US Border Crisis

There isn't, in a few generations a majority will end up becoming anti-White/anti-Christian communists because they are paid/rewarded to do so. We see this over and over; the immigrants are so grateful to be here. The first born here are in-between and just make the best of it that they can. After that it becomes hate for this country and the people here.

It is about the same from either illegals or legals after 2 or 3 generations. And we can see this when the left runs on the most anti-White/anti-Christian message imaginable and the voting demographics break down exactly as I stated above. Hispanics and Asians overall are about 60-40 communists, Blacks around 85-15 communist, and coming here legally or not doesn't make a dent in this.

I wish this wasn't true, but it is, and soon they will be the majority of the country and the govt. of those days will make Biden look like Andrew Jackson, if the country even still exists.

My family are immigrants they are hardcore Catholics, hardcore conservatives and are proud and grateful to be Americans. Same for myself who is first generation, your constant negativity towards everything needs to change it's suffocating you and anyone who interacts with you.
My family are immigrants they are hardcore Catholics, hardcore conservatives and are proud and grateful to be Americans. Same for myself who is first generation, your constant negativity towards everything needs to change it's suffocating you and anyone who interacts with you.
Great, and they are extreme outliers. If I was made King, good people like you could stay while the evil/communists are sent back.

But I don't think I will ever be made King. So, the point still stands, it doesn't matter how non-Whites get here, legally or illegally, they vote the same way, which is extreme left/communist. And they continue to move further to the left and to the side of satan, and soon they will be the majority of the country, I think mid 2040's, so this will be an extremely ugly place to live in, if it still stands.
Great, and they are extreme outliers. If I was made King, good people like you could stay while the evil/communists are sent back.

But I don't think I will ever be made King. So, the point still stands, it doesn't matter how non-Whites get here, legally or illegally, they vote the same way, which is extreme left/communist. And they continue to move further to the left and to the side of satan, and soon they will be the majority of the country, I think mid 2040's, so this will be an extremely ugly place to live in, if it still stands.

I really don't think they are extreme outliers. I could say the same for my Italian friends whose parents are off the boat, my Greek friends and hell even some of the weirdo crazy Albanian's.....I could go on, they're here because they want to be Americans. Are you also going to say third generation irish, polish and others that Michigan is full of are a drain and negative on the country or are they also extreme outliers?

I do agree that the new immigrants who actually hate the USA but want to reap the benefits are a massive problem and especially illegals but to just paint all immigrants with the same brush is not correct. If anything I think there could be an argument made that many immigrant groups are among the last of the truly conservative left, they would never tolerate the liberalism that many Americans have embraced.

I'll be in a hall Sunday night with my relatives, too many of us for a house, to celebrate the new year. If one of my young relatives walked in with any weirdo liberal garbage we would chastise them to hell for it if not physically slap some sense into them and throw them out banning them from the family until they straightened up. My aunts, uncles and cousins all calling them the next day to ask what the hell was wrong with them and yell at them as to why they would embarrass themselves and our family that way. Their parents would hang their heads in shame and apologize to us then probably go home and tear them apart.

Would that happen at your family party? Or would they be tolerated?
I really don't think they are extreme outliers. I could say the same for my Italian friends whose parents are off the boat, my Greek friends and hell even some of the weirdo crazy Albanian's.....I could go on, they're here because they want to be Americans. Are you also going to say third generation irish, polish and others that Michigan is full of are a drain and negative on the country or are they also extreme outliers?

I do agree that the new immigrants who actually hate the USA but want to reap the benefits are a massive problem and especially illegals but to just paint all immigrants with the same brush is not correct. If anything I think there could be an argument made that many immigrant groups are among the last of the truly conservative left, they would never tolerate the liberalism that many Americans have embraced.

I'll be in a hall Sunday night with my relatives, too many of us for a house, to celebrate the new year. If one of my young relatives walked in with any weirdo liberal garbage we would chastise them to hell for it if not physically slap some sense into them and throw them out banning them from the family until they straightened up. My aunts, uncles and cousins all calling them the next day to ask what the hell was wrong with them and yell at them as to why they would embarrass themselves and our family that way. Their parents would hang their heads in shame and apologize to us then probably go home and tear them apart.

Would that happen at your family party? Or would they be tolerated?
Of course you are extreme outliers. Do you just not believe the polling results, year after year after year?

