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The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)


"Strikes on Kiev. January 2, 2024

▪️ Early in the morning, Russian troops launched a combined strike on several targets in the so-called capital. Ukraine. In addition to the Mayak weapons factory, they also hit targets in other areas of the city.
▪️ One of the arrivals was at the Radyoyzmerytel enterprise, which produces aviation equipment and functional microelectronics. In 2021, two stations of the Mineral-U reconnaissance and target designation radar were assembled there on a Tatra chassis.
Coordinates: 50.3996656, 30.6747381
▪️ Another explosion occurred in the former main workshop of the Kvazar plant, which was previously engaged in the production of integrated circuits and equipment for industrial equipment suitable for military use. At 6:30 p.m., the fire was still ongoing at the facility.
Coordinates: 50.4891261, 30.4159311
▪️ Also, eyewitnesses in the north of Kiev filmed an explosion in the northern region of electrical networks, followed by a white glow, characteristic of a transformer burning, and a drop in internet traffi. However, this could well have been a consequence of the fall of a failed anti-aircraft missile - one of such episodes was just captured on camera.

▪️ As you can see, the confirmed targets of the strikes were industrial facilities associated with the military-industrial complex. Precise strikes on them can really weaken the military production potential of the Kiev regime.
▪️ However, we repeat that the effectiveness of air raids will depend on the approach to organizing fire damage. If it is produced according to the familiar principle of “two cruise missiles per plant,” then they will not suffer any serious damage, on the contrary, one single, but important workshop, demolished to the ground, can stop the work of the entire enterprise."

Second update on January 2 strikes on Kiev

"Strikes on Kiev. January 2, 2024

▪️ Thanks to the employees of the company producing tactical clothing and equipment for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “M-Tak”, who kindly posted information about the strike in the public domain, our team was able to obtain indirect confirmation of another successful arrival at Ukrainian targets during yesterday’s massive strike by the Russian Armed Forces on Kiev.
▪️ The M-Tak wholesale store is located in an industrial cluster near industrial buildings. Coordinates: 50.489211, 30.419266
▪️ In the same cluster is located the State Enterprise “Research Institute of Microdevices” - one of the four production facilities of the Kharkov based scientific and technological complex “Institute of Single Crystals” of the National Academy of Sciences, of the so-called Ukraine. Probably, this particular object was the target of the strike by the Russian Armed Forces, which Ukrainian sources, of course, did not expand on."
Crimea - 03.01.2024

"Attempted strike on Sevastopol. January 3, 2024

▪️ Last night, loud pops of air defense operations were heard throughout Sevastopol. Soon after a massive strike by the Russian Armed Forces, the Ukrainian forces tried to strike back at the peninsula.
▪️ Two modified S-200 anti-aircraft missiles were fired from the vicinity of the Alibey test site in the Odessa region. One of them was shot down on approach to Sevastopol, and the second fell in the area of Mount Kara-Koba without causing any damage. Apparently, the Armed Forces of Ukraine again tried to attack the warehouses and infrastructure of the Black Sea Fleet on the northern side of Sevastopol and in the vicinity of Inkerman.
▪️ At the same time, units of the 31st Air Defense Division of the RF Armed Forces marked up to six air targets. Presumably, two more S-200s fell into the water west of Cape Fiolent, before reaching Crimea. And two more missiles (based on the speed and flight path we can conclude that these were anti-ship “Neptunes”) flew past Sevastopol and their signal was lost in the direction of Novorossiysk. Apparently, the Armed Forces of Ukraine were aiming at some other objects, but the missiles, either due to a failure in the system or due to the active operation of Russian electronic warfare crews, strayed from the trajectory and subsequently fell into the water.
▪️ As a result, the enemy's attack failed. And, looking at the nature of its conduct, it seems that the Ukrainians were in a hurry, trying to interrupt the information feed, but to no avail. However, repeated attempts are possible in the coming days, including with the use of cruise missiles."
Second update on January 2 strikes on Kiev

