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Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

Continuing here from the other thread because this is more appropriate to expose the jew-control of Russia:

This is an article that details names and associates of Berl Lazar, Putin's rabbi:

Here is a video where Lazar speaks for himself about Putin's early interactions with a Chabad family:
"Putin's Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi, Berel Lazar Explains Why Putin Loves Jews"

[Shlomo Dov Pinchas Lazar (born May 19, 1964), better known as Berel Lazar, is an Orthodox Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic rabbi. He began his service in Russia in 1990. Known for his friendship with Vladimir Putin, since 2000, he has been a Chief Rabbi of Russia (one of two claimants to the title), and chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia and Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS. In September 2005 Lazar became a member of the Public Chamber of Russia.]

Here a Rabbi says that Putin is a Chabadnik, the longer video is intercut with a Russian narrator back and forth and is a little annoying, but I'll include it in the spoilers:

"Chabad owns Russia. Putin is a Chabadnik."

Putin is the political leader who has persecuted the most White nationalists and ethnic nationalists (Slavic in this case) in the world, more than the American, Australian, UK and German governments. The long-term goals of the current Russian government are in line with Pan-Eurasianism, their lip service to the Orthodox Church is greatly blown out of proportion. Millions of additional Muslims coming to that country every year are going to make it become a different country.

However, in the defense of Russia at the behest of the degenerates running the west, the current Russian state is not to blame for the current conditions of the west. Russia did not turn multiple German cities minority-white, make London overwhelmingly non-white, appoint a non-white mayor to London etc, enable the creation of massive human trafficking of young White children and grooming gangs in the UK and other places in Western Europe. They are also not responsible for opening the borders to every European nation to non-white hordes and they did not give every EU member quota’s of refugees they had to import from Africa, Asia, India, and the Middle east. There are both Kremlin-shills and Pentagon-shills in this world, and a critical under-mentioning of either.

On the one hand, you have the mainstream, pro-GAE/NWO position, and on the other hand you have the contrarian DR, pro-Eurasian/NWO position. Both sides fully demoralized, and very few commentators saying “wait a minute, both of these are bad.” Ideally it would be best to remove oneself from either camp, if you are White. Neither side has you in their long-term plans, and that is the point.

Tribe members created the EU, not Europeans. The EU was never meant for White people, it was always meant to be a organization that acts as a government body to figure out how to erase White people from Europe in the quickest and most efficient manner possible. To think that the EU is somehow better then Russia is absurd, and the same for the reverse.

In the Cold-War fight against “global bolshevism”, America became it’s mirror image. International finance and transhumanist postmodernism. That is the new third-worldism, it is equally destructive to European races. Therefore both should be rejected.

Another interesting find, the Perestroika Deception, an interesting read for any Russophile:


"The fundamental identity of communism is hatred of God, externalized in violence, destruction, death and enslavement of men."

There is no difference in Russia than in the USA. Both have been ruled by jews for over a century, the USA since 1913, and Russia since the end of 1917.

What needs to be remembered about Russia is Bolshevism. What needs to be remembered about Bolshevism is the 60 million plus ballpark of murdered White Christians, a majority of them Russians, ethnically cleansed forever from this Earth. The jews want a world of their own without having to contend with the White Man. If you think for one minute that the Bolshevik slaughter took place so the jews could just turn around and hand the Russians their country back to them, you better think again. You don’t conquer a country then walk away from it. There were no trials of the international parasites that murdered or starved so many millions. This Ukraine thing, is not a Ukraine, Russian, NATO war, it’s a jew war where more White people die. Russia never stopped being a jew possession. Still is, just like the USA. They still use the hammer, sickle and red star, the same anthem, and mass murderer Lenin's corpse is still honored in Red Square.

A true Christian would not be in bed with Chabad. This man has basically been a prima donna of La Kosher Nostra once he entered the political realm. The oligarchs he took out were the centrist jews opposed to the NWO dystopia. He did the bidding of the Chabad oligarchs who now have all the power.

Here is a list of 14 Russian Oligarchs. Of this list, only two on this list were "kicked out" by Putin:

1. Roman Abramovich
Abramovich is a Russian oligarch He has Russian, Israeli and Portuguese citizenship. An investigation by BBC News Arabic has found that Abramovich controls companies that have donated $100 million to an Israeli settler organization Elad. Abramovich is known for his significant financial support to jewish causes, including Chabad. He has donated millions to Chabad organizations, particularly in Russia and Israel.

2. Alexander Abramov:
Abramov was born in 1959 in Moscow, Russia, USSR. He is of jewish descent. He was the Chairman of the Board of directors of Evraz, one of Russia's largest steel producers. Abramov continues to wield considerable influence in the Russian economy and remains a key figure in the Russian steel industry through his involvement with Evraz.

3. Oleg Deripaska:
Deripaska was born in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Soviet Russia and grew up in Ust-Labinsk, Krasnodar Krai. His parents came from Kuban. He is jewish. a Russian billionaire and an industrialist, Deripaska enriched himself on previously state-owned assets that were privatized in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Deripaska continues to be a significant player in the Russian economy, primarily through his company Rusal, one of the world's largest aluminum producers. Although he has faced international sanctions, he retains substantial economic power in Russia.

4. German Khan:
Khan was born on 24 October 1961 in Kyiv, Ukraine. The son of Ukrainian jewish parents from Lviv. He is president of Alfa Group, which he also shares with another fellow billionaire and college peer, Alexei Kuzmichev, is the biggest financial and industrial investment group in Russia. Khan has been involved in jewish philanthropy, including support for Chabad activities. Alfa Bank, the largest private commercial bank in Russia, offers a wide range of banking services to corporate and retail clients. It plays a significant role in the Russian financial system.

5. Victor Vekselberg:
Vekselberg is a Russian–Israeli oligarch, billionaire, and businessman. He is jewish. He is the owner and president of Renova Group, a Russian conglomerate. Vekselberg, through his Renova Group, continues to hold considerable assets in various sectors of the Russian economy, including energy and metallurgy.

6. Pyotr Aven:
Aven was born in Moscow to jewish family. Until March 2022 he headed Alfa-Bank, Russia's largest commercial bank. In March 2022, he resigned from the board of directors at Alfa-Bank and LetterOne Group to help them avoid sanctions. He is also involved in jewish philanthropic activities.

7. Vitaly Malkin:
Vitaly Malkin is a Russian-Israeli and jewish business oligarch and politician Malkin built his fortune in the banking sector, notably with his business partner Bidzina Ivanishvili. The two men founded Rossiysky Kredit, which was the third largest Russian bank until the financial crisis of 1998.

8. Arkady Rotenberg:
Rotenberg is of jewish ancestry. In 2021 Forbes estimated Rotenberg's wealth at $1.9 billion. He is a close confidant, business partner, and childhood friend of president Vladimir Putin. He owns Stroygazmontazh (SGM,) one of the largest construction companies in Russia, specializing in pipeline and infrastructure projects, particularly in the energy sector. SGM has been involved in significant state contracts, including the construction of the Crimean Bridge, which connects Russia to Crimea. He co-owned Bank SMP with his brother Boris Rotenberg, and this bank provides various financial services as a significant player in Russia's banking sector.

9. Vladimir Gusinsky:
Gusinsky is a Russian media tycoon with a near monopoly on Russia state media. Gusinsky was born into a jewish family in Moscow on 6 October 1952. Gusinsky's media outlets were critical of the Russian government, and in 2000, he was arrested and accused of fraud. He eventually fled Russia and has lived in exile since then. His media empire was dismantled, and he has remained a critic of Putin from abroad.

10. Boris Berezovsky:
Berezovsky made his fortune in Russia in the 1990s, when the country implemented privatization of state property. He profited from gaining control over assets, including the country's main television channel, Channel One. He is of jewish ancestry. Facing criminal charges that he claimed were politically motivated, Berezovsky fled Russia in 2000 and was granted asylum in the United Kingdom. He was a vocal opponent of Putin until his death in 2013.

11. Yuri Milner:
Yuri is a Soviet-born Israeli and jewish entrepreneur, venture capitalist and physicist. He is a cofounder and former chairperson of internet company http://mail.ru Group (now VK) and a founder of investment firm DST Global. Through DST Global, Milner is an investor in Byju’s, Facebook, Wish, and many others.

12. Eugene Shvidler:
Eugene Shvidler, is a Soviet-born billionaire oil businessman. He made his fortune during the privatization of Russian industry. Shvidler was born in Ufa, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union (now Russia), into a jewish family. Shvidler has significant stakes in the oil industry, primarily through his involvement with Sibneft, which was co-owned with Abramovich before it was sold to Gazprom. His ongoing investments in oil and gas continue to influence the energy landscape in Russia.

