By definition he is not a "president" but a dictator and anyone who opposes him winds up dead. What is it now, 24 years? Putin never mentioned the end of his rule or the coming "elections," so I'm assuming he will be president forever which is by definition a dictatorship. Argue with this if you like, but please don't take it up with me, take it up with Webster. And no, I'm not an MSM shill, and yes, I know the USA is rotten to the core too.
What I find interesting, and this is not meant to be an insult to anyone here, but much like Trump, the goal posts with Putin are constantly shifting here at CIK towards a pro-Putin cheer squad even with sound criticism. Personally, from afar, I like both Trump and Putin (Putin moreso than Trump) because they're the right men for their respective jobs. You send a thief to catch a thief and so having the best thief at the top of a thieving world/economy will ironically create less thieving (because they will in theory stop the less ethical thieves with slightly more "ethical" thieving). So let Trump have his little atheist presidency in 2024 and let the non-Jesus mentioning Putin rule ad infitum and have all the super yachts he desires. More power to them (literally). Don't hate the player, hate The Game.
This being said, 150 million to populate a country the size of Russia is nothing. Why the historical obsession with Ukraine? There is nothing you could do better with the land and people you already rule over besides start another "OK Boomer," unnecessary, and endless war? How many balls can one man juggle? When does one have enough money and power? For an atheist (which I believe Putin to be) the answer is never.