Tucker Carlson Thread

The CIA denied him.
Did they?

If so, it would have to be an awfully big oooooops. Whoops, the elite educated son of one of our own agents (in an agency notorious for nepostism) somehow gets passed over and becomes the most successful and influential television news host. Project Mockingbird Fail.

What I heard in Putin's comment was a lighthearted accusation that Tucker is *in* the CIA.
Tucker: Who destroyed the Nordstream pipeline?
Putin: You did.
Putin: Of course not you, personally. But CIA did.
Tucker: Nervously sweats.

Did anyone else catch that?

Anyway, there are SO many agencies today (aren't there 18 US spy agencies?), and so many pseudo-governmental groups, things like the "world economic forum" that you could easily be under the influence of one of these directly, or even indirectly and not even realize you are under gonvernment influence. That is to say, Tucker may not be an actual agent, who reports in to a guy in a felt hat and writes up weekly intelligence reports, but he could be very much controlled and had his entire career manipulated. Either way, I'm very hesitant to trust a millionaire son of a CIA agent.

This reminds me of an excellent tv series HBO Hungary did on the overthrow of the Communist government installed in 1956. A Besugo (The Informant" tells the story of a college student who is reluctantly recruited to inform on fellow students with subversive sympathies by the Communist government. At the very end, an American agent appears and reveals himself to have been secretly monitoring and encouraging one of the smart and successful students, not in the Democratic side, but in the *Communist* side. (Of course Soviets and Americans were both encouraging Young Communists and Young Democrats respectively, but this showed much deeper propagandistic goals).

Obviously a Communist sympathizer is not going to *directly work* for such an agency, but he instead offered this student a 4 year fully paid scholarship to America (where said student would either be removed from Hungary, depriving them of a bright mind and natural leader for a time, or could possibly be indoctrinated to beome an American leaning dissident. America does this kind of stuff all the time. The point was the whole time this Young Communist was being monitored and encouraged and groomed by Americans for years, they had no idea.

What would be far more surprising than the CIA intentionally turning down an influential applicant, is if someone made it to the top of one of the top 2 news networks and was NOT somehow controlled. Maybe Tucker realised this, and left. Maybe he mostly told us the truth. But it's pretty clear he was told or influenced in what stories he could cover. He believes in Space Aliens and Chinese Spy Balloons and I just don't buy it. Do you have any idea how many admitted US spies openly work at CNN? Jimmy Dore and Aaron Mate talk about this a lot.
Buying into Staddlelateen’s philosophy and pandering to women gets you Justin Trudeau. Trudeau was handed a solid foundation from the cold calculating leader Stephen Harper (who women also didn’t like) and has spent the last eight or so years methodically running it into the dirt. We now have the fastest declining standard of living of all first world countries ( I learned that from Tucker too) while he stifles the resource industry (Canada’s past catalyst for prosperity), floods the country with low IQ immigrants, and initiates a sweeping tax on the air.
That is what pandering to women gets you.

Sounds like Australia.

Why do some (even here) think that Putin has any obligations to "save" the right wing in the west? Unfortunately the west doesn't have a president like Russia does, we need to work our way out of this mess ourselves whatever the reason might be. It surely isn't Russia.

"Every nation gets the government it deserves."
Putin doesn't want to antagonize less than 1% of the Russian population (145,000 jews in Russia)? Putin's not scared of anyone except jews? Almost everyone on this forum agrees that jews are a large part of the world's problems. We go on and on with one JQ red pill after another here yet KGB Putin knows nothing about the JQ and can't even give them an honorable mention except as victims? Fine, don't antagonize Russian jews but what about Israeli jews and American jews? Putin has nothing to say about who is responsible for America's decision making and will call them "elites" but not "jews"?

You say "Zoggy" NATO, but Putin couldn't say "The jews that run NATO" that are working with "The jew Zelensky" to persecute Russian speaking Christians in Ukraine? I don't understand the defense of all things Zio-Putin logic here? I say Putin and Trump are two sides of the same coin and that we're all being played like a JQ fiddle.

I've noticed some irony in your posting here, it might be that you're older and are still cemented in the "USA world police, Russia evil by definition" stigma or if it's a deliberate way of deflecting what's being said in a thread. I'm not sure in what thread but you basically said "my small business is finally thriving after many years of hard work and the economy is doing fine even though the whole country has become LGBTQ hell but work hard and the American dream is right at your doorstep" yet Putin is the one that needs to be squeaky clean and have to make Russia in to an Orthodox utopia who needs to mention the JQ constantly to make himself legitimate to the west who never ever brings it up, hell it doesn't even mention it's own history in a positive light or at all.

