Understood. In the Tucker interview Putin just seemed to delve deep into the historical aspect which I found both interesting and valid, but not the most effective way to reach masses of normies.The real issue with Ukraine is a strategic geopolitical one, it's not fundamentally about history or culture or anything like that.
Nor should they. The "Zio" part is key though and again, Putin said nothing about that except framing jews as victims (their favorite narrative so I'm sure they were happy with that). However, if they hate America so much then why are Russians so quick to build McDonald's and consume our movies, etc? It just seems like a false and irrational fear. Sure, the CIA is gonna CIA, but Russia will always be Russia, the idea that Moscow is going to be invaded by America because there's a hundred CIA agents and ten thousand nazis in Ukraine just isn't realistic. If Putin really was interested in killing nazis in Ukraine there was an easier way to go about it with far less damage to the average young Russian (and Ukrainian) male. First, don't let them know they're on the kill list, and second wait until their big annual nazi gathering (or training session or whatever) and drop a small tactical nuke that kills 10,000 people in a five mile radius and makes the land uninhabitable for 40+ years. Better than losing 200,000+ men in a protracted 10 year land war that never ends. It all seems so 20th Century. It feels like these wars (no matter who engages in them) are not being fought to win. It's almost as if the plan is to fight over nothing forever.It's because the NATO Zio-Anglo-American West wants to force everyone to play by their rules and Russia doesn't want to do so.
Again, it just seems like the Russia vs America thing is fake. It all feels staged by the "elites" to kill us pleabs off on the front lines and to get us to argue amongst ourselves indefinitely. "NATO is strong and can do all this damage to Russia, wait, no, NATO is weak and has no teeth and will soon be obsolete." Putin seems not to fear much, but he fears NATO and the EU building tranny bars in Kiev?NATO has been forcing the issue over the last 30 years as Putin described, so Russia is taking measures to ensure a secure buffer zone and stake a geopolitical foothold to stop the NATO West from strangling them.
I don't think he stands in the way of globohomo. That ship has sailed. For all I know Putin could be a bisexual jew. I have no idea who this guy is and I don't want to know. I've probably said too much already. I'm out. Don't want to wind up on The ListYou're certainly right that he is no saint and others ITT have astutely observed that Putin as leader of Russia is primarily concerned with securing their seat at the table of big dogs with as much geopolitical and economic leverage as possible, as opposed to being a based JQpilled Orthodox white knight. But whatever his faults he stands in the way of western style globohomo domination and that is very arguably a net good in the world.