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US Border Crisis

Of course you are extreme outliers. Do you just not believe the polling results, year after year after year?

Biden runs on destroying White people due to Charlottesville. And a heavy majority of non-Whites vote for him. Of course there are outliers, but we are past that point of the conversation. The results is the country will continue to move further to the left and more satanic the more legal or illegal immigrants come here, and as their people here have children. Even if there are good outliers, it doesn't even come close to outweighing the bad.

My family pretty much realizes the country is done and are more concerned with preparing to survive when the system collapses.

So now Biden is destroying White people after you just said things are good under him in the 2024 Election Lounge thread?

Things are good under Biden. Instead of "conservatives" waiting in line to clap like seals at a Chump political rally, they are at home reading and learning. The discussions I see now on Twitter are remarkable. This whole situation with Israel has the elites terrified, and rightfully so, because so many are talking about the situation. The last thing we need right now is for Chump to come in and squash that conversation with this blowhard empty rhetoric. And that is exactly why Chump will be the next president, because he is the only hope they have in quelling the awakening that is taking place.
That train has long left the station. The damage is done. The country will never recover from this influx of third world migrants.
This is a sad reality, but it is true. This country is fundamentally different, forever.

The native populace has a birth rate close to 2 while theirs is closer to 5. So our 4 grandchildren will be voting against their 25 impoverished grandchildren (assuming the trends in this country continue).

That is going to lead to real issues. Open land and capitol confiscation type issues. The laws this county was founded upon being changed type issues. Unfortunately, demographics are the future
One... You don't even have kids... So this is internet point winning for you.

Two... This whole post, and every one I've read from you...reads like a person who is just trying to do the bare minimum to get to 55 and retire...with zero risk....and gripe about it on the internet....That gets you stugatz in a job. Risk adversity beyond comfort means you go nowhere.

Unless you're pigeon holed into IT and you're dealing with Indians...what youre describing isn't the economy as a whole.

That said....

Ok... Sure. You have many many good points often but...the elephant is eaten one bite at a time. Choose where to focus the energy.

You have to chill with the constant negativity about every ******* point you try and make ...or zero people will take your seriously.

It comes off like a constant ***** fest from a miserable person who is an energy vampire. I've yet to see you post a single post on any thread where you didn't have a negative aspect to it.

Says way more about you than society. You're miserable dude.

I know you'll tell me you're not here... But you obviously are.

Some of the points you make are correct...but your delivery is so shitty it's formulaic and predictable ... "It is my time is posting.... Ok it's negative....skim.skim.skim.. ok here's the projection as to why it's societys fault he's unmarried, zero kids ECT ect ECT"...fast forward two posts "it's not about me , it's about waking up other white men,"...fast forward two posts "and here's why x person is controlled by the regime, we need the economy to collapse ect ect ECT"

We have to solve the illegal thing first. Then the legal thing can be resolved.

Control them purge vs purge then ignore.
1) I have not ruled out having kids, though having kids in the west looks more and more like a losing proposition. I have not made any final decision.

2) The word "risk" is so funny to many Americans. Many Americans think "risk" is just always winning, or small set backs. No, risk means a lot of things. Giving up a good job, job security, all to potentially make more, or lose my ass, isn't a good choice IMO. I have actually done very well for myself with this route. Mostly because I have more fight and more energy than most people, which has allowed me to both work 7 days a week for nearly 25 years straight, but to do so by not allowing my desires to distract me. Save, invest, save, invest, year after year. I am in a good place financially, TBH, I don't have to work any longer. My way worked for me, life isn't a sprint, it is a marathon and I have seen more than my fair share of the hot shot "risk takers" crash and burn by looking for a quicker buck.

