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Boxing & MMA

I'm looking forward to Strickland whooping up on Du Plessis.

finished the watching the fight.

I honestly think that Strickland won that fight, but I appreciate his humility after the fact. He's a good dude and a good ambassador for the sport.

I'm ok with Du Plessis winning. All MMA fans won tonight because it was the ONLY fight all evening that was relatively entertaining and had you on your seat edge.

He'll keep it up the excitement if he can get Izzy in the ring. And I want him to win against that weirdo.

Im sure strickland is going to come back with a whole lot of intensity and be offered another title shot in the next 2 fights... in which case he'll beat Du Plessis if they rematch.
finished the watching the fight.

I honestly think that Strickland won that fight, but I appreciate his humility after the fact. He's a good dude and a good ambassador for the sport.

I'm ok with Du Plessis winning. All MMA fans won tonight because it was the ONLY fight all evening that was relatively entertaining and had you on your seat edge.

He'll keep it up the excitement if he can get Izzy in the ring. And I want him to win against that weirdo.

Im sure strickland is going to come back with a whole lot of intensity and be offered another title shot in the next 2 fights... in which case he'll beat Du Plessis if they rematch.
My thoughts exactly. Strickland won 1 and 2 easily, and edged out the 5th. Close fight and both guys gave it their all so can't complain too much.

I was rooting for Sean but Dricus seems like a fairly decent guy, not a bad champ. I really wish the UFC would stop giving Izzy unlimited title shots. He should have to work his way up after getting dominated for 5 rounds. But now the WWEFC is all about story lines so we'll get Dricus vs Izzy next.
My thoughts exactly. Strickland won 1 and 2 easily, and edged out the 5th. Close fight and both guys gave it their all so can't complain too much.

I was rooting for Sean but Dricus seems like a fairly decent guy, not a bad champ. I really wish the UFC would stop giving Izzy unlimited title shots. He should have to work his way up after getting dominated for 5 rounds. But now the WWEFC is all about story lines so we'll get Dricus vs Izzy next.
I didnt like how Du Plessis made a comment about Strickland' growing up in a messed-up family situation. I found it particularly disgusting. The thing is that most people who enter a prize fighting ring, or matial arts at all, come from a messed up backfround. I love Strickland because even though he's nuts... he clearly represents a part of America that is being thrown in the trash. The white kid who's got a rough home life, and told he's worthless.

I grew up with a great father and family... but many of my early life cohorts were not so lucky, and I genuinely understand that person. To see someone from that background get to the top is a great inspiration and why I rooted for him from the begining. I look forward to Strickland's return and his redemption arc. I know for a fact he's going back and will win the title again.

Du Plessis is a great fighter. Glad he's representing the Boer/White South Africans. Meanwhile Ugandan Scholars like Usman (who atleast has now embraced Trump) are implying he's not African even though he's spent more time there than all these "african" fighters have.

I know Dana White is gonna keep Strickland in the top runners because his base wants it, and they chant for The Donald. So its all a win win.
My thoughts exactly. Strickland won 1 and 2 easily, and edged out the 5th. Close fight and both guys gave it their all so can't complain too much.

I was rooting for Sean but Dricus seems like a fairly decent guy, not a bad champ. I really wish the UFC would stop giving Izzy unlimited title shots. He should have to work his way up after getting dominated for 5 rounds. But now the WWEFC is all about story lines so we'll get Dricus vs Izzy next.

I'd say he clearly won the 1st and 5th, DDP won 3/4, 2 was razor close (although apparently the judge who scored the fight for Sean gave him 3 rather than 2, which I don't see at all). IMO it was the right decision in a vacuum although usually benefit of the doubt in a very close decision like that will go to the defending champ. I'd like to see them run it back immediately, maybe at UFC 300 if both guys are ready to go again in 3 months. Let Izzy fight Cannonier for #1 contender.

I didnt like how Du Plessis made a comment about Strickland' growing up in a messed-up family situation. I found it particularly disgusting. The thing is that most people who enter a prize fighting ring, or matial arts at all, come from a messed up backfround. I love Strickland because even though he's nuts... he clearly represents a part of America that is being thrown in the trash. The white kid who's got a rough home life, and told he's worthless.

I grew up with a great father and family... but many of my early life cohorts were not so lucky, and I genuinely understand that person. To see someone from that background get to the top is a great inspiration and why I rooted for him from the begining. I look forward to Strickland's return and his redemption arc. I know for a fact he's going back and will win the title again.

Du Plessis is a great fighter. Glad he's representing the Boer/White South Africans. Meanwhile Ugandan Scholars like Usman (who atleast has now embraced Trump) are implying he's not African even though he's spent more time there than all these "african" fighters have.

I know Dana White is gonna keep Strickland in the top runners because his base wants it, and they chant for The Donald. So its all a win win.

Agree but it was clear even by the start of the fight they had buried the hatchet. DDP's comments about Sean's upbringing were out of line but from what I've seen from him he'd probably be the first one to admit that. I was rooting for Strickland but DDP is a good dude too and I like how the very fact that he exists triggers people like Izzy (who along with Usman both moved out of Africa when they were <10 years old--Ngannou at least grew up there and didn't leave until his mid 20s). You know Adesanya was sitting at home watching that absolutely fuming.
After listening to him unloading on the press in this video, I take back what I wrote about him. His t-shirt read "a woman in every kitchen, a gun in every hand", but it might just as well have been a pepe with a wry smile. Pray for this man's conversion, he will be a great soldier for Christendom.
This makes Fury look extra bad.

Ngannou should leave boxing and focus on the PFL. He has made tens of million in these 2 boxing fights, and he will make millions still in the PFL.

Ngannou had an iron chin. After such a bad KO, I wonder how his chin will hold up.
This makes Fury look extra bad.

Ngannou should leave boxing and focus on the PFL. He has made tens of million in these 2 boxing fights, and he will make millions still in the PFL.

Ngannou had an iron chin. After such a bad KO, I wonder how his chin will hold up.
I think fury fight was fixed. Fury knew he would get the nod and didn't prepare for the fight and got rocked by nganu who actually did prepare quite well and was well suited for that fight.

He was also trying to psyche out usyk.
This makes Fury look extra bad.

Ngannou should leave boxing and focus on the PFL. He has made tens of million in these 2 boxing fights, and he will make millions still in the PFL.

Ngannou had an iron chin. After such a bad KO, I wonder how his chin will hold up.
Fury is an alcoholic and a headcase. He was back on the sauce for the Ngannou fight and came in looking like they dragged him off the street. Joshua, on the other hand, just came off an absolute clinic against Wallin.

Anyway, I just watched the "fight." I hope this shuts up professional loud mouth Chael Sonnen who said boxing is a joke after the Fury-Ngannou fight.
That knockout was brutal. When I saw that I was concerned for Ngannou's health. That looked about how you'd expect an amateur boxer against a top pro to look...

The Fury fight, I think Fury did his training camp at the local pubs and it showed. Joshua looked razor sharp like he actually took his opponent seriously.