The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

This looming debacle for Israel demonstrates again that demographics are destiny.

Supposed secular support for Israel is going to be increasingly ephemeral as we move forward, both in Israel and the US/Europe. The secular Jews of old, the ones who built modern Israel far more than the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox, or the 1990s- post-Soviet immigrants, are not anywhere close to many or most secular Jews today.

Plus, when your biggest breeding bloc is comprised of Jews who don’t wish to be in the military (ultra-Orthodox), Israel, surrounded by enemies, effectively depends on ~30-35% of the voting population to keep it afloat as an entity. And even many of these claim to be secular or moderately, sometimes very religious pro-military conservative types yet maintain views inconsistent with the survival of Israel long-term.

One of the reasons why I have been a relative naysayer about the views on Jewish control expressed on RVF and now here is that agendas like the globalhomo one are readily found in Israel as well. It’s a poison they are drinking nearly or as much as Westerners in our home countries. Israel’s drinking of it is even worse given its immediate, ongoing position.

Tel Aviv is one of the gayest places in the world, for instance.

Even Netanyahu, head of the supposedly “most rightwing ever” Israeli government, openly supports gay rights.

Israel’s advantage over the Palestinians could only go so far with the massive Arab populations around it, plus the constantly replenishing Palestinian population in Gaza and the West Bank (and somewhat accelerating proportion of Arab Israelis).

When your own Jewish population has growing numbers who hate themselves (like the Queers for Palestine masochists) and espouse anti-family, anti-natalist positions on sexual relations and abortion etc., expect catastrophe even without a sudden crisis like October 7.
I completely agree.

I went to Israel on a visit to the Holy Land in April with my wife and what we saw there surprised/shocked us. I had been there also about 10 years ago as a university student, but things were either much better back then, or I just wasn't as perceptive.

In Tel Aviv, in many parts of the city 80% of the people you'll see are black/brown and don't speak Hebrew.

Huge parts of the country (like Nazareth and certain districts in Jerusalem) are almost 100% Arab.

The IDF at checkpoints were often black/brown females with long fake nails, dread locks, and were literally scrolling their phones on Instagram while holding machine guns as they check your identification.

It didn't strike me as a strong or healthy society. It looked like demographically it was being taken over. Very similar or almost identical to what you see in many parts of America.
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I propose we change the sub-forum from "Israel-Hamas War" to "Israel-(((Hamas))) War".
This is Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, one of the founders of Hamas and its former Ahmed_Yassin.webpspiritual leader. When he was a teenager Yassin was ethnically cleansed from his homeland around Ashkelon (1948), together with his family. He fled to Gaza where he became quadriplegic through an accident. He and his family were dirt poor and Yassin became active in Muslim Brotherhood circles eventually founding Hamas with fellow university students. Yassin was a hardliner who supported suicide bombings but was in favor of Palestinian unity. He survived two assassination attempts but was killed in the third attempt (2004) when an Israeli Apache fired a missile at him in front of his mosque.


This is Ismael Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas. He was born in a refugee camp, and his parents had like Yassin been ethnically cleansed from the Ashkelon region. In 2003 he survived an assassination attempt (missile) by the IAF. He was injured but fully recovered. Haniyeh has lived in exile ever since, travelling between Qatar and Iran.

On 17 October the IAF struck the Haniyeh family compound in the Gaza Strip. 14 of his family members died, including several of his siblings and allegedly some of his children.

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This is the Hamas politburo. Out of its 20 members at least 4 have been killed since October 7 (maybe more, list is not up to date).

This is Mohammed Deif, the leader of the al Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas. Mohammed Deif was born in the Khan Yunus refugee camp and his family was ethnically cleansed from the area near Ramallah. Deif became the head of al Qassam after its previous leader Shehade was assassinated. Under his auspices during the Second Intifada suicide bombings became common. After the Hamas takeover in 2006 he started the missile program. He is the mastermind behind October 7.

Deif has not been seen nor photographed in public since 1989, and lives in safe houses/ tunnels. He survived seven assassination attempts. As a result of the attempts he misses his legs, an eye and an arm. In the 2014 attempt on Deif's life his wife and three children were killed.

Just some examples.

These people's dedication and sacrifice (whether you agree with them or not) speaks for itself. What evidence do you have of the opposite? With the emphasis on evidence.

