access to these groups of women.
This is something I've pointed out while in the 30s. You can be at the top of your game but all that's left socially, and mostly from any people you know, will be 30+ women which usually means mid 30s women, which you can't possibly take seriously. That's why other cultures are the only hope, since both status and age gaps are a boon for you there, and no one thinks twice.
This is something I've pointed out while in the 30s. You can be at the top of your game but all that's left socially, and mostly from any people you know, will be 30+ women which usually means mid 30s women, which you can't possibly take seriously. That's why other cultures are the only hope, since both status and age gaps are a boon for you there, and no one thinks twice.

You are totally right brother and it was my issues with being bombarded by subpar women that led me down this bad path. I got sick of 35+ year olds with advanced degrees liking or winking at my online profile and the inane boring, useless conversations, like I have a doctorate from Stanford, or I’m a resident. I don’t care and I never will. I don’t need or want their money and I don’t want to date anyone that acts like a man or brandishes fake intelligence. The stripper never said an unkind thing, was always ready to go, responded to every text, never ghosted me not even once, showed up to every date, looked fantastic, and was young. Yes it was sinful and bad for my soul, I see that now, but the allure of the femininity was very strong. I enjoyed my time with her, but it seems God has other plans for me now.
I don’t condone paying whores for sexual favors. But I’ll leave God to judge.

I’d however raise the perspective that to a certain extent, all women are whores.

A significant part of the incentive men have for working hard and providing is for the exclusive sexual relationship marriage provides.

Likewise, to a significant extent a woman exchanges financial security, protection, being provided for with the sexual aspect in marriage.

Don’t put out and a man won’t provide. Relationship over.

This is more a general point and more specific points can be made. I obviously think marriage and raising a family is one our greatest purposes.
I don’t condone paying whores for sexual favors. But I’ll leave God to judge.

I’d however raise the perspective that to a certain extent, all women are whores.

A significant part of the incentive men have for working hard and providing is for the exclusive sexual relationship marriage provides.

Likewise, to a significant extent a woman exchanges financial security, protection, being provided for with the sexual aspect in marriage.

Don’t put out and a man won’t provide. Relationship over.

This is more a general point and more specific points can be made. I obviously think marriage and raising a family is one our greatest purposes.
Of course, the sad truth (for many) is that this cannot be argued with. Aaron Clarey even has said it with more generality, but the conclusion of course is assumed "Get rid of female beauty and watch men's desire to work go away."

I think the problem with all of this is that without proper leaders and a natural sense of what should be done (that which is good), the society will obviously devolve into unnecessary competition. The competition of males is quite obviously a feature of humans. Women becoming competitive (with men) is a bastardization. The larger group of religious people gets too ideological and simpleton-esque when it comes to these topics. It doesn't seem to me that this world is made to be mostly monk-ish even if that's the best way in a sense. As such you'll always have to have an incentive for men to really work. "Fooling" them into marriage is a really great way from a societal perspective, and all in all, it ends up being good for everyone (good leadership). Since we now have a confused world of women trying to be some version of a man, and it's quite obvious they can't be successful at that, we see all the problems anyone from the past would see easily. Egalitarianism is really a hivemind disease. And one that can only really come up as something to latch onto when the post industrial times of leisure and not just pure survival come about.

I've said in other threads that some priests and elders think that all the young men going into the churches will bring women back to them. I don't see that happening, personally, because the reason won't be that - it'll be correlation with economic woes, in which both occur. Men being in the churches in droves (or entering Orthodox churches right now in large numbers) doesn't solve hypergamy, and doesn't necessarily make women desire to be wives or mothers in the proper sense.

One of the things that is also taboo is that it's ok for some reason for women to want resources and get them, but it's not ok for men to want sex at any frequency as a similar impetus in a relationship. As Rainy says, until you get much older and have other things to look into or distract to (usually kids and larger family), that's the obvious trade that few are honest about.
I don’t condone paying whores for sexual favors. But I’ll leave God to judge.

I’d however raise the perspective that to a certain extent, all women are whores.

A significant part of the incentive men have for working hard and providing is for the exclusive sexual relationship marriage provides.

Likewise, to a significant extent a woman exchanges financial security, protection, being provided for with the sexual aspect in marriage.

Don’t put out and a man won’t provide. Relationship over.

This is more a general point and more specific points can be made. I obviously think marriage and raising a family is one our greatest purposes.
This megachurch pastor actually gave a sermon about this and pretty much made this point - and of course he had to point out first that lots of women would find this offensive but he said it's the truth regardless

The point starts at 30:20

He even says a bit later "ladies if we wanted only love and companionship we would just get a golden retriever"

He then goes from there to make a point about how a man won't feel the need to buy the cow if he can already get the milk and ties it to why women are playing themselves when they give it up without making sure the man commits to her in a convenent marriage first.
The idea that all women, to some extent, are whores is just blackpill betamale nonsense. Sorry if this comes across as harsh, but I've had way too many women for 0$ to know that mutual lust is distinct from whoring. Alphas get it all for free, because they spark sexual desire in a woman that most guys can only dream of. But at the end of the day, sexual trysts are just mutual masturbation. Whereas with whoring, the woman isn't doing it for pleasure, but to make a living. Whores cannot ever become a good wife, but there is a small chance the tryst can fall in love.

