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COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

If it killed 50% I would be surprised because so far the strategy of the elites has been to boil the frog slowly. By doing something too extreme they could create pushback and rebellion. Its far safer for them to boil the frog slowly over 100 year than to take huge risks trying to achieve everything in 10 years.

But how can they boil the frog slowly when they believe the earth is about to be raped of all it's natural resources? They need to save us from ecological collapse (or so they believe).
Thanks to God, I haven't taken that poison because I smelled a rat in February 2020. Unfortunately some people that I know got affected: one of my friend's dad passed away in 2021 weeks after taking the Sinovac poison and another friend (a friendship that dated back since 2005) passed away in August 2021 after taking the Pfizer poison.

Regarding my friend, It was very sad to visit him and seeing his gravestone. But the painful thing about his death was that he had a very promising career, he started a fledging company using knowledge acquired thru the trades and even his company employed some people whose families depended on that company.
If it killed 50% I would be surprised because so far the strategy of the elites has been to boil the frog slowly. By doing something too extreme they could create pushback and rebellion. Its far safer for them to boil the frog slowly over 100 year than to take huge risks trying to achieve everything in 10 years.
Yes, but he's saying a substantial portion over some time period - you all would have to agree on that time period. My feeling is that within 10 years, from all factors, world population will conservatively decrease 30%.
Yes, but he's saying a substantial portion over some time period - you all would have to agree on that time period. My feeling is that within 10 years, from all factors, world population will conservatively decrease 30%.
That would be an unprecedented event in human history if it happened.

Most likely it will be the case that a lot of people will die a little sooner from health complications (caused by the vaccine) and less people will have children due to vaccine induced infertility. But this is something that will gradually drip into the numbers of multiple decades.

If what you said happened with a 30% population drop then it would be extremely visible what they have done and there would be no plausible
Deniability. There could be a severe rebellion/uprising against the elites if that were to occur.

The world population is simply too high for war related deaths to make much of a dent these days unless nuclear war breaks out. And for them to create a new virus deadly enough to kill that many people without killing themselves would also be difficult.
The COVID vax is evil poison and I have not taken it as its obviously poison but I think some people on this forum exaggerate the negative effects of the vax. Sure it has negative long-term side effects for a percentage of the population (hard to say exactly but perhaps 3- 5% of people that took the vax will eventually get screwed up by it). But some people on this forum act as if 100% of people who took the vax will eventually die from it or if they don't die they will pass on inferior genes to their children. I think this assessment is a little exaggerated.

I'm glad not everything sucks and that you finally start seeing things optimistically! Good job!

Good Times Reaction GIF

Would you suggest creating vax positivity lounge?
But how can they boil the frog slowly when they believe the earth is about to be raped of all it's natural resources? They need to save us from ecological collapse (or so they believe).
Do they really believe that or is it just the the excuse they push onto the public to get public buy in for their agenda?
Do they really believe that or is it just the the excuse they push onto the public to get public buy in for their agenda?

If they didn't believe it, why would they be going for control of the world's resources via war through Russia, as well as shutting down the Keystone pipeline into Canada (to prevent extraction of the oil there), and push hard for 'renewables'? Why would they encourage no children and abortion, and the LGBT agenda, if they did not believe in ecocide?
Maybe they think they won't need as many workers (i.e. humans) after the AI revolution is complete and that by itself is reason enough to cull the population. After all its easier to exert control over a smaller population than a larger population and they have always wanted to control humanity.
Maybe they think they won't need as many workers (i.e. humans) after the AI revolution is complete and that by itself is reason enough to cull the population. After all its easier to exert control over a smaller population than a larger population and they have always wanted to control humanity.

Fixed it for you.

Whatever the reasons for the cull, we all agree they want a cull.
Yes, but he's saying a substantial portion over some time period - you all would have to agree on that time period. My feeling is that within 10 years, from all factors, world population will conservatively decrease 30%.

Those mRNA vaccines are tricky to manufacture and there was a lot of cheating going on.
People paid off physicians or forged vaccination certificates.
If we assume that a third of the population in western countries have the poison running through their veins then i would estimate that we will see a population reduction of about ten percent within the next fifteen years.
Those mRNA vaccines are tricky to manufacture and there was a lot of cheating going on.
People paid off physicians or forged vaccination certificates.
If we assume that a third of the population in western countries have the poison running through their veins then i would estimate that we will see a population reduction of about ten percent within the next fifteen years.
Yes, we must take into account the fact that there is a large % scenario where people didn't [effectively] actually take the jab as much as was claimed. It probably is around 30-40% and a lot of those people are old and "were going to die anyway."
I really hope that those of you who see the future of vaxed population optimistically are right.

