US Border Crisis

Looks like Jet Limo in Arizona is in "Damage Control" mode after O'Keefe's video.


Do pilots not have unions? Regardless, can they not refuse to fly? Not that it isn’t too late regarding the demographics in the US anyway, but what are the airlines going to do with a pilot strike?
Illegal Hondurans and Guatemalans work the fields, send some money back home and often eventually go back home themselves.
I'd prefer they stay home and fight to clean up their own country rather than providing me with services I don't need. I don't need someone to blow leaves around my yard. I don't need someone to pick my lettuce for me (I can grow my own). By working so cheap they devalue the REAL world price of what a product or service should be. A head of lettuce should not be $2 (an extreme under-evaluation), it should be $10. Soil health (and longevity) is a real issue, but so is worker health. There is no way you can grow a $2 head of lettuce without destroying a soil's microbiome and giving workers cancer via inorganic fertilizers, weed killers, and pesticides.

Furthermore, they never "go home." They breed while they're here and leave behind millions of anchor babies that grow up to be entitled, Americanized-bisexual-trannies that hate white people.
Do pilots not have unions? Regardless, can they not refuse to fly? Not that it isn’t too late regarding the demographics in the US anyway, but what are the airlines going to do with a pilot strike?
Yes, there are two pilots' unions that I am aware of. But I suspect there were deals made - privately - behind the scene between NGOs and airlines to transport illegal migrants all over the U.S. Also, the Biden Administration is clearly coordinating behind the scene as well.

Pilots likely received a nice big fat extra NGOs' money.


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BREAKING: Congressman @mattgaetz has called for Delta CEO Ed Bastion to answer to Congress on the transportation of non-resident migrants

He’s calling for Delta to answer a few very simple questions:

•How many non-resident aliens has Delta airlines transported on behalf of nongovernmental organizations since January 20, 2021?

•How do NGOs purchase or reimburse your airlines for tickets of non-resident aliens? Are you now receiving, or have you ever received any incentive for reimbursement, including money, credit, or other benefits from the federal government in exchange for the transport of non-resident aliens?

•Has the TSA notified you of what forms of identification are acceptable for nonresident aliens to clear airport security and board your flights? If so, what are they?

Should be easy to answer, Delta!

I'd prefer they stay home and fight to clean up their own country rather than providing me with services I don't need. I don't need someone to blow leaves around my yard. I don't need someone to pick my lettuce for me (I can grow my own). By working so cheap they devalue the REAL world price of what a product or service should be. A head of lettuce should not be $2 (an extreme under-evaluation), it should be $10. Soil health (and longevity) is a real issue, but so is worker health. There is no way you can grow a $2 head of lettuce without destroying a soil's microbiome and giving workers cancer via inorganic fertilizers, weed killers, and pesticides.

Furthermore, they never "go home." They breed while they're here and leave behind millions of anchor babies that grow up to be entitled, Americanized-bisexual-trannies that hate white people.
You'd be surprised. Central Americans really do often rotate through the US rather than staying permanently. When I lived down there it seemed like every cab driver I met had done a stint in the US for a few years and returned to his country. From what I saw, they tend to dislike the cold up here and prefer life back home, except for the bleak employment opportunities.

What they dont do is take over major formerly American corporations like the H1B visa holders from India do. Illegal and legal immigration are both a problem, but legal is the worse of the two.
Central Americans really do often rotate through the US rather than staying permanently.
Absolutely not, there are very few illegal Hispanics who come here for a "one and done." They may "go home" for a period, but they always come back. And while they're here they're pumping out anchor babies galore. Theoretically, if one of your parents was an illegal immigrant when you were born in America then you should also be considered an illegal immigrant. All of this illegal, felonious birthing and "rotating through" activity has resulted in 60 million plus illegal Hispanics being in this country at any given time.

