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US Border Crisis

If that is all true, this is an interesting constitutional challenge. Federal Supremacy, various amendments, etc. Lots of stuff in play here. Texas has indeed placed barbed wire along the border with not only Mexico, but also along a portion of the border with New Mexico, vicinity El Paso.

Can anyone remember seeing a State authority forcibly relieving a Federal authority, post-Civil War? They may have just flipped the one-way street sign.
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Past and estimated future percentage of Whites, looks like only WV and New England are expected to hold out.


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Past and estimated future percentage of Whites, looks like only WV and New England are expected to hold out.
yes true....and it sucks.... But one question I always ask people who bring this up... Are you doing anything to help the demographics? You better be having a gaggle of kids... so many that you might find a local Gipsy to sell one or two of em to if they act a fool.

I ask because I am outbreeding Mexicans out here... in Texas....and they always call me a crazy gringo when I bring up 6 kids.... and that we're not done since im not even 35....and me and the old lady got lots of time to keep on pumping out kids accordingly....

I chose to turn the negative macro reality into a local positive reality. .... and like Uncle Sam... Im asking you... "what are you doing for white people"
I chose to turn the negative macro reality into a local positive reality. .... and like Uncle Sam... Im asking you... "what are you doing for white people"
That… requires a wife which is a difficulty. There’s threads about that issue here.

My best bet - invest the time money and energy to get to the 20%. But even if I do that it’s not going to help. I’ll just get divorced in 10 years.
That… requires a wife which is a difficulty. There’s threads about that issue here.

My best bet - invest the time money and energy to get to the 20%. But even if I do that it’s not going to help. I’ll just get divorced in 10 years.
I dont know exactly what that means.... can you elaborate
I dont know exactly what that means.... can you elaborate
Family formation is incredibly difficult. Few women are interested in being a wife unless they already have a kid or more. I'm not here to black pill but speak the truth. If you can make big money and get in amazing shape you probably could find a taker who isn't a single mom. Even if you can pull it off by becoming such a catch that you can have a bunch of kids with childless women, you're probably going to get divorced given our culture. It's horrible, but it is what it is. Divorce even happens at a high rate among religious women.

Now as for the "outbreeding the Mexicans" comment you made, I've noticed non anglo immigrants don't have the same problem I've mentioned above. What do you think makes family formation easier for them and why are they more likely to stay together? And it's not just developing world immigrants to the US. I've noticed continental Europe has a much lower divorce rate despite its non existent native fertility. What's uniquely wrong with the anglo sphere? It's not just government policy either. This phenomena is a huge factor contributing to jaguarcat's map.
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yes true....and it sucks.... But one question I always ask people who bring this up... Are you doing anything to help the demographics? You better be having a gaggle of kids... so many that you might find a local Gipsy to sell one or two of em to if they act a fool.

I ask because I am outbreeding Mexicans out here... in Texas....and they always call me a crazy gringo when I bring up 6 kids.... and that we're not done since im not even 35....and me and the old lady got lots of time to keep on pumping out kids accordingly....

I chose to turn the negative macro reality into a local positive reality. .... and like Uncle Sam... Im asking you... "what are you doing for white people"

What's the true Christian perspective on this as this has been a struggle for me because of my bias towards my own kind and attraction for women from my own tribe, since there's no one I know of willing to give an honest answer outside of this forum.

Only two weeks ago, I spoke to a white guy who I'm half-friendly with in church, and he spoke of his recent visit to London, saying "How wonderful it is, with it's multiculturalism and everyone getting along...they're all God's children". I sometimes feel bad because part of me resents the hordes that keep wanting to come to Europe and will mostly reject our faith and customs too. I've tried to deal with it by thinking if the shoe was on the other foot, my own personality would resist from being part of the problem and would try to make the most of what I have in my own land despite it being 2nd or 3rd world.

I've concluded, God is only interested in our spiritual condition, not our careers or what we think we're entitled to, and as in a previous post, I'm starting to think people who have less are potentially more blessed than those that do because 'privilege' is a distraction in the modern world.
Well when the Whole Middle Class thing isn't affordable for a couple Generations Down Wind, you gotta ask yourself what is More Important and what Holds the Glue Together? Evidently NOT Mammon when its printed to Shore Up the Rich, Connected and Powerful. Basically Rich Man Socialism and Evidently a Tool for a Certain Tribe to Control the Common folks.

You See the Same People who Forment the Boom/Bust Pedal to the Medal of Material Wealth and the. Offer Cures that let you and other Commoners Sacrifice and Not them...You know the Whole Capitalism vs Socialism is a Cannard by those Desert Merchants.

Now that folks haven't been properly Trained to Do Civilizational Functions because the Screwls told Em to Chase that Good Paying Politically Hot Industry while a good part of the rest of the working Class make beans...you got a problem, No Incentive to be a Working man in a job where he is Hated by his DieVerse co workers and the Money is barely enough to Scrape by much less Save for a Life and Family.

Thus No Children and And Strong Communities. And an Easier Venue to Bring in your Replacement without a shot being fired.
The Marxist Tribe said exactly what they were going to do by Gutting us from the Inside. We shouldn't be that surprised!

That's why that Central Bank Absolutely Must Not Come to Fruition. Capital Formation and Investment must be done locally generally speaking or at the Very Least done on a Larger scale by A Homogeneous group where Racial Politics won't arise and the focus on Corruption maybe a bit easier to sift without a Group slandering you for their age old Money Tricks.
This dude should literally be drawn and quartered.

I get Schumer and his (((___AGENDA___))) playing out. What Langford gets off this I dont know.

This is both disgusting and infuriating.

With pieces of human excrement like this... who needs democrats.

For those not math oriented... thats 1825000 illegals per year.

What's the true Christian perspective on this as this has been a struggle for me because of my bias towards my own kind and attraction for women from my own tribe, since there's no one I know of willing to give an honest answer outside of this forum.

Only two weeks ago, I spoke to a white guy who I'm half-friendly with in church, and he spoke of his recent visit to London, saying "How wonderful it is, with it's multiculturalism and everyone getting along...they're all God's children". I sometimes feel bad because part of me resents the hordes that keep wanting to come to Europe and will mostly reject our faith and customs too. I've tried to deal with it by thinking if the shoe was on the other foot, my own personality would resist from, being part of the problem and would try to make the most of what I have in my own land despite it being 2nd or 3rd world.

I've concluded, God is only interested in our spiritual condition, not our careers or what we think we're entitled to, and as in a previous post, I'm starting to think people who have less are potentially more blessed than those that do because 'privilege' is a distraction in the modern world.
London - once the capital of my home country but, increasingly, a third world dystopia, save for the enclaves of the elite.

Below, the vibrancy of Notting Hill Carnival:

London - once the capital of my home country but, increasingly, a third world dystopia, save for the enclaves of the elite.

Below, the vibrancy of Notting Hill Carnival:

I just hope we're not bringing judgement on ourselves because it's so easy to feel what is natural. But maybe we have a right to feel that way given we all know what's behind it if you do your homework, and that is evil.

But maybe not, after all, the gentiles have walked away from God having been blessed with everything a civilisation could want and this is God's judgement.

Despite this, maybe, just maybe we should be sharing the gospel with them whenever possible.