Tucker Carlson Thread

Russian media and banking is dominated by Jews. My best handle on the situation suggests that the Jewish oligarchs of Russia are just trying to protect their wealth, and if the Russian state turning on Israel, and that protects their wealth - so be it.

The US is dominated by left wing Jews vs. Jewish supremacists. The oligarchs in Russia are another faction, who the ones in the US want to coup.

The overtly treasonous ((oligarchs)) like Roman Abramovich, Boris Berezovsky, Vladimir Gusinsky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky have already been purged. The remaining ones are going to play ball or face the same fate.
Among the various things people have been criticizing Putin for from the interview, and in general, is his discussion of Ukrainian Nazism. I think Putin's claim about Nazism in the Ukraine is his most widely mocked claim in the whole conflict.
Here's my view of that. Is Ukraine run by groups that fit the intellectual definition of being Neo-Nazis? No, definitely not.
But is Ukraine's post-2014 state ideology heavily based on Ukrainian ethnic supremacy, hyper-nationalism, and the rabid hatred of everything Russian, to the point of historical glorification of past iterations of Ukrainian supremacist militancy prominently including those who fought alongside Nazis in World War II? Yes, yes it is.

Putin calls the latter true characteristics of Ukraine Nazism. This is aimed at a Russian internal audience; he's clearly not using a neat or strictly accurate definition of what Nazism is, but that just shows he's a politician. He turned it into a buzzword. His buzzwordification of the issue is annoying but the fundamental aspects of Ukraine that he's attacking are real. However, he is clearly out of touch with the way his buzzwords are perceived in the Western sociopolitical conscience, where we are used to Liberal/Progressive Media Experts calling anybody further right than Mitt Romney fascists/Nazis. So to us he looks like an out-of-touch Boomer. Which may be partially true but his fundamental reasoning about modern Ukraine is not unreasonable.
Among the various things people have been criticizing Putin for from the interview, and in general, is his discussion of Ukrainian Nazism. I think Putin's claim about Nazism in the Ukraine is his most widely mocked claim in the whole conflict.
Here's my view of that. Is Ukraine run by groups that fit the intellectual definition of being Neo-Nazis? No, definitely not.
But is Ukraine's post-2014 state ideology heavily based on Ukrainian ethnic supremacy, hyper-nationalism, and the rabid hatred of everything Russian, to the point of historical glorification of past iterations of Ukrainian supremacist militancy prominently including those who fought alongside Nazis in World War II? Yes, yes it is.

Putin calls the latter true characteristics of Ukraine Nazism. This is aimed at a Russian internal audience; he's clearly not using a neat or strictly accurate definition of what Nazism is, but that just shows he's a politician. He turned it into a buzzword. His buzzwordification of the issue is annoying but the fundamental aspects of Ukraine that he's attacking are real. However, he is clearly out of touch with the way his buzzwords are perceived in the Western sociopolitical conscience, where we are used to Liberal/Progressive Media Experts calling anybody further right than Mitt Romney fascists/Nazis. So to us he looks like an out-of-touch Boomer. Which may be partially true but his fundamental reasoning about modern Ukraine is not unreasonable.
Putin's deflection to Tucker's question implying him being a Christian leader also seemed boomerish. Putin went on about main values being similar in all world religions and that diversity is Russia's strength. It seems no world leader is currently able to break this frame.

Putin did go on stressing the eternal and the heart while referencing Dostoyevsky, but then immediately went back to saying he doesn't see supernatural at work. Can anyone shed light on this kind of thinking coming from Putin? If I had no other reference I'd say he seems like some kind of atheist. The only other reference I have are a few Russians I know from work. They seem super proud of their motherland but severe in their thinking and mostly atheist.
It doesn’t matter how the interview was. He got many (hundreds?) million views and that means he has more power now. For him, it was a great outcome. Whatever person he interviews, they know he has exposure.

Opposition will be upset as expected. All MSM is trashing him and taking the interview out of contest. Watch any YouTube channel comments and you’ll see what the real majority thinks.