Illegal and legal immigration are both a problem, but legal is the worse of the two.
Nope, not even close. Perhaps you are bias due to some unknown affinity for the Hispanic peoples? 500,000 H1B visas given out legally to doctors and IT specialists is in no way comparable to 60 million felons on food stamps picking lettuce and blowing leaves from point A to point B.
Absolutely not, there are very few illegal Hispanics who come here for a "one and done." They may "go home" for a period, but they always come back. And while they're here they're pumping out anchor babies galore. Theoretically, if one of your parents was an illegal immigrant when you were born in America then you should also be considered an illegal immigrant. All of this illegal, felonious birthing and "rotating through" activity has resulted in 60 million plus illegal Hispanics being in this country at any given time.

Nope, not even close. Perhaps you are bias due to some unknown affinity for the Hispanic peoples? 500,000 H1B visas given out legally to doctors and IT specialists is in no way comparable to 60 million felons on food stamps picking lettuce and blowing leaves from point A to point B.
The costs on taxpayers is the issue with illegals invaders.
Absolutely not, there are very few illegal Hispanics who come here for a "one and done."
I'm not sure what to tell you. I speak Spanish and lived in Central America for years and know what I saw. People come here to work and go back home a lot. A lot of them are men with wives and children back home. They make some money, send it back while they're here, and eventually return. Of course some stay and the constant rotation is enough that there are always tens of millions from south of the border here illegally. This is, indeed, a problem.

I work in IT so I probably see the Indians taking over the big tech firms and generally moving into high levels of society more clearly than most people. Microsoft is, supposedly, essentially an Indian company now. I've got a friend at Oracle and he says it's the same there. About 80% of the tech recruiters who contact me are Indian. I ignore them, unless I'm desperate. Last time I was that desperate I ended up at another well-know tech giant undergoing the same process. It was about 50% Indian when I started there, but that was a few years ago so I'd be willing to bet the Indians are a majority now.

It's an apples to oranges comparison, but I'm more worried about high-IQ Brahmans in positions of wealth and power than I am about the Hondurans and Guatemalans working fast food and agriculture, although ideally we'd have very little of either. There was a meme someone posted here a while ago about the Republican debate in 2023 consisting mainly of two Indians arguing over how much money we should be sending to Israel. I couldn't find it to repost, but that's what I'm talking about.
I'm not sure what to tell you. I speak Spanish and lived in Central America for years and know what I saw. People come here to work and go back home a lot. A lot of them are men with wives and children back home. They make some money, send it back while they're here, and eventually return. Of course some stay and the constant rotation is enough that there are always tens of millions from south of the border here illegally. This is, indeed, a problem.

I work in IT so I probably see the Indians taking over the big tech firms and generally moving into high levels of society more clearly than most people. Microsoft is, supposedly, essentially an Indian company now. I've got a friend at Oracle and he says it's the same there. About 80% of the tech recruiters who contact me are Indian. I ignore them, unless I'm desperate. Last time I was that desperate I ended up at another well-know tech giant undergoing the same process. It was about 50% Indian when I started there, but that was a few years ago so I'd be willing to bet the Indians are a majority now.

It's an apples to oranges comparison, but I'm more worried about high-IQ Brahmans in positions of wealth and power than I am about the Hondurans and Guatemalans working fast food and agriculture, although ideally we'd have very little of either. There was a meme someone posted here a while ago about the Republican debate in 2023 consisting mainly of two Indians arguing over how much money we should be sending to Israel. I couldn't find it to repost, but that's what I'm talking about.
Society and economic impact wise.... The illegals are much worse.

While insidious, there are controls in place with H1Bs.
Absolutely not, there are very few illegal Hispanics who come here for a "one and done." They may "go home" for a period, but they always come back. And while they're here they're pumping out anchor babies galore. Theoretically, if one of your parents was an illegal immigrant when you were born in America then you should also be considered an illegal immigrant. All of this illegal, felonious birthing and "rotating through" activity has resulted in 60 million plus illegal Hispanics being in this country at any given time.

