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Latest German Lunacy

Marijuana: it is almost like the Muslim assassins who used hashish, did so to induce the psychosis to ruthlessly complete missions.
The government wants people high on drugs so they ask fewer questions about what the hell is going on.
yes, i was thinking the same thing

You prompted me to find this -
I don't normally read that source although I once accidentally bought the magazine, some funny stuff -
Der Geldsklave Deutschland hat seinen Platz in der Welt gefunden. Dieser Geldsklave liebt es angerufen und beschimpft zu werden, und dann alles Mögliche zu bezahlen. Mittlerweile kennen alle diesen deutschen Fetisch. Die Amerikaner machen es, die Polen und die Griechen auch, eigentlich alle Länder dieser Welt. Der deutsche Geldsklave liebt es auch, wenn seine Doms seine Infrastruktur kaputt machen. Pipelines zum Beispiel, die ihm billiges russisches Gas lieferten. Das verschafft ihm besondere Befriedigung, wenn’s richtig wehtut.
The Andrew Anglin of Germany!

There was an article recently about this China visit with some very pertinent text and comments :
Here are some highlights from that, though out of order :
Unfortunately, this is where we come up against Scholz’s very narrow limits. This is no Bismarck. Instead, we are dealing with a chancellor who can be called the most recklessly and – it must be said, spinelessly – subservient to the US in Germany's post-WWII history. Scholz grinned when Biden announced, in essence, that the US would destroy the Nord Stream pipelines if it felt like it. When it happened, nothing happened: Germany took it and kept grinning.

Second, less obviously, who is Scholz to try to interfere in the partnership between Moscow and Beijing, a partnership marked by rationality and respect for both partners’ national interests? As long as Germany offers a spectacle of unquestioning and irrational obedience to Washington, no one will be interested in its advice on how to cooperate.

That was the penultimate irony. Here is the ultimate one: Scholz’s visit is, most fundamentally, an outcome of the fact that the West has not been able to cajole China. With respect to Germany in particular, it is true that, according to a recent poll, two thirds of German businesses active in China complain of unequal treatment. And yet they are there. And yet a German chancellor still arrives with a planeload of business leaders.

The true message of the poll is about how indispensable China is, talk of “derisking” this and “decoupling” that notwithstanding. In the not-too-distant future, a successor of Scholz may well find himself on a similar trip, but to Moscow. Namely, when two realities will have become so compelling that they must be acknowledged: Russia, too, cannot be cajoled by the West; and, for Germany as well as for Europe as a whole, Russia, too, remains indispensable.
And from the comments :
Mr.Xi. Don't trust a German politician that has sold his body and soul to the zionist owned USA. How can a patriotic head of state allow tens of thousands American soldiers still occupy his country and take orders from their President? WWII was over 80 years ago.
Actually, that's almost true : 2024 - 80 = 1944 , so 79 years ago to be exact, but still..

I was on the phone to someone German and should not have spoken about politics but I couldn't help but ask „Was halten Sie vom Kanzler Scholz?“

He said „ich bin nicht richtig Fan aber es gibt leider keine guten Alternative“

What can you do, normies...

I don't follow mainstream German politics that closely anymore but what other world leader is as bald as that? Not only childless.

The state of Germany, and by extension Europe today.

Fritz, hand me the Flammenwerfer….
Björn Höcke our favourite history teacher politician has been fined €13,000 for saying „Alles für Deutschland“ in a speech.
What is he supposed to say - „Nichts für Deutschland“ ..
It really sounds like harmless patriotism to me but I don't get the entire 1930s context. Just expressing love of one's country.

It does say „Das Urteil ist noch nicht rechtskräftig“ so maybe there is hope it won't go through, €13,000 is a lot more than a parking fine. I suppose this is the German version of all the lawfare which is being thrown at Trump.

Does really sound like the principle Hitler breathed air and so you therefor shouldn't is being applied.
Show trial of the century underway in Germany.

To sum it up: This is a handful of German senior citizens (70+) who were larping about reinstating an heir of the last Kaiser as head of state in Germany, and made some social media posts about this. They were promptly arrested, and are now guarded by thousands of heavily armed police and military personell.

This makes the "kidnapping plot" with Gretchen Whitmer pale in comparison.

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Show trial of the century underway in Germany.

To sum it up: This is a handful of German senior citizens (70+) who were larping about reinstating an heir of the last Kaiser as head of state in Germany, and made some social media posts about this. They were promptly arrested, and are now guarded by thousands of heavily armed police and military personell.

This makes the "kidnapping plot" with Gretchen Whitmer pale in comparison.

Watch out! The septuagenarian coup plotters are going to storm the parliament with their walkers and canes. 🤡🌍

German officials claim the new law is meant to address inconsistencies in previous child pornography laws which are sometimes applied to people who "receive images or videos through email or social media without their permission." They also cited instances where two minors traded images and were charged with creation or possession of child pornography.

