Weird Things You've Noticed Recently

One thing I never questioned but I recently started to notice and it felt weird are the sheer amount of pictures of nearly naked, muscular bodybuilder men. A lot of them will show action movie stars or comic book heroes or just plain fitness. While I think it is normal behavior for people to want to show off progress if they feel great about their body, there is a crazy level of half-naked men showing their physique.

I can't help but feel that this is some sort of psyop, either because a lot of gay men have a muscle fetish or it's to confuse women on what is the only acceptable male body to feel attracted to. It's softcore porn. I know that when I was younger and foolishly consumed a lot of porn it warped the way I looked at women. I became much more judgmental of how women looked than if I was in my natural state. In my experience women do get turned on by pictures of fit men and yet it seems socially acceptable for people to post and share such pictures all the time. Like there is a societal veil there that prevents us from seeing the truth (like They Live, putting on the glasses and perhaps seeing phrases like 'Be Gay' or 'Lust' when you look at the pictures of fit men).
I'm noticing an extreme uptick in people speaking fluent first language Spanish (and other non-English languages) everywhere I go in the US. I travel for work to the most obscure, out of the way nooks and crannies of America and they are literally everywhere. We have been invaded, outbred, and overrun. They say there are 15 million illegals here, but there is no way that is true, it's more like 50 million. When you add in the anchor baby "dreamers" I think we could be nearing the 80 to 100 million mark. And to add insult to injury, many of these American born Gen Z Tick Tocking "illegals" (I don't care if you're born here, you should still be considered illegal if your parents came here illegally) have zero respect for the law and their elders (especially if those elders are white males).
One thing I never questioned but I recently started to notice and it felt weird are the sheer amount of pictures of nearly naked, muscular bodybuilder men. A lot of them will show action movie stars or comic book heroes or just plain fitness. While I think it is normal behavior for people to want to show off progress if they feel great about their body, there is a crazy level of half-naked men showing their physique.

I can't help but feel that this is some sort of psyop, either because a lot of gay men have a muscle fetish or it's to confuse women on what is the only acceptable male body to feel attracted to. It's softcore porn. I know that when I was younger and foolishly consumed a lot of porn it warped the way I looked at women. I became much more judgmental of how women looked than if I was in my natural state. In my experience women do get turned on by pictures of fit men and yet it seems socially acceptable for people to post and share such pictures all the time. Like there is a societal veil there that prevents us from seeing the truth (like They Live, putting on the glasses and perhaps seeing phrases like 'Be Gay' or 'Lust' when you look at the pictures of fit men).
I agree with you on everything else, but I think you're overthinking it with the gay thing. In order to be gay you basically have to have been molested as a kid. I don't think there is a way to just psyop someone into it.

I think it might also be partly about promoting the use of steroids so that we all die of heart attacks at age 50 even if not overweight. I think it's worth mentioning that roids often turn people gay, because that's what happens when you play with your endocrine system. Do not touch your endocrine system, it has a very delicate balance, and damage to it is often not reversible.
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I agree with you on everything else, but I think you're overthinking it with the gay thing. In order to be gay you basically have to have been molested as a kid. I don't think there is a way to just psyop someone into it.

I think it might also be partly about promoting the use of steroids so that we all die of heart attacks at age 50 even if not overweight. I think it's worth mentioning that roids often turn people gay, because that's what happens when you play with your endocrine system. Do not touch your endocrine system, it has a very delicate balance, and damage to it is often not reversible.
You know what? Instead of encouraging being gay, perhaps instead it's about encouraging gay values, like maximizing your appearance for carnal pleasure. After all, a lot of guys preach 'just lift' as the way to open the doors to getting laid. It inherently becomes harder to avoid pride and devotion to oneself, particularly when guys joke about the gym being their church.
One thing I never questioned but I recently started to notice and it felt weird are the sheer amount of pictures of nearly naked, muscular bodybuilder men. A lot of them will show action movie stars or comic book heroes or just plain fitness. While I think it is normal behavior for people to want to show off progress if they feel great about their body, there is a crazy level of half-naked men showing their physique.