13. Alexander Knaster:
Knaster was born in Moscow in 1959 to a jewish family of academics. He became CEO of Alfa bank, Russia's largest private bank (discussed above).

14. Mikhail Prokhorov:
Prokhorov is a Russian-Israeli oligarch (jewish by maternal grandmother), politician, and former owner of the Brooklyn Nets. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Prokhorov obtained Russian state-owned metals assets at prices far below market value in Russia's controversial loans-for-shares privatization program. His company, Norilsk Nickel, became the world's largest producer of nickel and palladium.

Notable mentions:

15. Lev Binzumovich Leviev: Israeli-Russian "entrepreneur" and investor, he has strong ties with Chabad. He is a prominent supporter of Chabad in Russia and globally. Leviev's mention is relevant here because it provides context to the influence and connections Chabad has among Russian oligarchs.

Out of 15, 15 are jews, 2 were booted, and 8 still remaining are heavily linked to Chabad, banking, and the Russian economy. Does it really take a leap of faith to make this obvious connection? This idea that he "kicked out the bankers" is retarded. They are on the NWO monetary system, and BRICS is a part of that transformation from western parasite to eastern parasite. It could be argued that Oligarchs who maintain loyalty to the Kremlin are often allowed to operate with relative autonomy, while those who challenge or fall out of favor with the government face legal challenges, expropriation, or exile (e.g., Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Boris Berezovsky).

Regardless of their financial conundrum, the clear enemy is the Talmud and its followers. Establish that and you know who to avoid.
Putin Loves Jews
I got the same feeling from the Tucker interview...
Jews are a large part of the world's problems. We go on and on with one JQ red pill after another here yet KGB Putin knows nothing about the JQ and can't even give them an honorable mention except as victims?
Of course this was met with hostility from the "Russia is Heaven on Earth" and "Putin is the most devout and based Christian in world history" crowd.
Continuing here from the other thread because this is more appropriate to expose the jew-control of Russia:

This is an article that details names and associates of Berl Lazar, Putin's rabbi:

Your source, Timothy Fitzpatrick from Fitzpatrick Informer, is a glowie. The majority of his content is anti-Russian drivel that masquerades as anti-zionist but actually lines up perfectly with the GAE agenda, it's a deep state cognitive infiltration op aimed principally but not exclusively at Catholic Americans.

Your talking points are the same as those of the trolls related to Fitzpatrick that kept barging in on the RVF.

You have listed above 15 Jewish Russian billionaires, some of which were already expelled or expatriated, but what you don't mention is that there are 120 Russian billionaires. Jews are certainly overrepresented on that list of billionaires, as they are in every list of billionaires in Europe and the Americas, but they however are far from the majority of Russian billionaires, let alone the totality, as you have dishonestly tried to convey in your post above.

What you also fail to mention is that the relationship between many of these Jewish billionaires and Putin is not very settled, and has become even more tense after the war, as this article states:

Beyond the bloc-making, the Jewish oligarchy’s hegira is a clear sign of wealth expelling from Russia. Numerous oligarchs have already cited the financial failures they have to succumb, and this suggests disloyalty to Putin that may ultimately stop these oligarchs from ever returning to Russia. When asked about their opinions on the conflict, many oligarchs temporized their answers by simply hoping the “bloodshed” would end, showing ever-present fear for Putin. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether these oligarchs will act against Putin, or possibly help wage a coup against their former overlord. Evidently, these oligarchs know how to play with geopolitics, so if it is to their benefit—or if they see his regime crumbling—a swift betrayal against Putin is inevitable.

Putin is that their pawn, they are the ones who fear him.
^ You're failing to mention why Vlad, in front of the world with Tucker, said that the jews are "victims" instead of: "The jews control The West and are producers of filth and pornography and trans athletes... In addition, I am an astute studier of history, and the jews betrayed Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution and therefore there is a bounty on every jew's head related to that "revolution" in Russia. Furthermore, the jews betrayed Christ to Pontius Pilate and to this day they hate Christians and deny Christ, and all jews are therefore going to Hell.... And, oh yeah, I built 25,000 public Christian churches to offset my private loyalty to jewish bankers who furnish my super yachts on credit... But, woe is me, I'm just a simple Orthodox Celibate Monk doing the work of The Lord in abject poverty to show by example that material possessions are illusions of evil."

But no, Putin say, "jews victims and meh, israel good, Hitler bad, and can I please have another super yacht in the Med because I use to be a humble delivery driver before my apolitical non-assassination detail in the KGB."
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My previous response stands, he is not the leader of the Patriot Front, he is the leader of the biggest country in the world, who managed to navigate the rough waters and take power under extreme circumstances, he is not dumb.
He is a liar, which takes considerable intelligence. Stop ignoring the huge elephant in the room. Whatever "progress" he's made against globohomo won't do much good when he actively suppresses other truths.


The Tsar's would never have put up with such jewry. Whateve faux-revival you are interpreting of Christianity there will eventually have to contend with the huge presence of Chabad Lubavitch and their powerful influence in a struggle of survival. To be or not to be. You will either have a strong Church and a weakened shtetled Chabad, or a strong pervasive Chabad and a veneer of a Church.

You need to take your jew-education to the next level. Chabad controls the finances, laws, and policies of Russia. Putin is on camera calling people "anti-semïtes" numerous times, he is a jew-slave just like every other politician of our time, perhaps just a bit more nuanced as he also loves his kaffirs, muslims, and mongols more than his own people as well.

Simple Occam's razor. Questioning the lolocoaster wouldn't be illegal and highly punishable if jews weren't in charge. It's also illegal to use Biblical criticism of the jews, just like what happened in America recently.

Disprove my points on jews being the ultimate rulers, but you can't. No free Christian country would criminalize criticism of these demons.

It's up to the ethnic Russians to throw off the yoke of Chabad and La Kosher Nostra, just like it is up to the Americans to throw off the chains of the Federal Reserve, Blackrock, and Israel. The 600,000 plus Slavic White Nationalists languishing in Russian penal colonies simply for their views are evidence that this country is not run by its own people.

People keep hating on me for saying that the whole east vs west is a scam, both sides are complicit in the anti-Christ new world order.

I'll change my stance on Putin if he repeals his anti-jewacaust laws. Until then, I could never trust anyone who blesses the foul demons who curse God daily.
^ The pushback you are getting is because you are posting some real crap, really bad content lifted straight out of GAE disinfo sites, like the notion that Russia is being overrun with black males when blacks are much less than 0.1% of the Russian population, or that Russia has a prison population made of 600,000 Christian nationalists.

This is really bad ZOG/GAE propaganda aimed at discrediting Russia. The reason why some nationalists have been repressed is that they have been infiltrated by foreign agents like Navalny, poisoning the well of the Tsarist heritage:

Tribe members created the EU, not Europeans. The EU was never meant for White people, it was always meant to be a organization that acts as a government body to figure out how to erase White people from Europe in the quickest and most efficient manner possible. To think that the EU is somehow better then Russia is absurd, and the same for the reverse.
I generally accept this premise.
There is no difference in Russia than in the USA. Both have been ruled by jews for over a century, the USA since 1913, and Russia since the end of 1917.
Questionable, at best.
^ The pushback you are getting is because you are posting some real crap, really bad content lifted straight out of GAE disinfo sites, like the notion that Russia is being overrun with black males when blacks are much less than 0.1% of the Russian population, or that Russia has a prison population made of 600,000 Christian nationalists.
Yes. I don't know where some of this stuff is coming from, since MFTP usually has intelligent posts.

A lot of world politics is complex. As much as anyone wants someone to just flame the truth on people, it's just not going to happen. Guys like Trump and Putin know better, whether we agree with it, like it, or not.
Cooper you haven't answered a simple question about jewish control. I don't expect you to have the answer because the answer that Putin is compromised on a significant level to jewish interests is painful for people who support him to accept. The presence of laws against the criticism of the holohoax are a huge roadblock for any free country. It's clearly worded into his 2014 law by explicitly criminalizing any dissent from the narrative of the fakest trial in history. Only someone like me would zero in on this aspect of their country, but it is very telling. Russia in its recent history (the past century) under the control of foreign jew occupiers has had anti-semïtic laws going as far back as the late 1920s. Putin's government has re-introduced many of the same policies as Stalin in this regard.

"Anti-Semïtism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism. Anti-Semïtism is dangerous for the working people because it is a path that leads to fascism, cannibalism. Under USSR law active anti-Semïtes are liable to the death penalty." - Josef Stalin 1931.

