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The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)

Chasiv Yar - 06.02.2024
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"Offensive on Chasiv Yar, situation as of 09:00 /Moscow time/ February 6, 2024

Northern flank
▪️ On the northern flank, in the Bohdanivka area, neither side is taking active offensive actions. Enemy positions in the village itself and its environs are being attacked with drones, but without any attempts to advance by the Russian Armed Forces due to the vulnerable location of Bohdanivka in the lowlands.

Southern flank
▪️ After a successful breakthrough through the forests to Krasne/Ivanivske at the end of January, the Russian Armed Forces were able to advance into the settlement and north of the T-0504 highway, occupying at least part of the forest belts facing the reservoirs east of the village. Artillery strikes are carried out on enemy forces.
▪️Ukrainian formations relatively successfully counterattacked in the south, between Klishchiivka and Krasne/Ivanivske, knocking out Russian forces from some of the tree lines, but were unable to gain a foothold - communication with forward detachments of the Russian Army has not been disrupted. The tree lines left by the Russian Armed Forces remain in a gray zone, since neither side can occupy and fortify due to mutual FPV drone strikes.
▪️ At the same time, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not stop carrying out engineering work in the rear, including to the west of the Seversky Donets-Donbass Canal, which the Russian Armed Forces are preventing to the best of their ability.
▪️ There is an ongoing counter-battery fight with both conventional artillery and missile weapons. In Kostyantynivka, an Iskander strike allegedly destroyed a HIMARS MLRS."
South Donetsk - 06.02.2024
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"The situation in the South Donetsk direction as of 12:00 /Moscow time/ February 6, 2024

▪️ After the capture of Marinka, the Russian troops have the opportunity to attack Kurakhove - the distance between them is only 15 km in a straight line, but there are several settlements along the way: now the front line passes through the settlement of Heorhiivka.
▪️ Given the current configuration of the front, storming this seemingly small village is not an easy task: at the end of January, the Russian Armed Forces attempted an attack north of the ruins of the Cathedral of All Saints, but were unable to advance far and lost several pieces of equipment. One of the problems is the terrain: Heorhiivka and its surroundings are located in a lowland, over which stands Krasnohorivka, controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and a nearby nature reserve located on a high ground.
- The offensive on the northern flank along the Heorhiivka Pond is hampered by strongholds in the forest plantations.
-️ It is also difficult to go through Heorhiivka itself, in the village - through which the Armed Forces of Ukraine previously supplied Marinka - a defense system was built long ago, the nodes of which are basements of houses.
-️ It is not easy to move south along the N-15 highway: ahead there are only shoot-through bare fields flanked by tree lines, and in the rear there is a large stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the village of Pobjeda, from where the enemy will put pressure on any forces attempting to go west along the highway.
▪️ In the current situation, an offensive from Marinka in the direction of Kurakhove without success at Krasnohorivka and Novomykhailivka, as well as the capture of Pobjeda, will be very problematic even with massive artillery strikes and the complete demolition of those settlements."

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"The situation in the South Donetsk direction as of 14:00 /Moscow time/ February 6, 2024

▪️ The Russian Armed Forces are quite successfully breaking through the enemy’s defenses in the Novomykhailivka area. By the evening of February 5, it became known that Russian units had reached the eastern outskirts of the village towards Mira Street.
▪️ This became a logical development of the attack at the end of December, when an armored group of the Russian Armed Forces, having made passages through the minefields, broke out to land on the northeastern outskirts of Novomykhailivka.
▪️ At the same time, before the assault, there was active UAV work on enemy IFVs and APCs, which could not but affect the resupply, and as a result, the stability of the defenses.
▪️ However, even taking Novomykhailivka in a semicircle, the situation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot be considered critical. Through Novomykhailivka and neighboring Paraskovievka there are roads to Kostyantynivka - one of the main supply hubs in the South Donetsk direction. Thus, Novomykhailivka is one of the key nodes in the current configuration of the front, and one should not hope for easy progress in the settlement."
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Kherson - 07.02.2024

"The situation in the Kherson direction as of 14:00 /Moscow time/ February 7, 2024

▪️ In Krynky, virtually the same situation has persisted for many months. A contingent of Ukrainian marines is holding the same houses without even attempting to advance, periodically rotating forward groups.
▪️ This is the result of to the active impact of Russian aviation on the settlement, which seriously affected the combat readiness of the "Katran" marine strike group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. During one of the last strikes, a stronghold was destroyed along with the Marines of the 38th Marine Brigade - because of this, the transfer of three assault detachments of the 18th and 88th Battalions of the 35th Marine Brigade began during the night. They must withdraw the wounded to Ivanivka, and also occupy some of the positions of their neighbors who suffered losses.
▪️ Another detachment from the 37th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is also scheduled to arrive today or tomorrow. Fire cover is provided by artillerymen and mortarmen from the Ivanivka-Tiahynka line and Frolov Island.
▪️ In general, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are unlikely to be able to change the situation in the near future - the Armed Forces of Ukraine simply do not have the resources for this yet. And, at the same time, Russian aviation and artillery continue to hit the opposite side: the other day a warehouse with ammunition was destroyed in Sadove.
▪️ However, the enemy is also not asleep and compensates for the lack of artillery with the massive use of attack drones. The intensity of their use will only increase: a couple of days ago it became known about the formation of the 414th separate battalion of attack unmanned aerial vehicles, based on the Magyar Birds group as part of the 59th Motorized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.The personnel are currently being trained and equipped with various drones, and the process itself is organized in the Odessa region. The transfer of Magyar's group into a separate formation will expand the capabilities of the unit, especially considering that the unit was already equipped with the best drones available."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 07.02.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 16:00 /Moscow time/ February 7, 2024