The goal of every man should be to find a good woman who is attracted to him. You don't need to be an alpha to do this. You won't get a super hot model but you can get a good woman who gives reliable boners. You won't need to spend much, if anything, on such a woman. Been doing it my whole life, and 95% of my women have been 8-15 years younger than me on average.

Yes, I know getting lots of women is sinful. This is why I tell men here, don't rush into bed with women, take your time and end dates with a kiss, if even that. Eventually you'll find a girl who is into you for you, and will come back week after week to see you. That's a girl you can then attempt to seriously court and make love with, but I don't recommend any kind of intercourse. "Heavy petting" without intercourse before marriage is the most I recommend. If after a few years, her loyalty seems solid, then offer her marriage.

The reason one needs money for marriage is for raising children, which is extremely expensive. Housing is out of control expensive, and education is expensive in terms of time investment or money spent for educators. It seems to me most of the guys posting here have no problems with money, but you guys are only seeing one half of the picture, the reality is that money plays little role in finding a good wife.

If you need to spend serious money on a woman, she's no good. Cheap dates, such as a burger and beer, for first dates, is literally the most you should spend. Extravagant dates come later to reward women who've been good to you for a long time.
One of my regrets is "waiting a few years" to marry my wife. Since this put kids off even further after a first miscarriage. Shouldn't take that long if you basically already know in less than a year. Trust me you'll know if you've dated enough before that. I just thought I'd throw that in there.
Absolutely we fast like this in the Orthodox Church. The first 3 days of Lent are no food, water only. The first 5 days of Lent contain only one meal. This is serious fasting. Not only this, but many monastics and lay people go beyond the recommended fasts. Some monks/nuns, for example, go no food and no water on Wednesdays and Fridays. In America it's admittedly quite rare, but some do a lot more than what's recommended, you just don't realize it because they aren't advertising their ascetism.

Overall, however, I agree that serious fasting could seriously help OP. Go outside for 3 days and eat no food at all. Stay off all electronics. Be outside in nature and pray during this time. It can really help change a person's life.
Sorry that came out wrong how I said that, I ment to just say the standard public fasting guidlines, yes of coarse there are many who go beyond that I have heard about them and read their stories, I read of a monk on mount Athos who only had dry bread and water for 20 years and also didnt bath for 20 years etc etc. Yes I think as a start 3 days of no eating only drinking water will help this man with immidiate effect, I like what you also said about being outdoors and sunshine thats so important and to be off our devices in a situation like this. I also find that if you not having sex as a man we need to be doing so heavy workout, if you trying to stop lust but you just sitting indoors on your laptop thats going to be a problem, I find if I go and train out doors or grab my axe and go split logs in the sunshine for an hour it really helps and for going to church really really helps, since money is not a problem for this guy I would recommend he goes to every single service including the week day services they so beneficial to the soul.
It’s been about a week and a half since I saw the stripper and we have stopped communicating through text, it’s also been a while since I viewed any indecent material on the internet. The demonic attacks began last night with full blown sex dreams with random women I have never seen before. I feel great this morning without the urge to succumb or give up, my resolve is strong. I will do my 100 prostrations this morning, then I have a doctors appt and I will go to work. I should be fine today, the stripper has not messaged me so that’s a plus.

I will keep this thread open to keep myself accountable, but I may not post everyday. Keep praying for me brothers.
For the OP, I think for men these days, best opportunity to find a decent girl is through building a vast network of friends and family and just being very blunt to them that you would love to find a decent woman to build a relationship with. I think many men don’t share their relationship goals and missing out on their friends and family to help them out. Only they will know a woman that is also lonely, has decent ethics, isn’t crazy and looking for a real world man to build a relationship with. Sure there will be plenty of non-attractive women you get set up with but what is one cheap date? And perhaps that woman has such a pleasant personality that you can see through the non-attractive exterior.
So, first off, how much money are you wasting on this whore?

Second, it's just a matter of time before you contract a terrible STD. Think of your health.

Getting yourself a real woman over a whore is 1000x better than what you are doing now. Just get a girlfriend aka concubine, men of the Bible have had concubines for centuries. Concubinage is sinful but not even close to the level of using whores, and there is always the chance of marriage with a concubine.

I agree it takes Godlike will not to give into sexual temptations nowadays, but that doesn't mean you need to resort to whores. Start by quitting porn and whores, find a real woman as a girlfriend instead. No different than breaking an alcohol addiction. Quitting cold turkey isn't going to work.

This is the most real advice re this area of life, that I've seen on a Christian forum. Very refreshing
One of my regrets is "waiting a few years" to marry my wife. Since this put kids off even further after a first miscarriage. Shouldn't take that long if you basically already know in less than a year. Trust me you'll know if you've dated enough before that. I just thought I'd throw that in there.

It all depends on the age of the woman you are courting. If you want kids and she's in her 30's, you don't have the luxury of time. But if she's in her twenties and she's still a little crazy, you may want to wait.

Personally, almost every woman I've dated in her 20's doesn't want marriage, or is very hesitant to get married. Asking a woman for marriage in these years is likely to scare her off.