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Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

The condescending "know it all" drippiness of this response speaks for itself. Sometimes one can admit that they are wrong even when they are not just to build good will.
You can think or believe what you want, but I responded to someone who responded to me. To come in and attack me here is inappropriate. If you don't like me, that's up to you, but you don't know me, so keep that in mind.

It has already been laid out. There are no places where a 40 something year-old man can score a hot virgin 20 year-old with the full blessing of her 39 year-old parents. Read em' and weep.
It has? Enlighten me. I didn't ask you that question. I'm open to answering questions from you, but your random attack of me, of all things here, seems to be lacking good faith.

Others who have traveled, including myself, Urkel, beg to differ. And show me one place here where I said my aim is to "score a hot virgin 20 year old". Let me save you the time, my friend, you can't, so don't bother.
Why haven't you moved abroad yet?

If you are staying in US for work/money then there you go, that takes priority for you no matter how much you argue for something different.

The whole idea of 'I need to save X amount and THEN I'll move' is very Lenny's rabbits from Of mice and men. There will always be some kind of reason to stay. But we aren't getting any younger.

Also I'm not even saying staying for money is wrong.. There obviously are strong arguments on both sides but there seems to be a need to prove the other side 'wrong' even from people who haven't even moved abroad and therefore do not live out their own ideals.
You do need money to live as a foreigner in a third world country because you are an outsider so you don't get the social safety net and connections etc that the locals have. Also no traditional woman is going to want to marry a broke foreigner. If she steps outside of her own culture with all of the risks and uncertainties that involves for her to marry a foreign man its almost certainly going to be a man who can provide a good living for her. Going to a third world country with limited funds as a foreigner is a terrible idea.
I agree. Life is meant to be good. Let bad things come when they must, but in the meantime there's no need to be a martyr. How can you get through bad times if you're not geared towards good times? Money is good, stuff is good, fulfilling the senses is good, it's all good baby, as long as you take a moment to give a thumbs up to the one who makes it possible. God doesn't want a bunch of miserable people skulking around His planet. It lowers the tone.
Can I ask you what your "other religion" is? You make a lot of good posts just wondering where you align yourself.
Thought I would share some thoughts on moving abroad having spent the better part of my 20s in Vietnam, my takeaways:

+ Fantastic weather, beautiful beaches, mountains and nature
+ Vibrant and lively society
+ Growing economies, young populations, lots of opportunities
+ Expats are often interesting people
+ Beautiful, fit and hardworking women who are, for the most part, not as retarded or corrupted as western women
+ Very high quality of life per cost
+ You can insulate yourself from globohomo

~ You will always be an outsider to strangers, ranging from an amusing novelty to an unwanted interloper to a potential mark, this is probably considered by most here to be a downside. Personally I have always felt like an outsider even among whites so this didn't bother me at all and actually felt liberating in a way.

- Limited career options - unless you have big bucks and connections to launch some kind of business, you're limited to remote work / digital nomadism or teaching English (which has quite a low ceiling), unless you want to compete for local wages
- Expat culture is laden with hedonism and sinful habits
- If you are too old, you will primarily attract gold diggers and whores rather than pure young women, this can be overcome but it will be a major challenge just as anywhere in the world. Being fit / not looking like a sexpat goes a long way here.
- Even if you are younger, while you will get more attention from women than in the west, you will need to exercise seasoned discernment to tell which have potential and which have ulterior motives and are wasting your time or trying to sink hooks into you
- My personal advice is that you will need to find a woman in the "sweet spot" between being traditional yet open enough to experience to be able to date and connect with a foreigner, you need a woman that speaks English well and has some education but hasn't bought into globohomo, they are out there in decent numbers and in many cases are willing to follow the lead of an impressive man.
- The government ranges from unpredictable to authoritarian, corrupt to some degree at all levels, which can sometimes work in your favor but as a noncitizen you will have virtually no protection or options when SHTF. Very poor score on COVID response.
- Christian institutions exist but will not be easy to integrate to compared to American ones and you won't be able to pick and choose a parish
- Aspects of local culture can be infuriating (saving face, disregard for public welfare)
- Pollution and litter are very bad in populated areas

I ultimately was forced to leave due to COVID and decided to stay back in the states for career/family reasons. That region is on my radar as a potential plan B, I have a lot of love for it, but now that I am older and attempting to build a family I would 100% want to have financial independence before attempting to resettle there. If you are on the younger side and have time to spare I would personally recommend going to check it out if the Asian region appeals to you. It was one of the best decisions I ever made and became a second home to me. If you are prone to addiction, hedonism, fornication or unhealthy lifestyle habits however, then you would need to exercise extreme caution as you may fall deeply into sin.