This is not a personal attack I'm just trying to find out where these double standards come from.
I've been seeing a video of Tucker saying that Moscow, a giant city of 13 million, is cleaner, works better, and is more aesthetically beautiful than any city in the US. I've seen the subway stations, which are like a historic European palace. I've seen some walk through videos from Russia that support this as well, although videos like that could cherry pick a limited area that is not the norm.

I've heard a number of times that while Putin is at least trying to improve things, Russia is still a pretty messed up place, with lots of severe dysfunction. If the gigantic city of Moscow is nicer than any city in the US, is Russia really that dysfunctional? I know a lot of other Russian cities are highly monotonous, with mostly Soviet era apartment blocks for a majority of the population. However, if Moscow is in such excellent shape, are things actually run pretty well in these other places too? Are the street level public areas nice?

Does anyone have any recent direct experience of what it's like there, to confirm all this?
Does anyone have any recent direct experience of what it's like there, to confirm all this?
Not any in Russia but plenty in former soviet republics.

My take away is bureaucracy is a pain in the ass. But that goes for many places. Getting paperwork done at any government facility is a headache.

But what I was immediately struck by is despite what we were told growing up in American history classes, these places run well. Consider the average person's daily routine. Work, normal. Groceries, unlike America every neighborhood has markets with healthier/fresher food within walking distance. Pharmacy, same, Church, same. Playgrounds, same. Public transport, light years superior. Buses, trams, metros. Restaurants, higher quality food. Malls are packed and would remind you of America 20 years ago. There's no blacks/gangs so safety isn't an issue for the most part. Everything is cleaner, much cleaner. Schools, that can vary regarding quality. Russia has very good schools though and you can tell by what they produce from the sciences/engineering to the arts.

As an architecture buff that is what really impresses me in these places. Sure you get communist era apartment blocks which are ugly. You also get carefully crafted and built buildings/cathedrals which are more impressive than anything you see in the US outside parts of NYC- which were Euro influenced.

The layouts of cities make sense. Downtowns are clean. But the surrounding neighborhoods are all walkable with all the necessities within 5 mins. And they were designed with public transport in mind and it's a relatively quick and convenient trip to the city centers.

And that all leads to, even if some areas don't appear as "nice", you still get a clear cultural impact. You can feel it. See it. There is a pride and history to these places missing from America.

But the three things which really stand out are the architecture, size and scope of it. Cleanliness, streets, parks and metros. Safety. That isn't to say if you go into the wrong highly Russian bar as an outsider and look at the wrong person's girl, you won't have a problem. Or if you walk thru a gypsy neighborhood at night alone, you won't have a problem. But coming from the states it's nothing in comparison to the random violence we see from street gangs and thug culture.
What I heard in Putin's comment was a lighthearted accusation that Tucker is *in* the CIA.
Tucker: Who destroyed the Nordstream pipeline?
Putin: You did.
Putin: Of course not you, personally. But CIA did.
Tucker: Nervously sweats.
I did catch that moment but I am nearly completely confident by "you" he was just referring to the United States collectively.
I did catch that moment but I am nearly completely confident by "you" he was just referring to the United States collectively.

I wouldn't be so sure of that.
After years of being a soviet KGB agent (and before becoming president) Putin was also head of the security services of Russia. (That's basically the equivalent of head of the CIA in USA)
If Tucker's father was already a CIA agent, and Tucker himself was recruited by the agency in the past, Putin would know this from first hand sources, having read all the secret files himself.
Also remember that Putin has given asylum and Russian citizenship to an ex NSA agent called Edward Snowden, who also gave him a lot of dirty/interesting material on the USA...this may have included lists of secret agents.

Putin always chooses his words very carefully and is very nuanced when saying semi secret things.
I'm pretty sure @Rax Moscow nailed this Putin language analysis perfectly.

I've noticed some irony in your posting here, it might be that you're older and are still cemented in the "USA world police, Russia evil by definition"
Why are you talking about me personally with regards to "age"? Please refute my ideas/opinion with facts, statistics and well written philosophical/religious counter arguments and not your falsely perceived opinion with regards to my "identity."

