Weird Things You've Noticed Recently

Basically that I've lost most of my friends over the past years since fraudvirus started. A couple died (not COVID related), but most just happened because the personal has become the political in this era, when in prior years it was much easier to separate one's politics from one's friendships. And as one ages, you don't really gain new friends, you just slowly lose the ones you have, especially in this atomized globohomo Hellworld.
Traveled to a more liberal state that is well known for having homosexuals and acceptance of that. The weird thing is that I saw so many Rick and Morty shirts that I started counting them. Counted more than 5.

I stayed there for 3 days and saw more of those than in 3 years of living in the state I'm currently typing in. That is without counting the amount of people still wearing the cuck muzzle in November 2023.
Rick & Morty is basically the mascot of the millennial age, and younger, insufferable liberal/post modern creature.
I've never watched Rick & Morty, but from the periphery have noted that it is a lighting rod for the ills of the age; and have disrespected anyone who watches it. Someone was telling me the hilarity of "Pickle Rick" in the gay voice of a squalid infant. I said that Rick and Morty is paedophilia, to which they took great offence.

Turns out one of the creators is a paedophile, and the other one probably is too. The show is full of incest and paedophilia.

I refer to a lot of Hollyweird as paedophilia, as though the content may not be outright peadophillic, you can feel the undertone that all the creators are "hate has no home here" peados.

If anyone tries to make a point using Rick and Morty, Family Guy, The Simpsons, South Park or Futurama, I turn off and everything they say is then downgraded.
Basically that I've lost most of my friends over the past years since fraudvirus started. A couple died (not COVID related), but most just happened because the personal has become the political in this era, when in prior years it was much easier to separate one's politics from one's friendships. And as one ages, you don't really gain new friends, you just slowly lose the ones you have, especially in this atomized globohomo Hellworld.

I'd like to think that if you must discard old friends it's to make room for the new friends God wants you to have.
I've never watched Rick & Morty, but from the periphery have noted that it is a lighting rod for the ills of the age; and have disrespected anyone who watches it. Someone was telling me the hilarity of "Pickle Rick" in the gay voice of a squalid infant. I said that Rick and Morty is paedophilia, to which they took great offence.

Turns out one of the creators is a paedophile, and the other one probably is too. The show is full of incest and paedophilia.

I refer to a lot of Hollyweird as paedophilia, as though the content may not be outright peadophillic, you can feel the undertone that all the creators are "hate has no home here" peados.

If anyone tries to make a point using Rick and Morty, Family Guy, The Simpsons, South Park or Futurama, I turn off and everything they say is then downgraded.
R&M is just secular goyslop, you aren't missing out on anything. I watched the first 2 seasons around release when I wasn't Christian and they were mediocre. I obviously don't recommend it to any Christians, or anyone for that matter.
One not-that-weird thing I notice lately is that...there are less and less old people. It was just a feeling by simply watching the world around me, the streets I walk, places I visit, people I know, etc. But then I looked up on internet and it really seems average life expectancy is plummeting. Here 2 articles for USA and EU