"Strikes on Kiev. January 2, 2024

▪️ Thanks to the employees of the company producing tactical clothing and equipment for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “M-Tak”, who kindly posted information about the strike in the public domain, our team was able to obtain indirect confirmation of another successful arrival at Ukrainian targets during yesterday’s massive strike by the Russian Armed Forces on Kiev.
▪️ The M-Tak wholesale store is located in an industrial cluster near industrial buildings. Coordinates: 50.489211, 30.419266
▪️ In the same cluster is located the State Enterprise “Research Institute of Microdevices” - one of the four production facilities of the Kharkov based scientific and technological complex “Institute of Single Crystals” of the National Academy of Sciences, of the so-called Ukraine. Probably, this particular object was the target of the strike by the Russian Armed Forces, which Ukrainian sources, of course, did not expand on."
Attacking the M-Tak plant is some troll-level game by Russian General Staff. Zelensky and his top guys might have to wear big boy clothes for the first time in 2 years.

In another way, what a "tell." They know where Z's pantsuit is made. They know where his drones are made and where all his ammo is stored. They know almost all his bidness. He's in a jam.
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Crimea - 04.01.2024

"Complex attack on Crimea. January 4, 2024

▪️ As we suggested yesterday, Ukrainian formations once again tried to strike Crimea. This time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine approached the attack more prepared: in anticipation of the raid, the aviation moved to several bases to divert Russian attention.
▪️ Around 16:20, five Su-24M bombers and two MiG-29 fighters took off from the airbases of Starokonstantinov, Mirgorod and Kanatovo, and launched Storm Shadow cruise missiles and several ADM-160 MALD decoys in the direction of the peninsula.
- The first Storm Shadow was shot down over Ulutne near Yevpatoriya. Missile's debris caused minor damage to infrastructure, but no casualties were recorded.
- Two more Storm Shadows, rounding Cape Fiolent, tried to attack air defense units in Sevastopol. It was not possible to shoot down the missiles, but they did not reach their target - the military personnel ofthe 31st Air Defense Division of the RF Armed Forces continue to work.
- Several more air targets (the attacks were a combination of cruise missiles and decoys) were destroyed by the crew of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system over Pesochnaya Bay near Tauric Chersonesos.
- And a pair of Storm Shadows were shot down in the vicinity of the Fedyukhin Heights and at the Balaklava Thermal Power Plant. Judging by the flight path, their target could've been the important energy facility.
▪️ In total, Russian military personnel shot down ten missiles, most of which were Storm Shadows.
▪️ In essence, this raid indicates the enemy’s tactics in attacks on Crimea: At the initial stage, the Armed Forces of Ukraine actively attacked ships and objects of the Black Sea Fleet, forcing them to stay close to their own bases. Now the enemy is trying to destroy air defenses of the peninsula. And the next stage, apparently, should be attacks on the Crimean Bridge. It doesn't matter that it won't provide any tactical advantage. The main thing is the PR effect, as well as reputational losses for the Russian leadership.
▪️ At the moment, fighters of the 31st Air Defense Division of the RF Armed Forces are repelling a drone raid, after which another missile attack is possible."
▪️ At the moment, fighters of the 31st Air Defense Division of the RF Armed Forces are repelling a drone raid, after which another missile attack is possible."

