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Whore addiction

Yes, I know getting lots of women is sinful. This is why I tell men here, don't rush into bed with women, take your time and end dates with a kiss, if even that. Eventually you'll find a girl who is into you for you, and will come back week after week to see you. That's a girl you can then attempt to seriously court and make love with, but I don't recommend any kind of intercourse. "Heavy petting" without intercourse before marriage is the most I recommend. If after a few years, her loyalty seems solid, then offer her marriage.
It is good advice. The bigger deal though, as you state above, that women still want all of this 20s fun stuff, without guarantee of anything - your relationship lasting, stopping monkey branching, treating you well, necessarily - they just want your monetary guarantees and the society (and they know this) obliges. That's fine, but you have to give the only objective thing that me can tell, youth. Men have money, height, and their looks - those are all right there easy to see for woman X. Without youth, you literally know nothing and get no guarantees from a woman. That's why we are in the predicament we are in. I think there are probably a small number of legitimate women who stayed away from f-bois until early 30s for various reasons, but the fact remains if I'm a top 2-3% earner and tall or whatnot, I'm still in her frame if I decide to go along with it (time, attention, need for kids soon, etc). That's the biggest problem with the west in general. Anyone you get even in Orthodox circles is going to be an aged woman, sadly, at this point.
It is good advice. The bigger deal though, as you state above, that women still want all of this 20s fun stuff, without guarantee of anything - your relationship lasting, stopping monkey branching, treating you well, necessarily - they just want your monetary guarantees and the society (and they know this) obliges. That's fine, but you have to give the only objective thing that me can tell, youth. Men have money, height, and their looks - those are all right there easy to see for woman X. Without youth, you literally know nothing and get no guarantees from a woman. That's why we are in the predicament we are in. I think there are probably a small number of legitimate women who stayed away from f-bois until early 30s for various reasons, but the fact remains if I'm a top 2-3% earner and tall or whatnot, I'm still in her frame if I decide to go along with it (time, attention, need for kids soon, etc). That's the biggest problem with the west in general. Anyone you get even in Orthodox circles is going to be an aged woman, sadly, at this point.

All depends on what she looks like. A youthful looking woman is going to be more fertile, beauty = fertility. Without makeup of course. Age is still just a number. I'd take a beautiful woman in her 30s over a homely one in her 20s. The fertility of both is probably both about equal.

I base this on my unofficial experience; I've seen women conceive into their 40s and even 50s. Without exception extremely attractive women.
Yes, but in my experience they will have had to have broken the seal (had a few kids before). This is just anecdotal, but has stood the test of time for first time attempters over 40, which are almost all failures. Have you seen nulliparous women at 40+ have a kid with relative ease?

My grandmother started having children at 29 or 30, and kept having them until she was in her 40's. Likewise my great-grandmother started having them young, but then had my grandfather when she was almost 50(!). Both considered extremely attractive women.

So you might be right, but you could also be wrong. Uncharted territory.
So you might be right, but you could also be wrong. Uncharted territory.
As on most topics, I'm right. ;)

It's not uncharted territory. There are biological reasons why a woman who has already had children can have them well into her 40s, and that's what we see.

If you want more proof, see the scam fertility industry of late 30s to 40s women who have never had kids, and see how successful they are. Hint hint: not.
The stripper just texted me, I won’t respond. I feel nothing inside pulling me back to that siren, but I must resist in any moments of future weaknesses.

I completed 100 prostrations and 100 Jesus prayers before work. My mood is still a bit unstable, I’ve been having random bouts of anger. This may be dopamine or sexual withdrawal. I will continue on. Thank you for the prayers. I plan on going to a morning mass tomorrow.
The stripper just texted me, I won’t respond. I feel nothing inside pulling me back to that siren, but I must resist in any moments of future weaknesses.

I completed 100 prostrations and 100 Jesus prayers before work. My mood is still a bit unstable, I’ve been having random bouts of anger. This may be dopamine or sexual withdrawal. I will continue on. Thank you for the prayers. I plan on going to a morning mass tomorrow.
If anything, I would consider trying to evangelize her as well. If you start sharing the Gospel with her, I would be curious to see if she would continue to talk to you or not. With some people, you start talking about Jesus and they disappear from your life.

If you are weak, then she may prove to be more of an influence on you than you on her. In that case, keep doing what you're doing and grow stronger in the faith.
Overall, however, I agree that serious fasting could seriously help OP. Go outside for 3 days and eat no food at all. Stay off all electronics. Be outside in nature and pray during this time. It can really help change a person's life.
Most of my fasting is in a bustling city and can say that there is little spiritual connection but on the occasion I have done it closer to nature it has a more significant effect on the mind.
If you need to spend serious money on a woman, she's no good. Cheap dates, such as a burger and beer, for first dates, is literally the most you should spend. Extravagant dates come later to reward women who've been good to you for a long time.
That's definitely right, and it's well offensive when a woman somehow convinces one to go to some excessively fancy restaurant way too early on and beyond the kind of place I would go to of my own accord. I have ghosted a few who did that but now screen for it before it happens. This might be generalising and trigger a few but that is one reason I avoid Russian women completely. Possibly though that is just how Russian women behave in the West, not how they behave within Russia.
Possibly though that is just how Russian women behave in the West, not how they behave within Russia.
An acquaintance of mine is a complainer who has been all around the world, but has good insights though he's smart and has a bigger ego than he should. He told a therapist that he was talking to that the other ethnicities or foreign women, since she suggested them in passing to satisfy his claims, are equally as bad or worse than American women due to the fact that they came here in order to act out. It was a great point. They are here because they don't like the idea of being what their mother was. Sad, but true. The guy's been everywhere in the world but won't listen to me that if he's serious at all about any sort of woman being part of his life, he has to get out of the US, and certainly out of the northeast, where he's from and has family.

tl;dr - they come here and act like they do because it's the most fertile place for simping/hypergamy, sadly

(haha, I know it wasn't that long)
If anything, I would consider trying to evangelize her as well. If you start sharing the Gospel with her, I would be curious to see if she would continue to talk to you or not. With some people, you start talking about Jesus and they disappear from your life.

