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  1. holgerdanske

    Latest German Lunacy

    Because they are the ones who would do prison if caught.
  2. holgerdanske

    Latest German Lunacy

    Can you PLEASE add a warning when posting dailystormer links? I want to make sure I use an anonymous browser and a VPN before I go to these links. Actually the forum should do this by default me thinks.
  3. holgerdanske

    Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

    it’s good to see that you haven’t lost your optimism.
  4. holgerdanske

    Current Events in Russia

    This is along the lines as ‘nobody eats at that restaurant anymore, it’s always packed.’
  5. holgerdanske

    Current Events in Russia

    I was in a major Russian metropolois last December and didn't see a single black male. Of course I'm sure there are some but this whole notion that Russian women are jumping the bones of black men in droves is complete nonsense. In fact I spoke with many young women there and my impression was...
  6. holgerdanske

    Latest German Lunacy

    Re-uploading the image:
  7. holgerdanske

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    Simple solution: Learn Russian and extract yourself from a country that wants to destroy you. Bonus point: super hot feminine Slavic women interested in starting a family.
  8. holgerdanske

    Clown World Thread

    It doesn’t matter what sits well with you. Connect the dots. We are being ruled by the oldest congress in US history. The results speak for themselves.
  9. holgerdanske

    Latest German Lunacy

    The state of Germany, and by extension Europe today. Fritz, hand me the Flammenwerfer….
  10. holgerdanske

    Clown World Thread

    The average age of senators in the 118th Congress is 64 years old, this is unchanged from the 117th Congress. There are 54 senators older than 65.
  11. holgerdanske

    Clown World Thread

    It’s time those boomers finally shuffle off into the sunset so we can try to reverse at least some of the damage they have caused.
  12. holgerdanske

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    I’m actually keeping my fingers crossed for exactly this scenario to play out.
  13. holgerdanske

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Ukraine has already lost the war. Now it's just a question of how much territory they will be able to retain after Russia forces them to capitulate. Most likely that'll take place after the Biden administration gets relegated to the dustbin of history. In the interim the U.S. uniparty and...
  14. holgerdanske

    Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

    I'm still learning Russian and have only been there once. You may be right about the potential Чиновник trying to make a name for himself, but it all depends. If you are very prolific and pro-Russian as this family in that documentary it's great PR for Russia and thus a lot more beneficial than...
  15. holgerdanske

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    I have a strong sense that future U.S. administrations will either remove Biden's picture on the White House portrait wall, or at minimum turn the picture around.
  16. holgerdanske

    Latest UK Lunacy

    Splitting hairs like this and attacking your own political allies is exactly why our side lost the culture war. Spend your time and direct your criticism more wisely.
  17. holgerdanske

    Latest UK Lunacy

    Note the quality of the video. I can guarantee you that 99% of surveillance cameras in use today deliver at minimum 720p, most likely 1080p, and in at least half the cases now 4k quality resolution. This footage has been intentionally blurred and degraded in order to obfuscate the obvious, which...
  18. holgerdanske

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    Cringeworthy. This is not about whether ot not it's negative or positive. Simple fact that should apply to any self respecting man (no matter what race or ethnicity): You are the directly end result of thousands of generations of your own kin and it is in your primary interest to continue your...
  19. holgerdanske

    Latest German Lunacy

    Well I am sure about the DDR as I did my research. All the culprits were spared and decades of crimes were swept under the rug in the name of reunification. The Germany you see before you today is the direct result of missing a huge opportunity to rid the nation of the same communists who...
  20. holgerdanske

    Latest German Lunacy

    It's alive because after the fall of the Berlin wall the Stasi criminals were never hunted down and punished. Instead, they went underground and regrouped, forming new political parties, which then merged with the established ones. In fact, Angela Merkel was a Stasi collaborator and if you dig...