"Drone raid on Crimea. January 4, 2024

▪️ Closer to midnight, following a missile strike, Ukrainian formations attacked the Crimean peninsula with drones.
▪️ From Nikolaev, three groups with a total number of at least 36 drones were launched into the air.
- The first drones were shot down on approach to Novofedorivka. If we look at the flight path, the target was obviously the airfield in Saky. And it was there that the bulk of the drones were shot down.
- Next, air defense crews started working on drones over Yevpatoriya, as well as off the coast of Sevastopol.
▪️ Out of 36 UAVs, 11 were shot down by Pantsir-S1 air defense systems and rifle squads. And 25 were suppressed by electronic warfare.
▪️ It is worth noting that a couple of hours before the UAV raid from Nikolaev to the west of Crimea, three more drones, launched from the Odessa region to assess the readiness of air defenses in Crimea, were shot down.
▪️ The massive UAV attack did not cause any problems; all drones were destroyed and suppressed. However, such attacks pursue a different goal: their task is to reveal the location of air defense units, their composition and the nature of their actions during raids.This is usually followed within a few days by a more serious attack, for example, with cruise or ballistic missiles against already identified targets. And, given that at the time of the UAV strike in Crimea, one drone was also shot down in Novorossiysk, an attack could also take place near the Kerch Strait.
▪️ And a little over half an hour ago, an air raid alert was declared in the south due to the launch of unidentified missiles by Su-27 fighters over Nikolaev. Taking into account the absence of any arrivals or air defense work, these were most likely decoys, which also signal preparation for a strike.
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Crimea - 05.01.2024

"Neptune anti-ship missile attack on Crimea. January 5, 2024

▪️ Around 12:20-12:30 the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a Neptune anti-ship missile from the outskirts of Odessa.
▪️ At the time of this attempt, a MiG-31 was patrolling the airspace and flew out to intercept. And somewhere 80 km northwest of Cape Tarkhankut, the Ukrainian missile was shot down.
▪️ However, given how many targets were shot over the past 24 hours, this single Neptune is unlikely to be the last. Trends suggest that enemy attacks will increase."

Crimea - 06.01.2024

"Missile attack on Crimea. January 6, 2024

▪️ At night, the Armed Forces of Ukraine once again struck Crimea.
▪️ Four Storm Shadow/SCALP missiles were fired from two Su-24M bombers in the direction of the Saky airfield. Aviation at the base was already dispersed on alert, but the airplanes were not the target: Ukrainian forces managed to hit the administrative building, but at the time of the alarm it was already empty, which allowed to avoid losses.
▪️ Something else is interesting about this attack: the tactics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the attacks. All day yesterday, Ukrainian aviation was taking off and landing. Periodically, ADM-160 MALD decoys were launched from MiG-29 and Su-27. It is for this reason that air raid alert has been repeatedly declared in Crimea. Decoys are displayed as real missiles, allowing the enemy to mislead air defense systems and determine the location and time of their reaction.
▪️ Also, at the time of one of these launches, the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to deliver a real strike with a Neptune anti-ship missile on Cape Tarkhankut or Yevpatoriya, but the missile was shot down by a MiG-31 fighter.
▪️ And in the evening, on the eve of the launch of “Storms”, five “Beaver” type UAVs were sent to Crimea from Kobleve, which are less noticeable than the Mugin-5 UAVs. They flew along the western coast of Crimea and went on patrol near Novofedorivka, where they were shot down. And just a couple of hours later, Su-24M bombers attacked Saky, which was actively photographed by drones the night before and last night, as well as by a NATO satellite constellation (more than 10 images were taken over three days).
▪️ The essence of the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is obvious: after the weakening of the Black Sea Fleet, their main task now is to suppress air defense in Crimea, and this can be done by disrupting the combat control of air defenses and aerospace forces. That is why their emphasis is primarily on command posts, which should be kept in mind during further attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine."
Russian air strikes - 08.01.2024
air raid08012024.jpg