Reality is that Israel is at its weakest point in the last 50 years. Due to all the polarization it's tearing at the seams from within. It has lost its fighting spirit, and it's military dominance over what are at best ideological-religiously inspired militias has eroded. It has missiles pointed at it from all directions. Its main backer is in gradual decline -and is for the first time in 25 years looking to get the conflict contained to the Gaza Strip. Social media and changing demographics have made a big dent in Israel's traditional support base in the West, and made them lose most of the Global South.

It's an existential fight for Israel. If they don't achieve their military objectives in Gaza or overplay their hand on the diplomatic stage it could set the stage for the beginning of the end. But of course blackpillers will blackpill and say that this is 'part of the plan'.
It's an existential fight for Israel. If they don't achieve their military objectives in Gaza or overplay their hand on the diplomatic stage it could set the stage for the beginning of the end. But of course blackpillers will blackpill and say that this is 'part of the plan'.
Thank you for your measured takes, as always. I am glad you are here.

Feel free not to answer this, as it may be fruitless to do so. What do you think the outcome will be of all of this? Do you think we’re on the brink of something catastrophic, or will this likely be contained regionally? I ask this specifically because, if Israel/Netanyahu does feel existentially threatened…does the so-called “Samson option” become a likely scenario?
Thank you for your measured takes, as always. I am glad you are here.

Feel free not to answer this, as it may be fruitless to do so. What do you think the outcome will be of all of this? Do you think we’re on the brink of something catastrophic, or will this likely be contained regionally? I ask this specifically because, if Israel/Netanyahu does feel existentially threatened…does the so-called “Samson option” become a likely scenario?
I just want to step in an answer this...

I don't think the Samson option is really an option anymore, it was a way to hold European leaders hostage to their demands 40 years ago. Now that Europe is being overrun by the third world and they already give Israel all that they have, it doesn't give Israel any additional power or influence over the region. Will they nuke the region if they are going to lose anyway? I doubt it.

With that said, I think Israel's plan was to abandon the west/USA, due to knowing demographic changes would destroy them from within and move on to China. Xi Jinping has put a stop to that, for the time being, and so far they are very cornered. I guarantee they are working overtime to secure a new attack dog, whether in Russia, China or India, and the only way they can do it is with new leadership in one of those countries and manipulation of one of those leaders.

Israel knows the USA is not in the best shape and they are very fearful of this spreading further. At the same time, they are fearful of losing more of their men, because this operation is already turning sour on their own people, and it isn't as popular as it was a few weeks ago.

The people in charge of Israel, currently, have a blood lust, but it isn't supported by a lot of the people in Israel and it is growing more unpopular there among the young people who will be called up to fight in this and their parents.

I think eventually Israel has to bend the knee, offer a cease fire, let the Palestinians back into the Gaza strip, and then claim a win, the whole time deep down knowing they are on borrowed time without a new attack dog.
More close quarters fighting footage. Just looking at this video and others comparing it to footage I seen from battles like Fallujah, Mosul, Siege of Marawi, soldiers were on foot mostly. Armor and vehicles were held back unless they were being brought up to provide support. This footage is reminding me of the Battle of Grozny in the first Chechen War, units unorganized and being just thrown in haphazardly.

Thank you for your measured takes, as always. I am glad you are here.

Feel free not to answer this, as it may be fruitless to do so. What do you think the outcome will be of all of this? Do you think we’re on the brink of something catastrophic, or will this likely be contained regionally? I ask this specifically because, if Israel/Netanyahu does feel existentially threatened…does the so-called “Samson option” become a likely scenario?
The Sampson Option is likely not the biggest threat to this escalating to a much larger scale.

There is almost no doubt that if Israel continues on its path, Hezbollah is going to enter the fight in a big way. When this happens, the real question is how will Israel and the US respond? Hezbollah is likely capable of defeating the Israeli military--a real possibility that happened in 2000 and 2006 when Hezbollah forced the Israelis out of southern Lebanon--but to do so they will have support from Iran and Syria. Hezbollah has only gotten stronger since 2006, while the Israelis have only gotten weaker.

