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Whore addiction

An acquaintance of mine is a complainer who has been all around the world, but has good insights though he's smart and has a bigger ego than he should. He told a therapist that he was talking to that the other ethnicities or foreign women, since she suggested them in passing to satisfy his claims, are equally as bad or worse than American women due to the fact that they came here in order to act out. It was a great point. They are here because they don't like the idea of being what their mother was. Sad, but true. The guy's been everywhere in the world but won't listen to me that if he's serious at all about any sort of woman being part of his life, he has to get out of the US, and certainly out of the northeast, where he's from and has family.

tl;dr - they come here and act like they do because it's the most fertile place for simping/hypergamy, sadly

(haha, I know it wasn't that long)

I disagree with the above - but we are derailing the thread. This is about combating whore addiction. Go to destruction of modern women, or the Christian Red Pill Dating thread, etc.
The idea that all women, to some extent, are whores is just blackpill betamale nonsense. Sorry if this comes across as harsh, but I've had way too many women for 0$ to know that mutual lust is distinct from whoring. Alphas get it all for free, because they spark sexual desire in a woman that most guys can only dream of. But at the end of the day, sexual trysts are just mutual masturbation. Whereas with whoring, the woman isn't doing it for pleasure, but to make a living. Whores cannot ever become a good wife, but there is a small chance the tryst can fall in love.
Not really, Samseau. You're pivoting to a different point in this response and focusing too much on the sexual act itself. My point, which it appears you're responding to, has literally nothing to do with one's ability to get or attract a woman.

The point which I thought was relatively clear, is once expanded beyond this narrow definition of exchanging money for sexual pleasure, whoring is exchanging some of your sexual attractiveness and ability to pleasure a husband for financial security. This is the reality of the real world, whether or not people get offended by it. The idea whoring or the act of prostitution requires a wad of cash to literally be handed over is naive and a limited view of how financial and economic transactions work.

The majority of women consider a man's earning power/potential as a prerequisite for marriage. There is a transaction for the longer term security of the man's financial resources. This is different than pulling a hottie for a one night stand.

Of course, there's nuance here. Attractiveness, sexual desire and pleasure, and ability to financially provide for, is certainly a significant part of marriage. That does not negate the very real aspect of love, companionship, emotion, bonds, experience, adventure, etc.
Not really, Samseau. You're pivoting to a different point in this response and focusing too much on the sexual act itself. My point, which it appears you're responding to, has literally nothing to do with one's ability to get or attract a woman.

The point which I thought was relatively clear, is once expanded beyond this narrow definition of exchanging money for sexual pleasure, whoring is exchanging some of your sexual attractiveness and ability to pleasure a husband for financial security. This is the reality of the real world, whether or not people get offended by it. The idea whoring or the act of prostitution requires a wad of cash to literally be handed over is naive and a limited view of how financial and economic transactions work.

The majority of women consider a man's earning power/potential as a prerequisite for marriage. There is a transaction for the longer term security of the man's financial resources. This is different than pulling a hottie for a one night stand.

Of course, there's nuance here. Attractiveness, sexual desire and pleasure, and ability to financially provide for, is certainly a significant part of marriage. That does not negate the very real aspect of love, companionship, emotion, bonds, experience, adventure, etc.

Your point can be rephrased as "if we change the definition of what whoring is, then all women are whores."

Just because there is a functional component to marriage does not make it synonymous with whoring. The exchanges being made are fundamentally different for a number of reasons: the blessedness of marriage by God, the exchange being not driven by greed, lust, or wickedness but rather Godly love and provision for a family. The holy mystery of two being joined in one flesh. The husband is to the wife what Christ is to the Church, and the wife is to the husband what the Church is to Christ. All of these qualities distinguish Christian marriage from whoring on a fundamental level.
Not really, Samseau. You're pivoting to a different point in this response and focusing too much on the sexual act itself. My point, which it appears you're responding to, has literally nothing to do with one's ability to get or attract a woman.

The point which I thought was relatively clear, is once expanded beyond this narrow definition of exchanging money for sexual pleasure, whoring is exchanging some of your sexual attractiveness and ability to pleasure a husband for financial security. This is the reality of the real world, whether or not people get offended by it. The idea whoring or the act of prostitution requires a wad of cash to literally be handed over is naive and a limited view of how financial and economic transactions work.