Why would the USSR in 1931 have to make this statement? The Russian Civil War ended nine years earlier but the masses of ethnic Russians and other Eastern Europeans living at Bolshevik gunpoint knew the whole thing was a jew-shit party. The laws are always indicative of who is in control.

Here's a video of him sharing his love for jews and fake history:

"Putin defends jews and holocaust narrative"

Here's another video of him exposing how butthurt he is when anyone says something against jews, note how furious he is when he says Jozef Beck was a bastard, pig, anti-semïte:

"Putin has a meltdown over anti-semitïsm"

I was going to just post this meme, but rather than shitpost, let's see if it's actually correct:


The first claim is true. The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) operates within the framework of Russian law. It is indeed a member of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), an international financial organization that serves as a bank for central banks and aims to "foster international monetary and financial cooperation." Membership in the BIS implies adherence to the standards set by private banks ultimately ran by the Rothschild family. The BIS includes central banks from numerous countries around the world, and its operations are designed to "facilitate cooperation among central banks rather than exert control over them." Aka no one rides for free.

The second claim is a bit nebulous at first, as they do have a Rothschild & CO entity in Moscow but it is not in the main page of offices on the advisory board. However I did find a privacy consent form for people who apply to go work in positions at this Rothschild & CO office in Moscow that doesn't seem to have a public address. The address is listed in this form, and when you go to the building on any map services, it is the hallmark of a financial hive for plantation owners:


Rothschild Global Advisory has been involved in significant debt restructuring projects in Russia, including restructuring Russian/CIS corporate debt. This role is considered crucial during financial crises or economic downturns when companies need to renegotiate terms with creditors.
Here is a description of the services according to their own website:


Note the last two sentences, a bit sinister when you consider the larger implications: "Wider regional coverage is supported by a long-standing partnership in Ukraine. This deep experience of Russian markets has resulted in, and is supported by, our track record in advising on many of the country's largest, most complex, and precedent-setting transactions." I keep telling you guys at the top of this pile of dung they are all gulping the finest Beluga Vodka ever bottled and doing cocaine off of hooker's asses in a hot rock sauna. It's the same human ploy over and over again. Divide and conquer.

The third claim is also true. The concept of debt restructuring often involves negotiations with creditors to modify debt terms in a way that benefits both the borrower and the lenders. Rothschild & Co assist Russia in developing strategic plans and negotiating favorable terms with creditors. They claim to be merely harmless advisors, but there is no tango with these bandits without either actively taking part in the con or allowing yourself to be plundered to a considerable extent.

I don't call people Putintards, so I think the meme should exist without the top part, just the misattributed quote about the Rothschilds being kicked out of Russia. Most of the appeal for this man is emotional and not logical. Whatever independence Russia has financially, it is heavily integrated into the global financial system, and therefore if the country were to attempt a national and not "international" move, similar to what Lincoln, Garfield, Hitler, JFK, or Gaddafi did in terms of economics there would be real war much faster. As far as the Billionaire oligarchs go, people don't seem to understand that when you have over a certain amount of "money" in this system, it is not "your" money, it is "their" money.

Now regarding the holohoax issue, I'll let their laws speak for themselves. Here is the actual Russian law from their legislation:

Federal Law No. 128-FZ (2014)​

In 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law No. 128-FZ, which introduced amendments to the Russian Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses to address the rehabilitation of "Nazism" aka anything White. This law includes:
  1. Article 354.1 of the Criminal Code:
    • This article makes it a criminal offense to deny the facts established by the Nuremberg Trials, approve of the crimes established by these trials, or spread knowingly false information about the activities of the Soviet Union during World War II.
    • The law also criminalizes the public dissemination of information expressing clear disrespect for the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia associated with the defense of the Fatherland.
    • Penalties: Those found guilty under this law can face up to five years in prison.
    • Holocaust Denial: By making it illegal to deny the facts established by the Nuremberg Trials, the law effectively criminalizes Holocaust denial.

Looking further into their laws, we see just what kind of nationalism is not allowed:

Federal Law No. 114-FZ on Counteracting Extremist Activity (2002)​

This law defines and criminalizes extremist activities, including:
  1. Definition of Extremist Activity:
    • The incitement of racial, national, or religious enmity.
    • The propagation of Nazi ideology and the activities of extremist groups.
    • Public justification of terrorism and incitement to social, racial, national, or religious hatred.
  2. Prohibited Materials:
    • Any material deemed extremist by the authorities is banned. This includes literature, symbols, videos, and online content.
    • The Ministry of Justice maintains a list of banned extremist materials, which is updated regularly.
  3. Organizations and Groups:
    • Organizations found to be engaging in extremist activities can be dissolved, and their activities banned.
    • Members and leaders of such organizations can face criminal charges.

Still not clear? Let's look deeper to see what exactly is outlawed:

Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation​

This article deals specifically with incitement to hatred or enmity and the humiliation of human dignity based on race, nationality, religion, or social affiliation:
  1. Incitement to Hatred or Enmity:
    • Public actions aimed at inciting hatred or enmity, or at humiliating a person or a group of persons based on race, nationality, religion, or social affiliation.
    • The penalties include fines, compulsory community service, corrective labor, and imprisonment.
  2. Public Actions:
    • This includes public speeches, dissemination of materials, and the use of mass media and the internet.

Other Relevant Articles​

  1. Article 205.2: Public calls for terrorist activities or public justification of terrorism.
  2. Article 354.1: Rehabilitation of Nazism, which includes denying facts established by the Nuremberg Trials.
In Russia, expressing nationalist sentiments such as "Russia for Russians" can even fall under this scope of extremism laws if it is interpreted as "incitement to hatred or enmity based on ethnicity or nationality." Given how sensitive everyone is these days, it doesn't take much for a simple comment to even be transformed into this. So if you are an ethnic Russian and you don't want these Asiatics, Indians, and Africans in your country, you do not have a right to express your disdain under the law. Repressing this will lead to one of two outcomes: Ethnic Russians will start butchering all the aliens in their country to free themselves when the situation gets worse (more crime more miscegenation more dirtying of the streets) or the Russian people will be overtaken and assimilated into the hordes of the NWO.

This pretext won't last. He signed that law into effect in 2014, the same year when all the troubles really started going off in the Donbass, so who knows why he chose to do it then and not in any of the years prior during his presidential tenure. He has believed in the nonsense his entire life given how weirdly close he has been with jews his entire life. What is particularly unfortunate is the whole "Great patriotic war" narrative that is still in circulation in Russia today, about how they defeated the "evil fascists". It is quite pitiful, and they don't realize that they are just playing in to the standard narrative of the world. If Putin recognized the mistake Stalin was, and of the true conduct of the "Red" army during WWII, and how it was not a "great patriotic war", and it was not fought in self defense, then my respect for Putin would increase, but it hasn't happened, and it probably never will happen. Either way, if we look for saviors on this earth, we will almost always be unsatisfied and feel as though we are in derelict.

Recently, and I find it hard to believe this, but the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a 1000 page document called:

"Regarding the Situation with the Glorification of Nazism and the Spread of Neo-Nazism and Other Practices That Contribute to Fuelling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance."

https://mid.ru/upload/medialibrary/ff8/txgux506m0mjcdt0v8yr3wpcsfcrlvtb/Report 2023 EN.pdf

Who publishes garbage like this unless they have an agenda? This is the same NWO tactics as in the west. Same Frankfurt School ideology. They literally list the name of every single group of Nationalists in the White countries only, even in remote places like Australia that couldn't have any affect on Russia. This is the jews handiwork. For all the insults some of you levy against me, it's like getting hit with rainwater compared to reading this document which legit boiled my blood. The entire thing is bemoaning jews who never died and taking a crap on European history, complete submission to a talmudic master.

I will not have the greatest killers of the 20th century dictate to me who the "real bad guys were." Will any of you?

Remember that the word "nazi" is a smear, it just means White. Just like the word "racist" is only applied to Whites.

This is something I would expect to be written by a shabbos goy team of pink-haired feministas, white-collar pencil-pushing cucks, and token non-Whites getting paid beaucoup shekels from an alphabet agency.

Read at your own displeasure, but I suggest anyone to read it to see what the enemy is preparing to do to wipe you out from both the west or the east. Basically every single group that stands against jewish dominion is now officially criminalized by the entire occupied world. The USA section starts at page 569 for those of you in the states, complete with a sympathy section for Saint George of Minneapolis.

Anglin, if you're reading this, you get a mention in the "neo-nazi" groups of the USA along with the Mormons on page 575 from the Russian government:

Absolutely no jewish groups in the entire thing. Only Whites. Only Whites are evil in this jewish world.

About the only thing the West and the East disagree with is who defeated "moar knotzees". Retards run this world.