If Israel and the US decide to conduct heavy air and missile strikes against Iran and Syria in retaliation, this could escalate things considerably, and very rapidly. For one, Iran will respond by likely attacking the US military and their hosts in the Gulf Region (this includes Bahrain, The UAE, those glass houses in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, etc). Iran will also launch a huge barrage of missiles at Israel as well. Moreover, Syria is a close ally of Russia, and Russia needs Syria to maintain its presence on the Mediterranean Sea. If Syria (which is a state supporter of Hezbollah) becomes under threat by the US, then Russia may decide it has to intervene, especially considering that there is already heavy Russian military presence there and their own troops will likely be under threat. This would put the US military and the Russian military in direct combat (as opposed to by proxy like now). This is extremely dangerous--especially for Europe.

In addition, Turkey (the 2nd strongest military in NATO) is threatening to intervene on behalf of the Palestinians, its government is openly accusing Israel of war crimes, and if the widespread killing of Muslims continues then the Turks may decide that they have to intervene in order to claim their internalized identity as the leaders of the Muslim world. Muslims see themselves as apart of one community with one destiny to conquer the world, the "Ummah". What does this mean for NATO? If Israel is at war with a NATO country, wouldn't the US be obligated to come to this NATO country's defense against America's "greatest ally" Israel (obviously, we know this wouldn't happen, but the result could be that NATO is shown to be a complete sham and falls apart).

Both World War I and World War II started as much smaller regional wars. Let us pray that this small regional war doesn't escalate and that cooler heads prevail in a time when basically every "world leader" except Putin seems to act purely out of undisciplined emotion.

Well it looks like we've finally reached a true 'unite against the 1%' moment for the left and right that has some clarity to it. Even Muslims and Christians are finding common ground.

Of course we still have our differences, but I can't recall anything in my lifetime of 30ish years where we've united these groups like this, especially in such an extremely divisive time in our history.

Maybe we should revisit January 6th again in 2024. Perhaps it would be more fruitful with this newfound comraderie.
More close quarters fighting footage. Just looking at this video and others comparing it to footage I seen from battles like Fallujah, Mosul, Siege of Marawi, soldiers were on foot mostly. Armor and vehicles were held back unless they were being brought up to provide support. This footage is reminding me of the Battle of Grozny in the first Chechen War, units unorganized and being just thrown in haphazardly.

Watching this compilation I get the feeling that the IDF is lying about its casualty numbers. They want to portray the image of victory - eliminating large numbers of enemies whilst hardly suffering any casualties themselves. In 2006 they were open about their casualty numbers in Lebanon, and it was counterproductive. When Hezbollah killed 40 IDF soldiers in Bint Jbeil public opinion turned against the invasion and eventually an armistice was signed.

So far the official IDF casualty number of the ground offensive stands at 28. 13 of those died in an Nimr APC explosion.

As an example there is this grenade-quadcopter strike. A Hamas grenade exploded within 2-5 meters from at least 6 IDF soldiers. Some of them instantly dropped and remained on the ground lifelessly. But it didn't show up in the official numbers of that day.

Also I noticed there haven't been any map releases since 48 hours, meaning that IDF advances have come to a halt?
In addition, Turkey (the 2nd strongest military in NATO) is threatening to intervene on behalf of the Palestinians, its government is openly accusing Israel of war crimes, and if the widespread killing of Muslims continues then the Turks may decide that they have to intervene in order to claim their internalized identity as the leaders of the Muslim world. Muslims see themselves as apart of one community with one destiny to conquer the world, the "Ummah". What does this mean for NATO? If Israel is at war with a NATO country, wouldn't the US be obligated to come to this NATO country's defense against America's "greatest ally" Israel (obviously, we know this wouldn't happen, but the result could be that NATO is shown to be a complete sham and falls apart).
NATO Article 5 is a defensive pact. Turkey cannot initiate military action against Israel and expect the rest of NATO to back them up. Turkey could initiate a false flag 'Israeli' attack against themselves, but there is zero chance the US would allow NATO to fall for it.

The one and only time in history that NATO invoked Article 5 was when Israel demolished the Twin Towers on 9/11. Arabs got the blame and NATO attacked Arab Nations.

Article 5

“The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.”

This article is complemented by Article 6, which stipulates:

Article 61

“For the purpose of Article 5, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack:

  • on the territory of any of the Parties in Europe or North America, on the Algerian Departments of France 2, on the territory of Turkey or on the Islands under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties in the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer;
  • on the forces, vessels, or aircraft of any of the Parties, when in or over these territories or any other area in Europe in which occupation forces of any of the Parties were stationed on the date when the Treaty entered into force or the Mediterranean Sea or the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer.”

