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Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

It's a fair assessment, but it reminds me of the following passage from Mark:

"Teacher," said John, "we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us."

"Do not stop him," Jesus said. "For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us."

Thus, I do not have a problem with this man, I think he is very inspiring. To call him demonic is beyond reasonable
It doesn't matter if he says some based stuff, he is a heretic. As far as I understand it he is not even in communion with anyone, he is a rogue "bishop". We should not give him our views or attention. There are plenty of people who are based, and are not espousing heresy. Fr. Spyridon Bailey is legit based, and he does not espouse heresy.

The enemy will say plenty of "based" stuff to get our attention and lead us astray.
It's a fair assessment, but it reminds me of the following passage from Mark:

"Teacher," said John, "we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us."

"Do not stop him," Jesus said. "For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us."

Thus, I do not have a problem with this man, I think he is very inspiring. To call him demonic is beyond reasonable

He denies that Mary is the Theotokos.
If he professes that Christology, and I would let him speak for himself, than yes he is heretical. That means we can't be in communion with him. Since he is part, or was, part of the Assyrian Church of the East, it is a fact that we are NOT in communion with him already.

As for his witness to Christ, he will answer for that on the last day, as we all will.
"saint Nestorius"
He is a mouthpiece for demons.

People should not defend him just because he said some stuff about COVID that was on point. Demons will say things that we will nod in agreement to and then they will smuggle in poison behind them.

This man is a heretic, he dishonours Christ and the Theotokos, he dishonours all the Saints and Holy Fathers who laboured against the poison of Nestorianism, he is not a bishop, not even by the standards of his own lineage.
While "based" and conservative views will flow from an honest Christianity, that is not its purpose, its motivation or its goal. A highly politicized and a highly emotional / passionate Christianity is something that is always suspect in my view. Christianity is about theosis, love, humility, salvation, personal holiness and closeness to God. There is a time and a place for men of the church to condescend to make political statements, but a constantly polemical Christianity that is always about This World is not the real thing.
He is a mouthpiece for demons.

People should not defend him just because he said some stuff about COVID that was on point. Demons will say things that we will nod in agreement to and then they will smuggle in poison behind them.

This man is a heretic, he dishonours Christ and the Theotokos, he dishonours all the Saints and Holy Fathers who laboured against the poison of Nestorianism, he is not a bishop, not even by the standards of his own lineage.

This may be a topic for a separate thread, but I’m interested in where does one draw the line between heresy and disagreement with church rules or dogma? As a Catholic or other Christians on this forum are we considered heretics to the Orthodox?

Nestorianism denies the reality of the reincarnation so we can label it as heretical, but the word is thrown around so much it’s hard to know what exactly is heresy vs. strong disagreement.
This may be a topic for a separate thread, but I’m interested in where does one draw the line between heresy and disagreement with church rules or dogma? As a Catholic or other Christians on this forum are we considered heretics to the Orthodox?

Nestorianism denies the reality of the reincarnation so we can label it as heretical, but the word is thrown around so much it’s hard to know what exactly is heresy vs. strong disagreement.

I mean, I've been going back and forth in my mind as to whether to walk into this minefield... but since you asked.

The Orthodox have a service where they read out various heretical doctrines, and pronounce "anathema!" And this covers Catholicism (specifically the filoque) and Protestantism (which can have any number of the doctrines mentioned)

There is a reason we do not commune Roman Catholics, or any other denomination.
I mean, I've been going back and forth in my mind as to whether to walk into this minefield... but since you asked.

The Orthodox have a service where they read out various heretical doctrines, and pronounce "anathema!" And this covers Catholicism (specifically the filoque) and Protestantism (which can have any number of the doctrines mentioned)

There is a reason we do not commune Roman Catholics, or any other denomination.

Yeah, that’s what I thought was the case. I don’t mean any offense with what I’m going to say but that’s why I don’t really take certain claims of heresy seriously at all. It just seems like a turf war and saying we’re right and we know everyone else is wrong.

I was an Orthodox catechumen for what it’s worth and my priest did not like online people who bashed other denominations.
Yeah, that’s what I thought was the case. I don’t mean any offense with what I’m going to say but that’s why I don’t really take certain claims of heresy seriously at all. It just seems like a turf war and saying we’re right and we know everyone else is wrong.

I was an Orthodox catechumen for what it’s worth and my priest did not like online people who bashed other denominations.
I am not here to bash anyone. It's just a matter of fact that the reason the Orthodox do not enter communion with other denominations is because there are erroneous doctrines that we declare severe enough to pronounce them as anathema and excommunicate those who hold to them. Essentially a heresy is a divergence from accepted doctrine.

For what it's worth I view this as being a matter of degree. Some erroneous doctrines are less severe than others. The worst ones are outright blasphemous like Nestorianism. But if I am to answer the question honestly, if the Orthodox church did not view other denominations as heretical to some degree, they would not have excommunicated them.
Shocking. Somebody wrote in a comment on a YT video that he got up and prayed over the restrained attacker. If true, what a holy man. It's easy to want to hate these bearded, hate filled Muslims, but that behaviour by Mari Mari will convert many if true.

Surely, though, these type of attacks are not uncommon and need to be mitigated somehow. Perhaps it's time for priests to have a few minders trained in control and restraint on each flank.
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Shocking footage.

Saw Mar Mari Emmanuel before, but now it's the first time I'm watching his videos, he seems to carry the holy spirit.
Good speaker. Well directed. A little bit too political for my taste. (could that those elements are clipped online)

Strange event, I don't get the "muslim" attack, why would a muslim do this?

If a muslim would attack anyone, it should be one of the liberal death preachers in the government.
Not a bishop that is attacking all the perversities of the state.

Something stinks here. I don't trust the fools in the Australian state for one bit.
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