Personally, I did not enjoy the interview. Nothing new.
Putin's deflection to Tucker's question implying him being a Christian leader also seemed boomerish. Putin went on about main values being similar in all world religions and that diversity is Russia's strength. It seems no world leader is currently able to break this frame.
He is the president of 150 million people, not just the Christians of Russia. It is his duty to say that, otherwise he will be creating problems for everyone there, especially the Christians.
He is the president of 150 million people, not just the Christians of Russia. It is his duty to say that, otherwise he will be creating problems for everyone there, especially the Christians.
I understand this in the frame of modern culture and politics. I still note this frame of thinking is all "off" and destined to complete collapse into hell and the antichrist. But this is the story we find ourselves in.

Interesting nonetheless to see the "goal" of what is a perceived "good" is shared by all leaders at this time.
He is the president of 150 million people, not just the Christians of Russia. It is his duty to say that, otherwise he will be creating problems for everyone there, especially the Christians.
I have mixed feelings about this. If he is a sincere Orthodox as I have previously thought he might be, then he must believe that his nation and his actions as ruler are in God's hands. He ought to believe that he is seeking God's will and doing what is right for his nation in God's eyes.

However, I think he feels that if he comes out and says that God's hand is upon him as the ruler of Russia, and that he is seeking God's will in the prosecution of this war, then everybody will go nuts, and say he is some kind of crazy religious zealot.

He has clearly made an effort to balance his Orthodox identity with a policy of official government acceptance of non-Christian religions such as Islam. I would say he is taking things too far to deny that God is playing a role in current events, but he must think it is politically necessary. I have a hard time thinking he actually believes this personally. I would think in his own mind he does see God determining events.
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Putin's deflection to Tucker's question implying him being a Christian leader also seemed boomerish. Putin went on about main values being similar in all world religions and that diversity is Russia's strength. It seems no world leader is currently able to break this frame.

Putin did go on stressing the eternal and the heart while referencing Dostoyevsky, but then immediately went back to saying he doesn't see supernatural at work. Can anyone shed light on this kind of thinking coming from Putin? If I had no other reference I'd say he seems like some kind of atheist. The only other reference I have are a few Russians I know from work. They seem super proud of their motherland but severe in their thinking and mostly atheist.
I think it’s a testament to Putins character that he was honest when asked about seeing evidence of a supernatural god, even though he understands that orthodox Christianity is a healthy belief for his countrymen.
I would be very surprising to me if any world leader believed in a supernatural god. Rather they see and understand organized religion as a healthy way to guide and control the masses. That goes for even the Pope…
An hour in and Putin finally mentions jews. However, it's in support of "jewish" people and how horribly they were treated and "exterminated" during the holo-hoax. News Flash: Putin is not a "holocaust denier." Apparently his main concern is the de-nazification of Ukraine and not the de-jewing of it.

Even Putin works for the JQ! Sad.

It's really not that hard. Remember when the benchmark was about 'those you can't criticize rule over you'? Well, now apply that to Russia. Up till five years in prison for Holocaust questioning. Literally the (shared) harshest penalties on the planet at the time legislation was passed. Furthermore, it's a 2014 bill that was personally spearheaded by Putin himself.


Here are some more pictures.

Putin lighting up the Menorah at the Red Square on Hannukah.

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Each Hanukkah every major Russian city has its own Menorah on the most prominent place in town - as an obvious sign of conquest. In Moscow Hanukkah celebrations are usually at either the Red Square or at the Revolution Square.

Whenever Putin travels to Israel he likes to walk around decked out with a kippa hanging out near the Wailing Wall. Putin has been spotted murmuring unintelligible tefillahs in 2005, 2007, 2012, 2020 and probably some more. Totally not a humiliation ritual.

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Here is Putin at Israel's National Holocaust Memorial, the Yad Vashem Museum in Jerusalem, rekindling the Eternal Flame. Putin has greatly advanced Holocaust education through the 'Tolerance Museums'.