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This video from six months back covers the Israeli propaganda culture of Hasbara, 'explaining', or lying about everything. It shows many of the same tactics being employed now. The Israeli media do not trust anything the military says, but Western outlets have no such issues. There is much detail on the use of thousands of IDF shills posting online as civilians.

It is very strange, as there are other right-wing policies, like blocking pornography sites and no immigration for non-Jews.

It must come down to optics and controlling media narratives. The porn ban and immigration policy can be concealed, whilst cracking down on Pride and gay rights could be impossible to keep out of world media. Appearing to be progressive must be more important to them than the dip in birth rates.
It’s a bit simpler than that. Jews are very good at helping each other/protecting each other.

They also seem to openly promote globo Homo propaganda, it seems to originate from Israel. Israel is full of Jews, gays and pedophiles.
Scott Ritter is correct. There is no reason for Hezbollah to declare war, Hamas will make the war hell on earth for the accountants and other white color professionals that were plucked off the streets and forced to fight for Israel. At the same time, Hezbollah can take pot shots at Israel and yet still keep the USA on the sidelines.

This is Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, one of the founders of Hamas and its former View attachment 849spiritual leader. When he was a teenager Yassin was ethnically cleansed from his homeland around Ashkelon (1948), together with his family. He fled to Gaza where he became quadriplegic through an accident. He and his family were dirt poor and Yassin became active in Muslim Brotherhood circles eventually founding Hamas with fellow university students. Yassin was a hardliner who supported suicide bombings but was in favor of Palestinian unity. He survived two assassination attempts but was killed in the third attempt (2004) when an Israeli Apache fired a missile at him in front of his mosque.

View attachment 850

This is Ismael Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas. He was born in a refugee camp, and his parents had like Yassin been ethnically cleansed from the Ashkelon region. In 2003 he survived an assassination attempt (missile) by the IAF. He was injured but fully recovered. Haniyeh has lived in exile ever since, travelling between Qatar and Iran.

On 17 October the IAF struck the Haniyeh family compound in the Gaza Strip. 14 of his family members died, including several of his siblings and allegedly some of his children.

View attachment 851
This is the Hamas politburo. Out of its 20 members at least 4 have been killed since October 7 (maybe more, list is not up to date).

View attachment 852
This is Mohammed Deif, the leader of the al Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas. Mohammed Deif was born in the Khan Yunus refugee camp and his family was ethnically cleansed from the area near Ramallah. Deif became the head of al Qassam after its previous leader Shehade was assassinated. Under his auspices during the Second Intifada suicide bombings became common. After the Hamas takeover in 2006 he started the missile program. He is the mastermind behind October 7.

Deif has not been seen nor photographed in public since 1989, and lives in safe houses/ tunnels. He survived seven assassination attempts. As a result of the attempts he misses his legs, an eye and an arm. In the 2014 attempt on Deif's life his wife and three children were killed.

Just some examples.

These people's dedication and sacrifice (whether you agree with them or not) speaks for itself. What evidence do you have of the opposite? With the emphasis on evidence.

Reality is that Israel is at its weakest point in the last 50 years. Due to all the polarization it's tearing at the seams from within. It has lost its fighting spirit, and it's military dominance over what are at best ideological-religiously inspired militias has eroded. It has missiles pointed at it from all directions. Its main backer is in gradual decline -and is for the first time in 25 years looking to get the conflict contained to the Gaza Strip. Social media and changing demographics have made a big dent in Israel's traditional support base in the West, and made them lose most of the Global South.

It's an existential fight for Israel. If they don't achieve their military objectives in Gaza or overplay their hand on the diplomatic stage it could set the stage for the beginning of the end. But of course blackpillers will blackpill and say that this is 'part of the plan'.
Good information. Glad to see you're back. I didn't mean my comment in a disparaging way, just how it is a dialectic at this point and nothing Hamas does can ever outmaneuver the situation they've been pigeonholed into, without serious external assistance against the IDF. I don't believe they are controlled by Israel or actually jewish themselves. The demographics have changed, but like you said, their missiles are pointed in every direction. We all know these zionists are willing to burn the entire world rather than risk losing one square meter of their occupied land.

I don't mean to put down the sacrifices of the men of the muslim brotherhood against this beast. But all of us exposing the truth must eventually seek a reconquista of the hegelian dialectic away from the enemy of God and thus the enemy of every single race and nation on this earth.