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Search results

  1. Jeremiah Branch

    Troubles in the Greek Church

    Orthodoxy could be summed up as Anachronism: being at odds with the times. The idea that this is some kind of criticism of Orthodoxy is absurd and betrays a fundamental disconnect with the Orthodox mind.
  2. Jeremiah Branch

    Friendly GOC or based ROCOR?

    The challenges to entering a parish, for whatever reason, can function as test of your own faith, humility and conviction. If anything, I find the relative lack of overt evangelical enthusiasm at some churches to be a selling point: They are not trying to "get you in the door"; rather, they...
  3. Jeremiah Branch

    Daily Stormer & Andrew Anglin Thread

  4. Jeremiah Branch

    Lent 2024

    I would say don't overthink it in either direction. Namely, as your default, do not have any oil (of any kind) or any alcohol. That's the spirit of the fast. But don't overthink in the other direction: If you have some rice and beans at a restaurant as your only option, I wouldn't obsess...
  5. Jeremiah Branch

    Orthodox Memes, Pics, and Videos to Inspire

    This guy’s life story is amazing. Highly recommend this interview. (I call it an interview even though he’s only asked one question, and that’s all he needs to get going through to the end.)
  6. Jeremiah Branch

    Need Help Responding to Attack on our Faith

    Ah, interesting. I took the footnote in the Theophylact commentary at face value without looking into it further. The guy in the video does make the point that the Septuagint may have been relying on yet another ancient Hebrew version (not the DSS version) which did have the Hebrew word virgin...
  7. Jeremiah Branch

    Need Help Responding to Attack on our Faith

    [UPDATE: Note that the statement below that the Dead Sea Scrolls has the word "virgin" appears to be incorrect. I am leaving my comment as is, but please note that when reading it. The other points made here still hold.] The Septuagint is the translation used by the Orthodox church. Also...
  8. Jeremiah Branch

    Lent 2024

    Very solid and informative interview with Fr. John Whiteford about all things Lent. He covers fasting, services, prayer, almsgiving, and includes a lot of practical advice for laypeople. The only question I wish had been asked was about shellfish during Lent. Fr. John definitely implies that...
  9. Jeremiah Branch

    Need Help Responding to Attack on our Faith

    There are different bases for faith, and the strength of those bases varies. Speaking for myself, when I was earlier in my journey, getting to the bottom of specific factual claims was extremely important, and if some fact or other had not had a solid enough foundation for me, that would have...
  10. Jeremiah Branch

    Christian Masculinity

    This Orthodox priest has some good and fairly succinct videos on the topic. Worth checking out for those interested in the topic of this thread.
  11. Jeremiah Branch

    Jordan Peterson Thread

    That's very interesting, and telling, background on the situation. I am going to be less charitable than you are, however. "he's just another guy like any of us grappling with this stuff." See, my issue is that I just don't think that statement is correct. Yeah, I know we can never know...
  12. Jeremiah Branch


    Practices vary but I know that for some traditions, shellfish (invertebrae seafood) falls outside of all of the restricted categories because there is no blood, i.e. it may always be eaten as a fasting food. So that's one possible approach. As for your question on fish (vertebrae seafood)...
  13. Jeremiah Branch

    Jordan Peterson Thread

    Never fell for JP's schtick. Read Vox Day's book on him early on, and it was spot on. This kind of behavior also confirms what is maybe obvious to some: He has some kind of narcissistic personality disorder. Everything needs to be about him and his view of himself as some kind of suffering...
  14. Jeremiah Branch

    Did Pope Francis Allow Priests to Bless Same-Sex Relationships?

  15. Jeremiah Branch

    Intro Thread for Orthodox Catechumens

    Only a catechumen myself, but I'll take a stab at the few of these that I can answer. 1. Saint John Climacus' Ladder of Divine Ascent. If your priest recommends it, I would go ahead and read it. My priest has never opposed my reading things like that, and even appreciates the seriousness that...
  16. Jeremiah Branch

    Orthodox News

    I'm sure most people saw this news. I also read that Orthodox priests in Greece are, strictly speaking, state employees. This will be a huge test of the faith in Greece, and I pray that the clergy (and faithful) will find the strength to resist this even if it means suffering for it...
  17. Jeremiah Branch

    That Jesus Ad

    "The faithful remnant of Christians in the last days, as our Lord has told us, will be very small; the vast majority of those who call themselves Christians will welcome Antichrist as the Messiah ... those who are not true Orthodox Christians belong to the "new Christianity," the "Christianity"...
  18. Jeremiah Branch

    That Jesus Ad

    "Relevant Christianity" simply isn't Christianity. It is, in fact, the opposite of Christianity. "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of...
  19. Jeremiah Branch

    Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

    While "based" and conservative views will flow from an honest Christianity, that is not its purpose, its motivation or its goal. A highly politicized and a highly emotional / passionate Christianity is something that is always suspect in my view. Christianity is about theosis, love, humility...
  20. Jeremiah Branch

    Content Creators for Orthodoxy

    The link below is to a video from a relatively recently established Youtube channel of a former Roman Catholic monk from Ireland, who converted to Orthodoxy. The primary content is clear from the channel name: Christian Ascetical Books. The linked video is a brief explanation of his journey...