The majority of women consider a man's earning power/potential as a prerequisite for marriage. There is a transaction for the longer term security of the man's financial resources. This is different than pulling a hottie for a one night stand.

Of course, there's nuance here. Attractiveness, sexual desire and pleasure, and ability to financially provide for, is certainly a significant part of marriage. That does not negate the very real aspect of love, companionship, emotion, bonds, experience, adventure, etc.
With respects...that is not whoring.

Thats basic biological imperative..
And biblically grounded...that a man's a provider.
Your point can be rephrased as "if we change the definition of what whoring is, then all women are whores."

Just because there is a functional component to marriage does not make it synonymous with whoring. The exchanges being made are fundamentally different for a number of reasons: the blessedness of marriage by God, the exchange being not driven by greed, lust, or wickedness but rather Godly love and provision for a family. The holy mystery of two being joined in one flesh. The husband is to the wife what Christ is to the Church, and the wife is to the husband what the Church is to Christ. All of these qualities distinguish Christian marriage from whoring on a fundamental level.
Some of you are thinking emotionally about this instead of rationally.

There is a religious/spiritual aspect of marriage I don’t disagree with any of you on. It is a beautiful thing. It is a gift.

There is also the real world aspect of marriage.

One doesn’t negate the other. It’s not either/or.
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She will financially rape you at the first chance she gets.

You’re probably right. Well the good news, she is blocked, I haven’t seen her in almost two weeks, I’ve had a good week with prayer and prostrations, and in general feel like things are moving towards a positive direction, no smut except the pic she sent me before I blocked her. Thank you for the prayers and advice.
We're gettin' into the fed-zone here.

Sir I’m not sure what you mean but if you mean I’m a cop, agent or something no. The dancer is a legal adult, she’s 24 and the club is licensed legally to operate within the state it resides. Even famous celebrities have gone there. The extra activities are another discussion altogether.

It is an interesting topic to talk about how much the local government has failed us because of corruption. These places should NEVER even be able to open, or if they do they should not allow illegal activity (whoring) but they do. How? Corruption and paying off politicians, DAs, cops, and the cowardly and inept police force who let these things go on or worse participate in. The way they see it is might as well allow it inside than have whores out on the street, but the sin is the same, and it suckers people in. It’s also a big money game, the owners running a (not so) secret brothel rake in the money. From a law aspect they don’t care unless there is probable trafficking or they hire someone underage. The churches have also failed in a way, they should be holding protests outside these establishments.
Some of you are thinking emotionally about this instead of rationally.

There is a religious/spiritual aspect of marriage I don’t disagree with any of you on. It is a beautiful thing. It is a gift.

There is also the real world aspect of marriage.

One doesn’t negate the other. It’s not either/or.

My point is a precision of language.

Whoring implies hypergamous and material resource driven action - consequence model only mentality and takes no spiritual realities of a relationship.
Sir I’m not sure what you mean but if you mean I’m a cop, agent or something no.
"Fed" isn't meant literally. It's synonymous with emotional trolling, where great solutions to a problem are presented by CiK members yet the OP refuses to act on said solutions and instead keeps belaboring an already moot point.

The solution is simple, quit whoring, quit talking to whores, quit blaming the government for the existence of whores, and better yet, take a personal vow of celibacy. Case closed.

And next time you have a singular personal problem post it in the "Problems And Solutions" thread.
"Fed" isn't meant literally. It's synonymous with emotional trolling, where great solutions to a problem are presented by CiK members yet the OP refuses to act on said solutions and instead keeps belaboring an already moot point.

The solution is simple, quit whoring, quit talking to whores, quit blaming the government for the existence of whores, and better yet, take a personal vow of celibacy. Case closed.

And next time you have a singular personal problem post it in the "Problems And Solutions" thread.
I think Fed very specifically means a government employee who is working undercover to monitor opposition groups and often try to incite illegal behavior. If you use it in any other sense, people will mistake your meaning, as happened here.
"Fed" isn't meant literally. It's synonymous with emotional trolling, where great solutions to a problem are presented by CiK members yet the OP refuses to act on said solutions and instead keeps belaboring an already moot point.

The solution is simple, quit whoring, quit talking to whores, quit blaming the government for the existence of whores, and better yet, take a personal vow of celibacy. Case closed.

And next time you have a singular personal problem post it in the "Problems And Solutions" thread.
Why a vow of celibacy? Marry and have children. As many as possible.