This document is an absolute embarrassment. No mention of all the scholars committing crimes all over Europe and the USA.

Moreover it proves my own instincts for self-preservation to be correct, instincts which are in every one of us. This entire world is filled with devils obsessed on exterminating "Whiteness" no matter what.

Overall, it seems those of you within the framework don't like listening to those on the outside. Listen to me very carefully. Screw every single country that has laws protecting the murderers of God. All these governments, Australia, Canada, Russia, in the Nations occupied by the EU, and now the USA, are invalidated by this "law" alone. The jews ultimately control the USA, EU, and Russia, all of it. We are entirely occupied, and fighting some fake war over which tribal cousin gets to set interest rates in the Ukraine isn't going to change anything. The talmudic powers that be need war and crisis after crisis( i.e. more war) to keep us distracted and disunited so they can keep power. It's in the protocols.
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Another wall of text trying to push an incredibly dumb premise that the Russian central bank is part of the bankster network...

Newsflash: Russia has been cut off from SWIFT 2 years ago, whatever tenuous ties they had before the war has been completely severed, and the banksters have confiscated $300 billions in Russian US$ and Euro-denominated funds.

It's kind of shocking you don't understand this basic fact, or pretend not to. The premise that Russia is in the western banking system today is incredibly dumb.

Russia lost over 20 million people fighting nazi Germany in WW2, they are not going to be warm and fuzzy towards your Bandera types.
Music why are you posting old information about Putin and Russia from 10-20 years ago?

I can spot 3 major lies in your posts above.

1. Bank of International Settlements - kicked out.
2. Roman Abramovich - he was poisoned during peace negotiations at the start of the war, which proves he is not on the same side as the rest of the chews.
3. Israel - has come out against Russia 100%, and vice versa especially because of the Gaza issue.

There are many other lies in your posts - that tons of those chew oligarchs have fled or have been forced to kissed Putin's ring due to sanctions. That Putin is the only leader in the world that protects the Orthodox Church - both in Russia and in Syria (Antiochian Church). That Putin did not fully comply with the COVID scheme and used non-mRNA vaccines.

Putin was like anyone else - friendly with Talmuds, then gradually he has gotten more and more red pilled with them over time. Now he's gone fully rogue and is at war with the majority of World Talmud power. (The same was true for Stalin by the way, who at first was very chew friendly but later expelled them all to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in Siberia - yet you fail to mention this obvious fact of history as well.)

All of this was seen, and discussed on RVF, and you were there when we talked about it. Now you lie and pretend you never saw any of it?
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Another wall of text trying to push an incredibly dumb premise that the Russian central bank is part of the bankster network...

Newsflash: Russia has been cut off from SWIFT 2 years ago, whatever tenuous ties they had before the war has been completely severed, and the banksters have confiscated $300 billions in Russian US$ and Euro-denominated funds.

It's kind of shocking you don't understand this basic fact, or pretend not to. The premise that Russia is in the western banking system today is incredibly dumb.

Russia lost over 20 million people fighting nazi Germany in WW2, they are not going to be warm and fuzzy towards your Bandera types.
I don't know any Banderites personally. I do know that if you're not ethnically Ukrainian you can't even begin to understand the struggles and suffering those people wen through in the Soviet starvations and purges. So keep ripping on people who have suffered more than any one of us here likely ever will.

Most of those 20 million in the Red Army weren't even ethnic Russians, they were mostly mixed-mongol hordes. The ethnic Russians were usually the first wave of every attack and then the uruk hordes at the rear were forced to charge into the meat grinder under threat of commissar's machine guns.

I don't have any sympathy for the raping genocidal red army other than for any individual Russian coerced to fight at gunpoint. Every official in the USSR was a liar and a fiend, and their political structure blamed the Germans for everything they themselves did and invented the holohoax which is the most satanic brainwashing in history.

My family is European, my people are under attack, my faith is being replaced by the canaanite hordes of ingrates and baby-rapers. Your refusal to self-identify what you are makes your shilling for Russia almost pointless, what skin do you have in this game? I don't want one side to win, I want the war to stop period.

I was less against Russia in 2022, but now that I see this new anti-White anti-European rhetoric pumped out ad nauseum I am not going to align my biological existence with a cardinal direction of the compass that doesn't want me around. The west and east are both compromised for my posterity.

Even if Putin is in control of the Chabad (which isn't true) and he's fighting against western jews, all his propaganda is against White people under this fake guise of "nazism". It's retarded. He is kowtowing to these Africans almost as bad as foot-fetish Pope. These people do not want my kind around, and they are no different from the Washington DC jews and their NGO pals who want all my kind imprisoned, neutered, or dead.

The only position in this temporal world which actively prevents the extermination of my kind is third position, be it Fascistic, National Socialist, or Ultranationalist, and its the only thing that the jews puppeteering the west and the east actively hate. It will be won by struggle in the future, and even with the combined might of the west and the east they won't be able to stop what's coming.

Music why are you posting old information about Putin and Russia from 10-20 years ago?

I can spot 3 major lies in your posts above.

1. Bank of International Settlements - kicked out.
2. Roman Abramovich - he was poisoned during peace negotiations at the start of the war, which proves he is not on the same side as the rest of the chews.
3. Israel - has come out against Russia 100%, and vice versa especially because of the Gaza issue.

There are many other lies in your posts - that tons of those chew oligarchs have fled or have been forced to kissed Putin's ring due to sanctions. That Putin is the only leader in the world that protects the Orthodox Church - both in Russia and in Syria (Antiochian Church). That Putin did not fully comply with the COVID scheme and used non-mRNA vaccines.

Putin was like anyone else - friendly with Talmuds, then gradually he has gotten more and more red pilled with them over time. Now he's gone fully rogue and is at war with the majority of World Talmud power. (The same was true for Stalin by the way, who at first was very chew friendly but later expelled them all to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in Siberia - yet you fail to mention this obvious fact of history as well.)

All of this was seen, and discussed on RVF, and you were there when we talked about it. Now you lie and pretend you never saw any of it?
Those African leaders who told the WHO to get out and were assassinated for refusing to push the vax on their people were much more heroic.

Russia has only been suspended from using the services of the BIS through the sanctions from February 2022, it has not been kicked out formally. It is still a member. Ultimately it's irrelevant, jewish banks have dominated the world since 1945, so any opposition in the form of a banking alternative like BRICS is to SWIFT is still controlled by them. There were ongoing debates on RVF about how this was going to come about, which we will all be having as we are watching it happen in real time. All this anti-jew behavior doesn't feel so organic when you look at the bigger picture. They're going to finish looting the corpse of the USA and go to China and Russia once the dollar collapses. All this war is theater, and the more European Slavic men die the less they have to deal with in the future.

Please tell me how has Putin has gradually gotten more redpilled with jews? He protects them more than the Orthodox Christian Russians he sends into the meat grinder. Chabad isn't doing jack in fighting against the alleged western puppet Ukraine. They're too busy having all-male parties where they take turns dancing on top of the Russian and Ukrainian flags.

No one has addressed my point about the ridiculous holohoax laws. What possible reason would an Orthodox Christian have for protecting talmudic jewish lies in a supposed Orthodox nation? While there are laws against indecency and destruction of Church property, there are no laws criminalizing the persecution of Ethnic White Russians. The jews get laws protecting their religion, their questionable race, and their person from being discriminated against, or even merely criticized. I understand the opinion that he may be doing a "balancing act' but this is folly, if you have talmudic jews in your nation and you give them a protected status it only enables and emboldens their parasitic and murderous behavior.

Either Russia repeals this garbage jewish show of force or they are jew-compromised just like the USA and the EU:

Federal Law No. 128-FZ (2014)​

In 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law No. 128-FZ, which introduced amendments to the Russian Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses to address the rehabilitation of "Nazism" aka anything White. This law includes:
  1. Article 354.1 of the Criminal Code:
    • This article makes it a criminal offense to deny the facts established by the Nuremberg Trials, approve of the crimes established by these trials, or spread knowingly false information about the activities of the Soviet Union during World War II.
    • The law also criminalizes the public dissemination of information expressing clear disrespect for the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia associated with the defense of the Fatherland.
    • Penalties: Those found guilty under this law can face up to five years in prison.
    • Holocaust Denial: By making it illegal to deny the facts established by the Nuremberg Trials, the law effectively criminalizes Holocaust denial.

A true Christian does not enter into party politics with jews, he forbids them from having any authority in his domain. One can't even say "Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family were ruthlessly murdered in cold blood by jews" without getting in legal trouble in Russia.