I can't help but feel that this is some sort of psyop, either because a lot of gay men have a muscle fetish or it's to confuse women on what is the only acceptable male body to feel attracted to. It's softcore porn. I know that when I was younger and foolishly consumed a lot of porn it warped the way I looked at women. I became much more judgmental of how women looked than if I was in my natural state. In my experience women do get turned on by pictures of fit men and yet it seems socially acceptable for people to post and share such pictures all the time. Like there is a societal veil there that prevents us from seeing the truth (like They Live, putting on the glasses and perhaps seeing phrases like 'Be Gay' or 'Lust' when you look at the pictures of fit men).
Bodybuilders have always shown off their physique with skimpy outfits. This has been going on since at least the 80s. The outfits might be getting smaller and smaller but I just chalk this up to the public accepting people wearing less these days, much like the thong bikinis girls wear now which I also don't care for.
Bodybuilders have always shown off their physique with skimpy outfits. This has been going on since at least the 80s. The outfits might be getting smaller and smaller but I just chalk this up to the public accepting people wearing less these days, much like the thong bikinis girls wear now which I also don't care for.
There's something there, I think. I just googled when did bodybuilding start and it gave me Eugen Sandow, who I already know about. Then I thought, hmmm, let's take a look at his early life, and sure enough, Jewish. His pictures were also highly homoerotic for that time period and I remember them coming up in the movie 'The Power of the Dog' which featured some gay men.

Because I mentioned comics, because comics were a way to draw naked muscular men in underwear, I decided to look up who made Superman, Batman and then looked up Stan Lee. Stan Lee, Bob Kane, Bill Finger (Bob and Bill Batman creators), Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegal (Superman creators) were all Jewish. What are the odds? What are the implications?
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There's something there, I think. I just googled when did bodybuilding start and it gave me Eugen Sandow, who I already know about. Then I thought, hmmm, let's take a look at his early life, and sure enough, Jewish. His pictures were also highly homoerotic for that time period and I remember them coming up in the movie 'The Power of the Dog' which featured some gay men.

Because I mentioned comics, because comics were a way to draw naked muscular men in underwear, I decided to look up who made Superman, Batman and then looked up Stan Lee. Stan Lee, Bob Kane, Bill Finger (Bob and Bill Batman creators), Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegal (Superman creators) were all Jewish. What are the odds? What are the implications?
Absolutely. Offering people illusions and fantasies in order to rile up their passions and get them to sin or to think sin is cool, is pretty much Jews' main thing. That's what much of their damnable work against human souls today boils down to.

Jews have massive influence on videogames, comics, novels, obviously TV and movies which they were quite instrumental in creating, and they are, of course, single-handedly responsible for bringing pornography to every household in the world. What is the main thing that all entertainment media does? It's an enjoyable illusion, a lie if you will, and it sucks you into a story full of all these emotions and passions. There is something to be said here about how the Holy Fathers did not even approve of theatre plays. Obviously I'm not saying to drop all your leisure activities and basically do with your free time what a spritually advanced monk would, that's not realistic, and even Orthodox priests play videogames, but hey, I think it's a nice ideal to aspire to. I could use a little less manhwa.
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I agree with you on everything else, but I think you're overthinking it with the gay thing. In order to be gay you basically have to have been molested as a kid. I don't think there is a way to just psyop someone into it.

I think it might also be partly about promoting the use of steroids so that we all die of heart attacks at age 50 even if not overweight. I think it's worth mentioning that roids often turn people gay, because that's what happens when you play with your endocrine system. Do not touch your endocrine system, it has a very delicate balance, and damage to it is often not reversible.
While the bold has basically been true since sin was introduced, there's a difference between having homosexual thoughts (demonic temptation) and acting on those thoughts (succumbing to temptation).

You can be molested and not become a homo. You'll obviously have trauma and confusion to work out but it can be overcome. Most of those unfortunate people are simply told by their evil therapists and "support groups" that these feelings/thoughts are normal and to embrace them. Absolute children of the devil.

I've met plenty of gay people in my lifetime and for whatever reason (to my utter dismay honestly) they seem to open up to me about their past. Curiosity has gotten the best of me recently about this increasing trend so I mostly just let them vent without stopping them.

Most were indeed molested/raped. Some weirdly started through excessive rough play with other boys at a young age. There are many variables here though, some other participants were absolute fondled/touched inappropriately by someone else and then carried that behaviour in activity with similar aged boys. And the rest were through early age exposure to pornography and constant modern day TV.

In summary of my personal sloppy data collection I've surmised a few things. Some are probably common knowledge.

