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US Border Crisis

The fact of the matter is, due to modern medicine and GMO fake food production (if people knew the level to which our food was genetically modified they would freak out), the entire globe is vastly overpopulated. If GMO's and modern medicine disappeared, which they both will if the western economy collapses, the global population would be cut in half in a few years.

And with that overpopulation situation, it is the same in the USA. We are vastly overpopulated. The price of a starter home in many areas is 5 to 8 times the average income. This is insane. The drug use, the depression, the crime, the violence. It seems few here talk to 20 somethings in the USA, I talk to a lot of them and the hopelessness they have due to the cost of everything is overwhelming. They know they have no hope of having a good life here, so they turn to drugs or materialism, which suffices when you are young. The cause of all this is overpopulation and both legal and illegal immigration.

White people simply will not exist in 100 years, or less, unless they build their own home nations again. We were not meant to live like this and it shows greatly already.
Why are we overpopulated?

And what is the solution?
They (illegals) take up normal houses in nice towns too, not just shanties, they form groups to rent houses. They have entire parallel economy, also, where they take bank loans to buy American houses without SSN. They own and drive cars, often without a drivers license or with all fake, contributing to traffic and accidents, they take all the same government aid and tuition in places like California, they create huge impact. Traffic courts often let them go with no ticket payment if they are illegal. I wrote about entire 60k city of illegals in Texas earlier. They have ways to do things though third party people who are legal, in their name, also. Lots of crime as they are almost untraceable. In CA, stuff like the last corona bailout payment went for illegals too.
In the UK, certainly in London, local authorities are sometimes faced with the problem of having to house immigrants with huge families, that won't fit into a regular house. When this happens, they will put them into any house of a suitable size, regardless of location, cost and the fact that the house is one which only the elite could dream of occupying.

A while back, an Afghan family was placed into such a house, and it was mentioned in an article that the area where it was located included the home of the director, Ridley Scott. This year, that property, now occupied by another person, came onto the market again:

Why are we overpopulated?

And what is the solution?
We are overpopulated because...

200 years ago, before GMO fake food and modern medicine, a woman had 6 to 10 children. Often times 2 to 3 of them didn't even survive to adulthood, another 2 or so didn't end up having kids themselves or having children that survived to adulthood, so it took a couple having 6 to 10 children just to maintain a healthy slowly growing human population.

Now we have these massive changes in how humans can survive and we have people with very weak genetics and weak immune systems, who make very bad decisions (often left leaning losers) and the world is turned upside down. With all of this said, there are only so many resources on the planet and those are already stretched thin and causing massive issues.

The solution is a large subject that would need to be discussed in great length to even start to scratch the surface.
Why did Israel sell our military secrets to China, and now China's military is likely more advanced and larger that ours?

I didn't understand your comments in the Hamas-Israel Thread, especially since I've heard you talk before on the technological backdooring Israel has been doing at the behest if China. Israel is an absolute cyber technology giant and they are neckdeep into all the US' critical infrastructure.

It's infiltration that runs back to the days of the crypto-communist Roosevelt Administration - and which was uncovered in the Venona Investigation. Nowadays nobody speaks about he Venona files anymore and McCarthy has been declared a lunatic.

It's a massive topic that gets mostly shun by alt-media and MSM alike. Who here speaks of Unit 8200? Strangest thing: it's actually not a verboten topic in the Israeli media.
Back in the 90s there was one illegal operating as a serial killer, Angel Rafael Resendez-Ramirez. They had proven 9 victims but the real number is believed to be at least 23, he was killing mostly American runaway teenagers, college students, also a doctor. He had been easily evading being caught traveling the country for illegal ag work hopping freight trains. He had been in and out of the States freely coming illegally, and he had been arrested and released (on condition he voluntarily returns to Mexico, ha!) at least 10 times since 1970s for smaller crimes like burglary and car theft, every time he was just let go. Sometimes when he was actually prosecuted he just jumped bail in those states. They import all this filth and criminals, America is a Wild West now, not a good place to be, US citizenship gives you no more real rights over illegals, only obligations (voting is a farce).

Lots of these rapists, thieves and murderers are being imported. Legal immigrants in places like Canada are required police clearance from home country, not sure if the US does it now, most countries require that from immigrants, but the US used to require none.

Here it details his extensive crime and release history
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One of the things I don’t ever see emphasized, or even explored, is the obvious infiltration and strong-arming of US officials and even politicians by cartels.

There’s zero doubt in my mind that a cartel would have at least two (Democrat) members of the Arizona legislature on their payroll through blackmail, extortion or coercion. Same for New Mexico’s. With larger states like Texas and California, municipal officials would be as big a prize as state-wide ones in smaller and mid-sized states.

All you would need to do is use “private investigators”, cartel guys paid figurative cents on a billion dollars, to stake out people and their family members for dirt and then intimidate. Outright violence from the start would not be needed.
I didn't understand your comments in the Hamas-Israel Thread, especially since I've heard you talk before on the technological backdooring Israel has been doing at the behest if China. Israel is an absolute cyber technology giant and they are neckdeep into all the US' critical infrastructure.

It's infiltration that runs back to the days of the crypto-communist Roosevelt Administration - and which was uncovered in the Venona Investigation. Nowadays nobody speaks about he Venona files anymore and McCarthy has been declared a lunatic.

It's a massive topic that gets mostly shun by alt-media and MSM alike. Who here speaks of Unit 8200? Strangest thing: it's actually not a verboten topic in the Israeli media.
Venona Transcript + Mitrokhin Archives = McCarthy was right
Border charade continues. Biden's visit to El Paso. Congressmen going to Eagle Pass. They clean up the Potemkin Village for the photo op, then it goes back to chaos as soon as the big wigs are gone:

Denver now committing 10% of its budget to migrant housing, etc., with requisite leftie disincentives to productivity:

180M USD for one city, for one year, alone - for refugees that are often illiterate in their native tongue and have near zero likelihood of becoming self-sustaining in the modern workforce, other than to take jobs from our less-educated cousins that were born here. What do these people expect?
Who’s behind this push? The Vera Institute of Justice, for one.

Vera claims we “need a federally funded universal legal defense service” for migrants.

In short, a national army of left-wing lawyers paid for by you.
Good article overall and I’m familiar with the broad historical outline he draws upon, but Russians were relocating to a country most of them were born in or had substantial, ongoing links with. Same goes for trivia like Medvedev’s maternal grandparents being from Ukraine (I’m careful about assuming their exact ethnicity, as it was likely to have been mixed even if they saw themselves as “Ukrainian”).

Russia in the 1990s may have been severely socially and economically dislocated, but Kazakhstan had its own issues as a former SSR after the break-up.

Compare the above to trying to get illegal Mexicans/Salvadorans/Guatemalans and their children to leave for their ancestral homelands. Even if purely lunatic policies like Biden’s were stopped, these people would want to stay.

Moreover, Kazakhs are not European and Russians are (or they’re white Eurasians if we wish to juxtapose Western liberalism with Russian exceptionalism), irrespective of whatever invasions/migrations altered Russian DNA in part. TLDR; White man bad, black/mestizo/Arab Muslim/Turkic man beyond reproach.

Makes sense given what the below
