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Latest German Lunacy

Soo...Stürzenberger ( a German anti-Islam activist) got almost stabbed to death today. Him and the first cop to step in might actually still die, according to Apollo News ( a website I recommend, I met the founder personally when he was still finishing high school. Very interesting dude).

I found it actually on Apollo News while googling it, which is weird, because it's a tiny website with mostly unpaid writers, because the other outlets don't push it. They are preoccupied with seething about Gigi D'Agostino's chart position.

EDIT: I didn't notice the first time I watched it, but the cop actually got stabbed because he tried to arrest one of the activists instead of the Mohammedan.
Interesting symbolism for the German political landscape.

You don't go around publicly criticising Muslims without at least 5 to 10 bodyguards around you at all times.
Amateur hour here...
Stürzenberger ( a German anti-Islam activist)
He was pretty cool, always putting himself out there, loud criticism of islam out in the streets, very passionate and provocative he always was. Had a lot of guts to do what he did, I watched some of the videos back in the day. He's a bit of an eccentric. His party Die Freiheit predated the AfD. He managed to do that for years on the streets without this happening till now. He does not sound that badly injured but the policeman who got stabbed in the neck is.

What are they going to do now, they've got Germans in various parts of the country at the moment singing Ausländer raus, Deutschland den Deutschen and having the regressive left criticize it :
More about that song, with various people singing it :
The police are trying to stop people from listening to or singing that song.
Erstmals stirbt ein deutscher Polizist bei einem islamistischen Attentat.
The actual target of the attack however is okay in hospital, has done a long interview despite his stab wounds but one of the police protecting the event died in hospital. I wonder how angry or upset Germans are about this.
Good to hear this about the original target of the attack.

I didn't wish death on that cop, but the fact is he chose poorly when he knocked the citizen off the stabby muslim guy, and his fellow female cops chose poorly when they helped the stabby muslim guy back to his feet.

This was a fatal case of fool around and find out for these cops.
They were afraid of the muslim. The only cop which confronted the muslim was a Turk. There´s one guy with a knife. That´s the number one threat.

Imagine being a cop with female cops by your side. It´s worse than going alone. Because you have to worry about them. If I were a cop I would rather go alone than with woman. Unless she was a lesbian beast.

Muslim didn´t even die. In few years he will do another one.
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I'm sorry, but if a Muzzie is stabbing someone in the neck and head, and I'm a cop, that stabber is going to get shot in the @$$ and kneecaps at least 4x. EU cops like to act tough, carrying guns, but they never use them...except when someone is saying an non-PC word or something else extraordinarily "violent". Then all bets are off. Female cops...what a joke. It take 5 full grown cuck-men to stop a Muzzie. It will take 20 female cops to stop one of them. But 5 of them will be tearing off their clothes, another 5 will be kissing him, another 5 will be calling for help, and the last 5 will be making marriage proposals.
I hate female cops myself, they're the most annoying type of people you'll ever come across! I disagree that European police are not willing to use force (including deadly force) though, that's simply not true. It was a horrible judgement call, he seems to have been way to focused on the "evil white men," to the point that he ignored the rabid Muslim with a knife 2 meters away from him...Weird!
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Erstmals stirbt ein deutscher Polizist bei einem islamistischen Attentat.
The actual target of the attack however is okay in hospital, has done a long interview despite his stab wounds but one of the police protecting the event died in hospital. I wonder how angry or upset Germans are about this.

Regular Germans should be happy one of their gestapo was killed.

German cops should be angry they are thrown away like trash.
Imagine being a cop with female cops by your side. It´s worse than going alone. Because you have to worry about them. If I were a cop I would rather go alone than with woman. Unless she was a lesbian beast.

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Screenshot_20240605_115655_Samsung Internet.jpg
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German politician flees to Russia
Former AfD member Olga Petersen has claimed that the authorities in Hamburg were planning to seize her children
One particularly alarming thing in that article :
Expressions of support for Russia’s military operation in Ukraine are illegal in Hamburg, with a court in the city sentencing a man to three years in prison last May for sharing “pro-Russian ideas” and using the ‘Z’ symbol – painted on some Russian military vehicles operating in the conflict – on his Telegram channel.