Biden runs on destroying White people due to Charlottesville. And a heavy majority of non-Whites vote for him. Of course there are outliers, but we are past that point of the conversation. The results is the country will continue to move further to the left and more satanic the more legal or illegal immigrants come here, and as their people here have children. Even if there are good outliers, it doesn't even come close to outweighing the bad.

My family pretty much realizes the country is done and are more concerned with preparing to survive when the system collapses.
The worst thing is evidently this Nation was Ultimately Susceptible to Destroying The European Race by Mixing out since it was not majority pure even when it was majority European. If the Immigration aspect isn't Policed you open yourself up to Genocide and basically become a group of mixed people to be ruled over by a Rootless Oligarchial Elite instead of A Nation Bonded by Blood and Even that being relatively staying somewhat pure for lack of a better word in Certain areas...Predominant Germans Here, Sweedes Here, Irish, Italian etc etc.

I am lamenting because most folks I in a round about way mention the downfall of race mixing they don't seem aghast by it. Ho Hum oh Well attitude since they were Brainwashed by the Suburban Corporate State Controlled living after WW2. Fortunately my folks were outliers and enjoyed their Ethnic side.
Most legal immigrants are a drain on the system and net tax takers, not tax payers. Even the ones that do pay taxes, are still a huge drain on the country, causing increases in COL, increased competition for less resources, and destruction of the national fabric.
Big dog.... There are 30 million illegals sucking this country dry.

There are not 30 million H1b or legal immigrants all paying zero on taxes.

Center for immigration studies is the resource for all this to break down
My family are immigrants they are hardcore Catholics, hardcore conservatives and are proud and grateful to be Americans. Same for myself who is first generation, your constant negativity towards everything needs to change it's suffocating you and anyone who interacts with you.
Good luck with expecting . Poster is an energy vampire in every thread...
Absolutely incorrect. Show me the stats that support that claim. It's been a few years but last time I came across pertinent statistics it showed the complete opposite. LEGAL and law abiding immigrants are a net benefit to society and the economy.

I am in favor of less immigration overall, both legal and illegal. But at least the legal immigration element has a set of rules and requirements.

Pretending that the military aged male from Guatemala or Haiti is going to be more positive contribution than the H1b indian or the legal immigrant Chinese is just nonsense.

I'm obviously in favor of Christian Europeans coming to my country over all other groups... But if I have to choose between a border hopper and and a legal immigrant... I'm taking the legal immigrant 100/100.
The Problem is White Man has NO Control Evidently over who comes in or not. The Debate over which Well Mannered Non White is better or Not than the Other isn't the Issue. We don't have control over the Gate and somebodies do who Historically Hate Sons of Japeth for lack of a Better Description. When you end up at say 10% of the population and those Invaders hate ya...the last thing you will be thinking about is having a Based Minority represent your Being and Peoples.
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Why didn't Boomers and Gen Xers have many or any kids at all to teach to become Productive? And why did we have a Race to The Bottom to Devalue Labor where the General Population was Discouraged from having more Productive Workers? These are the Real Issues.
We were a 90% Indo-European Nation up until around 1960ish am I correct? What Happened?
Who turned that around?
Why didn't Boomers and Gen Xers have many or any kids at all to teach to become Productive? And why did we have a Race to The Bottom to Devalue Labor where the General Population was Discouraged from having more Productive Workers? These are the Real Issues.
We were a 90% Indo-European Nation up until around 1960ish am I correct? What Happened?
Who turned that around?
Hart (((Celler))) immigration Act...which removed quotas from Western/Eastern Europe in favor of other areas...

That plus Reagan/Clinton/Bush(even though he promised to fix the border before getting us into wars he promised not to do) Obama....

Absolutely incorrect. Show me the stats that support that claim. It's been a few years but last time I came across pertinent statistics it showed the complete opposite. LEGAL and law abiding immigrants are a net benefit to society and the economy.
The immigration is too high. It is ripping has ripped our society apart. The whole "legal immigrants are alright" argument is just a psyop from the (((pro-white-minority))) types.
There is a huge differentiation between new hands out immigrants and old world immigrants who came here and want to be Americans, I really hope you're not ignorant enough to lump them all into the same category. Telling you about my family tree would put those words to shame, but we've been down that road before you and I and all that came of it was that you wanted to poison others because you're sad that your life didn't go how you wanted it to.
I know of a number of immigrants like you describe. I can't talk about this stuff at work, because my coworkers are mostly high value second generation third world types, who I respect.

