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Latest German Lunacy

I think it's a myth that women's toilets are cleaner.
I know for a fact they aren't. I could tell you stories about uniformed females in the US military who would literally go into the women's bathrooms and smear feces on the walls, when they were angry about getting reprimanded. The female COs would come back into the office furious about what they found in the bathrooms and have to write up reports.
I know for a fact they aren't. I could tell you stories about uniformed females in the US military who would literally go into the women's bathrooms and smear feces on the walls, when they were angry about getting reprimanded. The female COs would come back into the office furious about what they found in the bathrooms and have to write up reports.
Oh lawd, dey be writin up dem poop reports again.
Man, there's something new every single day for Germoney...

Breaking news:

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Just another day in paradise.

Because of insult to group rapist – woman has to go to prison

Woman must go to prison for insulting gang rapist
JF-Online2-2 minutes 06/24/2024
HAMBURG. The Hamburg-Wandsbek district court has sentenced a 20-year-old to a weekend of youth detention for insulting and threatening. The young woman had found out the cell phone number of one of the ten Hamburg city park rapists and verbally abused him. According to the Hamburger Abendblatt, she is said to have written to him on the WhatsApp messenger service that he was a "disgusting freak", a "rapist pig" and that he would "not be able to go anywhere" in the future without being beaten up.

The convicted woman must spend a weekend in the Hahnöfersand youth detention center - from Friday evening to Sunday evening, as reported by Die Welt. The woman was already on record and had previously received an educational measure for minor theft of goods worth less than 25 euros. The current verdict against her is not yet final.

Only one gang rapist has to go to prison
The act of the threatened and insulted man caused horror across the country. In Hamburg's city park, he and nine other men repeatedly raped a drunken 15-year-old girl. Of the ten defendants, one was acquitted, eight got away with 60 hours of community service and suspended sentences, and only one had to go to prison for two years and nine months.

The young men who have since been convicted are between 16 and 20 years old. Five of them are German citizens, the others come from Montenegro, Syria, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Armenia. (st)
Where are the German men who will make a list of these 10 rapists and hunt them down quietly?

Why aren't they angry about this?
I think it's a myth that women's toilets are cleaner.
My wife always thought women's toilets were the worst, because they squat over the seat to avoid touching it. Of course squatting to pee makes a mess, so if they would all just sit and do their business it would be much cleaner.
Just like in the USA, most of the EU countries apply the laws against the natives, but not against the invaders. The only way this ends, is if the criminal political cartel is removed from power and held accountable by the people. The cartel/cabal wants native whites and Christians dead and removed from the Earth and they barely disguise their aims, at this point. People need to wake up to this reality.
I know for a fact they aren't. I could tell you stories about uniformed females in the US military who would literally go into the women's bathrooms and smear feces on the walls, when they were angry about getting reprimanded. The female COs would come back into the office furious about what they found in the bathrooms and have to write up reports.

Did I just read this?

Just another day in paradise.

Because of insult to group rapist – woman has to go to prison

Woman must go to prison for insulting gang rapist
JF-Online2-2 minutes 06/24/2024
Hamburg prosecutors/police are allegedly investigating 140 instances of people “insulting” this rapist/all the rapists in the group.

My understanding is Hamburg police pretty much ignore reports of burglary without significant evidence, like in the UK and in Berlin, barely even attending the scene if they bother coming at all.

But they have time for these 140 instances of “insulting”? Spare me.

These laws have pretty much always been on the books in Germany, France, Italy, Poland etc. They are often crazy and overused but thankfully the authorities normally realize they have to put limits on enforcing them, despite people constantly threatening to “enforce their rights” in neighborhood, social and familial disputes.

I have had “disputes” in Europe while living here, like the time when I factually told another neighbor in my apartment hotel that someone next to us was dealing drugs (an unemployed middle-class background loafer who was also stealing from the local upmarket mall and selling the merchandise to pay for his four-star accomodation) and advised her to lock her door after she accidentally left it ajar with some of her valuables in sight. The guy “reported” me to hotel management and said he’d get police involved. He even admitted what he was doing, the stealing and dealing, but said I’d “insulted” his “dignity” by calling him a “lazy cretin”.

He was kicked out of the hotel and management took my side (he essentially reported himself), but to be honest, he was acting on a good hunch re these laws.

If, for instance, you factually tell a girl’s parents and wider family in a small village that she’s a hooker by the highway in Germany or France or Poland or the Czech Republic or Hungary, plenty of police and prosecutors will try and assist her private prosecution or a public prosecution to convict you. Not all, but plenty would. They will say you harmed her dignity, which applies even when statements are true and even when they are reasonably stated in polite communication.

My ex-girlfriend worked at a large department store in Prague and she told me one time the police came in, looking for a regular customer who frequented both the store and nearby eateries.

The customer had had a feud with her former friend and the two women had exchanged barbs online via Facebook and also amongst their shared peers. Things like “She’s a skank and everyone knows it.” Police had gone to her home, she was not there, so they chillingly went around looking for her, as if Prague does not have any other crime.

This kind of thing also happened with the München stabber from a few years back I recall, though thankfully the older man in this story was only reported by a German Karen for insulting the “dignity” of the delinquent terrorist.

The stabber was a teen from a Muslim migrant background, perhaps born a citizen in Germany, and a male pensioner started calling him names from his apartment balcony, so not on the ground floor, before the police apprehended him. Calling a terrorist killing with a knife a “loser” and what not apparently warranted a criminal complaint. Go figure.
Because they are the ones who would do prison if caught.
So at what point do people start taking the law into their own hands if the government won't prosecute these scumbags?

In Swiss law I know that it's specifically written that you aren't allowed to take the law into your own hands, I guess it's the same everywhere.

I csnt understand why regular Germans wouldn't be rising up over this. They sure got a lot of unnecessary guilt to carry around after ww2
A German boy of 20 was on the way back from a final exams party when he was bashed on the head by a Syrian migrant and later died.
Small town in NRW
Some level of outrage
But not that much.

I remember when this started happening there and the talk was all about „Einzelfall“ ie a "one-off". It's just not exactly a one-off anymore there's nasty events like this about twice a week, probably more like daily. Wo steckt die Empörung...
I remember when this started happening there and the talk was all about „Einzelfall“ ie a "one-off". It's just not exactly a one-off anymore there's nasty events like this about twice a week, probably more like daily. Wo steckt die Empörung...
Here some new vocabs:

singular: Einzelfall
plural: Einzelfälle (don't mind that there can't be a plural in these cases)

singular: Ein Mann (this is used to cover the the nationality of the perp)
plural: Einmänner (used by alternative media outlets to mock the term Ein Mann)