Has however been a positive development in Germany :
Sahra Wagenknecht has lashed out at Berlin’s decision to allow Kiev to strike deep into Russia during a campaign rally

Does the AfD even try to stop the escalation of the war? Why does it take a break-away former leftist to say something like this? At least someone is saying it but those calling for deescalation in the west are unfortunately few and far between.
German politician flees to Russia
Former AfD member Olga Petersen has claimed that the authorities in Hamburg were planning to seize her children
One particularly alarming thing in that article :

Has however been a positive development in Germany :
Sahra Wagenknecht has lashed out at Berlin’s decision to allow Kiev to strike deep into Russia during a campaign rally

Does the AfD even try to stop the escalation of the war? Why does it take a break-away former leftist to say something like this? At least someone is saying it but those calling for deescalation in the west are unfortunately few and far between.
The strikes deep into Russia are using Starlink's satellites as guidance. It's not like Ukraine has to call to ask permission, anyone who figures out how to triangulate it can do it. Russians probably use it also.

This is why SpaceX has been nationalized & is being run under a pentagon based, ww2 style military admin & why many satellite providers worldwide mysteriously went down a day or so after Russia launched a EW satellite.

Biden doesn't have to "allow" anything, he can't deescalate anything, nor can Putin. They aren't in control. Ukraine will probably end up being to the US what Prigojin was to Putin, a serious power rival. Anything can happen.

For those interested in wartime IT - this guy publishes way too much for his own good but the blog of a former Ubiquiti engineer who now does door to door delivery of explosives & uses starlink to do it - https://olegkutkov.me/
What a brave lady!!!

Germany: 95-Year-Old Ursula Haverbeck is Back in Court for Another Crimethink Trial

The government of Germany is really serious wanting you to believe the Holocaust.

If you don’t believe, they will put you in prison, and if you come out still not believing, they will just keep putting you in prison over and over again.

Being a 95-year-old woman in a wheelchair is no excuse. You have to believe that sixty million Jews were gassed in fake shower room and made into lampshades by Adolf Hitler, or you just have to keep going back to prison.

Full story
What a brave lady!!!

Germany: 95-Year-Old Ursula Haverbeck is Back in Court for Another Crimethink Trial

The government of Germany is really serious wanting you to believe the Holocaust.

If you don’t believe, they will put you in prison, and if you come out still not believing, they will just keep putting you in prison over and over again.

Being a 95-year-old woman in a wheelchair is no excuse. You have to believe that sixty million Jews were gassed in fake shower room and made into lampshades by Adolf Hitler, or you just have to keep going back to prison.

Full story

Can you PLEASE add a warning when posting dailystormer links? I want to make sure I use an anonymous browser and a VPN before I go to these links. Actually the forum should do this by default me thinks.
Auf Parkbank: Afghane sticht ahnungslose Frau nieder
Can you believe it, another Afghaner seems to have been inspired by the stabbing from Mannheim, but it was a random target this time not an anti-islam activist. He crept up behind some woman sitting on a park bench next to the river in Frankfurt am Main and started stabbing her in the back of the neck. He was caught, but from what I can tell there is a MSM silence on this. Has this even made it into the German main stream media, or is it now that random stabbings by third world migrants are only mentioned in the independent press..

‘Sieg Heil’ chant at Munich beer hall draws police attention​

Guests at the Bavarian brewery were outraged by the banned Nazi slogan

The German cops make me think of Benny Hill skits, running around and freaking out whenever someone says the wrong word, sings "Ausländer Raus", or uses a hand gesture. It's so predictable and like the country is run by kindergarten snowflakes. That's how you could totally troll the government: everyone all over the country coordinate to say this phrase, sing that song, or do the gesture at the same time all over the country. Like nationwide flashmobs. The cops' heads would explode and nothing else would get done. It would be front-page news for weeks each time, and the establishment handwringing would be hilarious.

‘Sieg Heil’ chant at Munich beer hall draws police attention​

Guests at the Bavarian brewery were outraged by the banned Nazi slogan

The German cops make me think of Benny Hill skits, running around and freaking out whenever someone says the wrong word, sings "Ausländer Raus", or uses a hand gesture. It's so predictable and like the country is run by kindergarten snowflakes. That's how you could totally troll the government: everyone all over the country coordinate to say this phrase, sing that song, or do the gesture at the same time all over the country. Like nationwide flashmobs. The cops' heads would explode and nothing else would get done. It would be front-page news for weeks each time, and the establishment handwringing would be hilarious.

I think 99% of these "right wing" outburst events are staged by paid agitators.