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  1. clarencesd

    2024 Election Lounge

    It is in Jill Biden's best interest that Gavin Newsom becomes the democratic candidate. And with the usual amount of cheating, Newsom is going to win easily. I wish i could come to another conclusion, but this seems to be the most likely outcome.
  2. clarencesd

    Donald Trump

    Message of support from John Voight:
  3. clarencesd

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    Those mRNA vaccines are tricky to manufacture and there was a lot of cheating going on. People paid off physicians or forged vaccination certificates. If we assume that a third of the population in western countries have the poison running through their veins then i would estimate that we will...
  4. clarencesd

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Slovakia also refused to sign the new WHO agreements. That is probably the bigger violation of the globalists agenda.
  5. clarencesd

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    Well said. Let's also not forget that about two thirds of women in western countries have received mRNA or vector vaccines. This is something that noone will really be able to erase from their bodies and souls.
  6. clarencesd

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Now this is really huge: Kraken is going to leave Germany effective July 10th and the successor company DLT Finance is not going to support Monero. https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/kraken-powered-by-dlt-finance-asset-support
  7. clarencesd

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    UK Law Enforcement will be allowed to "destroy" seized privacy coins:
  8. clarencesd

    Elon Musk Thread

    I have mixed feelings about Elon Musk but this tweet made me lol:
  9. clarencesd

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Kraken is going to delist Monero for customers in Belgium and Ireland on June 10th: https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/notice-of-asset-delisting-in-ireland-and-belgium-for-monero-xmr
  10. clarencesd

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Cryptocurrency exchange Kucoin is in trouble: https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/03/26/crypto-exchange-kucoin-violated-anti-money-laundering-laws-us-charges/
  11. clarencesd

    Current Events in Russia

    The Brits and the Americans apparently knew that something big was going to happen:
  12. clarencesd

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    You got injured fighting for your semite president? Don't worry because this will get you an evening with an actress of the semite controlled adult entertainment industry:
  13. clarencesd

    What Supplements Do You Take?

    @Mikhail: Did you take the Ashwagandha as pills or as powder?
  14. clarencesd

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Kraken has just started to require users to verify the wallets to which they withdraw: https://crypto.news/kraken-started-requiring-users-from-uk-to-verify-their-self-custodial-crypto-wallets/
  15. clarencesd

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Former Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao will be sentenced on April 30th: https://hachyderm.io/@molly0xfff/111921205778176739
  16. clarencesd

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Binance will delist Monero in two weeks: https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/binance-will-delist-ant-multi-vai-xmr-on-2024-02-20-f73b083ba6834771b07dbe5319917ae5
  17. clarencesd

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Tether has just printed another billion:
  18. clarencesd

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    OKX is going to delist XMR. It may not be the most significant exchange, but the globalists most definitely don't want the slaves to own monero: https://www.okx.com/help/okx-to-delist-several-spot-trading-pairs-12-29
  19. clarencesd

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    The type of posting that gets you banned at r/Bitcoin:
  20. clarencesd

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Russian administration and jurisdiction over Odessa(or something to that effect) is going to be a condition of a peace treaty. Mark my words, gentlemen.