Nope, not even close. Perhaps you are bias due to some unknown affinity for the Hispanic peoples? 500,000 H1B visas given out legally to doctors and IT specialists is in no way comparable to 60 million felons on food stamps picking lettuce and blowing leaves from point A to point B.
With all due respect, to give a sweeping generalization of 60 million people as all supposedly being felons, living on food stamps, and blowing leaves for a living is absurd. I also don't understand why you assume most first generation immigrants stay, when they are incentivized not to as they age due to rising healthcare costs in the US and declining purchasing power. This is completely anecdotal, but in my experience the vast majority of the first-generation (aside from Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and Salvadorians) end up going back home as they hit retirement age, either to live off their investments or/and their US pensions. It's their children, who are often completely Americanized, who end up staying within the US.

I can also concur with @scary_robot_music, I've met many people who rotate between their home countries and the US or Spain. They usually work for a time to gain some-sort of capital, which is often sent back home as remittances to build a home, business, farm, etc. The reason for this is that gaining capital organically in Latin America is difficult without proper connections or being apart of the elite, therefore working overseas for a time is always seen as a quick and more attractive alternative.

The problem is now this is going to become less and less possible. More people = cheaper labor, and as inflation rises the benefits of doing rotations or even living long term in the US will become less attractive as the years go by. This is ultimately going to leave a population of disgruntled ignoramuses (in the US), which will sell themselves to the highest bidder (Democratic party/shadow elites) to survive.

Regardless, at the end of the day I understand your frustration, and agree that the US border should be controlled and immigration radically be curtailed (which has been discussed ad nasuem here and on RooshV), but I would caution making such sweeping condemnations of people, especially when many of them simply want to live better lives. Of course, it would be better for them to push for changes in their own countries in order to make this possible there, but hey, human beings will always take the path of least resistance, especially when it's made easy for them.
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With all due respect, to give a sweeping generalization of 60 million people as all supposedly being felons, living on food stamps, and blowing leaves for a living is absurd. I also don't understand why you assume most first generation immigrants stay, when they are incentivized not to as they age due to rising healthcare costs in the US and declining purchasing power. This is completely anecdotal, but in my experience the vast majority of the first-generation (aside from Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and Salvadorians) end up going back home as they hit retirement age, either to live off their investments or/and their US pensions. It's their children, who are often completely Americanized, who end up staying within the US.

I can also concur with @scary_robot_music, I've met many people who rotate between their home countries and the US or Spain. They usually work for a time to gain some-sort of capital, which is often sent back home as remittances to build a home, business, farm, etc. The reason for this is that gaining capital organically in Latin America is difficult without proper connections or being apart of the elite, therefore working overseas for a time is always seen as a quick and more attractive alternative.

The problem is now this is going to become less and less possible. More people = cheaper labor, and as inflation rises the benefits of doing rotations or even living long term in the US will become less attractive as the years go by. This is ultimately going to leave a population of disgruntled ignoramuses (in the US), which will sell themselves to the highest bidder (Democratic party/shadow elites) to survive.

Regardless, at the end of the day I understand your frustration, and agree that the US border should be controlled and immigration radically be curtailed (which has been discussed ad nasuem here and on RooshV), but I would caution making such sweeping condemnations of people, especially when many of them simply want to live better lives. Of course, it would be better for them to push for changes in their own countries in order to make this possible there, but hey, human beings will always take the path of least resistance, especially when it's made easy for them.
See, this is the issue, you have some sort of bias and/or affinity for Hispanic people's and therefore don't see that crossing into this country illegally is a felony. Logically then, as an unconvicted felon, this means that every step and move an illegal makes while in this country (driving a car, working, having an anchor baby, applying for food stamps/medicaid, etc) become "compounded crimes" which, even if they're misdemeanors, stack up to eventually become more felonies. It is also a felony to not report a felony. Therefore practically every Hispanic in this country is a felon simply due to the fact that they know the name and location of an illegal and don't report it. I could go on, but you get my point.

