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Search results

  1. Bizet

    Stop Eating Seed Oils Challenge

    That's fair. Although, can you name a 78 year old who has a good physique? Serious question :)
  2. Bizet

    Stop Eating Seed Oils Challenge

    Trump also has lived on a diet of McDonald's & diet coke for years, and he's won two club golf championships :)
  3. Bizet

    2024 Election Lounge

  4. Bizet

    2024 Election Lounge

    I was pleasantly surprised by how unbiased and well moderated this debate was, especially for CNN. The golf talk at the end was the best part :)
  5. Bizet

    The Basketball Thread

    5/7 - not bad! I'm a Nuggets fan, so I obviously would've preferred it if they won this year - however, I do also like Joe Mazzullaa, Boston's outspoken Christian coach :)
  6. Bizet

    EURO 2024 Championship

    Who are you all predicting to win this year? My money is on France.
  7. Bizet

    A list of dissident films

    I watch Nightcrawler after reading this list & I really enjoyed it. Great noir cinematography, plus fantastic acting by Jake Gyllenhaal!
  8. Bizet

    Candace Owens

    She's back. I'm a big fan of Candace, and I was really looking forward to her new series, but I was disappointed by this first episode. She uses a photo of Ben Shapiro in the video thumbnail, but she barley even mentions him, and chooses to go after The Daily Wire's Andrew Kalvan (whoever that...
  9. Bizet

    Clown World Thread

  10. Bizet

    Christian Memes Thread

    Not at the same time, but you can definitely progress through different stages. Roosh started off trying to be a family man when he first converted, but he ended up going down the hermit route. I feel like I'm going down the same path too (hermitpilled haha).
  11. Bizet

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    Pride month is my favourite time of year for memes on this forum though :)
  12. Bizet

    Donald Trump

    Interestingly enough, this conviction hasn't affected Donald's odds on the sports betting sites at all (he's still the favourite to win).
  13. Bizet

    A list of dissident films

    I now genuinely want to watch the Angry Birds movie :)
  14. Bizet

    Donald Trump

  15. Bizet

    The Movie Thread

    The book is really good as well. Definitely worth checking out if you haven't read it!
  16. Bizet

    The Movie Thread

    The sequel is just as good as well! Although this time he kills a bunch of guys who look like RVF ortho-bros haha. I really hope they make a third movie. It's a great franchise.