Obviously they're blaming COVID but this trend is still continuing in 2023, three years after the pandemics. Maybe the culprit must be found elsewhere? The vaccines indeed played a role but I am sure there are deeper reasons behind.
P.S. this is my first post after the introduction so, hello everyone :)
In addition to suggestions that they are, indeed, dying, for reasons often discussed here, I do think that there's less and less reason for elderly people to leave the house. In my home town, several large stores, with cafes beloved of the elderly, have all closed, along with quite a few other long established businesses. Additionally, my friend bemoaned the fact that he'd lost some of his elderly customers during lockdown, as they'd started to do internet shopping, and carried on doing so after restrictions were lifted.
In addition to suggestions that they are, indeed, dying, for reasons often discussed here, I do think that there's less and less reason for elderly people to leave the house. In my home town, several large stores, with cafes beloved of the elderly, have all closed, along with quite a few other long established businesses. Additionally, my friend bemoaned the fact that he'd lost some of his elderly customers during lockdown, as they'd started to do internet shopping, and carried on doing so after restrictions were lifted.
This^, older people are become a lot more reclusive and not leaving their houses. Some of it is leftover fear and new routines from the plandemic and some is just the same as for younger generations where they are placated by Social media, and stream apps and cable TV more than ever before.
I'm definitely noticing more women and younger people-20s-30s- in many of the public places I go. That makes me realize people my age(and older)have friends and families who do stuff in their nice houses rather than spend so much time in these public places.
25 years would be a generation, just seems odd society's obsession with it lately.
I recently rewatched the Omen trilogy and only then realized that the movie was produced and written by Jews. Which really makes you wonder, you know, about Rabbinical Messianic prophecies and all. I guess the idea of the changeling is probably more prominent in Jewish culture than it is in the European, because of the ethnic dynamics.
Both in Omen III as well as Rosemary's Baby, which was written and produced by Jews as well, the psychology of the Antichrist's cults is totally reminiscent of how Jews would feel about Christianity. They aren't exactly edifying films, but well enough made and I think, very insightful.
Roman Polanski, who made Rosemary's Baby, is very much the incarnation of the vicious Jew stereotype, but he is actually so good as a film maker that you get a deep insight into his ideas about power (Macchiavellian) and religion (revolution) looking at his oeuvre.
The Coens, who I think are a lot more likable than Polanski, are likewise revealers of the Jewish psyche, although I think they view their origin a lot more critical than Polanksi. With the Coens, it always looks as if they would love to shed Judaism and become Scots-Irish founding stock Americans. Whenever they refer to Jewish culture, they do it while implicitly or explicitly naming the hypocrisies and contradictions.
Polanksi on the other hand thrives in being eternally persecuted by shadowy figures, as if he was victimized by his own evil impulses. In a way, all of his movies relate to that broader topic of persecution, disguise and compulsion.

Horror is a genre dealing with vague threats that capture the audience's imagination, so it's inherently attractive to Jews, who have the most paranoid obsession with vague threats.

Sorry for the big detour, but I think as the Western world became judaized, we all became subject to the fear of vague threats, culturally or demonic, that emanate from a godless lifestyle
This^, older people are become a lot more reclusive and not leaving their houses. Some of it is leftover fear and new routines from the plandemic and some is just the same as for younger generations where they are placated by Social media, and stream apps and cable TV more than ever before.
I have become more reclusive the older I get, mainly because I live in a large city that I don't care about, I have little interest in the goings-on of the typical urban lifestyle, and I don't need the noise and stress of being around crowds. If I could live in the countryside, I would, but I have to work and earn money here. I prefer my castle of quiet and my ability to focus my mental energy on higher things.
Went to a gym in a small remote town. Nice peaceful town in Arizona, only few of those left due to crowds moving to AZ, especially from Southern California. Old style uncrowded friendly slow paced town, a lot of times it seemed like time had stopped and it's still 1960s there. I just wanted a day pass at the gym, never been there before. And they demanded my picture to be taken for their database, some Chinese level surveiilance just to work out. I had been to small town gyms all over the country and never seen anything like that. I refused, of course, and was about to leave, but they let me work out one time without this. Said if I wanted to attend one more time they'd need to make pictures (which I'm sure will be sold to some big corp doing facial recognition). They also had cashless policy. The only laundromat in town required electronic cards to be purchased to use washers and dryers, instead of the usual quarters, and the card itself cost money. The way things are going soon I won't be able to get services.
Went to a gym in a small remote town. Nice peaceful town in Arizona, only few of those left due to crowds moving to AZ, especially from Southern California. Old style uncrowded friendly slow paced town, a lot of times it seemed like time had stopped and it's still 1960s there. I just wanted a day pass at the gym, never been there before. And they demanded my picture to be taken for their database, some Chinese level surveiilance just to work out. I had been to small town gyms all over the country and never seen anything like that. I refused, of course, and was about to leave, but they let me work out one time without this. Said if I wanted to attend one more time they'd need to make pictures (which I'm sure will be sold to some big corp doing facial recognition). They also had cashless policy. The only laundromat in town required electronic cards to be purchased to use washers and dryers, instead of the usual quarters, and the card itself cost money. The way things are going soon I won't be able to get services.
The pieces are being put in place for the antichrist's system to take total control. Truth be told all of the technology and mindset practically exists already. All it needs is to be fine tuned and connected together.