Disparaging illegals with "leaf blower" and "food stamp" terminology is more of a troll job to get my point across. I myself have spent a lot of time in Central America and speak decent Spanish and therefore have an affinity for most Hispanic peoples. Most are hard working, religious, kind, family people, but it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch.

In addition, I want Honduras and El Salvador and Mexico and Guatemala to be great countries and that can never happen if the young men from those countries don't stay put, pick up arms, and fight the good fight against all the evil currently present in these places.

And this is completely anecdotal too, but in my lifetime I've seen Hispanics physically take over this country. The origin of this takeover is completely based on felonious border crossings. I travel to the most obscure corners and small towns of America for work and in every one of these places you'll hear first language, fluent Spanish being spoken by illegals. Now true, it takes two to tango, which is why I believe we should also be attacking those who hire and pay illegals by slapping these white American traitors with felony charges, high fines, and jail time.
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This was the sign at the “immigration line” I saw at Tucson airport last night where airport personnel were directing illegal immigrants who had been released w/ their DHS paperwork. Non citizens w/ no passports only. This was at TSA security for domestic flight - not at customs, not international.

Any pilots/airline employees/TSA personnel w/ tips on what you’re seeing, please feel free to reach out. Anonymity guaranteed.
See, this is the issue, you have some sort of bias and/or affinity for Hispanic people's and therefore don't see that crossing into this country illegally is a felony. Logically then, as an unconvicted felon, this means that every step and move an illegal makes while in this country (driving a car, working, having an anchor baby, applying for food stamps/medicaid, etc) become "compounded crimes" which, even if they're misdemeanors, stack up to eventually become more felonies. It is also a felony to not report a felony. Therefore practically every Hispanic in this country is a felon simply due to the fact that they know the name and location of an illegal and don't report it. I could go on, but you get my point.

Disparaging illegals with "leaf blower" and "food stamp" terminology is more of a troll job to get my point across. I myself have spent a lot of time in Central America and speak decent Spanish and therefore have an affinity for most Hispanic peoples. Most are hard working, religious, kind, family people, but it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch.

In addition, I want Honduras and El Salvador and Mexico and Guatemala to be great countries and that can never happen if the young men from those countries don't stay put, pick up arms, and fight the good fight against all the evil currently present in these places.

And this is completely anecdotal too, but in my lifetime I've seen Hispanics physically take over this country. The origin of this takeover is completely based on felonious border crossings. I travel to the most obscure corners and small towns of America for work and in every one of these places you'll hear first language, fluent Spanish being spoken by illegals. Now true, it takes two to tango, which is why I believe we should also be attacking those who hire and pay illegals by slapping these white American traitors with felony charges, high fines, and jail time.
Ideally over 100 years ago we'd have fortified and militarized the southern border and strictly kept all illegal Mexicans and others from south of the border out. We'd also have avoided feminism and the massive decline in birth rate among heritage Americans, thus avoiding the need and temptation to bring in Hispanics to fill the hard, low paying, low prestige jobs. Since I'm talking ideal scenarios, maybe we could have also implemented a Gastarbeiter (guest worker) program like Switzerland has, where we'd bring in workers from south of the border as needed on relatively easy-to-obtain temporary visas, but then they have to go back after their allotted time here.

As it is now, I don't see how the agriculture, fast food, and "leaf blowing" jobs getting filled without the Latinos. Sure, it's technically a felony for them to be here illegally, much in the way that it's technically speeding to drive five mph over the speed limit, but I don't know how you enforce that.

You mentioned the prevalence of Spanish even in small towns now. Supposedly something like 20% to 30% of all households in the US speak Spanish at home now (mine included, although my wife came here legally and my kids strongly resist actually speaking their mother's language). Vox Day has some ideas about doing to the Latinos something similar to what was done to the German-speaking population in countries around Germany after WW2 to get rid of them, but I don't see that as realistic without some dramatic shift to some ethnic nationalist form of fascism among heritage Americans which, again, doesn't seem realistic. For one thing, I'm pretty sure that heritage Americans defined as people who have ancestors here going back to before 1776 are already a minority. Even if we weren't at least half of us are incapable of any kind of ethnocentric thinking at all.