However, the numbers don't lie. This nation consisted of 89% people like me when I was born, and will be a heathen brown nation when I die. Also, the immigrants place a very high net toll on the welfare system. Also, people whose grandparents were born here better not be from the lower 50% of the socioeconomic stratum, because immigrants are taking all their jobs for low pay.

Not good.
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I know of a number of immigrants like you describe. I can't talk about this stuff at work, because my coworkers are mostly high value second generation third world types.

However, the numbers don't lie. This nation consisted of 89% people like me when I was born, and will be a heathen brown nation when I die. Also, the immigrants place a very high net toll on the welfare system. Also, people whose grandparents were born here better not be from the lower 50% of the socioeconomic stratum, because immigrants are taking all their jobs for low pay.

Not good.
Thomas, I think you're missing his point. I dont think Francis was talking about Illegal immigrants. I got the impression he was speaking about people emigrating and taking pride in becoming an American and contributing to society... which is not the case currently with the Gimme Dats... @Francis, you can chime in to correct me where I'm wrong as I didnt get a sense for your background... (IF you tell me youre french or german or swedish then this whole point is moot :) ha)

But in general I agree... you're absolutely right.... I grew up with 1 Mexican kid in my class in east texas until highschool then 3 in 10th grade then 5 in 12th.... My kids now are about 60/40 mexican anchor babies as their parents are migrant workers in my public school (its rural and nice, but nothing like what I grew up in... ESL was not an option vs now where its expected) . I'm not saying they are not hardworking people.... and I have strong mexican catholic freinds... but we are different people. I get along with my neighbors, and we all keep to ourselves... but id prefer to live next to only whites. (its 50/50 and a good group so I am lucky)

This is true.... overall immigration with out a controll mechanism is bunk. But there werent 7 Million legal immigrants whom showed up here in 3 years.....

The TAX BURDEN isnt on the legal immigrants... the total burden of illegals is so high between tax payer health care, welfare/social security ect its pretty outrageous.

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Big dog.... There are 30 million illegals sucking this country dry.

There are not 30 million H1b or legal immigrants all paying zero on taxes.

Center for immigration studies is the resource for all this to break down
It is a much bigger problem than paying taxes. Doing the very bare minimum doesn't make someone a good addition to a country. It is just one of many ways legal immigrants have destroyed the fabric of the nation. It would be interesting to actually see these numbers though. And again, what is "paying taxes", it certainly isn't a 66 year old immigrant who comes here and gets Social Security without paying into it and says "see, I don't need welfare".

Granted, we are not going to vote our way out of this. And since the Global White population has gone from about 30% in 1900 to about 9% as of 2020, it is unlikely White people even exist in 100 years, or the numbers will be so small they might as well not exist. And that is when either the Chinese take over and likely destroy Christianity, or the satanic elites take over and certainly will outlaw Christianity and kill Christians like they did in the USSR.
Good luck with expecting . Poster is an energy vampire in every thread...


I am in favor of less immigration overall, both legal and illegal. But at least the legal immigration element has a set of rules and requirements.

Pretending that the military aged male from Guatemala or Haiti is going to be more positive contribution than the H1b indian or the legal immigrant Chinese is just nonsense.

I'm obviously in favor of Christian Europeans coming to my country over all other groups... But if I have to choose between a border hopper and and a legal immigrant... I'm taking the legal immigrant 100/100.

It isn't about either being positive, neither will be positive for the USA as a whole. The situation is, the guy from Guatemala will go do some low pay/low skill job and live in a shanty and mostly be unnoticed unless we see him at the DMV or the Grocery Store.

The legal guy comes here and drives up the COL. So real estate doubles every 15 years but pay only goes up 25%. Their kids flood the colleges our ancestors created, for us, making it beyond insanely expensive. Then you have to compete in jobs against them, but due to DEI, they get the upper hand and take the job you worked for. Then they use their nepotism to get their unqualified tribe members into place, and then take up management positions keeping you at the bottom. And if you organize against it, you are breaking civil rights laws and have your life ruined.
It isn't about either being positive, neither will be positive for the USA as a whole. The situation is, the guy from Guatemala will go do some low pay/low skill job and live in a shanty and mostly be unnoticed unless we see him at the DMV or the Grocery Store.

The legal guy comes here and drives up the COL. So real estate doubles every 15 years but pay only goes up 25%. Their kids flood the colleges our ancestors created, for us, making it beyond insanely expensive. Then you have to compete in jobs against them, but due to DEI, they get the upper hand and take the job you worked for. Then they use their nepotism to get their unqualified tribe members into place, and then take up management positions keeping you at the bottom. And if you organize against it, you are breaking civil rights laws and have your life ruined.
One... You don't even have kids... So this is internet point winning for you.

