Tucker Carlson Thread

There are lots of reasons to think he is just a glowie, but on the other hand, he seems to be getting pretty vocal and saying stronger and stronger things. Same with Elon Musk.

As a certain point it's hard to be controlled opposition if you say the kinds of things these guys are saying. It's hard to know what to think when they pray at the wailing wall wearing a tiny hat one day, then the next day they call out the (((current government))) in the strongest terms. These are strange times.
Remember, shills and agents are people too.

Tucker is more sensible than your typical millennial shill. Perhaps some truth is just getting through to him. It's like the old FBI meme of the agents assigned to monitor dissidents in the US...



Pretty brutal to get roasted by Putin for being too much of a dumb-dumb to engage in interesting talk though... I guess he figured Tucker being the top news guy would be a lot more like Oliver Stone. Even the UK has some really bright journalists at the upper levels. Ours are all in exile living abroad...
The fact that Tucker is still in Russia means he's still working on more interviews....either with Putin, again or with Edward Snowden, or other exiles and expats.
Pretty sure he he flew out quickly and spoke in UAE.

But rumors he interviewed Snowden before leaving.
Scott Adams is right about this next Tucker video. It will blow your mind!

This provides a clear narrative of how things got to the point they are at, that ties everything together.

I think Tucker has to be considered in opposition to the government after posting this, and Elon Musk as well, for providing a platform with the intention of exposing it. I'm very curious to see how things play out now that this will be clearly out in the open.
Scott Adams is right about this next Tucker video. It will blow your mind!

This provides a clear narrative of how things got to the point they are at, that ties everything together.

I think Tucker has to be considered in opposition to the government after posting this, and Elon Musk as well, for providing a platform with the intention of exposing it. I'm very curious to see how things play out now that this will be clearly out in the open.

Just finished watching the segment. Agreed with Scott Adams' tweet. Highly recommend watching it.

Mike Benz is impressive; he gave an excellent presentation and analysis by backing up sources, names, groups, history, etc.
Tucker was born on May 16, 1969 which makes him a Gen-Xer, actually.
I don't mean to imply Tucker is a youngster.
Although he absolutely lacks any gravitas, which was the #1 criteria for newsmen a generation ago.

He can come across as a silly, whimsical, not that serious type of guy, and he actually *doesn't* act his age.

After hearing some criticism of the interview, I have come to the opinion that it was a disaster and Tucker is a bad journalist.
I think there was a combination of not wanting to criticize the guy for showing the bravery he did by going over there and interviewing BadMan, and also some lingering Emperor's New Clothes thing that Tucker (as does Elon Musk) has enjoyed from the right, but the questions were really stupid.

It's been a long time since Americans have heard what real journalism sounds like (particularly in audio or video--we still have a few good writers like Seymour Hersch, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal, Anglin). If you were around for Roosh's censorship press conference, you may remember that the single biggest takeaway was how ridiculous and stupid all the questions were. I was incredibly impressed that Roosh kept his composure aftering hearing a string of horrible questions for over an hour. I could have played devils advocate and come up with more difficult questions than this group of supposed professionals did. So, as a nation, we are not used to intelligent journalism.

The last good interviewer I enjoyed was the great Bob Edwards of NPR. Despite being extremely popular, he was suddenly and inexplicably fired from his morning interview show (he was immediately hired by XM radio) and soon after all the diversity and sexual propaganda shows started popping up on NPR. Edwards was a distinguished older normal white man with a much younger wife. He was highly skilled at asking proper questions that allowed the guest to clearly communicate their ideas.

Indeed, we are so used to idiotic questioning that when Ben Shapiro faced some very routine questioning by conservative journalist Andrew Neil, Shapiro famously had no idea how to react with anything other than irrational emotion and was completely owned, unable to even explain his own positions (of course he holds no real positions but should at least be able to explain what he pretends to push).

But Tucker just asked dumb question after dumb question, failed to pick up on interesting lines of thought, interrupted, changed the subject, and did the obnoxious "maybe you don't want to blah blah but I'm gonna ask this anyway" whiny voice meandering rapid talk questioning, which was a huge contrast to the chad Putin laughing, calmly and slowly explaining the creation of the universe aeons ago.

News is a rapidly changing field of work. Had Tucker interviewed Putin in 2022, or even last year, that's one thing. But the war is over. We've already wasted hundreds of billions over there. Why didn't he get the Russian perspective before we essentially went to war against them? The timing, right when we are seeing the NYT and establishment voices already talk about the winding down of the war, is suspicious.

Oh but Tucker brought up God, you say. No, he asked about "The supernatural." The supernatural is how atheists refer to alien life. I have never heard a Christian refer to God as "the supernatural." Tucker was not asking about God, he was asking if Putin believes in space aliens (an idea Tucker has been pushing recently, along with the silly Chinese spy balloon nonsense). Who is pushing for alien life theory? The deep state. Who is pushing for Chinese War? The Deep State.

And then Tucker brought up some obscure spy that Russia has imprisoned. Asking about Snowden is one thing. It would have been interesting and the audience is familiar. But whining about releasing a spy caught red handed? Why? Why would Russia do that? Russia and the US used to routinely kill spies, it's a risk that goes along with the job. The US should be thanking Russia that they spared this guy's life. And Putin said there's no benefit to keeping him locked up. Our security services can work out a deal. But then Tucker whines some more "I hope you release him Mr President." How idiotic would that be! Just release a spy you caught in the act? WHY? Tucker lost all credibility with Putin at that moment, if there was any left.

Why would you even ask such an absurd question unless your Deep State handlers instructed you to? It's just so tiresome.

