US Border Crisis

Absolutely not, there are very few illegal Hispanics who come here for a "one and done." They may "go home" for a period, but they always come back. And while they're here they're pumping out anchor babies galore. Theoretically, if one of your parents was an illegal immigrant when you were born in America then you should also be considered an illegal immigrant. All of this illegal, felonious birthing and "rotating through" activity has resulted in 60 million plus illegal Hispanics being in this country at any given time.

Nope, not even close. Perhaps you are bias due to some unknown affinity for the Hispanic peoples? 500,000 H1B visas given out legally to doctors and IT specialists is in no way comparable to 60 million felons on food stamps picking lettuce and blowing leaves from point A to point B.
Yes. H1B Indians are a big problem and corporations should be cleaned up from takeover, but at least they don't rape, steal and kill all over the place. There are rapes and murders of girls by illegals from Latin America and their grown childern all over in this country, even in places like Iowa. Murder of a lone old farmer in Minnesota, of a couple in their home in California, etc, media is suppressing these news.
Earl Olander, Kathryn Steinle, Molly Tibbets, etc, etc. Overall the country goes through ghetto-fication. And all this is definitely a part of major housing shortage
There are 60K sized fully illegal cities in Texas now.
Soon, the Natives on the reservations will be the luckiest folks here because they can discriminate against anyone and shut down their res.
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"Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report Says​

A network of NGOs, or non-governmental organizations, seems to be playing a powerful role in coordinating the large-scale invasion of illegals at the US southern border.

The new website Muckraker revealed a treasure trove of "mass migration blueprints," handed out by NGOs across South and Central America to illegals with details about their route to the US.

"The collapse of the US southern border is the result of a carefully planned and deliberately executed industrial mass migration program," Muckraker said.

MAP #1 - Distributed by Doctors Without Borders (Médicos Sin Fronteras in Spanish).

The front shows the routes from Panama to Mexico.


The back shows the routes across Mexico to the United States.


MAP #2 - Distributed by The United Nations International Organization of Migration (IOM).

Distributed by The United Nations International Organization of Migration (IOM). It shows various commissions and consulates across the country of Mexico.


MAP #3 - Distributed by the NGO Amigos Del Tren (Friends Of The Train in English).

The front shows the train routes across the country of Mexico.


The back lists numerous hostels that can be found along the train routes and also shows the distances between Mexican cities.


MAP #4 - Distributed by the Red Cross.

The front shows the freight train routes across Mexico (similar to the Amigos Del Tren map) and lists 80 different stops from Panama to the United States.


The back gives advice on navigating the mass migration trail. One piece of advice given is how to safely ride a freight train. It is advised to avoid riding a freight train if ". . . you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication that can make you drowsy."


What's becoming increasingly evident is that a network of NGOs funded partly by the US taxpayer but by other countries and corporations are covertly facilitating the invasion of illegals at the US southern border, as well as distributing them across the US into progressive metro areas.

According to an August report by progressive left-leaning media watchdog organization Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting, President Biden's Department of Homeland Security allocated $363 million to NGOs to assist illegal aliens once in the US.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott released a press release one year ago detailing how "NGOs may be engaged in unlawfully orchestrating other border crossings through activities on both sides of the border, including in sectors other than El Paso."

Once across the border, NGOs are also helping migrants with transportation across the US, such as providing seats on commercial airlines.

"A lot of NGOs are helping Biden open the border to unlimited illegal crossing. But none of this could happen without the president's approval," Byron York, the chief political correspondent at the Washington Examiner, said.

One X user asked: "Where does defunding the NGOs getting billions of taxpayer dollars to traffic the illegal immigrants here fall on the GOP’s to-do list?"

Original article
For the past couple of days, I traveled to Chicago to visit family and friends for Christmas. While in Chicago, I watched several newscast from the two Univision and Telemundo stations. I watched their nightly news and they had extensive news coverage of the immigration crisis at the border. The reporters actually showed the next wave of border crossers that are on their way.

I was taken aback to see how militant and brazen the comments from the organizers were concerning their active push to enter the US. The organizers flat out stated that they are on their way and there is nothing that will stop them and no one is going to stop them from entering the US. They were very blunt about this and this appeared to be a very well organized and funded movement.