I'm not sure in what thread but you basically said "my small business is finally thriving after many years of hard work and the economy is doing fine even though the whole country has become LGBTQ hell but work hard and the American dream is right at your doorstep"
Yes, I did say something to this effect but your framing is slightly off because you wish to portray me in a negative light due to your disagreements with me on Trump, Putin, UFO''s, Globohomo causes and outcomes, and/or Taylor Swift and spices. However, thank you for paying attention and listening to me. It's nice to be remembered.

Putin is the one that needs to be squeaky clean and have to make Russia in to an Orthodox utopia who needs to mention the JQ constantly to make himself legitimate to the west
Yes, but not to the west, but to Jesus. The reason Putin (and Trump) has rarely, if ever, said the word "Jesus," is because he can't put anything (or Anyone) above himself. He doesn't ever say "Jesus is my Saviour" because that would be admitting weakness, and that another "Man" is above him. Most alpha males are like this and therefore, though they may profess to be Christians, they are in fact atheists because they refuse to submit (to our Lord Jesus Christ).
This is not a personal attack I'm just trying to find out where these double standards come from.
It is because I am human and flawed. My Brother in Christ, please forgive me.
Young women are not relevant to the larger picture of how this war affects the west. They don't hold political power in the West, they are being led to think they do by the Chews who have the real power. Putin has no obligation to appear pleasant to them.
Women and particularly, young women, hold all the power. Why do you think so much Western propaganda is directed towards women? Why do you think so much of any ideology, including Christianity, is designed to control women? As George Orwell said: "It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy."
Putin made it clear in the interview that he doesn’t care anymore what the lunatics in the West think of Russia. Russia is setting its own path. And he also made it clear that Russia’s relationship with China is rock solid.
Putin cares deeply about the west and Europe. He sees himself and Russia as primarily European, which is why he is so bitter about the US's treatment of him and Russia as "outsiders". As for Russia's alliance with China, it's purely pragmatic. China will stab Russia in the back the first chance they have. China sees Russia as no different than other European imperial power that humiliated them in the 19th century, and they still see Outer Manchuria, including Vladivostok, as Chinese land, which was stolen from them.
Buying into Staddlelateen’s philosophy and pandering to women gets you Justin Trudeau. Trudeau was handed a solid foundation from the cold calculating leader Stephen Harper (who women also didn’t like) and has spent the last eight or so years methodically running it into the dirt. We now have the fastest declining standard of living of all first world countries ( I learned that from Tucker too) while he stifles the resource industry (Canada’s past catalyst for prosperity), floods the country with low IQ immigrants, and initiates a sweeping tax on the air.
That is what pandering to women gets you.
Yes, Trudeau has kept himself in power for 9 years solely on the back of women despite being horrifically incompetent. You're making my point for me.
I've been seeing a video of Tucker saying that Moscow, a giant city of 13 million, is cleaner, works better, and is more aesthetically beautiful than any city in the US. I've seen the subway stations, which are like a historic European palace. I've seen some walk through videos from Russia that support this as well, although videos like that could cherry pick a limited area that is not the norm.

I've heard a number of times that while Putin is at least trying to improve things, Russia is still a pretty messed up place, with lots of severe dysfunction. If the gigantic city of Moscow is nicer than any city in the US, is Russia really that dysfunctional? I know a lot of other Russian cities are highly monotonous, with mostly Soviet era apartment blocks for a majority of the population. However, if Moscow is in such excellent shape, are things actually run pretty well in these other places too? Are the street level public areas nice?

Does anyone have any recent direct experience of what it's like there, to confirm all this?

Both Moscow and St Petersburg really are like this, the difference between them and many cities in my home country is striking. I spent a lot of time in SPB and I did see a small amount of graffiti in some of the more industrial areas, but it was so rare that it stuck out like a sore thumb, and in one or two areas I saw some litter on the ground around an overflowing bin, but the high-traffic areas are immaculate.

I spent a lot less time in Moscow, but walking around the centre and main touristy areas was like being in a model city and it felt much newer than SPB despite being a far older city

I would also be curious to see other areas of Russia to get a real glimpse of it. It felt like the people of these cities are super proud to be a Muscovite or a Peterburzhets, and the people asked me my impressions and which city I preferred, so there seems to be a kind of competition to “wow” visitors in Russia’s two capitals.
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