"Massive strike on Ukrainian facilities. January 8, 2024

▪️ Russian troops launched massive attacks on enemy targets in several regions of the so-called Ukraine, using from Geran-2 kamikaze drones to Kinzhal hypersonic missiles.
▪️ Kharkov: most of the arrivals were recorded in the Kiev district of the city. One of the missiles hit the educational workshop of the lyceum at the FED machine-building plant. Whether the enterprise itself was damaged is currently unknown.
▪️ Zaporozhye: according to preliminary data, at least one infrastructure facility was hit. Local residents reported temporary power and water supply outages.
▪️ Krivoy Rog: warehouses and a workshop for the production of drones on the territory of the Sun Gallery shopping center, where orders from Ukroboronprom were carried out, were hit. Another munition hit light rail tracks used for military purposes.
▪️ Odessa: the operation of air defense systems was reported in several localities. Despite the assertions of the Ukrainian command that all drones have been intercepted, footage that has appeared on the Internet suggests the opposite.
▪️ Khmelnitsky: in addition to Starokonstantinov, where the military airfield of the same name is located, explosions also occurred in Shepetivka, a major transport hub through which Western weapons are transferred.
▪️ The next wave of strikes launched by the Russian Armed Forces in 2024 again hit industrial facilities related to the military-industrial complex. It is significant that, unlike previous raids, the Ukrainian authorities recognized the inability of air defense systems to repel massive raids: according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, out of 60 munitions, anti-aircraft crews managed to intercept only 26 targets.
▪️ However, some of the Russian media also rushed to exaggerate the success of today’s attack, announcing large-scale problems with energy supply in several regions of Ukraine, including the Dnepropetrovsk region. This is most likely due to the sharp deterioration of the weather and the consequences of previous Russian strikes.
▪️ As we have noted more than once, in order to weaken the production potential of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex, it is necessary to wisely select targets and allocate a sufficient number of missiles to them. A hit from just one or two missiles will not cause significant damage to the enterprise."
Ukrainians claiming they shot down a Russian A-50 and an IL-22 (one of each). These are command and control aircraft (kind of like a US E3 or AWACS). Apparently, they were on mission over the Sea of Azov. No idea what weapons system engaged, or how they got into range that far east. Pretty big deal:

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Ukrainians claiming they shot down a Russian A-50 and an IL-22 (one of each). These are command and control aircraft (kind of like a US E3 or AWACS). Apparently, they were on mission over the Sea of Azov. No idea what weapons system engaged, or how they got into range that far east. Pretty big deal:

Most likely a friendly fire incident, since there are no air defense systems in the west capable of hitting a target at those ranges - they would have to drive a patriot or S-300 launcher deep into Russia-controlled territory to do so.

South Donetsk - 17.01.2024
south donetsk 17012024.jpg

"The situation in the South Donetsk direction as of 15:00 /Moscow time/ January 17, 2024

▪️ In the South Donetsk direction, Russian troops continue to operate in the Pobjeda - "Zverinets"/“Menagerie” stronghold - Novomykhailivka triangle.
▪️ In recent days, units of the Russian Armed Forces have managed to make some progress in the area, expanding the control zone along the road south of Marinka.
▪️ Currently, the Russian command has concentrated on enveloping Novomykhailivka from the south, where the Russian Army managed to take positions west of the pumping station. Attacks on supply routes and the transfer of reinforcements of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the village do not stop.
▪️The front line in Novomykhailivka still runs along the southern outskirts of the village: the fighting is for the farms, while the industrial zone and cemetery are already under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.
▪️ However, the offensive is complicated by many factors. The activity of enemy FPV drones and artillery strikes complicate the supply of forward units of the Russian Armed Forces in the positions they have taken, especially in open areas. At the same time, mines also pose a problem, further limiting the movement of equipment."