Critics of the bill argue that the German government could have easily made legal adjustments for those specific exceptions to avoid innocent people being wrongly imprisoned. Instead, they are trying to institute sweeping changes that reclassify the crime and give greater legal protections to an array of child predators. The new law does not make exceptions for adult offenders.
Culture shifting?

I noticed a lot of the people involved in this are normie looking types - not the typical hooligans that get associated with the "far right".

I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Mass media usually overblow these narratives when they are about to crack down with new restrictive laws or purges.
I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Mass media usually overblow these narratives when they are about to crack down with new restrictive laws or purges.
German politics has been a slow-moving flush of brown, only semi-liquid toilet water for over a decade now:
  • “Let’s get rid of nuclear power plants in Germany’s second-most traditionally conservative state, which just elected a Greens Ministerpräsident for fun, because of an unrelated nuclear event in an earthquake-prone Japan” and then “Let’s get rid of all such plants!”
  • “Let’s let in 1.5 million plus military age men from ‘Syria’ who totally represent European values!”
  • “Let’s have a grand coalition at the federal level with the Socialists because we’re the CDU/CSU. The Socialists will be nice to us later, promise!”
  • “Let’s watch the Socialists, Greens and Free Democrats form their new, schizophrenic traffic light coalition because our prior grand coalition seriously worked out for us!”
  • “Let’s, after now getting rid of nuclear years ago, cut off Russian gas and oil and further deindustrialize, all while pumping billions into Ukraine!”
  • “Let’s, meanwhile, continue our purge of anything remotely pro-German by going after Höcke, that Germany-loving Turkish dude who wrote the cat novel, a bunch of nostalgic geriatric monarchists, and anyone who questions things like inconvenient rapist by nationality stats!”
A catchy pro-German song won’t get rid of the diarrhea-infested “German” political “discourse”, you’re totally right.
As an aside, it’s interesting how backward much of the pre-1945 German historiography about Germany is, especially in mainstream reading circles (for those who actually read and don’t rely on soundbites from celebrities and leftist politicians).

Even the popular Anglo-American historiography, which comes with all the self-loathing towards Whites rightfully attributed to Anglo-Celts, is usually better.

But if you actually read much of the source material, a lot of the misconceptions fall away.

The whole “blonde-haired, blue-eyed Nordic” rhetoric, for example.

Günther admitted Germany was only 55% Nordic (total blood expressed through phenotype, not 55% of the population being totally Nordic in phenotype). People like Steffi Graf, Nordic/Dinaric hybrids, or (admittedly Quebecois) Celine Dion, Nordic-Alpine hybrids, look more German to me than a dolichocephalic Swedish model.

Kaiser Wilhelm II, a sort of Noric (Nordic/Dinaric) and Atlantid (Nordic/Mediterranean) mix, was probably amongst the most representative of European monarchs in phenotypical terms (except for lacking any Alpine). He looked more or less like an average German of the time.

A lot of the very brachycephalic, Slavic-looking, even somewhat Asiatic types to the east of Germany were more prone to blondism and blue eyes than more classically European, longer-headed Germans.

If you compare Günther with the estimates of someone like Carleton Coon (which are kind of problematic, as he doesn’t seem to account for the presence of large numbers of half or predominantly Nordic Nordic-Mediterranean hybrids across Germany, France, the Low Countries and other places, plus other types), only 4% of Germans were the classic Nordic Hallstatt type.

There are spectacular problems with how the Nazis ran Germany, for sure, but a lot of the way Germans are told to look at this period involves cheap stereotypes and misleading simplicity designed to burden Germans with ever-present guilt and obfuscate the actual lessons that should be gleaned.
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Soo...Stürzenberger ( a German anti-Islam activist) got almost stabbed to death today. Him and the first cop to step in might actually still die, according to Apollo News ( a website I recommend, I met the founder personally when he was still finishing high school. Very interesting dude).

I found it actually on Apollo News while googling it, which is weird, because it's a tiny website with mostly unpaid writers, because the other outlets don't push it. They are preoccupied with seething about Gigi D'Agostino's chart position.

EDIT: I didn't notice the first time I watched it, but the cop actually got stabbed because he tried to arrest one of the activists instead of the Mohammedan.
Interesting symbolism for the German political landscape.
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Soo...Stürzenberger ( a German anti-Islam activist) got almost stabbed to death today. Him and the first cop to step in might actually still die, according to Apollo News ( a website I recommend, I met the founder personally when he was still finishing high school. Very interesting dude).

I found it actually on Apollo News while googling it, which is weird, because it's a tiny website with mostly unpaid writers, because the other outlets don't push it. They are preoccupied with seething about Gigi D'Agostino's chart position.

EDIT: The memes are fire though

Wow, stabbing and brawl at 12:30, just another migrant of peace.
Wow, stabbing and brawl at 12:30, just another migrant of peace.
I assume the vid will get taken down, it's a pretty tough watch. The Muzzie got a couple of vicious ones in there with his military knife. He got the policeman pretty good in the neck, and Michael apparently got at least one in the face and the body.

I guess we can all be happy that there were half a dozen female police officers around. They did a good job putting cuffs on the victims and running around like headless chicken.