Change your lifestyle. You can always recover money. But you will not recover time.
The majority of women consider a man's earning power/potential as a prerequisite for marriage. There is a transaction for the longer term security of the man's financial resources. This is different than pulling a hottie for a one night stand.

That marriage takes resources does not mean the women need you to have money. If I wanted to, I could live my entire life from one girlfriend to the next, without spending more than 1% of my income on basic stuff like dates or small gifts. I could avoid marriage altogether and simply just rely on girlfriends (for months or years at a time) or flings.

Whoring means cash for sex, marriage is for love but also children, and children cost $$$. A man can get love without money, but there won't be any chance for children without money.

So no, marriage SHOULD be qualitatively and fundamentally different from whoring, on every level.

I agree with you if a man marries a gold digger, then it's basically soft-whoring at that point. Still not the same, since gold diggers are usually turned on by money, whereas whores not necessarily. Whores often have their bad boy who turns them on, while turning tricks on the side.

Whores have cash for sex, and normal women do not do that. 90-95% of women aren't going to sell their soul for money.

There is no way to separate the definition of whoring from the act of whoring. To be, is to do. The reductionist argument that women are all whores on some level is simply false because there is a way for men to get sex without cash.
Sorry I’m Catholic I clicked that Protestant choice when signing up and don’t know how to change it…also don’t want to be doxxed on here…because of the sensitive subject matter…

I've updated your tag. I understand why you hid your denomination at first, but honesty with our faith is the rule here. This won't dox you either.

These clubs are the worse places to go to, for anyone's soul. I can't speak for these girls who go there, many of them are raised in broken homes, a product of familial molestation, crack babies, or the newer demographic of "empowered" bitter man-hating types who view the world as an oil well to have as much resources selfishly extracted for their own hedonic existence. They are all lost souls, and the ones that work there and justify being a practicing Christians are the worst kind of hypocrites.

I had friends who would only go to these places instead of going out to regular bars and they brought me with a few times many years ago, and I still feel stained for even going to one. It felt very heathen just being there. I was never vibing with PUA and game in general because I did not discover it until after I had already been confirmed, but sexual lusts and desires run rampant through all Catholic youth, no matter if its a grade school or a high school or a "jesuit" university. So it's common for many Catholic youth to stray from their teachings, especially under the Novus Ordo's gutting of traditional dogma.

But even compared to game and PUA, which Roosh correctly refuted as a deathstyle similar to homosexual faggotry, active whoring and partaking in either escorts, strip clubs, giving money to women for a transactional sexual liaison, or any other strange non-monogamous sexual relationship was always considered low on how a man would go about getting his desires met. It was actively shamed in the PUA communities for many reasons, but the truth is that the idea of dating itself and "game" is just another distraction from a Godly-ordained marriage and bond. They're all wrong and part of the problem with social and family relations between men and women these days.

You will have to spend significant time away from these sins, and time away from the flesh before you can begin to be able to pair bond with a proper girl. I know the last thing anyone wants to hear is that they have to spend more time waiting and staying away from sex, but the old horndogs I know who married their wives while they were "spinning plates" or dating multiple women or being very secular about their relationships have never had that inner peace. You will be thankful in your golden years if you take the right steps now. Not everyone will find a wife with the statistics and logistics of today's corrupted market of compatible women, but I do believe that those who do not give up will not lose, especially when they act and operate under prayer and through obeisance to God. The two are always connected.

I'm glad you are honest and open about this, more men should be. It would help greater portions of society recover from the rot of lusts that keep men controlled to jewish interests.

These clubs are the worse places to go to, for anyone's soul. I can't speak for these girls who go there, many of them are raised in broken homes, a product of familial molestation, crack babies, or the newer demographic of "empowered" bitter man-hating types who view the world as an oil well to have as much resources selfishly extracted for their own hedonic existence. They are all lost souls, and the ones that work there and justify being a practicing Christians are the worst kind of hypocrites.

I had friends who would only go to these places instead of going out to regular bars and they brought me with a few times many years ago, and I still feel stained for even going to one. It felt very heathen just being there. I was never vibing with PUA and game in general because I did not discover it until after I had already been confirmed, but sexual lusts and desires run rampant through all Catholic youth, no matter if its a grade school or a high school or a "jesuit" university. So it's common for many Catholic youth to stray from their teachings, especially under the Novus Ordo's gutting of traditional dogma.

