Weird Things You've Noticed Recently

I've noticed lately that a lot more normies are waking up to the reality of how much control and influence the Jews have had in our culture. So many things make perfect sense once you realize Jews have power and control and view Christ and Christianity as their number one enemy. The other day it made me realize why every time you see a Christian portrayed in a movie or TV show, even older ones, they are made to look like freakish cult members or practically insane and I always wondered why Christians would make themselves look that way until the JQ was revealed. But whenever I bring up JQ stuff to normies they seem to be also aware of it, like it's happened wholesale since the pandemic.

Perhaps the internet will be the undoing of the JQ. It's too hard to ignore all of the connections, particularly for young people who are experiencing a more difficult start to life than their parents and grandparents. In a way, I think the great falling away from evangelical churches is a positive because this reduces the amount of deluded Zionists who are willing to move mountains for Israel but do nothing for the USA.
Flies. They don’t take no for an answer anymore and seem so much more aggressive/annoying than they used to be. They just keep coming back at me, especially if I’m outdoors working or exercising. So I end up going on a vendetta to kill the rotten things and can’t stop until I do!
Flies. They don’t take no for an answer anymore and seem so much more aggressive/annoying than they used to be. They just keep coming back at me, especially if I’m outdoors working or exercising. So I end up going on a vendetta to kill the rotten things and can’t stop until I do!

Pigeons have gotten like this too.
Lot more aggressive than when I was a kid.
LGTV book sections are slowly being put in libraries over here. If anyone remembers my last post here about traveling to a more liberal state, I also saw a ton of homo books there. Some outside their own containment corner. Quite a few ones with very degenerate covers.
Surprisingly I also saw a decent-ish book about Adolf Eichmann's trial after being caught in Argentina, on the "staff recommendations" section. I say decent-ish because the book has a distracting bias towards the Allies, as does everything nowadays, but it still had some great questions and ideas. The guy was a normal worker in Argentina after the war, very interesting trial.

Do you think burning a book with a cover of a mulatto grabbing the private parts of another man would even be a bad thing? That is how the German book burnings are painted. A lot of Freud in that pile, and a lot of products of the Weimar Republic. Yet it's painted as if it was a second library of Alexandria.
LGTV book sections are slowly being put in libraries over here. If anyone remembers my last post here about traveling to a more liberal state, I also saw a ton of homo books there. Some outside their own containment corner. Quite a few ones with very degenerate covers.
Surprisingly I also saw a decent-ish book about Adolf Eichmann's trial after being caught in Argentina, on the "staff recommendations" section. I say decent-ish because the book has a distracting bias towards the Allies, as does everything nowadays, but it still had some great questions and ideas. The guy was a normal worker in Argentina after the war, very interesting trial.

Do you think burning a book with a cover of a mulatto grabbing the private parts of another man would even be a bad thing? That is how the German book burnings are painted. A lot of Freud in that pile, and a lot of products of the Weimar Republic. Yet it's painted as if it was a second library of Alexandria.
You should see the non fiction new releases section in my local Waterstones - if you saw photos, you would be forgiven for thinking that it was a parody, and not a real store.
I've noticed lately that a lot more normies are waking up to the reality of how much control and influence the Jews have had in our culture. So many things make perfect sense once you realize Jews have power and control and view Christ and Christianity as their number one enemy. The other day it made me realize why every time you see a Christian portrayed in a movie or TV show, even older ones, they are made to look like freakish cult members or practically insane and I always wondered why Christians would make themselves look that way until the JQ was revealed. But whenever I bring up JQ stuff to normies they seem to be also aware of it, like it's happened wholesale since the pandemic.

Perhaps the internet will be the undoing of the JQ. It's too hard to ignore all of the connections, particularly for young people who are experiencing a more difficult start to life than their parents and grandparents. In a way, I think the great falling away from evangelical churches is a positive because this reduces the amount of deluded Zionists who are willing to move mountains for Israel but do nothing for the USA.
The persecution of Kanye woke a lot of people up on the JQ. Suddenly the most successful Black man in America was brought to his knees by a tiny minority group that keeps on shouting how they have no special power.

Lately the behavior of Israel, and to a lesser extent the Zelensky regime, has accelerated this newfound "illumination" of the masses. Public figures like Epstein and SBF are not helping their image either. From there, it's not too hard to connect the dots to the media, the porn industry, banking, etc.
Flies. They don’t take no for an answer anymore and seem so much more aggressive/annoying than they used to be. They just keep coming back at me, especially if I’m outdoors working or exercising. So I end up going on a vendetta to kill the rotten things and can’t stop until I do!