Zaporozhye - 17.01.2024

"The situation in the Orikhiv sector as of 16:00 /Moscow time/ January 17, 2024

▪️ Positional battles are taking place at the Orikhiv sector. Russian troops continue to improve their tactical situation, and the enemy is bringing newly formed units to fill the gaps in the defense.
▪️ The main attention is focused on the area west of Verbove, where the Russian Armed Forces advanced to a depth of up to half a kilometer to the positions abandoned in the summer during the so-called Ukrainian “counter-offensive”.
▪️ The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to attack at the Kopani-Robotyne line. However, after the forces of the 136th Motor Rifle Regiment of the Russian Armed Forces captured several enemy strongholds during counterattacks, the situation again entered the stage of positional battles. In bad weather conditions, the activity of UAVs decreased, however, the intensity of mutual use of artillery remains the same.
▪️ In addition, activation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is also observed in the direction of Pyatykhatky, where fighters of the Russian Army recaptured several strongholds during several counterattacks. However, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have increased the level of use of FPV drones, possibly as part of fire preparation.
▪️ At the same time, a unit of the 151st Separate Reconnaissance and Strike Battalion of the 10th Army Corps of the Armed Forces of Ukraine arrived at the Kopani-Robotyne-Verbove line.This formation was created only in November, and the battalion itself is still being recruited, it includes the most trained members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and even Bradley infantry fighting vehicles.
▪️ And about a week ago, detachments from one of the battalions of the 141st Separate Rifle Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine arrived at the Orikhiv sector to rotate the forces of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade. However, the 141st brigade has a shortage of manpower, weapons and military equipment."
Kherson - 17.01.2024

"The situation in the Kherson direction by the end of January 17, 2024

▪️ In Krynky, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to hold a bridgehead, regularly transferring reinforcements to the left bank of the Kherson region. Despite the heavy losses of the enemy, it has not yet been possible to knock him out.
▪️ Although some Russian telegram channels announced the liberation of at least part of the bridgehead, at the moment the information has not been confirmed. Ukrainian formations are holding defenses in the residential area and the northern part of the forest, while Russian assault detachments are regularly attacked by artillery stationed on the higher right bank of the Dnieper.
▪️ Weather conditions play a significant role. The melted ice significantly complicated supply for the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the routes laid on the ice cover through the Frolov Island. The enemy delivers the necessary cargo by drones.
▪️ Against the backdrop of significant losses and an increase in morbidity, it would be logical for the command of the "Katran" marine strike group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to withdraw the marines to the right bank, but the political significance of this area is too high, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine clearly do not want to lose it.
▪️ At the same time, in the last couple of days, Ukrainian artillery activity in the vicinity of the Kozachi Laheri has increased. Taking this into account, the option of diversionary actions in this direction cannot be ruled out, which could make it possible to pull back part of the forces of the Russian Army and weaken the pressure at Krynky."

Kherson - 18.01.2024

"The situation in the Kherson direction as of 19:00 /Moscow time/ January 18, 2024

▪️ In the Kherson direction, the situation in the area of the village of Krynky, from where the Russian Armed Forces are unable to squeeze out enemy units, remains stable and tense.
▪️ Despite the reports that appeared on January 17 about the hoisting of the Russian flag in the village, there is still a long way to go before Krynky is returned to Russian control.
▪️ On January 17, two attempts were made to enter the village from the west and south: Russian assault detachment were able to enter Krynky but found themselves in the sights of Ukrainian UAVs and artillery and they were unable to gain a foothold. But the fact that the situation is changing is undeniable: it is now possible to enter the village itself almost unhindered, all problems begin at the consolidation stage.
▪️ In total, up to 80 members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, from both territorial defense units and the marine corps, remain present in Krynky. Due to disrupted logistics, the supply of the Ukrainian formations in the village was interrupted; the delivery of ammunition and food products is carried out only by drones.
▪️ On January 18, Ukrainian aviation worked along the front line in the vicinity of the ill-fated settlement."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 19.01.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 9:00 /Moscow time/ January 19, 2024

▪️ Despite the fact that it was not possible to surround the Avdiivka fortified area before the new year, no one stopped the fighting at the site. The main attention is paid to massive attacks on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine delivered by aviation and artillery of the Russian Armed Forces.
▪️ Despite fire control over the supply routes of Ukrainian formations, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine still retain the possibility of carrying out rotations of troops: a couple of days ago, new detachments of the 110th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were transferred to Avdiivka.