Their recent document which I posted in a post above shows how much time the Russian government, at least for its public viewers, spends obsessing about Nationalist Europeans and Americans who have zero institutional power in this world and are in a war for survival against the global majority, rather than the forces behind DC and the EU, Blackrock, and the western Banks.
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Those African leaders who told the WHO to get out and were assassinated for refusing to push the vax on their people were much more heroic.

Oh so now Blacks are the based ones? So it's not so bad for Putin to add Blacks to Russia then? Keep speaking out of both sides of your mouth and moving goalposts, everyone can see how phony you are.

Russia has only been suspended from using the services of the BIS through the sanctions from February 2022, it has not been kicked out formally. It is still a member. Ultimately it's irrelevant, jewish banks have dominated the world since 1945, so any opposition in the form of a banking alternative like BRICS is to SWIFT is still controlled by them. There were ongoing debates on RVF about how this was going to come about, which we will all be having as we are watching it happen in real time. All this anti-jew behavior doesn't feel so organic when you look at the bigger picture. They're going to finish looting the corpse of the USA and go to China and Russia once the dollar collapses. All this war is theater, and the more European Slavic men die the less they have to deal with in the future.

So when confronted with hard contradictory evidence, you then dismiss it as irrelevant? If being kicked out of the BIS is irrelevant, why did you even mention the BIS then? Just face it, you're wrong and won't admit it.

Russia IS the driving force for an alternative banking system, but despite having many Talmuds help run it, these Talmuds are forced to work for their Christian masters, and not the other way around. If these same Talmuds leave Russia they will find themselves paupers in the (((West))) so they have no friends.

What Putin has done is create a division within the Talmudic world, which is a major advantage for Christians. You are too blinded by hatred to see it, which is why you are simply contradicting yourself with every post at this point.

Please tell me how has Putin has gradually gotten more redpilled with jews? He protects them more than the Orthodox Christian Russians he sends into the meat grinder. Chabad isn't doing jack in fighting against the alleged western puppet Ukraine. They're too busy having all-male parties where they take turns dancing on top of the Russian and Ukrainian flags.

When the Fake News that is controlled by Jews are pissed off at Russia, you know it's real. Hence why they are GOING TO WAR with Russia via Ukraine, just how blind to reality are you? If the Talmuds loved Russia there would be no war there, it's as simple as that.

He doesn't protect Talmuds anymore than he protects any other religious group in Russia, because Russia has to balance forces between Christianity, Islam, and Talmudism, which means there must be an equal application of laws to keep order. That there are so many Muslims in Russia also makes it politically impossible for Russia to support genocidal Israel, which further places Russia as far away from Talmudic interests as possible without going full Hitler.

But for ideologues such as yourself, anything less than full Hitler is unacceptable, which shows just how bad your judgement is. You clearly have no idea what good strategy looks like, you have the mindset of an incompetent - you would just get the White race crushed again if you were to be commander.

No one has addressed my point about the ridiculous holohoax laws. What possible reason would an Orthodox Christian have for protecting talmudic jewish lies in a supposed Orthodox nation? While there are laws against indecency and destruction of Church property, there are no laws criminalizing the persecution of Ethnic White Russians. The jews get laws protecting their religion, their questionable race, and their person from being discriminated against, or even merely criticized. I understand the opinion that he may be doing a "balancing act' but this is folly, if you have talmudic jews in your nation and you give them a protected status it only enables and emboldens their parasitic and murderous behavior.

They are trivial laws that probably are barely enforced now against ethnic Russians now that the war is in full swing. It would be a waste of state resources. Instead, Halohaux laws are there to sniff out Ukrainians, posing as Russians. Anyone who actually wants to talk about the Halocaust are probably neo-Nazis who support Ukraine, and Ukraine is being used as a battering ram to kill Russia.

Whatever protected status Talmuds have in Russia is 1% of whatever protection they have in the (((West))), which is yet another reason only a fool would criticize Russia over this. That you are incapable of seeing the larger picture speaks volumes about your ability to properly judge and evaluate geopolitics, and further cements your status as someone who doesn't care about winning.

Either Russia repeals this garbage jewish show of force or they are jew-compromised just like the USA and the EU:

Federal Law No. 128-FZ (2014)​

In 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law No. 128-FZ, which introduced amendments to the Russian Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses to address the rehabilitation of "Nazism" aka anything White. This law includes:
  1. Article 354.1 of the Criminal Code:
    • This article makes it a criminal offense to deny the facts established by the Nuremberg Trials, approve of the crimes established by these trials, or spread knowingly false information about the activities of the Soviet Union during World War II.
    • The law also criminalizes the public dissemination of information expressing clear disrespect for the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia associated with the defense of the Fatherland.
    • Penalties: Those found guilty under this law can face up to five years in prison.
    • Holocaust Denial: By making it illegal to deny the facts established by the Nuremberg Trials, the law effectively criminalizes Holocaust denial.

A true Christian does not enter into party politics with jews, he forbids them from having any authority in his domain. One can't even say "Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family were ruthlessly murdered in cold blood by jews" without getting in legal trouble in Russia.

Their recent document which I posted in a post above shows how much time the Russian government, at least for its public viewers, spends obsessing about Nationalist Europeans and Americans who have zero institutional power in this world and are in a war for survival against the global majority, rather than the forces behind DC and the EU, Blackrock, and the western Banks.

A pathetic display of purity spiraling, like a single law means anything compared to being against the BIS and Israel. You clearly have no idea how strategy works, nor do you understand chess, these laws are in place from decades before Putin even came to power. This 2014 law had precedent going back to the Soviet times, and in 2014 going against the Talmuds would have simply gotten Putin killed for no good reason. Putin cannot go in and merely defy every existing power structure within Russia and survive. Things must be changed piece by piece, and dismantled over time.

A true Christian does not try and kill all evil at once, he turns the other cheek as needed, and picks the fights he can win. He focuses on taking care of his loved ones, and then tries to be friends even with his enemies. Read the Bible.
This completely demolishes any notion that Putin is a Khazarian pawn, he actually cut off the banksters from Russian assets and restored them to Russia. Russian oligarchs like Khodorkovsky here were the junior partners of the Rothschilds, Putin shut that down - from the horse's mouth:

The triggering in here is reaching epic proportions. I would hope that at least all of you agree with me that Russia is not a haven for White Nationalist's, nor is it a European Nationalist country. Neither is expressing Nationalist sentiment allowed. Putin's aligning with Julius Malema in South Africa, another enforcer of Boer genocide is very suspect. How many White Dutch Afrikaaners who are being ethnically cleansed in horrendous subhuman fashion by savages in South Africa has he taken in? Some sources say 650 at the most. Yet he takes in thousands of blacks from Africa and gives them food, money, access to Russian women, and even allows them to join his army where they go off to kill White Europeans in the Ukraine.

If any of you think I am advocating for the Russian "side" to lose in this phony war you are mistaken. What I am addressing is what this thread should be discussing: the attitude of Russian authorities towards racialism, ethno-nationalism, political rights for Whites and free speech; interactions of oligarchy and power, corruption, political censure and repression, official power's ideology, modern Russia's immigration and race aspects.


There won’t be any place in this new Russian ‘empire’ for the Russian spirit and Russian ideology, just as there was no place for Russianness in the late Soviet Union. Remember that the process of destroying the Russian nation and Russian worldview, unprecedented in its scale and consequences, was launched precisely in the Soviet Union and the current authorities of Russian Federation carry on this process more or less consistently. The Russian culture and the Church were being destroyed in the USSR. Internationalism and inter-racial marriages were promoted. The USSR has done everything possible to make people to identify themselves not as Russians, Tartars, or Tuvans but as Soviet people. All the facts show that it is the USSR and not the old Russia that serves as a role model for the current Russian authorities. They are building a post-Soviet state and not in any way a Russian national state.

Their goal is to create in place of Russia and Russian civilization a new supranational pseudo-empire within the framework of the New World Order. Under the guidance of a jewish elite, the Russian majority will be gradually replaced by Asian migrants. Of course, they cannot acknowledge this openly as it will cause mass protests and they will be quickly swept away. So for the people’s consumption they have an official ideology of building a society of prosperity, social justice and interethnic peace. Yet they cannot hide the truth, especially from those who have access to objective information. As a result, the silence of the ruling circles is bought by enormous material benefits on one hand, and by intimidation on the other. In this light, it is easy to understand the murders of generals Lebed and Rokhlin, ophthalmologist Fyodorov, Governor Evdokimov and many others who had ascended to the political Olympus in Russia but had not become completely loyal to those forces that control and deliberately destroy our country as the heart of Russian civilization. I think that the mysterious death of General Shebarshin, the last chief of the KGB, is in the same line of political murders.

