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Pros and Cons of Anglosphere Countries

Hard agree. So many deep red rural areas exist in the US, people there will defend themselves to the teeth. And will not keel over to tyrannical COVID policies for example like smaller countries, like NZ.
I also agree. While the LGBT thing is a problem here in the US, especially with how the powers that be having been pushing the T part hard now for the last few years, people on sites like CiK act like if you don't leave for based Orthodox Russia right now, the transgenders and their white women handlers are going to break down your door and forcibly turn your children into trannies somehow. The way I see it, if you can keep your children in the top half as far as emotional and spiritual health, they're unlikely to end up gay, let alone "trans." Kids who end up "trans" are well into the bottom 10%. It's a severe mental illness after all, brought about by years of intense neglect and emotional abuse. Just be a good parent and home school and you'll probably be fine.

In most cases if you're already in the US, leaving for another country is far too much effort to justify the benefit. You might consider moving to a different part of the US, but even that might not be necessary. I'm living on the outskirts of one of the worst, most liberal, SJW American big cities and so far my family is doing fine. Bringing it back to the main topic, Australia sounds nice in some ways but just comparing the way they handled COVID to how here in the US you could go to areas where it wasn't very oppressive, I'm definitely glad to be in the US rather than Australia or any other Anglo country.
I also agree. While the LGBT thing is a problem here in the US, especially with how the powers that be having been pushing the T part hard now for the last few years, people on sites like CiK act like if you don't leave for based Orthodox Russia right now, the transgenders and their white women handlers are going to break down your door and forcibly turn your children into trannies somehow. The way I see it, if you can keep your children in the top half as far as emotional and spiritual health, they're unlikely to end up gay, let alone "trans." Kids who end up "trans" are well into the bottom 10%. It's a severe mental illness after all, brought about by years of intense neglect and emotional abuse. Just be a good parent and home school and you'll probably be fine.

In most cases if you're already in the US, leaving for another country is far too much effort to justify the benefit. You might consider moving to a different part of the US, but even that might not be necessary. I'm living on the outskirts of one of the worst, most liberal, SJW American big cities and so far my family is doing fine. Bringing it back to the main topic, Australia sounds nice in some ways but just comparing the way they handled COVID to how here in the US you could go to areas where it wasn't very oppressive, I'm definitely glad to be in the US rather than Australia or any other Anglo country.

The small Australian town we live in and the ones around us only have fair skinned children and we like to keep it that way. Lots of support between families even though the coof hurt our interactions because of the fake vaxx etc it's not all bad but still pretty bad considering.

Also Christianity is sort of stronger than you'd think with the church gifting food and supplies to the ones in need, churches are kept up and open to anyone with minimal vandalism. It's just so sad that many relationships have been destroyed and that was all part of the plan.

These monsters (gov globalists etc) got us in so many ways so let's never forget as they say.
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Alderney (pop. 2,000) doesn't have restrictions for outsiders. Not sure about Sark (pop. c. 575), but you can't get freehold property at all there. Gurnsey and Jersey = £2M+ for something good.

I was planning on moving to The Isle of Man in late 2020, but they completely shut the island down, so I went elsewhere. Property in the main town there is fairly cheap.
I imagine it would be very cold there for much of the year. Why would you want to live in such a cold place?
The small Australian town we live in and the ones around us only have fair skinned children and we like to keep it that way. Lots of support between families even though the coof hurt our interactions because of the fake vaxx etc it's not all bad but still pretty bad considering.

Also Christianity is sort of stronger than you'd think with the church gifting food and supplies to the ones in need, churches are kept up and open to anyone with minimal vandalism. It's just so sad that many relationships have been destroyed and that was all part of the plan.

These monsters (gov globalists etc) got us in so many ways so let's never forget as they say.
The problem with rural people in the anglosphere is that many of them are "redneck" types (or bogans as we like to call them in Australia). These people are often not that intelligent/intellectual. Whereas I feel like European rural people are still based but for the most part they aren't rednecks. They are more likely to read books and speak a few languages etc.
The problem with rural people in the anglosphere is that many of them are "redneck" types (or bogans as we like to call them in Australia). These people are often not that intelligent/intellectual. Whereas I feel like European rural people are still based but for the most part they aren't rednecks. They are more likely to read books and speak a few languages etc.
Yes. Europe still maintains the spirit of its ancestral autodidacts. There is much wrong with the mindset of many people here in the same way the western rot is festering, but the good outweighs the bad. Also in parts of the Middle East, if you are socially connected to or related to any well-off family, there are some livable cities and towns where there is not rampant barbarism, sharia madness (not sharia itself just the atavist pushers of it), nor threat of US or IDF attacks (yet). They also have very clean food. Of course your mileage may very, the few Christian enclaves remaining are not getting any bigger for the foreseeable future, but they are surviving.

I spent some time in the pacific islands of Micronesia a long time ago, for the survivalist types out there who don't mind picking up a second language or two, there are numerous European and US/AUS/NZ expats living there, very far from prying eyes. Not a life cut out for everyone. I would definitely need time getting used to preparing everything for myself and dealing with the inclement weather that can be random or constant.

Parts of rural USA that have no drawbacks are rare, as the drug problems have been growing one-hundred fold in almost all rural areas in the last five years. Stay far away from Indian reservations, and anywhere with a significant police presence. Where Brother Nathanael lives in central Idaho is a good area, and has only been marginally targeted for dumping Somalians.
Yes. Europe still maintains the spirit of its ancestral autodidacts. There is much wrong with the mindset of many people here in the same way the western rot is festering, but the good outweighs the bad. Also in parts of the Middle East, if you are socially connected to or related to any well-off family, there are some livable cities and towns where there is not rampant barbarism, sharia madness (not sharia itself just the atavist pushers of it), nor threat of US or IDF attacks (yet). They also have very clean food. Of course your mileage may very, the few Christian enclaves remaining are not getting any bigger for the foreseeable future, but they are surviving.