Have you tried reasoning with them? Just sit them down and explain that they're annoying you and that perhaps they could find somewhere else to hang out.
Flies. They don’t take no for an answer anymore and seem so much more aggressive/annoying than they used to be. They just keep coming back at me, especially if I’m outdoors working or exercising. So I end up going on a vendetta to kill the rotten things and can’t stop until I do!
Just do what that Kangaroo fella would do and box the life out of them.

You should see the non fiction new releases section in my local Waterstones - if you saw photos, you would be forgiven for thinking that it was a parody, and not a real store.
Yeah that's why I said slowly in my post. It's starting to get bad. Not sure how the sales on them are doing, but a lot of it is full on psy-op not even for profits. Same with obligatory diversity hires.
What's the deal with all the more cars on the road, and the slow pokes behind the wheels, and all the traffic lights for bike path crossings? Driving in small towns is becoming just as much as a nightmare as in the cities.
Its really not that hard to figure out if you are in the USA. Are you located in New York, California, Washington, or Oregon? If no, then the source of your sudden uptick in driver population is most likely unfortunately originating from one of those states.

Im not referring to you but people honestly dont really comprehend just how large the migration from those states really was and continues to be.

Add to that the out of control open border illegal immigration that's been happening at least since Biden was elected.

Mix the two together and you're basically changing/replacing/driving out the native population and way of living in each place they stop on.
Flies. They don’t take no for an answer anymore and seem so much more aggressive/annoying than they used to be. They just keep coming back at me, especially if I’m outdoors working or exercising. So I end up going on a vendetta to kill the rotten things and can’t stop until I do!
If you want to despatch them in a fun and environmentally friendly manner, I strongly recommend the Bug-A-Salt.

It works, it's non-toxic, and it's a blast.
Good one. Most women over 24 in the west are so far genetically polluted with all the birth control, weed, alcohol, and former male sexual partner's microchimerism that it is a guarantee they will not make good wives, let alone even good company for a nice dinner.

A lot of younger girls 18 and up are starting to see this and realize their own value and pursue men looking for the same. If its one thing that drives a woman to traditionalism, it will be the fear of ending up like Loose Lolly down the street who is ten years older and miserable forever. It should be the fear of God first, but most young women are not into the Church like we are, they all gravitate towards where they claim they feel a more spiritual connection which usually ends up being some heretical rock n roll Jesus concert "church".

So in weird things, I've noticed an outright hesitant or refusal of young women to accept the church. They are not comfortable talking about it, not comfortable going to the services, and not comfortable with the idea of the Apostolic tradition. Even if you explain to them their feel-good crapshow is not the real church, it seems to be a remnant of the material crossover after secular society failed to provide this escapism for a woman with its soulless therapy she finds the most cosmopolitan church she can attend and get her jollies off there.

There should be clever alphabet agency style revivalism of love for the Church reintroduced into the younger generations. I've been thinking about how to do this for some time.
Friends of mine are saying that this year there are no deer in their usual place to hunt. This is not just a small spot. Between the group of these guys they usually get 50 deer there each fall. I'm also aware of stories from another state where they are saying the winter last year was so "snowy" that most of the deer somehow died. That sounds extremely strange and unlikely.
Good one. Most women over 24 in the west are so far genetically polluted with all the birth control, weed, alcohol, and former male sexual partner's microchimerism that it is a guarantee they will not make good wives, let alone even good company for a nice dinner.

A lot of younger girls 18 and up are starting to see this and realize their own value and pursue men looking for the same. If its one thing that drives a woman to traditionalism, it will be the fear of ending up like Loose Lolly down the street who is ten years older and miserable forever. It should be the fear of God first, but most young women are not into the Church like we are, they all gravitate towards where they claim they feel a more spiritual connection which usually ends up being some heretical rock n roll Jesus concert "church".

So in weird things, I've noticed an outright hesitant or refusal of young women to accept the church. They are not comfortable talking about it, not comfortable going to the services, and not comfortable with the idea of the Apostolic tradition. Even if you explain to them their feel-good crapshow is not the real church, it seems to be a remnant of the material crossover after secular society failed to provide this escapism for a woman with its soulless therapy she finds the most cosmopolitan church she can attend and get her jollies off there.