Oh so now Blacks are the based ones? So it's not so bad for Putin to add Blacks to Russia then? Keep speaking out of both sides of your mouth and moving goalposts, everyone can see how phony you are.
Blacks are fine in their own countries taking care of their own people. I've never had a problem with this. They don't belong in Russia, they most definitely don't belong in Europe, and they need to stay away from historically White areas of America.

So when confronted with hard contradictory evidence, you then dismiss it as irrelevant? If being kicked out of the BIS is irrelevant, why did you even mention the BIS then? Just face it, you're wrong and won't admit it.

Russia IS the driving force for an alternative banking system, but despite having many Talmuds help run it, these Talmuds are forced to work for their Christian masters, and not the other way around. If these same Talmuds leave Russia they will find themselves paupers in the (((West))) so they have no friends.

What Putin has done is create a division within the Talmudic world, which is a major advantage for Christians. You are too blinded by hatred to see it, which is why you are simply contradicting yourself with every post at this point.
If you think jews don't have their grubby little fingers in the BRICS pie, then I don't know what to tell you. The BIS will be irrelevant in the new world order if the transfer of the reserve currency from west to east is completed. I wish this "division between talmuds" was true, but jews ultimately do not fight against jews. What we goyim see is only theater. They are all on team jew. The Chabad in Russia do not "work" for any Christian master, they are a protected class on top of being incredibly wealthy and politically connected, Putin has even fired people around him who dare to criticize them or call them weird.

"Putin fires top official who describes Chabad as a supremacist cult"
https://www.timesofisrael.com/putin-fires-top-official-who-describes-chabad-as-a-supremacist-cult/#:~:text=Russian President Vladimir Putin has,supremacist cult, Russian media reported.


Funny how this guy Pavlov use the correct terminology for the Ukraine of "desatanization" instead of Putin's harping of fake "denazification." This was a security advisor who saw Chabad that has a huge presence in both Ukraine and Russia as being party to the war's escalation, something one can't see if they just focus on NATO/Blackrock/BIS or any other jewish front group.

There are jews on both sides and any fighting they display for us to see is suspect. They are masters of deception, remember that.

Meanwhile this Orthodox Nationalist RONS group was proscribed (banned) by his orders in 2011:

Putin is surrounded, supported, mentored and befriended by jews, Muslims, half-Asian mutts and anti-Whites in his administration and, in fact, has been in his whole life and career. He has jewish personal friends, is described as "semitophile" and is a recognized fighter against anti-semïtism - all of it backed by facts. The laws I posted are proof of this, as well as the videos of him complaining about anti-semïtism.

The same goes for Dmitry Medvedev. Following with a snip from the list here:

Oligarchs / Tycoons

Abramovich, Roman. [...]probably one of the most famous "Russian" oligarhes in the world. Jew Roman Abramovich is one of the richest (or probably the richest) thieves and criminals in Russia, close friend of Yeltsin and protector/curator of Putin[...]Duma member [...] President Vladimir Putin changed the law to abolish elections for regional governors, and on 21 October 2005 Abramovich was reappointed governor for another term." [...]

Alekperov, Vagit. an oligarch of mixed Azerbaijani (a Turkic Muslim ethnicity) - Slavic ancestry[...] eighth richest person in Russia with a net worth of $13.9B; President, and main stakeholder of the leading Russian oil company LUKOIL.

Aven, Pyotr. Jewish oligarch banker (Alfa Bank, Alfa Group), controls Russia's largest private bank. $5.4B as of 2013. Connected to Putin and key Putin's administration officials since early 1990s.

Deripaska, Oleg. Jew [...] member of the Board of Directors and CEO of United Company RUSAL, the largest aluminium company in the world and a President of Enplus Group[...] Vladimir Putin with Oleg Deripaska, said to be the richest man in Russia and a member of the Kremlin elite. $8.5B as of 2013. A known buddy of Nathaniel Rotschild. Deripaska is often described as "100% Putin loyalist", "Kremlin-friendly", "closely connected to the Kremlin" and even "the oligarch closest to Putin".

Fedun, Leonid. ancestry unclear (though sometimes believed to be a Jew). Billionaire ($7.1 B), owns one of the most popular football clubs in Russia. Anti-White. Likes Jews, finances campaigns and drives against "xenophobia" and "countersemitism" in sports (among football fans).

Fridman, Mikhail Maratovich. Jew [...] Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alfa Group Consortium, which is now one of the Russia's largest privately owned investment groups. In 2011, Forbes assessed his wealth as $15.1 billion, making him the 7th richest man in Russia [...]On excellent terms with Kremlin, member of Putin's Public Chamber; [...]one of the founders of the Russian Jewish Congress[...]large contribution to the work of the European Jewish Fund [...] developing European Jewry and promoting tolerance

Gutseriev, Mikhail Safarbekovich . Ingush (* non-Slav, Muslim Caucasus ethnicity) entrepreneur and businessman. [...]. His family clan is the richest in Russia in 2013 and recent years. […] after successful deals with Putin's clans, all criminal cases were terminated and his family business is booming.

Kantor, Vyacheslav Moshe. Jewish "chemicals tycoon" ($2.4B as of 2013), heads Acron, one of Russia's (and the world's) biggest fertilizer producers. Known as "Putin's ally and associate" with "close links to the Kremlin"; he is the current president of the European Jewish Congress and ex-president of Russian Jewish Congress, recognized as "one of the '50 Most Influential Jews in the World'" and a big time champion of anti-White thought-policing, repression and indoctrination, in Russia and worldwide.

Kerimov, Suleyman Abusaidovich. an ethnic Lezgin born in Dagestan - a non-Slavic, traditionally Muslim Caucasus peoples, similar to Chechens [...] a secretive Kremlin-connected Russian tycoon. [...]Kerimov sometimes appears to be an extension of the Kremlin, the bankers say [...] the things [he does] seem to be in tandem with the government,” said Chris Barter, former co-chief executive of Goldman Sachs’ Moscow office [...] Suspiciously (*for a non-Jew) well-connected to the American/global juden-bankster oligopoly circles

Khan, German. [...] a leading member of the Russian Jewish Congress [...] an active supporter of Jewish initiatives in Russia and Europe [...] large contribution to the work of the European Jewish Fund [...] aimed at developing European Jewry and promoting tolerance [...] On excellent terms with Kremlin. [...] Net Worth $10.5 B As of March 2013.

Mamut, Alexander. Jewish oligarch and mafiozi, he has connections in the top levels of government: First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in Putin's and Medvedev's cabinets, Igor Shuvalov, is an ex employee of Mamut's and they are strongly connected as associates. "He remains very close to the Kremlin and he is understood to be close to Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin". $2.3 B As of March 2013 (official and publicly known wealth).

Mikhelson, Leonid. Part-Jewish although he doesn't publicly admit or identify with it. He controls Novatek - one of the most important natural gas companies in RF. $15.4 B As of March 2013. Deals and partnership with Kremlin-controlled Gazprom is a source of much of his fortune.

Prokhorov, Mikhail Dmitrievitch . multibillionaire ($13B as of 2013) of Jewish-Russian-Osetian origin, jew by mother's side [...] politician, and owner of the American basketball team the Brooklyn Nets, and different nickel and gold producing factories in Russia. He is well known for his contempt towards workers and awful working conditions in his factories. On decent terms with Kremlin.

Rottenberg, Arkadiy (and his brother Boris). Jewish billionaire ($3.3B as of 2013, and $1.4B for Boris Rotenberg) and one of the richest men in Russia, personal friend of Putin, his former judo training partner. The huge capital he earned through personal acquaintance with V. Putin, last years he got practically unrestricted flow of budget money.

Shvidler, Eugene. Another Jewish billionaire ($1.3B as of 2013), natural resources tycoon, friend and partner of Abramovich. Together with Abramovich holds stakes in Evraz group - one of the biggest natural resource companies in Russia.

Usmanov, Alisher. Muslim Asian (Uzbek) - the richest man of Russia and the United Kingdom. $17.6B as of 2013. [...]For his economic crimes he was even arrest and imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Today he gets awards of Putin [...] has "close links to the Kremlin" [...] married Jewish Irina Viner, a top rhythmic gymnastics coach, in 1992. She is considered to be close to Putin, having introduced him to his current partner, one of her former gymnasts, Alina Kabaeva

Vekselberg, Viktor. Jew [...] the richest man of Russia 2012. $15.1B As of 2013. This oligarh of mixed Jewish-Ukrainian origin is the owner of numerous oil and metallurgy plants of Russia [...]On good terms with Kremlin [...]