I spent some time in the pacific islands of Micronesia a long time ago, for the survivalist types out there who don't mind picking up a second language or two, there are numerous European and US/AUS/NZ expats living there, very far from prying eyes. Not a life cut out for everyone. I would definitely need time getting used to preparing everything for myself and dealing with the inclement weather that can be random or constant.

Parts of rural USA that have no drawbacks are rare, as the drug problems have been growing one-hundred fold in almost all rural areas in the last five years. Stay far away from Indian reservations, and anywhere with a significant police presence. Where Brother Nathanael lives in central Idaho is a good area, and has only been marginally targeted for dumping Somalians.
I have to agree with you on your hard assessment of US rural areas. My good friend, a retired LAPD cop, now lives in Nevada City, Ca. Population about 1500. Just last month a naked tweaker, high on meth, armed with a tire iron tried to break into his home. He called 911 and was told there were only three deputies on duty for the entire county and it might be two hours for help to arrive. He and a neighbor took down the tweaker and were prepared to do whatever was necessary. They held him for the police. He is one of the many homeless that live in the mountains. BTW, my friend is pushing 80.

Even worse, he says the bigger threat are narco cartels running around the mountains cooking meth, growing weed, deleting competitors and polluting the environment with chemicals. You Tuber, former SEAL Andy Stumpf confirms in his latest vid that the drug trade in his home state of Montana is controlled and enforced by narco cartels.
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I have to agree with you on your hard assessment of US rural areas. My good friend, a retired LAPD cop, now lives in Nevada City, Ca. Population about 1500. Just last month a naked tweaker, high on meth, armed with a tire iron tried to break into his home. He called 911 and was told there were only three deputies on duty for the entire county and it might be two hours for help to arrive. He and a neighbor took down the tweaker and were prepared to do whatever was necessary. They held him for the police. He is one of the many homeless that live in the mountains. BTW, my friend is pushing 80.

Even worse, he says the bigger threat are narco cartels running around the mountains cooking meth, growing weed, deleting competitors and polluting the environment with chemicals. You Tuber, former SEAL Andy Stumpf confirms in his latest vid that the drug trade in his home state of Montana is controlled and enforced by narco cartels.
You bring up a good point. Cartels are setting up shop in rural America. Can easily avoid them but it is a reality and it is increasing.

I’ve been to some very rural areas and drove cross country last summer. Very hit and miss. Many rural areas while beautiful, are white trash drug dens, full of crime, zero law enforcement presence and full of people with double digit IQ’s who hate outsiders.

BTW, in places like the Dakotas people disappear without a trace all the time. Lots of land. Few people. Cops 2-3 hrs away. Bikers gangs all over. Interstates used for international traffickers.

Very different than having a few acres outside Nashville lol.
The wastelands of the post-apocalyptic future envisioned in dystopian jewish sci-fi has always been here, only European Christendom has kept it at bay. It is a state of humanity without God. The cartels, mountain tweakers, cults, biker gangs, drug-addled populations, corrupted police and lack of honest guardians for society, all these intertwine with the mediocrity that is the jewish world order. It really is a matter of statistics, where you are, who you have on your side, how much drugs are peddled in the area, and the sub-human descendants of cannibal heathens willingness to do whatever it takes to keep their demonic greedy and hedonistic "lifestyle' going. The biggest enemies are the enablers and traitors of course, the politicians, the officials in law enforcement who have sold out their populations to addle themselves in perpetual misery, strife, and sorcery (drugs) while they let parasites from above (jews) and below (cartels, gangs, invading migrants) plunder everyone. The American people stand no chance except to completely repel these scum by lethal force. The cartels use shock fear torture and gore videos to keep people in line, but this cannot last. At the rate at which the invaders breed would provide a continuance of this circumstance for them for a generation or so, but their return to Aztec savagery (and in many ways worse than what the early Mesos did now that they openly demon worship after already having been preached the Gospel) calls for a holy cleansing. The best thing White Americans can do is pull everything out of the system and band together in large patches of land that has agricultural resources and a large enough population to sustain themselves and defend from the invading cartels, orc migrants, and keep jews out of any position of power or public voice.

The agenda is clear: while I'm not saying that everyone must place their own race before their faith, something I've never actually said, the fact remains that the enemy places your race in the order of destruction as the primary goal, because of their perceived "unforgivable sin" of spreading Christianity and creating western civilization.

It is depressing to see every country town has addicts and tweakers and people lost to these demonic habits. The only thing that can fix this is a holy crusade, where martyrdom is guaranteed to all who take up and champion its cause. Such is history, the present, and our future. It should be embraced and the warrior culture and spirit needs to be resurrected in every man who is willing to say "no" to every form of satanic degeneracy out there.

I don't mean to rant in this thread, but my main pro view of Anglosphere countries is that they are unique to everywhere else in the world in that if they are cleansed, it is a God-given paradise to raise a posterity and life a Godly life.
I would say a pro of the US is having several conservative, Christian areas. They aren't perfect by any means, but you can avoid a lot of the cultural rot in more rural places. Many other countries don't have places like this, especially in the Anglosphere. The US also has wide open areas with very little people and amazing scenery. Australia and Canada can relate to this.

A major con would be the state of our major cities. Left-wing, braindead normies, full of crime, dirty, awful places to live. I would take some of the major cities abroad over ours any day.