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Content Creators for Orthodoxy


Please share other websites, podcasts, channels, or streams that teach, promote, or create content that advocates for Orthodoxy here.

To start: Everyone knows Jay Dyer and he has his own thread for that, so don't post any Dyer content here.
This documentary-style channel, Harmony, creates absolutely outstanding Orthodox content. It is extremely well done.

Here is the highest viewed video so far:

I recommend watching these films on a larger screen. They are truly amazing works of art.

There's also members only/exclusive/paid content. I've never done this before for things like YouTube content but I will pay for it because it really is that great.

It's only 5 bucks to unlock everything, and you can cancel right away if you want, that way you just get access for a month.

Does anyone have any other recommendations that are at a similar high-level production caliber?
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This presentation on fasting by Hieromonk Aiden Keller is also excellent, both on the nitty-gritty details of the calendar as well as on the spiritual significance of fasting. The latter part of the lecture where he discusses the three wills is very helpful.

The link below is to a video from a relatively recently established Youtube channel of a former Roman Catholic monk from Ireland, who converted to Orthodoxy. The primary content is clear from the channel name: Christian Ascetical Books. The linked video is a brief explanation of his journey from Catholicism to Orthodoxy. He really encapsulates the heart of Orthodoxy, and how acquiring an understanding of it takes time and is not a matter of rational persuasion but of a life -- a liturgical life and a prayer life -- lived.


Fr Serafim Gascoigne is a gem. His talks a great and the random titles and the fact some are uploaded twice indicates that he doesn’t have much care for technology or YouTube.

This talk about men of faith (the saints) being above the usual laws of the universe is inspiring.
Help wanted from anyone who's familiar with and has grasp on Jay Dyer style argumentation.

My understanding of an argument against the monad or against absolute divine simplicity is that such simplicity's oneness and instrasience is so unlike the material world's multiplicity and change that it can't relate to the material world or be known by it.

However, what if someone said that the monad is in relationship with beings in between it and the material world and that those intermediate beings have come to us to tell us about the monad?

Would you counter this idea by saying that the monad is inherently impersonal and non-relational and therefore has no relationship with anything beneath it, whether gross or intermediate matter?