You guys have no real idea of where I am at in life. I am the most optimistic person on this forum, I am cheap and wise with my money, and if there was a way to measure it, I would be on myself. But optimism isn't blind faith and blowing sunshine up you know where. It is facing reality and making peace with it. Everything I share here is reality, and I am very much okay with it. The satanic elites who own the west and control every politician, including Donald Chump, are losing, and that is the greatest gift I could receive. I am so happy I lived long enough to see this. I am very excited about this. But at the same time, the reality is that quality of life in the west has collapsed, it will get worse, and you will not vote your way out of it. And until you can face this reality, you are living in a denial that becomes a ticking time bomb, that when it does go off, you are not prepared for.
So now Biden is destroying White people after you just said things are good under him in the 2024 Election Lounge thread?
Everyone in DC, including that gutless coward Donald Chump, are working for the satanic elite to destroy White people and Christianity. And they have been very successful, no one more so in this endeavor than Donald Chump.

You don't vote your way out of this. But the good thing is that when Biden attacks Whites, and floods the nation with people who want to kill us, at least the 100 IQ conservative gets mad and asks questions. Rather than clapping like a barking seal for Donald Chump.

That is what makes Donald Chump the anti-Christ, at least so far. He gets up there, pushes policies that kill out Whites and Christianity, lies about every single thing, does nothing to help his base, gets the greatest gift from God (Covid) and purposely messes that up and hands our money to the satanic elite, and still conservatives are willing to throw their lives away fighting for him. That is next level evil, he makes Biden look like a saint.
And the Rootless Cosmopolitan Elites that play Empire and Destroy Sustainable Civilization that Japeth's decendants build...seems to be a pattern...and that subtle Race Based "Guilt" Propaganda seeps into the psyche and before you know it a complete exercise in tip toeing around social issues that no one needs to deal with as life has enough obstacles already.

Then the Rootless few scarf up the destroyed remains and draw up undeserved ownership of their new acquisitions as if its a childhood board game of Conquests. Of course they are the Dark Principalities that Ephesians 6-12 Talks about.
And the Rootless Cosmopolitan Elites that play Empire and Destroy Sustainable Civilization that Japeth's decendants build...seems to be a pattern...and that subtle Race Based "Guilt" Propaganda seeps into the psyche and before you know it a complete exercise in tip toeing around social issues that no one needs to deal with as life has enough obstacles already.

Then the Rootless few scarf up the destroyed remains and draw up undeserved ownership of their new acquisitions as if its a childhood board game of Conquests. Of course they are the Dark Principalities that Ephesians 6-12 Talks about.
And then they take all that wealth and move to another country. Just like they did to the former Russian Czar empire, the Spanish empire, the former emperor run China, the English empire, the Spanish empire, the Prussian empire, it is the same game over and over. Move in, infiltrate, hollow the country out, steal all the wealth, then move to another country and start over. The USA is no different, other than due to them adding in the destruction of the people by racially targeting them, there is no chance for it to ever return to glory and get revenge.

Why did Israel sell our military secrets to China, and now China's military is likely more advanced and larger that ours? Because that is probably their next desired destination. I hope China tells them to go to hell. But there is no doubt our satanic elites have planned on sucking all the wealth out of the west, flooding it with violent/low skill 80 IQ people to destroy our nations forever forward, and they can setup shop in China and have a new empire to rule the world from within.
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Because they evidently have a honed Solidified Multiple Generational Network of Plunder Techniques written down after the Destruction of Temple? It's just hard to get even folks to believe it is Predominantly one tribe controlling the Secret Societies...even those who are open to something other than natural happenstance, comforting themselves in safe generalities of Alphabet agencies or 50 year old Trans Atlantic Organizations...not an ethnic group which in my best estimation is the only way something trans generational could keep it going.
I invite you to take some time to meditate, re-read your own comment, and then tell me objectively if it sounds like something a mature and successful person would waste his time on. What is your purpose here? Don't you have better things to do than to spread such poison?
Post re-read. Assessment stands...
The country is full. It simply does not need more immigration. There is heavy competition for everything from housing, to parking spots, to camping sites. All towns have too much traffic too. There is not that much usable land left either - one used to get free 160 acres by filing a homestead claim. There is lack of doctors, tradesmen - that should be addressed by educating own citizens without putting them in debt, not by imports. Instead, the strategy is: screw own population, import whoever is needed at the moment and make Americans into rental slaves. Boomers are importing illegals to eventually create more tax base by legalizing them, among other things. What happens to those arrivals when ag labor is automated?
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The country is full. It simply does not need more immigration. There is heavy competition for everything from housing, to parking spots, to camping sites. All towns have too much traffic too. There is not that much usable land left either - one used to get free 160 acres by filing a homestead claim. There is lack of doctors, tradesmen - that should be addressed by educating own citizens without putting them in debt, not by imports. Instead, the strategy is: screw own population, import whoever is needed at the moment and make Americans into rental slaves. Boomers are importing illegals to eventually create more tax base by legalizing them, among other things. What happens to those arrivals when ag labor is automated?
The fact of the matter is, due to modern medicine and GMO fake food production (if people knew the level to which our food was genetically modified they would freak out), the entire globe is vastly overpopulated. If GMO's and modern medicine disappeared, which they both will if the western economy collapses, the global population would be cut in half in a few years.