I've read TrainedLogosMotion's posts ITT and he is on point as well, anyone considering SEA/Asia would do well to heed his experience.
- If you are too old, you will primarily attract gold diggers and whores rather than pure young women, this can be overcome but it will be a major challenge just as anywhere in the world. Being fit / not looking like a sexpat goes a long way here.
What is "too old", in your estimation?

I'm not interested in East Asia, so it's fairly irrelevant to me personally, just wondering what you think about that area. Let's say you are age X but don't look age X (you look younger) whatever that means.
I can’t blame you. There’s systemic racism that permeates all levels of Asian society. As a Caucasian, you will not feel represented in governance/media, will be held to Asian beauty standards and they have discriminatory immigration policies. I just wish this issue would receive more exposure.
A lot of asian countries take care of their own populations unlike countries run by whites who give no fucks about their own people. For example in Thailand its easy for a foreigner to get a retirement or investment visa etc than to get a work visa. They rightfully make it hard for foreigners to work there so they can protect Thai jobs while making it easy for foreigners to get tourist or retirement or investment visas. So its easy for foreigners to go there and spend money (which is good) but harder for foreigners to work there as it should be. Unlike Australians, Americans, Canadians, etc who have to compete with hordes of third worlders pushing down their wages. Meanwhile Australia, U.S.A. etc make it a pain in the ass for people with weak passports to get a tourist visa, which is insane to stop people coming to your country to spend money on vacation. Also in terms if property ownership in Thailand foreigners cannot own land and can only own condos up to 49% of a building. This keeps housing more affordable for the locals unlike Canada, Australia etc where hordes of wealthy Chinese trying to escape communism come and buy up our properties pushing land prices higher.

In Australia we have a work and holiday visa (backpackers) which is a completely retarded concept merely designed to crush local wages thus impoverishing all the locals while benefiting businesses. There are hardly even any jobs for these backpackers yet we still keep letting them in. For example I recently met a young French guy in Sydney (the largest city in Australia) and he said it took him 3 months to find a job!!

In Australia if you combine unemployed people with underemployed people it adds up to 3 million people!! In a country with only just over 25 million population. And meanwhile we still let in backpackers and people on "skilled migration" visas by the hundreds of thousands.
A lot of asian countries take care of their own populations unlike countries run by whites who give no fucks about their own people. For example in Thailand its easy for a foreigner to get a retirement or investment visa etc than to get a work visa. They rightfully make it hard for foreigners to work there so they can protect Thai jobs while making it easy for foreigners to get tourist or retirement or investment visas. So its easy for foreigners to go there and spend money (which is good) but harder for foreigners to work there as it should be. Unlike Australians, Americans, Canadians, etc who have to compete with hordes of third worlders pushing down their wages. Meanwhile Australia, U.S.A. etc make it a pain in the ass for people with weak passports to get a tourist visa, which is insane to stop people coming to your country to spend money on vacation. Also in terms if property ownership in Thailand foreigners cannot own land and can only own condos up to 49% of a building. This keeps housing more affordable for the locals unlike Canada, Australia etc where hordes of wealthy Chinese trying to escape communism come and buy up our properties pushing land prices higher.

In Australia we have a work and holiday visa (backpackers) which is a completely retarded concept merely designed to crush local wages thus impoverishing all the locals while benefiting businesses. There are hardly even any jobs for these backpackers yet we still keep letting them in. For example I recently met a young French guy in Sydney (the largest city in Australia) and he said it took him 3 months to find a job!!

In Australia if you combine unemployed people with underemployed people it adds up to 3 million people!! In a country with only just over 25 million population. And meanwhile we still let in backpackers and people on "skilled migration" visas by the hundreds of thousands.
It was meant tongue in cheek. I’ve been trying to figure things out and it’s amazing how subverted I am because turns out this is a cultural shock for me. I’m so used to everyone bending over backwards to accommodate everyone and make “others” feel “included” I actually developed liberals standards for what constitutes “normal behavior”.
If you want to move abroad due to longer term concerns with the west, starting a new life, ready to commit to a new culture and country, by all means take a few months and get everything in order to provide a solid foundation.

If you want to move abroad for a wife, should have left yesterday. Aren’t getting any younger. Waiting for the perfect moment works against that goal. Need to be overseas getting embedded in a culture, meeting people and grow your life as you’re there.

The problem is the point in life where you’re financially set, and if you’re using that as a timeline to move, is past the stage of looking for a wife.

Risk, ambition, energy, working for a bright future along with current uncertainty, is the stage of life you find a wife.

A potential wife wants the guy who talks about and plans for all the memories they will create and experiences they will have.

Not the financially set semi retiree who has all the stories to tell.

If you really want a wife overseas above all else you have two simple questions to answer after picking the destination- and don’t overthink that either. Rent. You are mobile if need be.

