Weird Things You've Noticed Recently

The smell of weed in public has increased astronomically over the last year or so. Just driving around it comes thru the vents of the car easily from other drivers. Just this morning at 7am I smelled it on 3 different occasions over a 5 mile stretch of suburban driving. Are that many people waking and baking then going to off to work? That’s scary.
I hate to keep whining about Indians, but Canada is seriously at a breaking point. Everyone is feeling the crushing weight of millions of mid level managers and students who have been airlifted into Canada by the government these past few years.

Last week I was in San Francisco for Thanksgiving. On my return flight, I arrived to my gate a bit early. After only a minute I hear the gate attendant for Air Canada call a bunch of names. I hear mine, so I go up there. He double checks my name, and since there is no one else waiting I ask what this was about. He said that flights in Canada are now having serious issues with carry on bags, so he wants to offer people to gate check their roller cases.

About 30 min later, after calling names pretty constantly, they start doing the boarding. It's still about 45 min to the flight, so a bit early but not a big deal. Business class boards in less than a few minutes and they call the next zone. This is where the stampede starts. About 50 Indians with roller cases all jam into the line. The attendants do their best to move them along, but after 15 min of constant jamming and roller cases, the male attendant gets on the PA and says that ALL roller cases will now have to be gate checked. People start getting mad, but this guy is clearly sick of dealing with this all day, every day. They have now enlisted another attendant to help.

I am trying to read my book but I also can't take my eyes off this trainwreck. Its just savage. Finally the jam clears about 15 min before the gate closes, so myself (and a bunch of other bewildered travelers) make our way to the gate, thinking the chaos is over. Nope! The inside of the plane is just as bad as the people who managed to get their cases into the plane try and find all sorts of solutions to ramming them into the bins. Keep in mind, the last 45 min all that was heard was loud Indian language and pissed off Air Canada attendants over the PA.

Anyways, not exactly weird, but feeling the fatigue of the regular Canadian was interesting.
Here in the US something similar happens to me at CostCo on the weekends all the time. You might hear some English, but no more than Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and various Indian languages, probably less. Heartiste used to say that the USA in current year isn't so much a country as an international bazaar, and you really feel it at moments like those.
I'm in the Midwest where there are definitely some moments like that, but it still feels like America for the most part with some exceptions like Chicago. When I travel to the East Coast or out west, I no longer feel like I'm in America. Latinos, Indians, and Asians have completely changed it. I was looking at this map, and I think most cities outside these red lines are really starting to lose their sense of identity. And this data doesn't even include the illegals most likely.

foreign born.webp
I'm in the Midwest where there are definitely some moments like that, but it still feels like America for the most part with some exceptions like Chicago. When I travel to the East Coast or out west, I no longer feel like I'm in America. Latinos, Indians, and Asians have completely changed it. I was looking at this map, and I think most cities outside these red lines are really starting to lose their sense of identity. And this data doesn't even include the illegals most likely.

View attachment 1969
On the other hand, where would you rather wan to be:
living in a neighborhood where there are lots of hard-working first generation immigrants in Southern California, West Texas or South Florida.
Or on that other part of the map: let's say near a trailer park in West Virginia full of unemployed , poor and desperate US-born White folks, in Michigan or Ohio...near a housing project with (again, not in a judgemental way) filled with unemployed, poor and desperate US-born Black folks.

Again, the quality of life is higher and violent crime rates are lower in Southern California, South Florida or West Texas (where there are lots of first generation immigrants)...than in most of Michigan, Ohio or Alabama (where there are less first generation immigrants).
So perhaps immigrants aren't really your problem, after all. Just saying
On the other hand, where would you rather wan to be:
living in a neighborhood where there are lots of hard-working first generation immigrants in Southern California, West Texas or South Florida.
Or on that other part of the map: let's say near a trailer park in West Virginia full of unemployed , poor and desperate US-born White folks, in Michigan or Ohio...near a housing project with (again, not in a judgemental way) filled with unemployed, poor and desperate US-born Black folks.