This is an organized invasion of the US. I am very concerned about this because this is going to have very serious long term consequences for the country. I also noticed a serious lack of news coverage from the mainstream media concerning this invasion. I’m very fortunate to know and understand Spanish at a level that I can fully understand these newscast. I would also like to encourage those that know Spanish to watch Spanish media to get a perspective on what’s really going on.

If this blatant invasion continues, this has the potential to create some very serious social issues that’s going to put groups of people in serious conflict with one another.
That train has long left the station. The damage is done. The country will never recover from this influx of third world migrants.
Operation Wetback 2.0 would be the only way... And it would be something that needs to be done seriously.

I have seen the effect of these illegal invaders in my state over my 30 years. Almost no assimilation and they are a huge burden on me as a taxpayer.

I pray for my kids as I'm sure they're going to have it worse than I did.

Until you wrestle the Reigns of Power from the Group doing this its like watching a train wreck sped up instead of slow motion. These Well to Do American Dream Boomer Gramps grand kids will become mixed out! These American Dream White Men's Millions will be wiped out because they evidently never did Own Or Control the Money Lending Or Production Flow of their Blessed Nation. Until then i reckon we are being punished for not understanding what and who was destroying their Ancestors Sacrifices and Nation.
And yet.... But according to some... Things are better under Biden.
They are, instead of clapping like seals when Trump says he wants record levels of legal immigrants, who are even worse than illegal immigrants, people are talking and getting angry and the word is spreading.
Most legal immigrants are a drain on the system and net tax takers, not tax payers. Even the ones that do pay taxes, are still a huge drain on the country, causing increases in COL, increased competition for less resources, and destruction of the national fabric.

Absolutely incorrect. Show me the stats that support that claim. It's been a few years but last time I came across pertinent statistics it showed the complete opposite. LEGAL and law abiding immigrants are a net benefit to society and the economy.
Absolutely incorrect. Show me the stats that support that claim. It's been a few years but last time I came across pertinent statistics it showed the complete opposite. LEGAL and law abiding immigrants are a net benefit to society and the economy.
Where did you hear this? I have never read or heard anything close to this.

Study: Majority of Immigrant Households Use Welfare

59% of Illegal-Headed Households, 52% of Legal

It would be interesting to see what all constitutes "welfare" in these claims. Do they include education that they don't pay property taxes for, due to low income. Do they include healthcare for their children? I wouldn't be surprised if it is much higher.

And this doesn't include them destroying the middle class by causing the COL to explode and wages to stay stagnant. Changing the fabric of the country into a giant soulless strip mall, and them using DEI and nepotism to oust Whites from job opportunities and promotions.

Oh yea, also, if they come here, then bring their elderly parents here, their parents get social security without ever paying into the system. And I doubt that is included as "welfare" but it sure as hell is stealing from the tax payers and one of the reasons social security is going kaput.
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Most legal immigrants are a drain on the system and net tax takers, not tax payers. Even the ones that do pay taxes, are still a huge drain on the country, causing increases in COL, increased competition for less resources, and destruction of the national fabric.

There is a huge differentiation between new hands out immigrants and old world immigrants who came here and want to be Americans, I really hope you're not ignorant enough to lump them all into the same category. Telling you about my family tree would put those words to shame, but we've been down that road before you and I and all that came of it was that you wanted to poison others because you're sad that your life didn't go how you wanted it to.
There is a huge differentiation between new hands out immigrants and old world immigrants who came here and want to be Americans, I really hope you're not ignorant enough to lump them all into the same category. Telling you about my family tree would put those words to shame, but we've been down that road before you and I and all that came of it was that you wanted to poison others because you're sad that your life didn't go how you wanted it to.
There isn't, in a few generations a majority will end up becoming anti-White/anti-Christian communists because they are paid/rewarded to do so. We see this over and over; the immigrants are so grateful to be here. The first born here are in-between and just make the best of it that they can. After that it becomes hate for this country and the people here.

It is about the same from either illegals or legals after 2 or 3 generations. And we can see this when the left runs on the most anti-White/anti-Christian message imaginable and the voting demographics break down exactly as I stated above. Hispanics and Asians overall are about 60-40 communists, Blacks around 85-15 communist, and coming here legally or not doesn't make a dent in this.

I wish this wasn't true, but it is, and soon they will be the majority of the country and the govt. of those days will make Biden look like Andrew Jackson, if the country even still exists.