There should be clever alphabet agency style revivalism of love for the Church reintroduced into the younger generations. I've been thinking about how to do this for some time.

I made this comment back in the early days of covid. My observation and that of guys around me were the same; young women couldn't party at the time and therefore filled their lives with more feminine and less stressful activities. For example, the SPCA was bursting with volunteers of girls in the 18-22 age group.

But I noticed something recently again, which echoes your observations. A friend of mine is a pretty successful DJ and has been popular with the early 20s female crowd for going on 15 years or so. Recently he had a fun little 'pop up' party, and he sent over an invite for the secret location. So I went, and despite us now being in our early 40s, we had fun. But it was the observations that made the event more interesting to me.

Since our friend has been popular for some time now, there were plenty of women in their late 30s and even 40s at the event. But the bulk were in their late teens and early 20s. There was a strange meeting of estrogen in the air that night. Of course some women were there for the nostalgia; they have kids and husbands and were just attending to have a bit of fun with some friends. However, other women of that same age were also there but were obviously single, or at least child free. This group made up the majority of that demographic. And the way they partied was almost repulsive to the young girls. You could feel it, there was a disgust in the air.

So I agree with you. There is a reckoning now where I think that the older millennial girls are no longer able to hide their barren wombs and SSRI addled lifestyles anymore. And Gen Z sees this, and want no part of it. I see less tattoos. Less drinking. Less drugs. Some of that is the world just became 200% more expensive, but some of that is the worst of the wall is now trying to live their best lives on the younger woman's turf.

We all know women are almost always their own worst enemies, and this seems to be one of the main battle fronts.
Would these vague threats also include "stranger danger" which seems to have overtaken our society?
Yeah kinda, but I think the mechanism behind is is that societal morality has collapsed to a large degree. I genuinely think that stranger danger is a real thing when it comes to kids in particular, and it has actually gotten a lot worse. 80 years ago, a child molester would have gotten lynched upon discovery pretty much anywhere in the Western world, not we force kids to look at them in their glitter G strings.
Bad personal morals and distrust usually go hand in hand on an aggregate level. Jews, generally speaking, are super paranoid because they are always scheming against everybody else, so they naturally assume everybody else to be scheming against them in turn. It's sort of the same thing with Western society. As psychopathic behavior became increasingly rewarded or at least not punished, people naturally became more afraid of being victimized, because after all, everybody is only looking out for themselves adn the next hit of dopamine.
And to be honest, this is mostly about men; the fear of the creepy man watching children play at the park or just the very idea of a woman striking up a friendly conversation with a man on a subway. Our society seems to tell us that men are not to be trusted.
Oh, another thing I could go off on. First of all, strangers in general are always potential danger, and in the life of most working class or lower middle class people, you'd meet only few strangers outside of cities. You're generally related to most of the people you know around a couple of corners. Robert Putnam wrote about the phenomenon in "Bowling Alone" that social relations became reduced in the wake of urbanization, free trade and increased national and global mobility, and people generally felt that their environment was less trustworthy and had less of a stake in one's own fate (which was true).
In addition, sexual liberation totally destroyed the feelings of trust between men and women. That's not only because of rapefugees or migrants, but also because hookup culture can turn into "rape culture" pretty fast, because the whole thing is based on constant ambiguity. Feminists usually get that wrong, because they think that rape is an outcome of archaic moral standards, but European archaic standards would be to only allow male-female interactions in a very controlled environment, so as to avoid all ambiguity.
I find male-female interactions while going out often very exhausting, because the constant potential for sexual exploits gives it a weird, bad faith undertone. Like, you can't talk to some girls nicely because it will immediately be interpreted as you trying to score a lay, as it were. And then you feel insulted for being misjudged and then everything becomes a drag.
At the same time, given the decay of the social order, general female mistrust against men is totally justified by their subjective experience. No matter a woman's religious or social background, if she lived in a European country she definitely had several experiences of men trying to run some kind of game on her, particularly if she's good-looking.

I don't think things were quite that tense back when rules on sexual relations were more strict, because the prohibitions on sexual encounters took a lot of that tension away and regulated the mutual responsibilities, and the courting process was usually coined by both partners presenting themselves to each other as virtuous and well-behaved according to Christian morality as they could. Outside of traditional Christian communities, you don't really have that anymore.

EDIT: Oh no, I waited to long to post and now everybody has made my point already. Anyway, take it.