Again, the quality of life is higher and violent crime rates are lower in Southern California, South Florida or West Texas (where there are lots of first generation immigrants)...than in most of Michigan, Ohio or Alabama (where there are less first generation immigrants).
So perhaps immigrants aren't really your problem, after all. Just saying
I did live in SoCal for 5 years. Was paying nearly double the rent my friends back in the Midwest paid. They were living in safe, white, upper middle-class neighborhoods. Meanwhile some of my neighbors were tatted up and looked like they were in Latin gangs. I heard gunshots one night and the next morning found out one of the tenants murdered his guest.

That was an above average area for SoCal, most neighborhoods are even worse. Back then I couldn't afford much better, and now I can but see no reason to move back to that leftist hellscape.

The areas you describe are only a small part of the Midwest and Upper South. As long as you stay away from the ghettos and meth head trailer parks it's very safe. I don't even worry if I forgot to lock my door here.
Here in the US something similar happens to me at CostCo on the weekends all the time. You might hear some English, but no more than Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and various Indian languages, probably less. Heartiste used to say that the USA in current year isn't so much a country as an international bazaar, and you really feel it at moments like those.
Funny you should mention that. That line is one of the only quotes of his that I remember. For some reason, it just stuck with me.
I'm in the Midwest where there are definitely some moments like that, but it still feels like America for the most part with some exceptions like Chicago. When I travel to the East Coast or out west, I no longer feel like I'm in America. Latinos, Indians, and Asians have completely changed it. I was looking at this map, and I think most cities outside these red lines are really starting to lose their sense of identity. And this data doesn't even include the illegals most likely.

View attachment 1969

We need that eastern red line to wrap to the Atlantic Ocean from lower Virginia down to at least all of North Carolina and as much of South Carolina as possible. We can't cede the Atlantic Ocean access to foreign controlled territory if things get redrawn in the future. It's good that we have the Gulf of Mexico access as shown by this map. Those 2 waterways must remain.
We need that eastern red line to wrap to the Atlantic Ocean from lower Virginia down to at least all of North Carolina and as much of South Carolina as possible. We can't cede the Atlantic Ocean access to foreign controlled territory if things get redrawn in the future. It's good that we have the Gulf of Mexico access as shown by this map. Those 2 waterways must remain.
South Carolina is still very American, though it is a very Black state as well and they are not sympathetic to us. Though arguably that's not as bad as having the White liberals up north. Virginia may be a lost cause. It is so important to the globohomo federal government that they'll do everything in their power to retain control of it.

The big problem in the Southeast is Atlanta, and to a lesser extent Charlotte and the Research Triangle. From what I hear, things in Atlanta are almost as bad as NYC, LA, Chicago, etc.
South Carolina is still very American, though it is a very Black state as well and they are not sympathetic to us. Though arguably that's not as bad as having the White liberals up north. Virginia may be a lost cause. It is so important to the globohomo federal government that they'll do everything in their power to retain control of it.

The big problem in the Southeast is Atlanta, and to a lesser extent Charlotte and the Research Triangle. From what I hear, things in Atlanta are almost as bad as NYC, LA, Chicago, etc.

I hear you. I'm just saying that if lines are drawn, we need access to the Atlantic Ocean. At minimum, the entire state of North Carolina would be necessary if the Northeast and Georgia/Florida become completely hostile territory.
I hate to keep whining about Indians, but Canada is seriously at a breaking point. Everyone is feeling the crushing weight of millions of mid level managers and students who have been airlifted into Canada by the government these past few years.

Last week I was in San Francisco for Thanksgiving. On my return flight, I arrived to my gate a bit early. After only a minute I hear the gate attendant for Air Canada call a bunch of names. I hear mine, so I go up there. He double checks my name, and since there is no one else waiting I ask what this was about. He said that flights in Canada are now having serious issues with carry on bags, so he wants to offer people to gate check their roller cases.

About 30 min later, after calling names pretty constantly, they start doing the boarding. It's still about 45 min to the flight, so a bit early but not a big deal. Business class boards in less than a few minutes and they call the next zone. This is where the stampede starts. About 50 Indians with roller cases all jam into the line. The attendants do their best to move them along, but after 15 min of constant jamming and roller cases, the male attendant gets on the PA and says that ALL roller cases will now have to be gate checked. People start getting mad, but this guy is clearly sick of dealing with this all day, every day. They have now enlisted another attendant to help.

