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A list of dissident films

Another Mel Gibson film, Hacksaw Ridge would fit into this list. It's amazing he has gotten as big as he has given how opposed he is to Hollywood's standard-fare.

Rambo 5 got lambasted when it came out. Probably because the film had the audacity to recognize that Mexico is loaded with drug and sex cartels.
Here's a list of fifteen which includes Passion of the Christ and Apocalypto. #1 may be surprising:


Using the definition of "dissident film" within the post, what films (or television shows) do you think contribute to a dissident worldview?
Good list. I've seen maybe half of those films, which means I have some watching ahead of me.

I am surprised to see District 9 described as an "anti-immigration" film; if anything I found it to be the opposite. The aliens are depicted as living in squalor (and exploited by Nigerians, lol) because of the intolerance of the native population; the native population makes a show of being benevolent (giving them a refugee camp, wellness checks etc) but it's implied the resources are available to make the aliens more comfortable; the people's dislike of the aliens is irrational and callous.

My $0.02.
Good list. I've seen maybe half of those films, which means I have some watching ahead of me.

I am surprised to see District 9 described as an "anti-immigration" film; if anything I found it to be the opposite. The aliens are depicted as living in squalor (and exploited by Nigerians, lol) because of the intolerance of the native population; the native population makes a show of being benevolent (giving them a refugee camp, wellness checks etc) but it's implied the resources are available to make the aliens more comfortable; the people's dislike of the aliens is irrational and callous.

My $0.02.
The aliens are shown as worker bees who are incapable of much thought without their hive queen, who has disappeared and hence they were found in the mothership totally listless; they are shown as both low IQ and quite violent and they need constant welfare to survive. Only the alien and the alien child that the main character interacts with is one of the "elevated" aliens capable of independent thought...
The aliens are shown as worker bees who are incapable of much thought without their hive queen, who has disappeared and hence they were found in the mothership totally listless; they are shown as both low IQ and quite violent and they need constant welfare to survive. Only the alien and the alien child that the main character interacts with is one of the "elevated" aliens capable of independent thought...
District 9 is obvious leftist propaganda directed by the same guy that did Elysium, a movie about how all the rich people who ruined planet Earth constructed a Halo-type space station paradise to live on while the poor earthlings lived in squalor and eventually revolted.

District 9 is the exact same theme, with the sad oppressed “aliens” serving as a substitute for all the world’s real brown aliens not having the same standard of living as the first world inhabitants and doing a revolt. The bad guys in District 9 are all white Boers and the bad guys in Elysium are all white Boers.

The overarching theme is that outsiders are good and it is wrong to protect your people, property, and way of life (and that people who do that deserve to be slaughtered because they are the worst kind of people, literally lower than alien bug men from outer space).
Watched this the other day. Seems about right.

Falling Down was directed by a gay jew and was designed to depict white men who see their world crumbling around them to be unstable psychos. I loved this movie in high school and it put out some funny memes, but D-Fens is not an anti-hero, he’s the whitey fall guy. That being said, that whack burger fast food scene is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Places that make sloppy, ugly burgers should be held to account.

Fun fact: Director Joel Schumacher started his sexual career at age 11 and estimated he sodomized between 10,000 and 20,000 men during the course of his life. He also liked to ride horses.

Falling Down was directed by a gay jew and was designed to depict white men who see their world crumbling around them to be unstable psychos. I loved this movie in high school and it put out some funny memes, but D-Fens is not an anti-hero, he’s the whitey fall guy. That being said, that whack burger fast food scene is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Places that make sloppy, ugly burgers should be held to account.

Fun fact: Director Joel Schumacher started his sexual career at age 11 and estimated he sodomized between 10,000 and 20,000 men during the course of his life. He also liked to ride horses.

Falling down also has the scene where the main character finally finds an actual dissident, a Neo-Nazi, and then proceeds to kill him for no real reason anyways. So he kills his only ally, in order to stress the final nihilistic message of the film, which is that it is hopeless, there is no where to resist, for the White man and he can only accept death.
I think you can watch Falling Down in both ways, I still very much enjoy the film as it shows the disintegration of American (western) society. I think all of us men can relate to the main character at some point. Yeah there might he subversive elements to it but the white man going mad (angry) should've maybe happened a long time ago so we would not be in the situation we're in now, if there were more white men like DEFENSE who knows how the West would be like now, it's a double edge sword imo. I'd still recommend watching if you haven't.
American Beauty is arguably one.

I think black pilled might have analyzed this one too. He's great on film analysis.

American Beauty is interesting because it's kind of like purple pilled PUA type stuff... he is disillusioned with his life not being fulfilling despite following society's blueprint, yet his breakthrough only leads him to smoke weed, work out, cease giving a fuck and hit on young women. Halfway there but never making it to spiritual truths, only trading one kind of emptiness for another that provides more dopamine.
I think black pilled might have analyzed this one too. He's great on film analysis.

American Beauty is interesting because it's kind of like purple pilled PUA type stuff... he is disillusioned with his life not being fulfilling despite following society's blueprint, yet his breakthrough only leads him to smoke weed, work out, cease giving a fuck and hit on young women. Halfway there but never making it to spiritual truths, only trading one kind of emptiness for another that provides more dopamine.
It's the perfect midlife crisis movie. However, I do remember his wife and daughter loathing his existence, which in itself is a nightmare to live in
I think black pilled might have analyzed this one too. He's great on film analysis.

American Beauty is interesting because it's kind of like purple pilled PUA type stuff... he is disillusioned with his life not being fulfilling despite following society's blueprint, yet his breakthrough only leads him to smoke weed, work out, cease giving a fuck and hit on young women. Halfway there but never making it to spiritual truths, only trading one kind of emptiness for another that provides more dopamine.
Saying he hit on young women is a stretch.

I admit the film is deceiving. If you watch the trailer, you'd swear that it's about some older guy lusting after a girl that's too young for him. Even in the initial scene, where the protagonist is introduced to the girl for the first time, we see that he wants her. And then he's later shown calling her at home to hear her voice. And yet, that is where his lust stops.

The girl suddenly becomes the catalyst for him to change his life to make himself a better man.

After his metamorphosis, his daughter's friend now flirts with him and eventually comes to him to validate her own beauty which she now doubts. If he truly wanted to, he could've slept with her, but he didn't. His motivation was to break free from his middle-aged rut. While that included making changes to his life, it never seems like he intended to cheat on his wife.

I also wouldn't say he traded one emptiness for another. He changed into a better man who instead of walking like a zombie through life, found a way to look at life in a new way and even tried to rekindle his marriage which was on the rocks.

However, just like Falling Down, there is some subversion in this film (strangely enough, this film too involves a character with a secret Nazi room).

But just like the Michael Douglas movie, American Beauty can be both enjoyable and teachable if you take away the parts of the movie that conform to a Christian worldview.