But even compared to game and PUA, which Roosh correctly refuted as a deathstyle similar to homosexual faggotry, active whoring and partaking in either escorts, strip clubs, giving money to women for a transactional sexual liaison, or any other strange non-monogamous sexual relationship was always considered low on how a man would go about getting his desires met. It was actively shamed in the PUA communities for many reasons, but the truth is that the idea of dating itself and "game" is just another distraction from a Godly-ordained marriage and bond. They're all wrong and part of the problem with social and family relations between men and women these days.

You will have to spend significant time away from these sins, and time away from the flesh before you can begin to be able to pair bond with a proper girl. I know the last thing anyone wants to hear is that they have to spend more time waiting and staying away from sex, but the old horndogs I know who married their wives while they were "spinning plates" or dating multiple women or being very secular about their relationships have never had that inner peace. You will be thankful in your golden years if you take the right steps now. Not everyone will find a wife with the statistics and logistics of today's corrupted market of compatible women, but I do believe that those who do not give up will not lose, especially when they act and operate under prayer and through obeisance to God. The two are always connected.

I'm glad you are honest and open about this, more men should be. It would help greater portions of society recover from the rot of lusts that keep men controlled to jewish interests.

Thank you, you are totally correct. The entire club environment is an illusion, cursed, and demonic, worse than say a regular club (which is still bad), it will take time to heal. It’s worse than society thinks, many men are turning to whores.

I have been doing well and following the soul prescription and healing. The girl is blocked and despite temptations in dreams I have been doing very well and not succumbed. The good news is I never really had a bad porn or ‘pmo’ as they say online problem. Yes I would watch it but rarely, I preferred real interaction hence the clubs, so far quitting has been easy (I simply blocked the dancer and don’t get in my car and go there)

Working out has helped me too, the 100 prostrations sap any lustful energy.

It’s working and I will keep this thread updated. Thank you for the suggestions.
A man can get love without money...
Yes, but I'm not sure how long she'll stick around? Most modern women need a lot of material possessions and "experiences" (traveling, going to restaurants, etc.) to keep them entertained and happy. Whereas, a disciplined man living a simple, minimalist life can be happy sitting under a tree whittling a piece of wood with a good knife.

... but there won't be any chance for children without money.
Plenty of broke people living in financial poverty have had and raised happy, spiritually prosperous children who lead full and productive lives with very little in the way of material possessions.

Why a vow of celibacy? Marry and have children. As many as possible.
For the same reason one stops drinking. Marrying and having children shouldn't be an option for a lot of people, yet everyone is doing it anyway with disastrous long-term results (divorce, depression, infidelity, kids that are gay/trans, kids that hate them, suicide, and even murder). Parenting and marriage take a lot of commitment, wisdom, patience, faith, and discipline, skills that are severely lacking in 90% of the modern human population.
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I think Fed very specifically means a government employee who is working undercover to monitor opposition groups and often try to incite illegal behavior.
Yes, that's correct, which is why I used it. At some point a suspected Fed becomes a troll at which point you reverse troll them by stating to them (as a test) that the term "Fed" is synonymous with the term "emotional trolling" (which it is not). Test failed.

If you use it in any other sense, TROLLS will mistake your meaning, as happened here.
^See above. Fixed it for you.
For the same reason one stops drinking. Marrying and having children shouldn't be an option for a lot of people, yet everyone is doing it anyway with disastrous long-term results (divorce, depression, infidelity, kids that are gay/trans, kids that hate them, suicide, and even murder). Parenting and marriage take a lot of commitment, wisdom, patience, faith, and discipline, skills that are severely lacking in 90% of the modern human population.

Your comparing apples to oranges. Having sex with woman is a normal urge. There´s nothing wrong or deviant about it. The problem is not that he wants to have sex. He is not being excessive about it. The problem is having sex with worthless whores. He should continue having sex as much as possible but with the right girl. This should be his focus. Not money. Finding the right girl. But to find you must first know what you are looking for. And ask god for it. If He thinks you are honest about it. He will find you one. OP can be reproached for taking shortcuts.

Having sex with your wife is 100x times better than having with casual girls. There´s no possible comparison.

I was never into p4p. Maybe im too arrogant for it. But to pay to bang a whore. Is really humiliating in my view. It´s a degradation of you.

As for marriage. I´m not going to post bilbical quotes. But what you are saying goes 100% against the catholic teachings I had when growing up.