Northern flank
▪️ On the north-eastern outskirts of Stepove/Petrivske clashes are still ongoing, the village is in the gray zone.
▪️ The Russian Armed Forces are focused on expanding the control zone east of the Avdiivka Coke Plant. There is no assault on the plant yet, but the Russian Armed Forces are advancing along the ponds to the southeast of the treatment facilities and in the fields in the direction of the Avdiivka “Blue Lakes” sand quarry.
▪️ Russian reinforcements were deployed from Kamyanka to strengthen the pressure: on January 18, they managed to reach the outskirts of Kolosov and Levanevsky Streets.
▪️ The fighting continues west of the Donetsk filtration station and the industrial zone in Dukhovnost Park.

Southern flank
▪️ To the north of the Opytne, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are not abandoning attempts to occupy the gray zone under the 9th "Khimik" microdistrict.
▪️ At the same time, from the Novoavdeevsky Pond, Russian detachments are advancing along the northeastern outskirts of Pervomaiske.

▪️ No one has canceled the task of surrounding the fortified area along the Stepove/Petrivske-Lastochkyne-Sjeverne line, but so far it has not been implemented.
▪️ Apparently, the command of the Russian group of troops decided to focus their main efforts on clearing the dacha sector around Avdiivka and “cutting off” the gray zones."
Svatove - 19.01.2024

"The situation in the Svatove sector as of 10:00 /Moscow time/ January 19, 2024

▪️ Recently, at the Svatove sector of the front and in the eastern part of the Kharkov region, all military operations either boiled down to unsuccessful attempts to take Synkivka, or to a positional struggle on the left bank of the Zherebets River, however yesterday the fighting in this area intensified.
▪️ On January 18, after delivering massive artillery strikes, Russian troops launched an offensive from Volodymyrivka towards Krokhmalne and Tabaivka.
▪️ Having crossed the railway, assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces managed to advance half a kilometer to the west, taking the N-26 highway under fire control.
▪️ The battered forces of the 103rd Territorial Defense Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were defending this area, so the Russian Armed Forces did not encounter significant resistance.
▪️ The goal of the offensive in this sector is not just a positional struggle, but access to the Oskil River in order to further facilitate the advance both near Kupyansk and along the Zherebets River.
▪️ In neighboring areas without any significant changes:
- In the village of Novoselivske, Russian troops still control the western end of the destroyed settlement, without moving further to the west.
- To the east of Borova, active offensive operations are not yet underway; Russian troops are located on the outskirts of the village of Nadiya."
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It is now essentially confirmed that Russian forces won a major success in the southern sector of the Battle of Avdiivka, taking control of the fortifications leading into the city, including the major Ukrainian stronghold of "Tsarska Okhota". Russian sources have been celebratory about this all day.
Now of course, we're at a point in the war of attrition where we're not reporting advances of towns and villages, but rather it's a major success when just part of the defense system of a single town is taken. Nonetheless, Avdiivka is probably the most fortified small city on Earth, second place was Bakhmut but Russia has already taken that. Losing Avdiivka would be a landmark defeat for Ukraine of a similar political significance as Bakhmut. And they don't have all that many fortress cities left. They do have fortress cities like Ugledar (Vuhledar) for example, but these are not on the same scale as Avdiivka. And if Russia shows that it will eventually win the battle even in the most fortified cities on Earth, one has to start wondering if a Ukrainian path to victory even exists.
Also, taking Avdiivka, along with any of the other Donetsk suburbs, helps in reducing the Ukrainian artillery pressure on the civilian population of Donetsk.
It is now essentially confirmed that Russian forces won a major success in the southern sector of the Battle of Avdiivka, taking control of the fortifications leading into the city, including the major Ukrainian stronghold of "Tsarska Okhota". Russian sources have been celebratory about this all day.
Now of course, we're at a point in the war of attrition where we're not reporting advances of towns and villages, but rather it's a major success when just part of the defense system of a single town is taken. Nonetheless, Avdiivka is probably the most fortified small city on Earth, second place was Bakhmut but Russia has already taken that. Losing Avdiivka would be a landmark defeat for Ukraine of a similar political significance as Bakhmut. And they don't have all that many fortress cities left. They do have fortress cities like Ugledar (Vuhledar) for example, but these are not on the same scale as Avdiivka. And if Russia shows that it will eventually win the battle even in the most fortified cities on Earth, one has to start wondering if a Ukrainian path to victory even exists.
Also, taking Avdiivka, along with any of the other Donetsk suburbs, helps in reducing the Ukrainian artillery pressure on the civilian population of Donetsk.