Constant surveillance already exists. Government databases, electronic purchases, and camera recording equipment practically everywhere you go. All track you in some form. There are already chips in existence smaller than a grain of rice that can go inside the human body, you can take a guess where they are being placed. You can electronically open doors as well as complete other transactions with such chips. Sweden has already started very small scale implementations of this.

Most of the 1st and 2nd world population has grown up with the comfort and ease of modern tech over the years and nearly everyone can't fathom living without it. Add to that how everyone is also being conditioned to becoming dumber and lazier with each passing year.

They'll literally sell their salvation for the price of temporary comfort with practically zero resistance.
They'll literally sell their salvation for the price of temporary comfort with practically zero resistance.
This is it right here. Each of us find ourselves in the same shoes as Judas. We have to point ourselves in a different direction. If we are comfortable with our state something is very wrong. It is going to be increasingly difficult and uncomfortable to deal with these things.
Sorry for the big detour, but I think as the Western world became judaized, we all became subject to the fear of vague threats, culturally or demonic, that emanate from a godless lifestyle
Would these vague threats also include "stranger danger" which seems to have overtaken our society? And to be honest, this is mostly about men; the fear of the creepy man watching children play at the park or just the very idea of a woman striking up a friendly conversation with a man on a subway. Our society seems to tell us that men are not to be trusted. It wasn't always this way. The man at the park was some lonely old guy who just liked to feed the pigeons. A woman would talk to a man on a subway because she was interested in a book he was reading. Now...all are to be avoided, just to be safe...because you never know.

Our culture has been destroyed by Hollywood showing people through this lens. No one ever questioned what they were watching on TV or in the theater. They just accepted it as fact and did what they were told.
Would these vague threats also include "stranger danger" which seems to have overtaken our society? And to be honest, this is mostly about men; the fear of the creepy man watching children play at the park or just the very idea of a woman striking up a friendly conversation with a man on a subway. Our society seems to tell us that men are not to be trusted. It wasn't always this way. The man at the park was some lonely old guy who just liked to feed the pigeons. A woman would talk to a man on a subway because she was interested in a book he was reading. Now...all are to be avoided, just to be safe...because you never know.

Our culture has been destroyed by Hollywood showing people through this lens. No one ever questioned what they were watching on TV or in the theater. They just accepted it as fact and did what they were told.
And it's a self fulfilling prophecy as people get crazier and crazier as society changes, and start posing more danger. Culture of lawsuits, high housing prices and the new crop of entitled infantile people also helps this, for example there is a proliferation of agressive dogs set loose now (agressive because of how their owners brought them up), bad drivers with road rage issues, explosion of homelessness, feeling of financial hopelessness for many, debt, having to repress feelings at work then exploding, etc
I saw a guy with a tattoo of the Templar knights on his leg the other day. I hate tattoos but I thought that was cool. Probably not worth the ink on your body forever, but it is what it is.

As for zoomer tattoos, when I do pay attention to them they're half the time these literal NPC things. Zoomers actually tattoo "2005" on their body. If you're going to put ink on your body, at least put something with a better story than "uhhh it's... my birth year lol".
In just the last 3 days I've noticed the numbers 666 tattooed on the arms of 3 different Gen Z'ers. For work I interface with a lot of 18 to 24 year olds and over the last couple of years I have noticed an uptick in tattoos on this age group, but this is the first time I'm seeing 666.
A clown face or alien doesn't cut it. A fedora reaction would be most appropriate for this.