What I'm saying is that the Latinos seem to be here to stay. Even if you go as draconian as possible in the current legal framework as you'd like to do, tens of millions are completely legal now. Many of those have been here for generations and have mostly or entirely forgotten how to speak Spanish. It's unfortunate because I'd have liked the US to remain an Anglo-Saxon country, but as it is, the best we can hope for is a mix of the Anglo and Hispanic population that brings out the best of both. How realistic this is, I don't know. Maybe slightly more realistic than sending them all back.

It's just my opinion, but like I've said, I think the Indians that are taking over Silicon Valley and a good chunk of the government at high levels are more of a threat. Higher IQ than the Latinos, more alien, more ethnocentric, and far wealthier and more powerful. You could probably say the same about the Chinese, to some extent.

One bright spot in all this is that Latinas are, in general, superior wife material to gringas in almost every way. So maybe there's hope in a new Gringo-Latina master race.

Another is El Salvador. According to most reports, they're doing much better and becoming much more prosperous under their current right-wing military dictatorship, a form of government that seems to be the most natural in Central America. Honduras and Guatemala could potentially do something similar if they also reject trying to ape US representative democracy.
See, this is the issue, you have some sort of bias and/or affinity for Hispanic people's and therefore don't see that crossing into this country illegally is a felony. Logically then, as an unconvicted felon, this means that every step and move an illegal makes while in this country (driving a car, working, having an anchor baby, applying for food stamps/medicaid, etc) become "compounded crimes" which, even if they're misdemeanors, stack up to eventually become more felonies. It is also a felony to not report a felony. Therefore practically every Hispanic in this country is a felon simply due to the fact that they know the name and location of an illegal and don't report it. I could go on, but you get my point.

Disparaging illegals with "leaf blower" and "food stamp" terminology is more of a troll job to get my point across. I myself have spent a lot of time in Central America and speak decent Spanish and therefore have an affinity for most Hispanic peoples. Most are hard working, religious, kind, family people, but it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch.

In addition, I want Honduras and El Salvador and Mexico and Guatemala to be great countries and that can never happen if the young men from those countries don't stay put, pick up arms, and fight the good fight against all the evil currently present in these places.

And this is completely anecdotal too, but in my lifetime I've seen Hispanics physically take over this country. The origin of this takeover is completely based on felonious border crossings. I travel to the most obscure corners and small towns of America for work and in every one of these places you'll hear first language, fluent Spanish being spoken by illegals. Now true, it takes two to tango, which is why I believe we should also be attacking those who hire and pay illegals by slapping these white American traitors with felony charges, high fines, and jail time.
It's a takeover. Press one for English is everywhere in this country now, what a joke. Even places like Central Tennessee are getting taken over, I travel everywhere. I was in Central Nevada this year, camping, there were Mexican flags flying and loud music everywhere in the campground, big changes. Some illegals were banging on RV door asking to drive them to town. Stopped in Eastern Oregon (all white counties there) close to highway, illegal dude was in my campsite trying to take my water canister. Had to pack up and go deep into the woods. I had been going by internal border partol station on Arizona highway several times this month, it's been mostly closed, anyone can get by with truckloads. The elites want to get rid of bad stubborn whitey, turn it into Latin America, disarm and totally control.
I fail to see why people bring up East Indians - it's a completely separate takeover, there is more than one replacement method, but the goal is the same, to get rid of the whitey, one doesn't make another look any better.

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How thick are people? You’re being replaced, your country is being handed over to illegal invaders, that’s what’s going on.
In Amerika they had been brainwashed it's a good thing and need to get rid of bad, bad fascist white race. Also, the frog is being cooked slowly and gradually, so that things are getting normalized along the way