Because if voices like Geert Vanden Bossche are right and the bodies of vaxed people wouldn't be able to survive the next mass reinfection or disease, whatever it would be, otherwise survivable for people with no damaged immunity, then it is hard to imagine the world after.

Also from a purely survival view, it would be a catastrophe for us unvaxed.

Even if such an event would pass "peacefully" the sudden disappearance of normies causes you will stick out like a sore thumb in the new brave world. No more invisible gray man.

In that world, there would be only three groups. You, Elite, and a large group of unvaxxed 3rd world immigrants.
All good, obedient, tax-paying citizens will be gone.

That means lights out, and empty shelves. The economy as we knew it, ceases to exist.

Not exactly an ideal place to live a quiet Christian life with plans to have a family.
I really hope that those of you who see the future of vaxed population optimistically are right.

Because if voices like Geert Vanden Bossche are right and the bodies of vaxed people wouldn't be able to survive the next mass reinfection or disease, whatever it would be, otherwise survivable for people with no damaged immunity, then it is hard to imagine the world after.

Also from a purely survival view, it would be a catastrophe for us unvaxed.

Even if such an event would pass "peacefully" the sudden disappearance of normies causes you will stick out like a sore thumb in the new brave world. No more invisible gray man.

In that world, there would be only three groups. You, Elite, and a large group of unvaxxed 3rd world immigrants.
All good, obedient, tax-paying citizens will be gone.

That means lights out, and empty shelves. The economy as we knew it, ceases to exist.

Not exactly an ideal place to live a quiet Christian life with plans to have a family.
You can't rely on 3rd world migrants to run and maintain the literal and figurative machinery that keeps civil society humming. Most of these people can't grow a crop, do plumbing, electricity, supply-chain logistics, be firemen etc. Society would collapse if there isn't enough skilled labor around. People who show up just seeking handouts are not going to suddenly turn into engineers, scientists, doctors, or mechanics.
Fast forward to lock downs and me having more time to dig deeper into all the messaging, and also seeing the evolution of ideas back on RVF. Around June/July of 2020, I concluded that it was all a show. At that point, all my friends, family, coworkers who couldn't care less in February and March, were in full on panic mode: double masking, wearing face visors, wearing gloves, and looking forward to a vaccine. Of course, at that point I was now trying to talk them out of it, but to no avail. The damage was done. I eventually ended up losing friends and some extended family relationships due to my position of being against the vaccine.
I don’t know what country you’re in but in the US we had massive riots in late May / early June. But it was ok according to the authorities. Lots of people gathered, getting in peoples faces, and no massive death tolls. To me that was the moment where I was like yeah, this is BS.
I really hope that those of you who see the future of vaxed population optimistically are right.

Because if voices like Geert Vanden Bossche are right and the bodies of vaxed people wouldn't be able to survive the next mass reinfection or disease, whatever it would be, otherwise survivable for people with no damaged immunity, then it is hard to imagine the world after.

Also from a purely survival view, it would be a catastrophe for us unvaxed.

Even if such an event would pass "peacefully" the sudden disappearance of normies causes you will stick out like a sore thumb in the new brave world. No more invisible gray man.

In that world, there would be only three groups. You, Elite, and a large group of unvaxxed 3rd world immigrants.
All good, obedient, tax-paying citizens will be gone.

That means lights out, and empty shelves. The economy as we knew it, ceases to exist.

Not exactly an ideal place to live a quiet Christian life with plans to have a family.

I really hope that those of you who see the future of vaxed population optimistically are right.

Because if voices like Geert Vanden Bossche are right and the bodies of vaxed people wouldn't be able to survive the next mass reinfection or disease, whatever it would be, otherwise survivable for people with no damaged immunity, then it is hard to imagine the world after.

Also from a purely survival view, it would be a catastrophe for us unvaxed.

Even if such an event would pass "peacefully" the sudden disappearance of normies causes you will stick out like a sore thumb in the new brave world. No more invisible gray man.

In that world, there would be only three groups. You, Elite, and a large group of unvaxxed 3rd world immigrants.
All good, obedient, tax-paying citizens will be gone.

That means lights out, and empty shelves. The economy as we knew it, ceases to exist.

Not exactly an ideal place to live a quiet Christian life with plans to have a family.
It won't work out exactly like that, since there are always places you can go, but it is true that it won't be easy.

This is yet another reason why BTC is so, so important.
I don’t know what country you’re in but in the US we had massive riots in late May / early June. But it was ok according to the authorities. Lots of people gathered, getting in peoples faces, and no massive death tolls. To me that was the moment where I was like yeah, this is BS.
I have to compile a list of these realities, since I tell people all the time that conspiracy theories aren't theories, they were proven to be facts, and within even a small amount of time over the last few years (sometimes only days or weeks showed they were all what we thought they were). Is there any compilation of all the lies and BS that we called out that turned out to be exactly as we said it was?