And with that overpopulation situation, it is the same in the USA. We are vastly overpopulated. The price of a starter home in many areas is 5 to 8 times the average income. This is insane. The drug use, the depression, the crime, the violence. It seems few here talk to 20 somethings in the USA, I talk to a lot of them and the hopelessness they have due to the cost of everything is overwhelming. They know they have no hope of having a good life here, so they turn to drugs or materialism, which suffices when you are young. The cause of all this is overpopulation and both legal and illegal immigration.

White people simply will not exist in 100 years, or less, unless they build their own home nations again. We were not meant to live like this and it shows greatly already.
Everyone in DC, including that gutless coward Donald Chump, are working for the satanic elite to destroy White people and Christianity. And they have been very successful, no one more so in this endeavor than Donald Chump.

You don't vote your way out of this. But the good thing is that when Biden attacks Whites, and floods the nation with people who want to kill us, at least the 100 IQ conservative gets mad and asks questions. Rather than clapping like a barking seal for Donald Chump.

That is what makes Donald Chump the anti-Christ, at least so far. He gets up there, pushes policies that kill out Whites and Christianity, lies about every single thing, does nothing to help his base, gets the greatest gift from God (Covid) and purposely messes that up and hands our money to the satanic elite, and still conservatives are willing to throw their lives away fighting for him. That is next level evil, he makes Biden look like a saint.
The whole thing looks like 2 party theatre for the plebes. No illusions about either side, their united Israel support is all-telling. The theater would get boring and suspicious without some extreme but controllable actors on either side, and even the dimmest ones would start wondering if the whole thing is a dictatorship, so have to spice it up, divide in half and let each side think they are alternately winning in the grand battle. While the battle had been won by certain elites long time ago and all actors in the show are working for them.
The whole thing looks like 2 party theatre for the plebes. No illusions about either side, their united Israel support is all-telling. The theater would get boring and suspicious without some extreme but controllable actors on either side, and even the dimmest ones would start wondering if the whole thing is a dictatorship, so have to spice it up, divide in half and let each side they alternately winning in the grand battle.
Yes, it is WWE for 100 IQ concerned citizens. We have to get them to humble themselves and understand they have been fooled into thinking that voting matters at all.

I am harsh on Chump. But I am extremely philosophical and into consciousness. Every decision, even a non-decision, is a decision we consciously make, whether we are aware of it or not. And every day Chump wakes up and be a complete phony and fraud. It is up to him to become a decent person, we can't hope or make it happen, he has to make this decision. And you better not be expecting him to do so after a shameful life of living in complete sin.
The fact of the matter is, due to modern medicine and GMO fake food production (if people knew the level to which our food was genetically modified they would freak out), the entire globe is vastly overpopulated. If GMO's and modern medicine disappeared, which they both will if the western economy collapses, the global population would be cut in half in a few years.