I am trying to read my book but I also can't take my eyes off this trainwreck. Its just savage. Finally the jam clears about 15 min before the gate closes, so myself (and a bunch of other bewildered travelers) make our way to the gate, thinking the chaos is over. Nope! The inside of the plane is just as bad as the people who managed to get their cases into the plane try and find all sorts of solutions to ramming them into the bins. Keep in mind, the last 45 min all that was heard was loud Indian language and ****** off Air Canada attendants over the PA.

Anyways, not exactly weird, but feeling the fatigue of the regular Canadian was interesting.
Coding jobs are going to be impossible in Canada in the next few years until they go back to needing professionals that can write more than goytube tutorial-tier Python and Javascript. Not to mention the wage decrease with socialist policies and the residents of the sub-continent in Asia doing jobs for the lowest wages ever, while also making youtube videos on how to abuse free food and welfare.

Until then, either get a heavy tan and black contact lenses or wig, a Portuguese/Spanish surname (actually enough to be counted as a minority in the US, I've heard), or "they/them" pronouns. LOL.

You guys should have just had South American migrants instead. The ones thinking of going to Canada are the ones above 90 IQ. Was all the rage a few years ago here.
I'm seeing far fewer fat people than I use to see.

Where did they go.

Sure some overweight folks which is normal. But a few years ago I'd see obese and morbidly obese people every time I left the house. Aside from a close relative of mine I don't think I've even seen an obese person in over a month.

My theory is the COVID/Flu crap led them to get sick, because they'd get sick from the flu anyway. Then they went and got strapped up to ventilators in hospitals and never made it out. Those who didn't succumb that way got the jabs.

How else can one explain they have disappeared in the last 2-3 years?
Major metro areas feel like post-zombie invasion or post-nuclear holocaust. The homeless encampments, the crime levels, the trash and filth and grime are off the charts. The police will do nothing (other than arrest the law abiding), the politicians will do nothing (other than steal the taxpayer funds for themselves), and the population feels completely blown out in every respect, atomized and demoralized and confused. Just when you think it can't get worse and things are at their breaking point it gets worse and the population just shrug and accept that too. Very strange.
My theory is the COVID/Flu crap led them to get sick, because they'd get sick from the flu anyway. Then they went and got strapped up to ventilators in hospitals and never made it out. Those who didn't succumb that way got the jabs.

How else can one explain they have disappeared in the last 2-3 years?
This may very well be the case since the obese were the highest risk factor. Or one of them, at least.

How ritzy is your neighborhood? America is so rich that its poor people are fatter than its rich people. With this in mind, I wonder, if you move to a higher income area, will you see less fat people around? I'm in a nicer town than I used to be in. There is definitely a "normal" amount of morbidly obese people around, but I notice there are more buff guys, too. More so than anywhere I've ever lived. I figure it's the money out here, because high quality food and recovery time for your muscles is a luxury that many working stiffs just can't afford.
Rain has been absurd lately. In the middle of... December. Middle of Summer time in South America. I was thinking about the rain incidents yesterday, remembered it was a while ago, then woke up today with a family member talking about rain so heavy she couldn't see a lot of the buildings. I joked to a guy during one of those that it was Egypt plague tier rain, and he laughed profusely. A professor also said his grandmother would say it's Paul moving the furniture, when there were thunders in the house.

One time got soaked out of nowhere because of the heaviest rain in the middle of the morning. Computers and lights on university were also flashing over a storm a few days ago. Saw a few broken traffic lights even today.

Above post continued....

Ok I wonder if there should be another thread for the 'Darkening'.

So I was at a Target today and they had a new very confusing line of funko pops with Iconic characters from movies....but instead of white skin they are now 'brown'. Ok Jews....we get it 'Wy-Pipo Bad'. Thanks.

Check out Han Solo below:
It's mind boggling how these little figures took over western shelves. Their designs are absolutely soulless and even inconsistent, yet people pour money into them, to not even open them?

I read a guy call the Godfather one a "Funko wop" and I laugh at it to this day.

Sure I can't tempt you....?


(In all seriousness yeah I haven't seen a fad toy this lame since... furbies?)