If you are weak, then she may prove to be more of an influence on you than you on her. In that case, keep doing what you're doing and grow stronger in the faith.

Thank you for the suggestion, I think for now it may be best to go no contact or keep communication to a minimum as it may lead me back into a sexual relationship. I don’t believe all hope is lost with her. She has said certain words that give me hope that she will eventually find the Lord.

Her dad before he passed had taken her to church.
She’s stated she wants to have a husband one day and didn’t feel bad doing what she was doing with me because I was just one guy.
She responds well to me or people saying they will pray for her.

But let us forget all the words because actions speak louder, she has not quit the strip club where extra things and sex are offered so how sincere or repentant can she be?

I don’t want to sound selfish but I need to focus on myself right now before I can evangelize and save others, or I will just be a gigantic hypocrite.
That's definitely right, and it's well offensive when a woman somehow convinces one to go to some excessively fancy restaurant way too early on and beyond the kind of place I would go to of my own accord. I have ghosted a few who did that but now screen for it before it happens. This might be generalising and trigger a few but that is one reason I avoid Russian women completely. Possibly though that is just how Russian women behave in the West, not how they behave within Russia.
If remember correctly, Roosh once wrote an article saying women in Russia and EE were easier to date exactly because they don't expect anything fancy. They're fine just going for a walk in the park, but good luck suggesting that to an American woman. I definitely agree the less commitment you show at first, the better.
She just sent me an explicit photo unprovoked. The verdict is in, she’s currently under demonic control. No contact is the way.
You need to get further away from her, physically, communicatively, and habitually. Along with every other degenerate influence that affects your behavior. Make a list of everything you've done that you can recollect and take some time to sit and think about all your decisions. Since none of them have altered your life for worse yet, at least from what you're letting on, be cognizant that you have the good graces of God's mercy to change your path from hereon out. Don't become a miserable wretch languishing in the cage of your sins. They all can be beaten with the right strategies, and you've started off good.
She just sent me an explicit photo unprovoked. The verdict is in, she’s currently under demonic control. No contact is the way.
Unless it would be too much of an impact, I'd recommend changing your number or at the very least see if you can mark hers as spam so it goes to VM if she calls or block it altogether. Sexual relationships are extremely difficult to cut off and now that you're trying to come closer/back to Christ, the temptations will continue and intensify.

Lord have mercy on your servant and give him strength.
The stripper just texted me, I won’t respond. I feel nothing inside pulling me back to that siren, but I must resist in any moments of future weaknesses.

I completed 100 prostrations and 100 Jesus prayers before work. My mood is still a bit unstable, I’ve been having random bouts of anger. This may be dopamine or sexual withdrawal. I will continue on. Thank you for the prayers. I plan on going to a morning mass tomorrow.

You can bet that satan with infest her mind with thoughts to text you the most enticing things to get you to bite. It'll be really convincing. Be on your guard. Don't be fooled.

What I don't understand is why haven't you blocked her? Why leave the door open at all? Block and delete the number. I've done this to countless people. It's the only way forward.

"Jesus loves you. He's waiting for you. Goodbye."

Make the last words she ever hears from you point her to Christ. Let God do the work. You aren't in position to be her Priest.
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Thank you for the suggestion, I think for now it may be best to go no contact or keep communication to a minimum as it may lead me back into a sexual relationship. I don’t believe all hope is lost with her. She has said certain words that give me hope that she will eventually find the Lord.

Her dad before he passed had taken her to church.
She’s stated she wants to have a husband one day and didn’t feel bad doing what she was doing with me because I was just one guy.
She responds well to me or people saying they will pray for her.

But let us forget all the words because actions speak louder, she has not quit the strip club where extra things and sex are offered so how sincere or repentant can she be?

I don’t want to sound selfish but I need to focus on myself right now before I can evangelize and save others, or I will just be a gigantic hypocrite.
When your wife kisses your children to sleep at night, do you want it to be with a mouth that has been on 1000 other men's phalluses and was filled with their load? Of course not. Let us pray that this stripper comes to repentance, but God is the only one who can lead her. You are not a necessary part of the equation. God will find a way to lead her to repentance, and it will be her choice to accept it or not.
Unless it would be too much of an impact, I'd recommend changing your number or at the very least see if you can mark hers as spam so it goes to VM if she calls or block it altogether. Sexual relationships are extremely difficult to cut off and now that you're trying to come closer/back to Christ, the temptations will continue and intensify.

Lord have mercy on your servant and give him strength.

Yep, I was able to block her and marked her number as junk. There was a previous poster who stated I could try to evangelize her, but it’s not my job.

The temptations have intensified, full blown sexual dreams and other random things. But I don’t think they are having the effect demons want them to have… if anything they are convincing me more and more that God and Jesus is the way and I’m on the right path.

All these spiritual demons are invisible until you try to escape them, then suddenly it’s like oh no we had him, but he’s escaping our grasp, better turn up the volume.

I’m ready and will go to a morning mass today.