One, can you afford rent at the local rate. Even teaching English gets you there almost anywhere.

Two, do you have income which covers expenses and maybe 25% towards savings/investing. Not hard. Local expenses are a fraction of the west.

3k/month you can live comfortably in the majority of the world.
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A lot of asian countries take care of their own populations unlike countries run by whites who give no fucks about their own people. For example in Thailand its easy for a foreigner to get a retirement or investment visa etc than to get a work visa. They rightfully make it hard for foreigners to work there so they can protect Thai jobs while making it easy for foreigners to get tourist or retirement or investment visas. So its easy for foreigners to go there and spend money (which is good) but harder for foreigners to work there as it should be.
It's funny, the American visa system is in many ways the direct opposite of that. They make it so difficult to come for short term tourism or as seasonal workers that you get a lot of people that just come illegally and stay permanently, when that was never their intent.

But the "country making laws to benefit its own people" thing is so rare in the west, and It's surprising how few understand this.

It's interesting to note than even in this thread, in this forum of mostly redpilled men, the "Magic Dirt Theory" exists.
The idea that once someone's foot touches the dirt, no matter their background, said foreigner is now the same as a fully indigenous person and is no different from anyone else in that country ("it's a bad thing that you will always be viewed as an outsider if you are an outsider").

How do you think Jews subverted our country? Well, it's quite easy to see, isn't it?

To reiterate:
Limiting immigration is good
Hierarchy is good
Respecting your own culture and tradition (even if you geographically relocate) is good
Accepting an outsider as an outsider can be kind and generous (ie the way a Japanese person will treat you if you visit there). Pretending you are Japanese because you buy a house there is silly. I just don't understand people in this forum who can't grasp that!
The Canadian system of "smarter" white collar immigrants is not really any better than one that accepts low skilled immigrants.

But the "magic dirt" idea is so nutty. It's the equivalent of saying "you are free to do whatever you want in your personal life" versus accepting that a man in a dress is actually not a man, but a woman! I can tolerate a cross dresser. But I'll never lie and say it has magically changed its sex.
This is a factor I would certainly place a good deal of weight on when considering moving abroad.

I am not the least bit surprised Bulgaria, Romania, Czech and Slovakia are four of the bottom six. These are countries where the national spirit and culture remains far stronger than elsewhere and where migrants point blank are not welcomed.

Which means even if migrants enter they will be pushed elsewhere and local government won’t help them and citizens aren’t keen on them unlike the west. They flow to Western Europe.

Important if looking to settle somewhere longer term.

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The problem is the point in life where you’re financially set, and if you’re using that as a timeline to move, is past the stage of looking for a wife.
I think you largely have good advice but it's common knowledge around these parts that the catch 22 of the western move to anywhere else is obviously career or status dependent, and for men that means it will take a while. Good luck with the english teacher thing making barely any greater amount than a local would. Look, the problem is a very complex one and it ends up being majorly dependent, on finances and how good of shape you are in, something few know about any other random poster on this board. My point in saying that is that you can be close to a male 7 with a 1% world net worth in the US or other western hellholes but anyone near your SMV, especially as you age, is nonexistent, if not older and not all that attractive, or let's say, able to have kids. There are tons of reasonably decent looking 40 year olds in the west that have already made it known to you, for example, that all they are worth is a travel companion, if that. They've got their own money, remember? They don't need you ... :p
At the end of the day the old saying applies "there are no solutions, only tradeoffs". You trade one set of problems for another set of problems. The real questions is which set of problems would you prefer to deal with.
I replied to some of these but I got drawn back to the thread due to some likes. Yes, it's all tradeoffs.
Who said anything about rapidly deteriorating income? Another straw man argument, because if your money is wisely invested into growth assets (barring a civilization collapse or great depression re-run) then over time your income should grow not shrink.
Again, the key is who of the forum is capable of doing this? The answer is probably a small number, when it comes down to it.
Almost all relationships between men and women have a transactional element to them. As for the risk of gold digging as if men aren't already getting divorce raped in the west.
That's my point. Even the social restricted and influenced women of the world are going to be like men in some capacity, in that they have their wishes overall, which are largely resource oriented, while men's are youth and fertility related. One of the things that is easily poo pooed or looked down upon is the transactional nature, but no one shames women in the west or otherwise for taking a man's resources; for some reason if a man has a chance at having sex with a woman it's like the worst thing in the world. While I'm not telling people what to do, it's something that's a weird double standard also in the religious world. Again, it's hard to talk about proper relationships and religion when ... women aren't religious writ large and you don't have much of a choice to pursue even a "proper" relationship.
After your 15th burek, you start to question your decisions and you wonder why even the bottled water tastes disgusting.
Why would some innocent virgin be looking for a foreigner? This alone contradicts the notion of innocence. Your best hope is basically a family selling their daughter to you for financial security.
Pretty much. Much worse happens in the west, by the way. It's funny that people would act like this is some sort of appalling scenario but don't look at all the divorce rape that happens in the "developed" world.
In my travels I’m not just seeing “losers”, including locals, plenty of young “Jocks” travel too and are abound. If she can be reached by a tourist, she probably already met attractive, fit men. Your smv isn’t going to blow anyone away. This also ignores social media.
It's a good point, if we're honest.
Lastly, unfortunately I’m finding the red pill stuff reigns supreme, Asia included. The second you spot some nice guy/kind natured soul here, tourist or local, you best believe he’s all alone.
That's closer to black. Many times it can be the case, indeed.
There are so many evil agendas on the horizon, and the EU would be the place where they try again to implement them.
I tend to agree with this.
Last year, I finally left central EE and moved to a rural part of LatAm because, at some point, I started to appreciate peace, freedom, and living in nature more than the material comfort of the wicked idiocracy.
There are a lot of upsides to LatAm, but there are downsides too.
The way it works is by going to a country where age gap acceptance is higher and young women have a decent chance of still being virgin.
This is the point. You can go to places where M:F ratio is in your favor, which by definition means there are going to be options for you. People don't think this is the case because they are so used to the west with simps and invaders of all kinds, including large numbers of young men. Historically it's far more common for there to be fewer men; we are just living in times in which literally all the factors for a positive environment for men are gone.
Some excellent posts and information in this thread. Only thing I would add is that if you go to these countries and simply look for a wife, the people will usually understand your intentions and won't neće judge you. But if you put in the time and effort to learn the language and culture, they will truly embrace you. Of course, not all of them will.