Two... This whole post, and every one I've read from you...reads like a person who is just trying to do the bare minimum to get to 55 and retire...with zero risk....and gripe about it on the internet....That gets you stugatz in a job. Risk adversity beyond comfort means you go nowhere.

Unless you're pigeon holed into IT and you're dealing with Indians...what youre describing isn't the economy as a whole.

That said....

Ok... Sure. You have many many good points often but...the elephant is eaten one bite at a time. Choose where to focus the energy.

You have to chill with the constant negativity about every fucking point you try and make ...or zero people will take your seriously.

It comes off like a constant bitch fest from a miserable person who is an energy vampire. I've yet to see you post a single post on any thread where you didn't have a negative aspect to it.

Says way more about you than society. You're miserable dude.

I know you'll tell me you're not here... But you obviously are.

Some of the points you make are correct...but your delivery is so shitty it's formulaic and predictable ... "It is my time is posting.... Ok it's negative....skim.skim.skim.. ok here's the projection as to why it's societys fault he's unmarried, zero kids ECT ect ECT" forward two posts "it's not about me , it's about waking up other white men," forward two posts "and here's why x person is controlled by the regime, we need the economy to collapse ect ect ECT"

We have to solve the illegal thing first. Then the legal thing can be resolved.

Control them purge vs purge then ignore.
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One... You don't even have kids... So this is internet point winning for you.

Two... This whole post, and every one I've read from you...reads like a person who is just trying to do the bare minimum to get to 55 and retire...with zero risk....and gripe about it on the internet....That gets you stugatz in a job. Risk adversity beyond comfort means you go nowhere.

Unless you're pigeon holed into IT and you're dealing with Indians...what youre describing isn't the economy as a whole.

That said....

Ok... Sure. You have many many good points often but...the elephant is eaten one bite at a time. Choose where to focus the energy.

You have to chill with the constant negativity about every ******* point you try and make ...or zero people will take your seriously.

It comes off like a constant ***** fest from a miserable person who is an energy vampire. I've yet to see you post a single post on any thread where you didn't have a negative aspect to it.

Says way more about you than society. You're miserable dude.

I know you'll tell me you're not here... But you obviously are.

Some of the points you make are correct...but your delivery is so shitty it's formulaic and predictable ... "It is my time is posting.... Ok it's negative....skim.skim.skim.. ok here's the projection as to why it's societys fault he's unmarried, zero kids ECT ect ECT" forward two posts "it's not about me , it's about waking up other white men," forward two posts "and here's why x person is controlled by the regime, we need the economy to collapse ect ect ECT"

We have to solve the illegal thing first. Then the legal thing can be resolved.

Control them purge vs purge then ignore.

I invite you to take some time to meditate, re-read your own comment, and then tell me objectively if it sounds like something a mature and successful person would waste his time on. What is your purpose here? Don't you have better things to do than to spread such poison?
Thomas, I think you're missing his point. I dont think Francis was talking about Illegal immigrants. I got the impression he was speaking about people emigrating and taking pride in becoming an American and contributing to society... which is not the case currently with the Gimme Dats... @Francis, you can chime in to correct me where I'm wrong as I didnt get a sense for your background... (IF you tell me youre french or german or swedish then this whole point is moot :) ha)

But in general I agree... you're absolutely right.... I grew up with 1 Mexican kid in my class in east texas until highschool then 3 in 10th grade then 5 in 12th.... My kids now are about 60/40 mexican anchor babies as their parents are migrant workers in my public school (its rural and nice, but nothing like what I grew up in... ESL was not an option vs now where its expected) . I'm not saying they are not hardworking people.... and I have strong mexican catholic freinds... but we are different people. I get along with my neighbors, and we all keep to ourselves... but id prefer to live next to only whites. (its 50/50 and a good group so I am lucky)

This is true.... overall immigration with out a controll mechanism is bunk. But there werent 7 Million legal immigrants whom showed up here in 3 years.....

The TAX BURDEN isnt on the legal immigrants... the total burden of illegals is so high between tax payer health care, welfare/social security ect its pretty outrageous.

I am talking about legal immigrants, such as my coworkers, who are engineers. Legal immigration has contributed tremendously to the great replacement.

Obviously the high value immigrants contribute to society, but they are a minority even among the legal immigrants. Even the legal immigration has had a strong net negative impact on the American society that existed a few decades ago.
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