Lesser caliber non-Slavic (Jewish etc) tycoons and Putin's pals benefitting from state contracts: Ziyad Manasir , Iskander Mahmudo , Muslim Ziyaudin Magomedov, Aras Agalarov, Armenian Vazgen Gevorkyan

"State corporation oligarchs"
People entrusted with running huge multi-billion dollar state corporations and monopolies, they are somewhere in between an "oligarch" and administration official, and easily a match in influence to a Minister or Deputy Minister.

Chubais, Anatoly. [...]Jew by mother's side[...] was an influential member of Boris Yeltsin's administration, insider of oligarchic mafia circles of 90s [...] receives awards from Putin and Medvedev, as well as control of multi-billion dollar state corporations - RAO UES and RUSNANO.

Kirienko, Sergey. Jew by father's side. A prominent liberal and supporter of Putin, was Prime Minister in Yeltsin's time. In Putin's Russia he heads Rosatom - a huge state corporation controlling the whole nuclear complex of RF - weaponry, R&D and power utilities - described as "state within a state, a powerful and secretive dominion with an almost limitless access to government funds and no accountability to either the state or the public."

Officials / Kremlin administration under Putin and Medvedev

Dvorkovich, Arkady. Jew; married to a non-Slav as well – wife is an ethnic Dagestani) […]an economist, was the Assistant to the President (* i.e. Putin) of the Russian Federation since 13 May 2008 til May 2012. In May 21, 2012 he was appointed as Deputy Prime Minister in Dmitry Medvedev's Cabinet

Fradkov, Mikhail Yefimovich. family of Jewish origin on his father's side […] Russian politician and statesman who was the Prime Minister of Russia (* appointed by Putin) from March 2004 to September 2007. Fradkov has been the head of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service since 2007

Kalanda, Vladimir. unknown asian/eurasian origin - obvious in looks, born in neighboring with China region. One of senior Putin's officials: Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Migration Service, Federal Service of the Russian Federation for control of drug trafficking. His wife is the Vice President of Rosneft, Russia's leading extraction and refinement company and largest publicly traded oil company, owned by the Government of Russia.

Kalina, Isaak Josephovich. [..]jew, [...] From 2010 till now - Head of Education Department of Moscow government. [...] In 2009-2012 - Deputy Chairman of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of Russia.[...]

Kogan (Cohen), Vladimir. Jewish banker, former co-owner of Industry and Construction Bank of St. Petersburg, a statesman. A close friend of Vladimir Putin from Putin's St. Petersburg days, also known as "Putin's banker". Director of the Department of Construction Ministry of Regional Development in 2008-2011, during the period from July to December 2012 - Deputy Minister of Regional Development - Head of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services.

Lavrov, Sergey Viktorovich. Russian diplomat who has been the Foreign Minister of Russia since 2004. His nomination to the Foreign Minister office was approved by two Russian presidents, in 2008 by Dmitry Medvedev and in 2012 by Vladimir Putin. Lavrov was born in Moscow to an Armenian father from Tbilisi and Russian mother from Georgia. Big anti-White and anti-WN: Is an activist in everything “anti-nazi”, “anti-racist”(= code words for anti-White) - details inside.

Lesin, Mikhail Yuriyevich. Jew. Minister of The press, TV broadcasting and Media under Putin (1999-2004), temporary acting Minister of Culture in 2004, presidential aide and advisor under Putin and Medvedev (2004-2009), Kremlin's "manager of mass media" and "spin doctor". Once described as "the most influential personality of Russian television and radio", his record includes creation of Kremlin-friendly Russia Today (RT), Putin's election campaign propaganda and much more.

Magomedov, Magomedsalam Magomedaliyevich. an ethnic Dargi (non Slavic, Muslim Caucasus ethnicity)[…] was the President of Dagestan [...] appointment by the President of Russia […] Today he was appointed as "Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration"

Nurgaliev, Rashid Gumirovich. tatar. 2000-2002 - deputy chief of FSB (KGB), 2002-2003 - deputy minister of home affairs (police) of Russia, 2003-2012 - minister of home affairs (police) of Russia, 2012-now - deputy chief of security council of Russia. Fighter against nationalism.

Pavlovsky, Gleb Olegovich. [..]political scientist (he describes himself as a "political technologist") of jewish origin [...] adviser to the Presidential Administration of Russia until April, 2011 [...] one of behind the scenes masterminds and image shapers of Putin

Pollyeva, Dzhakhan Redzhepovna. ethnic from turkmenian […] an Aide to the President of Russia

Reiman, Leonid Dododzhonovich. father was a tajik (asian muslim), mother was a German (jew?) [...]former Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Minister of Communications and Information Technologies of the Russian Federation. Leonid Reiman has been numerously rated most influential person in Russian telecom business with personal wealth over $1 bln., according to Finance magazine.

Sechin, Igor. strange looking - mystery meat? [...] Russian official, considered a close ally of Vladimir Putin. Sechin is often described as one of Putin's most conservative counselors and the leader of the Kremlin's Siloviki faction, a statist lobby gathering former security services agents [...] currently is Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in Vladimir Putin's cabinet.

Shoygu, Sergey. mixed Slav with Turkic/Mongoloid [...] perennial minister of RF since Yeltsin's times. [...]Minister of Emergency Situations from 1991 to 2012 […] On November 6, 2012 he was appointed Minister of Defence of Russia. Was "at the root of" United Russia (Putin's party) from the beginning, party co-chairman in 2001–2005 and from 2005 and on he is also in the party's main leadership -- its Supreme Council.

Shuvalov, Igor. Nothing specific about ethnicity or parents; possibly a Slav. One of the most important officials in Putin's and Medvedev's cabinets. Another "oligarchs' man" in RF government, close personal and business connections with many of Russia's biggest oligarchs, including Kerimov, Usmanov and, most of all, the Jewish tycoon Aleksandr Mamut.

Sobyanin, Sergey. native Asian, the Mayor of Moscow. [...] was Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and former Head of the Administration of the President of Russia from 2005 to 2010

"Surkov", "Vladislav". (before name change - Aslambek Andarbekovich Dudaev) - half-Chechen, friend of Muslims[...]Vladislav Surkov is widely seen as the main ideologist of the Kremlin [...] contributed greatly to the electoral victory of President Vladimir Putin in 2004 [...] main architect of the current Russian political system [...] top aide to Vladimir Putin, First Deputy of the Chief of the Russian Presidential Administration from 1999 to 2011, Deputy Prime Minister from December 2011 to 8 May 2013

Yusufov, Igor Hanukovich. Jewish businessman and statesman in Putin's Russia: 2001-2004 - Minister of Energy, July 29, 2004 to April 8, 2011 - The Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Energy Cooperation, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; currently on board of directors of huge state monopoly Gazprom - one of the largest companies in the world.

Parliament: United Russia party, supporters of Putin, notable M.P.s

Hinstein, Alexander. Jewish member of parliament, from the ruling party United Russia (Putin's party); member of the Presidium of United Russia - a handful of members who are the top ruling body of the party. Influential and prolific journalist and writer in Russia, advocate of Putin's government in media.

Sarafaliev, Gadzhimet Kerimovich. ethnic dagestanian (non-Slavic, Muslim Caucasus ethnicity), State Duma deputy from the Putin's party "United Russia", head of the Committee of Nationalities in parliament […] big supporter of mass-immigration from turkic-asian ex-USSR republics as well as “tolerance” brainwashing for Whites

Vasilyev, Vladimir Abdualievich. politician of mixed Kazakh(Asian)-Russian origin. Since November 2012 he is the chief of Putin's party "United Russia" in the parliament.

Slutsker, Vladimir. Jewish multi-millionaire and MP in 2002-2010, prominent member of Jewish social and religious organizations in Russia and worldwide. He and his wife (whom he divorced in 2009) are known as supporters of Putin, Medvedev and United Russia. Naturally, he worked to assist the "worker immigrants" who are "humiliated by the extremists". Reportedly a buddy of another Jewish oligarch - Roman Abramovich.

Zhirinovsky (Eidelstein), Vladimir. part Jew. Fake "opposition", in reality controlled by and servile to Kremlin. Fake "nationalist", neo-sovietist, the only kind of "nationalism" not banned in Putin's Russia and allowed non insignificant political representation.

Prominent TV and radio hosts

Shevchenko, Maksim. [...]one of the leading journalists and "experts" of Putin's Russia, muslim activist, anti-White and active supporter of Putin.