If you can legitimately have conversations with the girl's parents and her relatives and you can form a social circle consisting of locals, you'll simply be a tier above other expats.

Just an example, I live in western Europe and sometimes when I workout outside I'll take a speaker with me (very common over here) and blast some music. There are certain Balkan songs, mainly Serbian and Bosnian, that I enjoy listening to and include in my playlist.

I can't tell you the amount of times someone from the Balkans has stopped and looked at me in bewilderment because of the music. Some, including girls, will hide behind the nearby trees and stare for a good 15 to 20 minutes, then proceed to circle the area, until they muster up the courage to ask me why I'm listening to that music. Their eyes will then light up with appreciation. It's something you simply can't fake, but it's indicative of how much they love their own culture.
There's no way Montenegro has an average IQ of 85. That's the average IQ of US Blacks and not much above India, and I'm pretty sure Montenegro doesn't look anything like da hood or the slums of Mumbai. In your hypothetical scenario you seem to exaggerate many of the problems there.
Their IQ is nowhere near 85, however, they exhibit behaviors that some westerners find annoying or would be typical of simpletons over here. Someone said it in another thread, Balkan Slavs are like Latinos and US Blacks to an extent:

- they love dancing and signing (not in an artistic sense, just to have fun. This includes grandma and grandpa)
- they are loud
- they cuss a lot (A LOT)
- even women will call you "bro" (brate)
- they love hanging out in large groups
- they smoke a lot
- generally not law-abiding

None of that is problematic to me, but it can be rather disenchanting for someone who has very different expectations.
Fair enough, but perhaps you can help then, Tippy. What would be your strategy?

Throw caution to the wind and go instantly to a new place without planning? That seems to be your gotcha here, which is fine, but of course we all know no one would do that. Therefore, if the answer is something different, lay it out. Thank you.
Plan enough, save enough and then go. What's 'enough' differs from person to person. 2k USD should be enough to save to at least attempt a launch and have some room for error. It really shouldn't take long if you want to do it.
Plan enough, save enough and then go. What's 'enough' differs from person to person. 2k USD should be enough to save to at least attempt a launch and have some room for error. It really shouldn't take long if you want to do it.
I think people overstate the age thing; it just depends on who you are talking to. Women in other countries and cultures don't look at it the same way. I'm not saying wait until you are 50, but if you are in good shape, technically, you could.
Been traveling the Balkans for about one month now. What I've really noticed is how overstimulated my mind is from living in big Western European cities. From the nice things, like the architecture and variety of food, to the less appealing aspects, like overcrowded areas everywhere, people trying to sell me stuff, having to be aware of pickpockets, all these "genders" walking around etc.

I would almost compare life in Western Europe to porn. There's just so much going on. Admittedly, I would surely need some time to get used to a more simplistic, but, ultimately, purer and more meaningful way of life, if I decides to move here long term. I'll write another post about my observations regarding dating, marriage, divorce etc. at another point.

If the West continues it's collapse into chaos and demonic behavior, and if Russia continues on its upward trend economically, spiritually, and socially...I see a future in Russia as a distinct possibility.