The Yad Vashem Memorial Center was also were Putin held his famous 2020 speech to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Putin was there on the invitations of the Head of the European Jewish Congress Moshe Kantor and Bibi Netanyahu, two people he considers personal friends. It was here that the deal was made to move the Russian Consulate to Jerusalem was made.

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The Red Terror, the forced population transfers under Stalin, the Holodomor or any other Judeo-Bolshevist genocidal campaigns on the other hand? Naaah. Not interesting.

And what about Medvedev?




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He is the president of 150 million people, not just the Christians of Russia.
By definition he is not a "president" but a dictator and anyone who opposes him winds up dead. What is it now, 24 years? Putin never mentioned the end of his rule or the coming "elections," so I'm assuming he will be president forever which is by definition a dictatorship. Argue with this if you like, but please don't take it up with me, take it up with Webster. And no, I'm not an MSM shill, and yes, I know the USA is rotten to the core too.

What I find interesting, and this is not meant to be an insult to anyone here, but much like Trump, the goal posts with Putin are constantly shifting here at CIK towards a pro-Putin cheer squad even with sound criticism. Personally, from afar, I like both Trump and Putin (Putin moreso than Trump) because they're the right men for their respective jobs. You send a thief to catch a thief and so having the best thief at the top of a thieving world/economy will ironically create less thieving (because they will in theory stop the less ethical thieves with slightly more "ethical" thieving). So let Trump have his little atheist presidency in 2024 and let the non-Jesus mentioning Putin rule ad infitum and have all the super yachts he desires. More power to them (literally). Don't hate the player, hate The Game.

This being said, 150 million to populate a country the size of Russia is nothing. Why the historical obsession with Ukraine? There is nothing you could do better with the land and people you already rule over besides start another "OK Boomer," unnecessary, and endless war? How many balls can one man juggle? When does one have enough money and power? For an atheist (which I believe Putin to be) the answer is never.
By definition he is not a "president" but a dictator and anyone who opposes him winds up dead. What is it now, 24 years? Putin never mentioned the end of his rule or the coming "elections," so I'm assuming he will be president forever which is by definition a dictatorship. Argue with this if you like, but please don't take it up with me, take it up with Webster. And no, I'm not an MSM shill, and yes, I know the USA is rotten to the core too.

What I find interesting, and this is not meant to be an insult to anyone here, but much like Trump, the goal posts with Putin are constantly shifting here at CIK towards a pro-Putin cheer squad even with sound criticism. Personally, from afar, I like both Trump and Putin (Putin moreso than Trump) because they're the right men for their respective jobs. You send a thief to catch a thief and so having the best thief at the top of a thieving world/economy will ironically create less thieving (because they will in theory stop the less ethical thieves with slightly more "ethical" thieving). So let Trump have his little atheist presidency in 2024 and let the non-Jesus mentioning Putin rule ad infitum and have all the super yachts he desires. More power to them (literally). Don't hate the player, hate The Game.

This being said, 150 million to populate a country the size of Russia is nothing. Why the historical obsession with Ukraine? There is nothing you could do better with the land and people you already rule over besides start another "OK Boomer," unnecessary, and endless war? How many balls can one man juggle? When does one have enough money and power? For an atheist (which I believe Putin to be) the answer is never.
The reason Putin has been in power for 24 years is that he keeps getting re-elected. And it's not like it's illegal to oppose him in Russia; plenty of Russians oppose Putin and they are very much still alive, they have not been murdered. That being said, it can certainly be said that the Putin government has taken on an authoritarian flavor over the years to be sure.
I do not believe he is atheist either. We have extensive evidence of him attending Divine Liturgy and consulting a spiritual father. Of course that could be a political front, we don't know what's truly in his heart, but it certainly seems the evidence for him being Orthodox is stronger than the evidence for him being atheist.
Before anybody replies to my last statement with some list of people murdered by Putin, yes, you can find a handful of people (I can think of 5-6) who were politically assassinated in Russia almost certainly under Putin's orders over the course of the last 25 years. That does not account for about 30% of the entire population of Russia that vote against him and in many cases are quite vocal about it, and I've met many people like that, and they are somehow still not dead.