Anyway here are 2 good criticisms of the Tucker interview. The first I found really humorous, particularly in the second half.

How bad a job did you do as an interviewer when your guest complains afterwards that your questions were dumb and boring?
I don't mean to imply Tucker is a youngster.
Although he absolutely lacks any gravitas, which was the #1 criteria for newsmen a generation ago.

He can come across as a silly, whimsical, not that serious type of guy, and he actually *doesn't* act his age.

After hearing some criticism of the interview, I have come to the opinion that it was a disaster and Tucker is a bad journalist.
I think there was a combination of not wanting to criticize the guy for showing the bravery he did by going over there and interviewing BadMan, and also some lingering Emperor's New Clothes thing that Tucker (as does Elon Musk) has enjoyed from the right, but the questions were really stupid.

It's been a long time since Americans have heard what real journalism sounds like (particularly in audio or video--we still have a few good writers like Seymour Hersch, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal, Anglin). If you were around for Roosh's censorship press conference, you may remember that the single biggest takeaway was how ridiculous and stupid all the questions were. I was incredibly impressed that Roosh kept his composure aftering hearing a string of horrible questions for over an hour. I could have played devils advocate and come up with more difficult questions than this group of supposed professionals did. So, as a nation, we are not used to intelligent journalism.

The last good interviewer I enjoyed was the great Bob Edwards of NPR. Despite being extremely popular, he was suddenly and inexplicably fired from his morning interview show (he was immediately hired by XM radio) and soon after all the diversity and sexual propaganda shows started popping up on NPR. Edwards was a distinguished older normal white man with a much younger wife. He was highly skilled at asking proper questions that allowed the guest to clearly communicate their ideas.

Indeed, we are so used to idiotic questioning that when Ben Shapiro faced some very routine questioning by conservative journalist Andrew Neil, Shapiro famously had no idea how to react with anything other than irrational emotion and was completely owned, unable to even explain his own positions (of course he holds no real positions but should at least be able to explain what he pretends to push).

But Tucker just asked dumb question after dumb question, failed to pick up on interesting lines of thought, interrupted, changed the subject, and did the obnoxious "maybe you don't want to blah blah but I'm gonna ask this anyway" whiny voice meandering rapid talk questioning, which was a huge contrast to the chad Putin laughing, calmly and slowly explaining the creation of the universe aeons ago.

News is a rapidly changing field of work. Had Tucker interviewed Putin in 2022, or even last year, that's one thing. But the war is over. We've already wasted hundreds of billions over there. Why didn't he get the Russian perspective before we essentially went to war against them? The timing, right when we are seeing the NYT and establishment voices already talk about the winding down of the war, is suspicious.

Oh but Tucker brought up God, you say. No, he asked about "The supernatural." The supernatural is how atheists refer to alien life. I have never heard a Christian refer to God as "the supernatural." Tucker was not asking about God, he was asking if Putin believes in space aliens (an idea Tucker has been pushing recently, along with the silly Chinese spy balloon nonsense). Who is pushing for alien life theory? The deep state. Who is pushing for Chinese War? The Deep State.

And then Tucker brought up some obscure spy that Russia has imprisoned. Asking about Snowden is one thing. It would have been interesting and the audience is familiar. But whining about releasing a spy caught red handed? Why? Why would Russia do that? Russia and the US used to routinely kill spies, it's a risk that goes along with the job. The US should be thanking Russia that they spared this guy's life. And Putin said there's no benefit to keeping him locked up. Our security services can work out a deal. But then Tucker whines some more "I hope you release him Mr President." How idiotic would that be! Just release a spy you caught in the act? WHY? Tucker lost all credibility with Putin at that moment, if there was any left.

Why would you even ask such an absurd question unless your Deep State handlers instructed you to? It's just so tiresome.

Anyway here are 2 good criticisms of the Tucker interview. The first I found really humorous, particularly in the second half.

How bad a job did you do as an interviewer when your guest complains afterwards that your questions were dumb and boring?

I liked the interview. Putin likes to give stories, it is obvious, and his history was really nothing more than embellishment to try and persuade audiences to value Russia more. Fundamentally Putin's resting point of defense is that NATO was expanding, and if they did not try to expand into Ukraine then there would be no war in Ukraine.

If only our slave masters were smart enough to see the moral high ground, but they've become so demonic all they can do is murder and lie at this point. They could have forced a Russian invasion without any NATO threat, and then Putin could have been truly isolated on the world stage. But obviously our leaders are too solipsistic to understand other points of view.

The Jew S officials were probably the ones behind it so their response will be a loud applause for the effort and an untimely death for the would-be assassin if he ever falls into western hands, which it looks like he won't as the Russians have him for the remainder of his short life.
Tucker has an interview with Lex up. It’s a good interview. Lex is combative at the start but once he realizes that the image of Tucker doesn’t line up with who he is, he relaxes.

Couple of things in the interview confirmed what I wrote:

1) Tucker thought Putin was bad at PR and couldn’t communicate his story very well. He chalks it up to Putin being very isolated.

2) He agrees that Putin’s “denazification” argument was stupid.

3) He confirmed that his lawyers told him not to do the interview because the US would arrest him on breaking US sanctions.

Anyway, the interview is really good. Love Tucker and hope he doesn’t end up in a jail cell like Assange.
Carlson seems to get the red carpet treatment in an age of “ cancellations” and public apologies. Isn’t this the same guy who was borderline quoting “fbi stats” on national tv?
He was cancelled ... but I'd guess you think that also wasn't "real"?
Since we know Jews are in charge then the only way we can recognize true opposition is when it directly challenges Jewish power.
We have not seen this, indeed. As such, it is a very solid point.