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Clown World Thread

I'm not big on the whole generational thing, the concept of excusing my possible woes due to others never sat well with me. I know just as many "boomers" who are strong men that raised good families as I do those who are delusional ignorant fools. I could say the same for each of the generational stereotypes.
It doesn’t matter what sits well with you. Connect the dots. We are being ruled by the oldest congress in US history. The results speak for themselves.
I saw this and was 100% convinced it was a fake video, where they inserted a wacky person into a real Pierce Morgan interview, but no, Pierce Morgan interviewed an almost naked crackhead black woman in a diaper on live TV.

Apparently this is news because this lunatic said something to Alec Baldwin and he was repulsed by her.

Is this a black person's version of a Sam Hyde troll or a mentally ill patient being taken seriously? She stands up in the interview to show the audience her diaper, then her wig falls off.

Just another day in the greatest country in the world, the amazing high tech superpower land of America.

I'm not big on the whole generational thing, the concept of excusing my possible woes due to others never sat well with me. I know just as many "boomers" who are strong men that raised good families as I do those who are delusional ignorant fools. I could say the same for each of the generational stereotypes.

The older generations are voting for endless war. The younger members of Congress, even idiots like AOC, do not.
The older generations are voting for endless war. The younger members of Congress, even idiots like AOC, do not.

Older "men" in general I've noticed seem to think that saying "nuke them all" and things along those lines makes them tough or cool or something, I have definitely encountered that....mainly white guys for whatever reason. Trying to cling to the notion that they are something like their actually strong, not fake strong, fathers and grandfathers I suppose. They saw what those men turned into when they got old and they want to try and be like them but of course are nothing like them.
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The older generations are voting for endless war. The younger members of Congress, even idiots like AOC, do not.
Exactly this. They're stuck in such old ways of thinking. They still think it's the 50/60s and nuclear war could happen any moment.

They're desparate to still be relevant and not die.

Most of my generation (x) just wants them gone so we can just get on with making the world a better place

They're also the reason why the millenials and the generation after just don't care about anything. They see all these old coots making poor decisions and hoarding all the wealth and they've just decided not to play their games. Why would you?
I saw this and was 100% convinced it was a fake video, where they inserted a wacky person into a real Pierce Morgan interview, but no, Pierce Morgan interviewed an almost naked crackhead black woman in a diaper on live TV.

Apparently this is news because this lunatic said something to Alec Baldwin and he was repulsed by her.

Is this a black person's version of a Sam Hyde troll or a mentally ill patient being taken seriously? She stands up in the interview to show the audience her diaper, then her wig falls off.

Just another day in the greatest country in the world, the amazing high tech superpower land of America.

Watching Morgan endure this was painful, but somewhat satisfying. I wonder what he did to cause his masters to subject him to this.

The rest of us get to watch Karen Jean-Pierre. This is a few notches up the humiliation scale. Maybe she'll be the next White House spokespeson.

We're all expected to take the misfits seriously, lest we be racist or something-phobic.
Exactly this. They're stuck in such old ways of thinking. They still think it's the 50/60s and nuclear war could happen any moment.

They're desparate to still be relevant and not die.

Most of my generation (x) just wants them gone so we can just get on with making the world a better place

They're also the reason why the millenials and the generation after just don't care about anything. They see all these old coots making poor decisions and hoarding all the wealth and they've just decided not to play their games. Why would you?

Gen Y (me) wanted them gone since we were in high school, gen Z are the ones just as bad as their grandparents, that's why they're called "Zoomers". Good luck gen X and Y as we're gonna need it the shot hasn't even hit the fan yet.
This could have something to do with "The Kardashian Effect," but in the American South I'm seeing hot white blond "women" in their late-teens/early 20's that are dating average looking non-white men. In talking to one of these girls recently it occurred to me that she is dating "down" because she thinks it is "cool" and "looks cute." In other words, this hot blonde is dating an average looking non-white man as a fashion statement.
This could have something to do with "The Kardashian Effect," but in the American South I'm seeing hot white blond "women" in their late-teens/early 20's that are dating average looking non-white men. In talking to one of these girls recently it occurred to me that she is dating "down" because she thinks it is "cool" and "looks cute." In other words, this hot blonde is dating an average looking non-white man as a fashion statement.

The past few years I've seen an exponential rise of cute little white girls with black guys, you never used to see that before because little white girls were rightly afraid of black guys, it was when they got older and killed their value that they went to black guys because black guys will take anything. You're right, they think it makes them look "cool"...
Just another "math is racist" article in the MSM.

Just another "math is racist" article in the MSM.

Ha, they are arguing about algebra in middle school vs. high school. Man, I heard of a young woman that had to take "college algebra" as a make-up class her first year of college recently. I had to bite my tongue - there's no such thing as "college algebra."