  • There's an extremely high level of male/male rape and overall incest in the black and hispanic community.
  • Most of the older ones (all races) that have spoken to me said their "switch" to homosexuality began with either an older male/female sexually abusing them at a young age.
  • In addition to the above, this also seems like a generational thing since the abused have knowledge of older generations in the family commiting the same heinous acts to others with other family members turning a blind eye to what was happening.
  • The abused are mostly products of extra marital affairs or single mothers. Some were children of weak fathers or both parents working and hardly ever there to properly raise their child.
  • The ones that resisted acting on their confusion and temptation at first eventually succumbed through peer pressure or worse, what I call sweet reassurance. Basically the confused individual is invited to a party or function that for all intents and purposes seems like any other affair with nothing seemingly out of place. They're made to feel welcomed by guests and have a good time. They're then told later on that all attendees were homosexual thus positively reinforcing in their mind that there's nothing wrong with the practice.
  • Many "hood" type dudes are fags on the down low.
  • Early exposure to online porn has become a major culprit in the last 20 years with the younger ones.
There's other small tidbits I could list but this post is becoming long enough as it is. The most recent culprits that are enabling this behaviour is absolutely all mediums of electronic entertainment. Easy access to social media, internet, and television are what every every growing child is basically exposed to these days. TV is plastered with gay characters/storylines, weak males, themes undermining the nuclear family, and constant propaganda. Social media and internet basically throw gay channels & advertisements in your face almost constantly.

Porn is what's destroying milennials and younger people these days. Out of control lust, less feelings of being loved/wanted/accepted by family or society, and lack of overall guidance and societal shaming on these once abhorrent behaviors lead young, impressionable people to fill the void some other way. Faggots/lesbians and pedophiles basically are shooting fish in a barrel taking advantage of these poor souls. Once corrupted the cycle basically repeats itself.
I think it might also be partly about promoting the use of steroids so that we all die of heart attacks at age 50 even if not overweight. I think it's worth mentioning that roids often turn people gay, because that's what happens when you play with your endocrine system. Do not touch your endocrine system, it has a very delicate balance, and damage to it is often not reversible.
My thoughts exactly.

I'm very scared of this. One of the health things I respect greatly, another being any psychoactive substance which may destabilise mental health.

I met a woman who had permanently harmed her feminine balance with an implanted contraceptive, why oh why. Sudden extreme weight gain from being very lean and trim.

Sugar, the pancreas, insulin - that's another aspect to really not trifle with.

Soy, licorice, non-inert plastics probably including lined paper coffee cups. All estrogenic.
My thoughts exactly.

I'm very scared of this. One of the health things I respect greatly, another being any psychoactive substance which may destabilise mental health.

I met a woman who had permanently harmed her feminine balance with an implanted contraceptive, why oh why. Sudden extreme weight gain from being very lean and trim.

Sugar, the pancreas, insulin - that's another aspect to really not trifle with.

Soy, licorice, non-inert plastics probably including lined paper coffee cups. All estrogenic.
Certain sugar replacements like splenda (sucralose) are to be avoided like the plague also. Sucralose deals damage to DNA directly and these days it's in every non-whole-food product marketed as "healthy" (protein bars, protein powder, anything marketed as "for diabetics", etc).

SSRIs like Fluoxetine (prozac) also mess with the endocrine system very heavily and not just the brain. Also, a majority of women today use birth control pills in order to not only be promiscuous without consequences, but also in order to not get periods. Birth control pills obviously mess with the endocrine system in a very major way (since their effects are very extreme), and their side-effects are nowhere near fully understood by soyentists.
Certain sugar replacements like splenda (sucralose) are to be avoided like the plague also.
I'm with you on that, and if it comes down to a choice of a protein powder with sugar or with one of those chemicals, I'd rather go with the sugar.

The artificial sweetners are a true kind of madness, if you can't wean yourself off sweetness just have sugar or honey in a small way. Sure it's not going to make you slimmer but is the lesser of two evils.
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One not-that-weird thing I notice lately is that...there are less and less old people. It was just a feeling by simply watching the world around me, the streets I walk, places I visit, people I know, etc. But then I looked up on internet and it really seems average life expectancy is plummeting. Here 2 articles for USA and EU

Obviously they're blaming COVID but this trend is still continuing in 2023, three years after the pandemics. Maybe the culprit must be found elsewhere? The vaccines indeed played a role but I am sure there are deeper reasons behind.
P.S. this is my first post after the introduction so, hello everyone :)
Traveled to a more liberal state that is well known for having homosexuals and acceptance of that. The weird thing is that I saw so many Rick and Morty shirts that I started counting them. Counted more than 5.

I stayed there for 3 days and saw more of those than in 3 years of living in the state I'm currently typing in. That is without counting the amount of people still wearing the cuck muzzle in November 2023.