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  1. An0dyne

    Project Bluebeam/False Flag Events

    https://www.foxnews.com/us/secret-ufo-civilization-aliens-could-here-earth-already-harvard-scientists.amp Articles like this are popping up all over the mainstream media today based on this “Harvard Study.” What are they preparing us for? 🤔
  2. An0dyne

    James O'Keefe/O'Keefe Media Group (OMG) Thread

    So it was just that some staffer thinks they want to get rid of Biden or Harris? A little anticlimactic….
  3. An0dyne

    The Pros and Cons of Beautiful Churches

    The Excellent reply. I want to just comment on: This is most certainly true. To @GodfatherPartTwo's point: Our bodies are the true living Temples of God. Our spiritual lives should be oriented to making our lives and heart-Thrones set-apart and beautiful for the indwelling of the Blessed...
  4. An0dyne

    The Evangelical Faith

    This is a fitting thread for you to be in, as we swim in thee same waters. The struggle is real. I have done a lot of study on the loss of traditional Evangelical-Lutheran worship in American ‘Lutheranism’ due to mimicking other sects and grasping at CoWo (which is always dated by the time it’s...
  5. An0dyne


    I recently read Disillusioned: Why I Left the Eastern Orthodox Priesthood and Church by Joshua Schooping. As someone who has been very sympathetic to EO, and has even considered joining, this book has given much to think about. I appreciate its fairness to classical Protestantism and the...
  6. An0dyne

    Discussing Hell and Eternal Damnation

    Just as we are born into corruption by first Adam, so the faithful are born again into life by the Second Adam. Just as in first Adam all die (the proof in the pudding), so through Second Adam all will be made alive. This gets to the heart of the OP. God created man for life. Life is the...
  7. An0dyne

    Facebook Ads

    These are different contexts than yours, but I have frequently used Facebook marketing for two separate organizations (one was a company I owned in the entertainment industry, the other is a non-profit Christian organization…actually, I think I used it once for my church, too). The waning use of...
  8. An0dyne

    Hugging your dad

    My dad and brothers (even the dog got in on it) got in a physical altercation the morning of my wedding. It was over something stupid and failure to properly communicate that resulted in hurt feelings. That was a very stressful day obviously and I was quite upset that they would set the tone of...
  9. An0dyne

    Get plastics out of your body and the body of anyone you care about

    can also confirm. Had the same problems as you. Started using baking soda when Roosh recommended it and have never looked back.
  10. An0dyne

    Happy Thanksgiving

    A Blessed Thanksgiving to all. Maybe throw in a Day of Humiliation and Prayer too tomorrow or next week!
  11. An0dyne

    Hugging your dad

    Thank you. It has been a rough day. I was thinking about my words in this thread and just thought it was quite a coincidence. I did hug him between the post and his death, at least, but it does not feel like enough!
  12. An0dyne

    Hugging your dad

    He passed away unexpectedly.
  13. An0dyne

    Hugging your dad

    I wish I had taken my own advice more seriously, gents. Go hug your dad.
  14. An0dyne

    Interesting recent visit to a church

    I would be fascinated to hear that story.
  15. An0dyne

    2024 Election Lounge

    I think the situation warrants a more radical solution than bending the knee, yet again, to liberal policy. The problem with Republicans is that they don’t have what it takes to engage in that kind of politics. Scorched earth, no-holds-barred. Red state legislatures should be impeaching and...
  16. An0dyne

    Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

    This thread as mushroom clouds dot the abnormally brightened horizon.
  17. An0dyne

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    Thank you for your measured takes, as always. I am glad you are here. Feel free not to answer this, as it may be fruitless to do so. What do you think the outcome will be of all of this? Do you think we’re on the brink of something catastrophic, or will this likely be contained regionally? I...
  18. An0dyne


    On the Ecclesiastical Mystagogy by St. Maximus the Confessor. It was timely for Reformation as he was sort of a “Here I Stand” martyr in his day (he lost his writing hand and his tongue for it). The book exposits the deeper meaning of worship beyond function and symbol. Especially in...
  19. An0dyne

    The Evangelical Faith

    Yes. To build off my last thought with your thought—just as the Triune God presided over the primordial waters of creation, He presides over the waters of Baptism and recreates us in His image.
  20. An0dyne

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    Link for those interested: I found this very interesting as well. The shows he’s been on and the choice of topics on his own show have been very calculated. He’s trying to appeal to a very wide audience while simultaneously calling out the upper power structures (sometimes by name, a la that...