Solovyov, Vladimir Rudolfovich. pure jew [...] member of Russian Jewish Congress. He is the lead in the official debates in the parliamentary and presidential elections. […] In addition he's an active supporter for Putin personally and his party "United Russia", Solovyov is a frequent speaker at their meeting; hugely influential Russia's TV and radio journalist, leading pro-government TV journalist, one of the most prominent and recognizeable Russian Federation mainstream TV hosts/media personas


Lazar, Berel. Chief Rabbi of Russia, and chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities [...] member of the Public Chamber of Russia [...] Lazar is known for his close ties to Putin's Kremlin. [...] Vladimir Putin signed an edict to honor him with the Order of Friendship. This award is being presented for the contribution made by Rabbi Lazar to developing culture and strengthening friendship between nations within Russia [...] At the sixtieth anniversary commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz at the concentration camp, Putin gave a speech. His speech was followed by Lazar awarding Putin the so-called Salvation medal as a symbol of "the Jewish people's gratitude" to Russia for liberating the camp.

Spiegel, Boris. Jew; MP (senator), pharmaceuticals tycoon, anti-white activist, lobbyist and originator of multiple anti-white, anti-free speech thought crime legislative projects (signed into law and lauded by Putin); according to Jewish press "an oligarch who is closely tied to the Kremlin" and "firmly in the pro-Putin camp".

Being in any way related to Putin, his administration or personal circles, seems to mysteriously correlate with being anything but a White person who isn't an anti-White scum.

When the Fake News that is controlled by Jews are pissed off at Russia, you know it's real. Hence why they are GOING TO WAR with Russia via Ukraine, just how blind to reality are you? If the Talmuds loved Russia there would be no war there, it's as simple as that.

He doesn't protect Talmuds anymore than he protects any other religious group in Russia, because Russia has to balance forces between Christianity, Islam, and Talmudism, which means there must be an equal application of laws to keep order. That there are so many Muslims in Russia also makes it politically impossible for Russia to support genocidal Israel, which further places Russia as far away from Talmudic interests as possible without going full Hitler.

The third most common language in fake israel is Russian. All israel ever really was, was a place for jewish criminals to go retreat to when they pissed off their host countries too much. Every circumcised sexual predator who has successfully evaded justice has residence there. The real greater jew goals are in Ukraine/Russia. Theodor Herzl's zionism isn't required in the new world order, and most most jews with a brain for the long con would see how its usefulness has departed from their schemes.

His protection of Muslims could be seen as a bigger crime because of the betrayal of the Slavic officers in the Russian Army in the 90s.

Putin de-facto acknowledged an independence of Chechnya despite the fact that five-hundred thousand ethnic Russians were cleansed from this region. He also gave amnesty for all bandits and terrorists who fought against Russia. Some of the Chechen Muslim insurgents and terrorists have even received the “Hero of Russia” award, the highest award in Russia. Slavic refugees from Muslim terrorism in Chechnya, unlike Muslims, didn`t receive any help, although ethnic Chechen “victims of the war” received and continue to receive tens of thousands of dollars per person and countless millions are invested every year into "restoration" of Chechnya.

A pathetic display of purity spiraling, like a single law means anything compared to being against the BIS and Israel. You clearly have no idea how strategy works, nor do you understand chess, these laws are in place from decades before Putin even came to power. This 2014 law had precedent going back to the Soviet times, and in 2014 going against the Talmuds would have simply gotten Putin killed for no good reason. Putin cannot go in and merely defy every existing power structure within Russia and survive. Things must be changed piece by piece, and dismantled over time.

Protecting the holohoax narrative is bearing false witness as it is such a massive lie. Before Vladimir Putin's 2014 anti-holocaust denial law, Russia did not have explicit laws specifically targeting holocaust denial. All Soviet laws simply criminalized critique of the Red Army. This means Putin will never hold a press conference showing pulled documents that prove that the USSR colluded with zionists to manufacture the fake death camps and create the biggest hoax of the 20th century.

The line of logic is very linear and easy. The jews ran the Soviet Union, a fact which even the Russian government admits. The Soviet Version of history is the jewish false narrative which is why being honest about the Holocaust or the Soviet false history is a crime now in Russia. The holocaust is the key part of the false historical narrative of the jew Word Order. As the truth does not fear investigation, which is why the holocaust is illegal to question in many other Nations under jewish control. Which shows yet again Russia is ultimately under jewish control.

The primary purpose for the east propping this up as law now is because more truth has emerged in the last ten years. This phony holocaust serves as a distraction from and a cover for the real crimes against humanity committed under jewish communism. Nearly everyone has heard of “Auschwitz,” but how many have heard of the atrocities committed against Gentiles at Kolyma, the most notorious Gulag slave labor camp, run and operated by Jews in extreme northeastern Siberia? Or the systematic genocide and famine of the people of the Ukraine perpetrated by Jewish communism?

The gulag systems of the former USSR that no one is allowed to criticize in Russia, were the real death camps. Everything the jews are and do, they cleverly blame upon Gentiles. If one does enough in-depth research, one will find that slave labor/death camps are actually a jewish idea and jewish invention, and existed long before the alleged German camps. This acts as a distraction and diverts the attention of the populace from the real crimes. This has acted as a major distraction amongst many other things over the years and has diverted attention from the real death camps, which were all run and operated by jews, under jewish communism. Long before Adolf Hitler even came to power, these slave labor death camps were in full operation. In addition, Everything the jews (then and now) accuse the "nazis" of, they, themselves put into action in the 1920’s.

So even if Russia "wins" in this staged conflict it is pyrrhic at best. They would still leading the world under a massive lie. The truth is not going to wait for Putin to allegedly play chess against world jewry (which he isn't doing), and people who expose these truths will be prosecuted under his government.

It's funny how all of you say Putin is secretly fighting jews when he is openly accusing everyone against him of being a "nazi". Comical.

A true Christian does not try and kill all evil at once, he turns the other cheek as needed, and picks the fights he can win. He focuses on taking care of his loved ones, and then tries to be friends even with his enemies. Read the Bible.

Your own contrived definition of a "true Christian" changes from one historical context to another to suit whatever argument is at stake, why don't you stay consistent. You would castigate one for attempting to make peace with an external enemy then applaud another for not making war with an enemy within. I've gone through the painstaking process of learning additional languages to further understand Scripture and not be fooled by mistranslations, so my efforts are more diligent than most.

With the state of affairs now and the way they are continuing to breakdown I don't see how anyone can support this war on either side. If you do, you have a bloodlust in you which is unbecoming of any man who professes to be a Christian.

But for ideologues such as yourself, anything less than full Hitler is unacceptable, which shows just how bad your judgement is. You clearly have no idea what good strategy looks like, you have the mindset of an incompetent - you would just get the White race crushed again if you were to be commander.
It is evident that you have no history as a "commander" in any official capacity, and have no experience in any military. I don't need to dox what my role was, but I've been around enough people giving orders as well as those receiving them to know that personality means a great deal and is oftentimes the only glue that keeps people connected despite massive differences otherwise in stressful situations. Your spiteful responses towards a member's alleged character and chiding assumptions about their abilities or lack thereof are evident of severe personality flaws which render you unfit for leadership.

Your tenure as moderator here has already driven off many senior accounts from RVF, not brought more people together. So by example of bad commanders, look to yourself first before projecting your flaws onto others. There are entire military academies where the topics of leadership are debated and fleshed out ad nauseum and they still haven't quite figured it out yet, your mere opinion of commandership could not be any closer to the truth than theirs is, and these people "pride" themselves on it. Your assessments come from a typical investment of study in Scaligerian history and don't consider the larger context of lies surrounding it all.

So go on and revel in your prideful and condescending commentary. You are too easily tempted to judge others. This is partly why DanielH left, he knew his positions here were too much of a temptation for you to judge him, and he was right. You can't contain your judgments. He's not the only one you bullied into some kind of submission through incessant harassment or banning. You'll find that not everyone here who disagrees with you is some Jeb Bush pushover. However, the longer this goes on, the more people will see someone for who they really are. I make no subterfuge to what I stand for, and I welcome all objective criticism.

However, apparently this is your show now Samseau, and your abuse of mod privileges has turned away many people from this forum, not my controversial posts. The participation on here is reducing every month, now it's about the same 20 accounts with 5 or 6 who completely agree verbatim on everything and spew vitriol against anyone who dissents from their opinions. If I get tired of this place and stop posting it will be because I've found a better crowd to talk to, not because some power-tripper ran me out of town. I've been looking but quite frankly the internet sucks these days.

I am not at risk of jeopardizing my non-existent standing with the GOP by calling out kikery everywhere it hides, whether that be in Washington or the Kremlin. The jews in the USA/Ukraine and the jews in Russia know full well what they are doing, it makes no difference they are all unrepentant and hell-bound. This entire world is on a warpath to human annihilation because of their false dialectic and their fevered dreams.
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