Donetsk-Avdiivka - 20.01.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 15:00 /Moscow time/ January 20, 2024

▪️ Russian troops continue the operation to cover and block the Avdiivka fortified area.
▪️ On the southern flank, after several months of fighting, Russian units managed to establish control over the fortified area of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the Tsarska Ohota recreation center.
▪️ There is also information about the liberation of the Skotovata dacha community, located southeast of the Tsarska Ohota and west of the Vinogradniki garden cooperative.
▪️ North of Skotovata, according to some reports, a site in the quarry area also came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.
▪️ Currently, Russian troops are attempting an offensive to the northwest of Tsarska Ohota - perhaps in the near future we will see advances in Avdiivka itself.
▪️ At the same time, fighting continues in other areas where Russian troops are also focused on expanding the zone of control.
▪️ At the moment, the main efforts of the Russian Armed Forces are aimed at clearing the dacha sector around Avdiivka and “cutting off” the gray zones."

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Svatove - 21.01.2024

"The situation in the Svatove sector as of 13:00 /Moscow time/ January 21, 2024

▪️ At the Svatove sector, after the recent capture of a 4 km wide section of the N-26 highway, the “West” group of troops of the Russian Armed Forces continues to advance.
▪️ Yesterday, objective footage was published online, confirming the presence of military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces on the western outskirts of the village of Krokhmalne.

▪️ At the same time, Russian units broke through the enemy’s defenses southwest of the village, approaching Berestove: fighting is taking place on the outskirts of the village. And, according to preliminary information, Russian troops managed to completely occupy the section of the N-26 road to Novoselivske.
▪️ After the withdrawal of Ukrainian formations from Krokhmalne, the Russian Armed Forces have the opportunity to attack both Tabaivka and Pishchane. Their liberation will allow the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to enter the rear of the group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine defending in Kupyansk-Vuzlovy from the south.
▪️ Both Krokhmalne and Berestove are in the lowlands, the difficulty of further advancement from the direction of Novoselivske is due to the presence of a height 167.5, which must be taken before starting to move west.
▪️ Offensive at the Svatove sector allows the Russian Armed Forces to solve the problems of both potentially recapturing the east of the Kharkov region and stretching the enemy’s resources that are involved in other directions.
▪️ It is still extremely premature to talk about a possible cleanup between the Oskil and Zherebets Rivers, but a breakthrough on a new sector of the front, instead of the “damned” Kupyansk direction, will allow the Russian Armed Forces to begin solving problems in the east of the Kharkov region."
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Donetsk-Avdiivka - 20.01.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 15:00 /Moscow time/ January 20, 2024

▪️ Russian troops continue the operation to cover and block the Avdiivka fortified area.
▪️ On the southern flank, after several months of fighting, Russian units managed to establish control over the fortified area of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the Tsarska Ohota recreation center.
▪️ There is also information about the liberation of the Skotovata dacha community, located southeast of the Tsarska Ohota and west of the Vinogradniki garden cooperative.
▪️ North of Skotovata, according to some reports, a site in the quarry area also came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.
▪️ Currently, Russian troops are attempting an offensive to the northwest of Tsarska Ohota - perhaps in the near future we will see advances in Avdiivka itself.
▪️ At the same time, fighting continues in other areas where Russian troops are also focused on expanding the zone of control.
▪️ At the moment, the main efforts of the Russian Armed Forces are aimed at clearing the dacha sector around Avdiivka and “cutting off” gray zones."

Avdiivka updates - 21.01.2024

- In retaliation for their failures in Avdiivka, ukrainians shelled the Donetsk agglomeration.

- Russian troops exploit the breakthrough on the southern flank of Avdiivka

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