Meeting with Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar and President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia Alexander Boroda

February 7, 2024

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good evening,

You know that following the surge of tensions in the Middle East, Russia is doing its best to help people who have been taken hostage. It is common knowledge that the Russian Foreign Ministry is cooperating with the political wing of Hamas, and, generally, there are certain results.

Of course, our attention is focused on citizens of the Russian Federation, but not only on them. We also help citizens of other countries, including elderly people, who went through the Holocaust, and their family members.

As I said, there are certain results, but I understand and know that these efforts must continue. This is what we are doing, and I wanted to discuss details of this work with you.

is being said, 150 million to populate a country the size of Russia is nothing. Why the historical obsession with Ukraine? There is nothing you could do better with the land and people you already rule over besides start another "OK Boomer," unnecessary, and endless war? How many balls can one man juggle? When does one have enough money and power? For an atheist (which I believe Putin to be) the answer is never.

The real issue with Ukraine is a strategic geopolitical one, it's not fundamentally about history or culture or anything like that, it's because the NATO Zio-Anglo-American West wants to force everyone to play by their rules and Russia doesn't want to do so. NATO has been forcing the issue over the last 30 years as Putin described, so Russia is taking measures to ensure a secure buffer zone and stake a geopolitical foothold to stop the NATO West from strangling them.

You're certainly right that he is no saint and others ITT have astutely observed that Putin as leader of Russia is primarily concerned with securing their seat at the table of big dogs with as much geopolitical and economic leverage as possible, as opposed to being a based JQpilled Orthodox white knight. But whatever his faults he stands in the way of western style globohomo domination and that is very arguably a net good in the world.
The problem with the NATO encroachment argument is it's not being properly addressed.

Ukraine is not part of NATO. If Russia was able to bring Ukraine to its knees quickly, it would of been a moral victory against ZOG and an intimidating show of strength.

Even if the US apologizes to Russia and ends all support to Ukraine, it still would have been a very bitter sacrifice for Russia.

The only choice Russia has is economic warfare against the west and idealogical opposition [anti-woke]. Russia is doing a poor job with the first and the bare minimum with the second. Putin literally said he didn't want abandon the USD but the sanctioned forced him. 🙄

No one can explain why Putin would not take a very hardline public rhetoric at the least.

None of this makes sense.

Imagine if China was sponsoring an American-Mexican war and the the president made wishy washy statements about "wanting peace", how "Wong Chan" was his personal friend, him being ready to work together with the Chinese... etc.
Before anybody replies to my last statement with some list of people murdered by Putin, yes, you can find a handful of people (I can think of 5-6) who were politically assassinated in Russia almost certainly under Putin's orders over the course of the last 25 years. That does not account for about 30% of the entire population of Russia that vote against him and in many cases are quite vocal about it, and I've met many people like that, and they are somehow still not dead.
He eliminates those with louder voices and powerful ones heading the opposition and pose threat to him.
He then gets to control the mentioned 30%.
^What opposition leaders? People like Navalny are obvious globalist moles and stooges out to bring Russia back to the 1990s as a globalist colony.

Also, most of the people who were allegedly targeted by Putin, people like the Skripals, were not hurt by him. It's a propaganda line similar to the MH flight 17 shot down by NATO/Ukied and blamed on Russia.

The opposition in Russia is made out of NGOed city liberals into gay rights, feminism etc, or communists who yearn for the USSR.

Putin is a pragmatist who is not going to go out of his way to antagonize his own Jewish community, or Russian muslims for that matter. Between this, and being outight in their pockets as some are alleging here, there is a wide gap.

In any case, the truth will emerge in a couple of years if the rift between zoggy NATO and the Russia/China/Iran block widens or things heat up. At that point the separation will become much clearer.