And with that overpopulation situation, it is the same in the USA. We are vastly overpopulated. The price of a starter home in many areas is 5 to 8 times the average income. This is insane. The drug use, the depression, the crime, the violence. It seems few here talk to 20 somethings in the USA, I talk to a lot of them and the hopelessness they have due to the cost of everything is overwhelming. They know they have no hope of having a good life here, so they turn to drugs or materialism, which suffices when you are young. The cause of all this is overpopulation and both legal and illegal immigration.

White people simply will not exist in 100 years, or less, unless they build their own home nations again. We were not meant to live like this and it shows greatly already.
Right on. It is about 2 acres of land per person left on Earth, if one accounts for agricultural land and existing natural preserves as untouchable. It's much less land per person in all the 3rd world countries with high birth rates, so they are pushing their populations into ones that got some space left, and it will get worse.
It isn't about either being positive, neither will be positive for the USA as a whole. The situation is, the guy from Guatemala will go do some low pay/low skill job and live in a shanty and mostly be unnoticed unless we see him at the DMV or the Grocery Store.

The legal guy comes here and drives up the COL. So real estate doubles every 15 years but pay only goes up 25%. Their kids flood the colleges our ancestors created, for us, making it beyond insanely expensive. Then you have to compete in jobs against them, but due to DEI, they get the upper hand and take the job you worked for. Then they use their nepotism to get their unqualified tribe members into place, and then take up management positions keeping you at the bottom. And if you organize against it, you are breaking civil rights laws and have your life ruined.
They (illegals) take up normal houses in nice towns too, not just shanties, they form groups to rent houses. They have entire parallel economy, also, where they take bank loans to buy American houses without SSN. They own and drive cars, often without a drivers license or with all fake, contributing to traffic and accidents, they take all the same government aid and tuition in places like California, they create huge impact. Traffic courts often let them go with no ticket payment if they are illegal. I wrote about entire 60k city of illegals in Texas earlier. They have ways to do things though third party people who are legal, in their name, also. Lots of crime as they are almost untraceable. In CA, stuff like the last corona bailout payment went for illegals too.
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Want to correct myself on the size of city of illegals in TX. Colony Ridge is 60 square miles (!), the size of Washington DC, got poplulation up to 75k, exact size unknown, aiming for 100k. It's single family dwelling type of development, not apartments. There are 4 cartels operating in it. Terrenos Houston, the developer, markets land exclusively to Spanish speaking people.
Yes, it is WWE for 100 IQ concerned citizens. We have to get them to humble themselves and understand they have been fooled into thinking that voting matters at all.

I am harsh on Chump. But I am extremely philosophical and into consciousness. Every decision, even a non-decision, is a decision we consciously make, whether we are aware of it or not. And every day Chump wakes up and be a complete phony and fraud. It is up to him to become a decent person, we can't hope or make it happen, he has to make this decision. And you better not be expecting him to do so after a shameful life of living in complete sin.
You are not harsh on him. It doesn't matter what he wakes up as, the whole situation is contolled.
So speaking of that infamous city of illegals, Colony Ridge: turns out the developer, who sells exclusively to Spanish speakers, while not Hispanic himself, and coincidentally to illegals (legals probably wouldn't buy in that crime ridden dump anyway) - is a Republucan donor, Greg Abbott donor. Bingo.
Who do you think had been the biggest sponsor of bringing illegals all along? Farmers, who happen to be mostly republican. It's all a theater.
^Colony Ridge. Appropriately named. Such is the future of Texas. Someone (O'Keefe?) did a documentary on this place. The developers were old Texas types, IIRC, not (((carpetbaggers))). Once Texas flips blue (closer each election), the House, Senate, and the Electoral College will be near-lockdown for Democrats.

Edit -Jaguarcat beat me to it. Yep, these are our R donor types doing this nonsense.
More recent ones: Kayla Hamilton, autistic 20 year old woman, raped, robbed and murdered by illegal "child" MS-13 gand member in her place in Maryland.
16 year old Lizbeth Medina in TX stalked and murdered, in her home, by older illegal.