Weird Things You've Noticed Recently

People being extremely impatient or just rough with menial day to day stuff. I used to go to the gym, and always at the bathroom, people would hammer the soap dispenser with their hands. Would get worse when there was a low amount of soap. People would also often put the water sink at its max, sometimes splashing water.

Guy at my university saw a computer by my side, which was turned off, angrily tried turning it on like a monkey by messing with the power button like it was clay, then made an angry expression/noise and turned away. I was standing there watching while waiting for the stupid Windows load time.

No one seems to care about noise either. They'd probably power drill the soap dispenser in public if it was allowed.
People being extremely impatient or just rough with menial day to day stuff. I used to go to the gym, and always at the bathroom, people would hammer the soap dispenser with their hands. Would get worse when there was a low amount of soap. People would also often put the water sink at its max, sometimes splashing water.

Guy at my university saw a computer by my side, which was turned off, angrily tried turning it on like a monkey by messing with the power button like it was clay, then made an angry expression/noise and turned away. I was standing there watching while waiting for the stupid Windows load time.

No one seems to care about noise either. They'd probably power drill the soap dispenser in public if it was allowed.

You must be in a very large city, but even then you should have access to parks as gyms are disgusting and horrible in general. Find a nice trail near your town and hang off trees or bring some dumbells to your local park.
You must be in a very large city, but even then you should have access to parks as gyms are disgusting and horrible in general. Find a nice trail near your town and hang off trees or bring some dumbells to your local park.
I have a membership at Anytime Fitness and I think they are nice. They have private shower rooms, and are clean and nice. I've been to quite a number of them while traveling. They are in Australia too. If I come to Australia, my membership will allow me to work out there at no extra cost.

Unfortunately, they aren't in Brazil (yet).
Guy at my university saw a computer by my side, which was turned off, angrily tried turning it on like a monkey by messing with the power button like it was clay, then made an angry expression/noise and turned away. I was standing there watching while waiting for the stupid Windows load time.
He's at it again today. The computer next to mine started working, and I started hearing these typing noises followed by a loud BAM on the enter key. I thought "is it that guy again?", and it was in fact that guy again, slouching pretty hard on the desk.
Lord knows what he was even typing or doing on that computer. I play Tetris on on idle time there. Never made much noise.
People legitimately do not know how to give a handshake properly anymore. If I extend my hand to you, introducing myself, I am expecting a firm handshake, and instead I get my palm awkwardly caressed.

If it's a woman, okay, I get it, she's being shy with the stranger or something, it's probably normal behavior. But the men do it too. What's going on? How can you be a man and not give firm handshakes almost enthusiastically when they're offered to you?
The Dairy farm protesters are back. There are a half dozen of them, standing by a dairy farm near a bike path crossing; they carry signs that say "dairy is scary" and "cows are individuals not property." I haven't seen them in months.

After I saw them I went to the supermarket and bought ice cream, whipped cream, and light cream.
People legitimately do not know how to give a handshake properly anymore. If I extend my hand to you, introducing myself, I am expecting a firm handshake, and instead I get my palm awkwardly caressed.
Even a sweaty, palm fondle is an improvement on the reticent who just grab the ends of my fingers, scrunches them up and lets go, all the while with a forced lop-sided grin on their face.
I made this comment back in the early days of covid. My observation and that of guys around me were the same; young women couldn't party at the time and therefore filled their lives with more feminine and less stressful activities. For example, the SPCA was bursting with volunteers of girls in the 18-22 age group.

But I noticed something recently again, which echoes your observations. A friend of mine is a pretty successful DJ and has been popular with the early 20s female crowd for going on 15 years or so. Recently he had a fun little 'pop up' party, and he sent over an invite for the secret location. So I went, and despite us now being in our early 40s, we had fun. But it was the observations that made the event more interesting to me.

Since our friend has been popular for some time now, there were plenty of women in their late 30s and even 40s at the event. But the bulk were in their late teens and early 20s. There was a strange meeting of estrogen in the air that night. Of course some women were there for the nostalgia; they have kids and husbands and were just attending to have a bit of fun with some friends. However, other women of that same age were also there but were obviously single, or at least child free. This group made up the majority of that demographic. And the way they partied was almost repulsive to the young girls. You could feel it, there was a disgust in the air.

So I agree with you. There is a reckoning now where I think that the older millennial girls are no longer able to hide their barren wombs and SSRI addled lifestyles anymore. And Gen Z sees this, and want no part of it. I see less tattoos. Less drinking. Less drugs. Some of that is the world just became 200% more expensive, but some of that is the worst of the wall is now trying to live their best lives on the younger woman's turf.

We all know women are almost always their own worst enemies, and this seems to be one of the main battle fronts.
Oh....I like this. Generational female sl**t-shaming. Very hopeful.
"Ethnic" casual dining establishments, usually Asian restaurants run by first or second generation immigrants, aren't providing condiments/seasonings like salt and pepper for their customers. I really would like a little salt on my white rice.
"Ethnic" casual dining establishments, usually Asian restaurants run by first or second generation immigrants, aren't providing condiments/seasonings like salt and pepper for their customers. I really would like a little salt on my white rice.
I've heard that things like dunking the sushi on a pool of the sauce are offensive to the cook, probably like putting ketchup on a pizza.

On my local Xue Hua Piao Piao, they sometimes put salt on the plate, sometimes they don't. It's a weird place. The woman there has pretty much memorized my order and I'm not sure if it's even on the official menu nowadays.
Im not referring to you but people honestly dont really comprehend just how large the migration from those states really was and continues to be.
Let me re-emphasize the bold:
I work customer service at a store sometimes. This is in the north Texas area, one of the places that's seeing the brunt of exactly this phenomenon(and illegals, too, of course). A woman walks up to me and complains with the most bewildered and genuinely confused face, "why's it so busy on a Tuesday? "
I responded "this city is one of the fastest growing in the US right now"
She immediately took on a 'how dare you' face and barked at me "I know. I've lived here five years." Her face turns right back to confused bewilderment as she continues "but why's it so busy on a Tuesday!?"

Customer service is getting harder to deal with.
Its really not that hard to figure out if you are in the USA. Are you located in New York, California, Washington, or Oregon? If no, then the source of your sudden uptick in driver population is most likely unfortunately originating from one of those states.

Im not referring to you but people honestly dont really comprehend just how large the migration from those states really was and continues to be.

Add to that the out of control open border illegal immigration that's been happening at least since Biden was elected.

Mix the two together and you're basically changing/replacing/driving out the native population and way of living in each place they stop on.
Last week, I took my car for it's annual road worthiness test. I dropped it at a garage on the outskirts a little after 9, and then walked into the town centre, to get a coffee at my favourite cafe. I passed many people, and in that time I did not hear one word of English.

Of late, I use the phrase "This used to be my home town".
Last week, I took my car for it's annual road worthiness test. I dropped it at a garage on the outskirts a little after 9, and then walked into the town centre, to get a coffee at my favourite cafe. I passed many people, and in that time I did not hear one word of English.

Of late, I use the phrase "This used to be my home town".
Here in the US something similar happens to me at CostCo on the weekends all the time. You might hear some English, but no more than Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and various Indian languages, probably less. Heartiste used to say that the USA in current year isn't so much a country as an international bazaar, and you really feel it at moments like those.