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Search results

  1. M

    Shia LaBeouf officially joins Catholic Church

    Depends what you mean by "Jew". Your ethnic background is what it is, you can't change it any more than you can your gender. However you can of course change your religion. Many ethnic Jews and former practicing religious Jews, obviously in Christ's time and the immediate aftermath but also...
  2. M

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    I don't think he's lying, I just think he hasn't noticed yet.
  3. M

    America's Woke & Obese Military

    Military as a whole is historically 70-80% Republican but that isn't applicable evenly across the force Combat arms as a whole, SOF especially, the USMC, the Army, and the enlisted ranks lean to the right of the military-wide average which means the officer corps, Air Force/Navy, and non-combat...
  4. M

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    I mean I think most of us would much rather live in a majority Jewish neighborhood than a majority black one if that's the question. The issue is being aware of who and what is driving the bigger picture trends and why. Doesn't mean your kid's dentist is evil or that he's personally involved in...
  5. M

    Donald Trump

    What's the significance of 17? In any event, the "47" is irrelevant unless Trump actually becomes the 47th president which is unlikely, although it could be interpreted as "if he becomes 47".
  6. M

    2024 Election Lounge

    My theory is he promised it to her months ago in exchange for staying in the race long enough to crowd out DeSantis. She'll also bring her GOPe donors on board. Doesn't mean he won't double cross her of course (although it would be risky given she could go public with the deal if he did) but gun...
  7. M

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    The wire around the city thing so they can go wherever they want on their Sabbath and still "remain indoors" is my favorite "we can fool God" trait. I grew up in a suburban part of the northeast and my neighborhood was probably 1/3 or so Jewish so had a number I was friendly with growing up...
  8. M

    2024 Election Lounge

    DeSantis is VP is very unlikely due to the fact that Trump is a resident of Florida (he changed his residency while he was president, in 2020 I believe, to take advantage of the excellent work DeSantis has been doing as governor). Under the US Constitution it's basically impossible for the POTUS...
  9. M

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    16% of people living in Iceland are foreigners?!? Does that include people from elsewhere in the EU?
  10. M

    Martial Arts/MMA Thread

    I literally will get up and do something else during the women's fights even if it's a PPV that I actually bought. I don't want to watch women getting beaten up by other women any more than I want to see them getting beat up by a dude.
  11. M

    Boxing & MMA

    I'd say he clearly won the 1st and 5th, DDP won 3/4, 2 was razor close (although apparently the judge who scored the fight for Sean gave him 3 rather than 2, which I don't see at all). IMO it was the right decision in a vacuum although usually benefit of the doubt in a very close decision like...
  12. M

    2024 Election Lounge

    It's the same argument I've been making for why Trump is extremely unlikely to win the general election (even if it's 100% fair, which it obviously won't be)--he's too toxic and there are too many people that hate him on a personal level. The hardcore leftists obviously aren't going to vote for...
  13. M

    2024 Election Lounge

    Most are either a) Democrats who have no intention of voting for her in the general election even if she were to win the nomination or b) people who view her as more likely to win the general than Trump (and they're correct on this IMO, it's unfortunate but it's true), are mostly extremely risk...
  14. M

    2024 Election Lounge

    Interesting in comparing the Trump and DeSantis numbers that they were pretty close to one another for voters prioritizing immigration and foreign policy, but Trump crushed RDS on the economy and RDS did the same to Trump on abortion (I realize those are % of voters for that candidate...
  15. M

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    LOL if ChatGPT existed back in the RVF 1.0 days there absolutely would've been a thread about using it to generate Tinder pickup lines.
  16. M

    Donald Trump

    I wouldn't say it's wasted...aside from the fact that DeSantis and Trump were neck and neck before Trump started getting indicted, there remains the fact that he's almost 80, doesn't exactly take care of himself and while they won't do it until he has the nomination secured the left is actively...
  17. M

    Donald Trump

    Insane that the media scumbags called it when most of the state hadn't even voted yet let alone got counted, that didn't make 30% difference though. Congrats to the Trump supporters but I don't think this is the best way forward.
  18. M

    Donald Trump

    A win (or theoretically even a close 2nd, but I think he needs an actual W for full psychological effect) in Iowa proves conclusively that the Iowa polls were at minimum absolute nonsense and more likely a deliberate psyop intended to steer the electorate towards Trump. If that proves to be the...
  19. M

    Donald Trump

    It'll be within 5% either way and Haley is more likely to finish 4th than 2nd. RDS/Trump ~40%, Vivek/Haley ~10%