▪️ Russian troops continue to bite into residential areas of Avdiivka: this week, as a result of heavy fighting, they managed to enter the north-eastern outskirts of the city.
- The Russian Armed Forces are advancing into the Ivushka garden cooperative, having managed to gain a foothold in the area of Nezalezhnosti Street. The main impact vector is directed to the southeast.
- There are conflicting reports about fighting on Lesi Ukrayinkiyand Donetska streets.
- Ukrainian formations do not reduce the pressure and counterattack in the area of Kotsyubynskoho Lane.
- At the same time, fighting is going on for the second day at the railway bridge on the corner of Chystyakova Street.
▪️ In the conditions of urban combat, due to the lack of objective footage and the dynamically changing situation, it is difficult to draw an exact line of contact. Houses and streets can change hands several times a day, since attempts to cut Avdiivka in two are quite obvious and expected by the Ukrainian command.
▪️ The situation east of the residential sector and north of the quarry remains hidden in the fog of war. Taking into account the possible cutting off of this area from the rest of the enemy forces, there may be only a few infantry units left there, or even just abandoned and mined positions. However, there is no clear evidence of control by either party. Back at the end of January, armored groups of the Russian Armed Forces launched attacks west of Kamyanka, but to no avail. Therefore, it is premature to repaint the territories north of the quarry into a zone under the confident control of Russian troops."
Zaporozhye - 07.02.2024

"The situation in the Orikhiv sector as of 17:00 /Moscow time/ February 7, 2024

▪️ Positional battles continue at the Orikhiv sector. Both sides are not yet conducting broad offensive actions, limiting themselves to individual attacks and attempts to storm each other’s positions.
▪️ The Russian Armed Forces are operating in small groups west and south of Robotyne, as well as northwest of Verbove, but are not making large-scale offensive attempts.
▪️ Servicemen of the 136th Motor Rifle Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces report that the enemy has a large number of FPV drones in the sky, including for night work, which limits the use of armored vehicles. Russian units, just like, for example, in the Kherson sector, are experiencing an acute shortage of UAVs.
▪️ The enemy acts in a similar way, conducting forays into forest plantations west of Verbove, but the artillery strikes of the Russian Armed Forces do not allow the Ukrainian formations to take new positions; the area remains in the “gray zone”.
▪️ At the same time, attacks are being carried out on the rear positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of Mala Tokmachka, Orikhiv and Novodanylivka, where the enemy is concentrating manpower and equipment before moving to the front line.
▪️ Over the past few months, this direction has been less significant for both sides. The main forces of the Russian Army and Ukrainian formations are concentrated in the Donetsk and Bakhmut directions. However, opening of another section of the front in the Zaporozhye direction as part of the winter campaign of the Russian Armed Forces would be logical (at a minimum, to force the enemy to stretch reserves and force them to plug holes). But we certainly shouldn’t expect an easy offensive here."
South Donetsk - 07.02.2024
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"The situation in the South Donetsk direction as of 18:00 /Moscow time/ February 7, 2024

▪️ The footage that appeared on the Internet today fully confirmed our information yesterday and made it possible to clarify the advance of the Russian Armed Forces on the eastern outskirts of Novomykhailivka.

▪️The armored group of the Russian Armed Forces, covered by electronic warfare equipment, reached the ruins of the distribution station near the bank of the Sukhie Yaly stream, after which the Marines from the 155th Marine Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces went forward under the cover of armored vehicle fire.
▪️ Enemy trenches were taken along the O0531 highway bordering the village from the east. Progress is recorded right up to the beginning of Central Street.
▪️ The attack went in one more direction, which was partially left behind the scenes of the video. The assault troops apparently passed through the Kuryacha Gully, crossed Timiryazev Street and reached Shevchenko Street.
▪️ Taking into account the publication of the video of yesterday and the day before yesterday, it can be assumed that the advance did not stop, and the enemy positions taken were already in the rear.
▪️ The Armed Forces of Ukraine will probably try to organize a new defense center from the ruins of the farm to the "Sintezprodservice" industrial area through the central part of the village, where the Church of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael and several multi-story buildings are located. Previously, Russian troops had already approached the ruins of the industrial zone from the southern side of Novomykhailivka, but rolled back, and artillery and aviation repeatedly attacked "Sintezprodservice" and the neighboring ruins.
Crimea - 09.02.2024

"Drone raid on Crimea. February 9, 2024

▪️ Last night, for the second day in a row, Ukrainian formations launched six drones from the Odessa region in the direction of Crimea.
▪️ Unlike previous raids, the Ukrainian Armed Forces changed the route: this time the drones flew past Snake Island, and the flight, assessing the trajectory, was carried out from the Vylkove area. Initially, it seemed as if the target was the western part of Crimea, but subsequently the route was adjusted to the southern coast of the peninsula - six drones, skirting Sevastopol from the south, headed towards Feodosia. Five of them were intercepted by fighters from the Belbek airfield just south of Alushta. And the last one was shot down with a machine-gun crew from a boat near Feodosia.
▪️ At the time of the raid, there was an American RQ-4B drone in the air, which assessed the work of the 31st Air Defense Division of the Russian Armed Forces, however the UAVs were shot down by aircraft and rifle squads, so the enemy did not reach his objective.
▪️ The raid itself was carried out for the second night in a row, but along a relatively new route. And again with small forces, which is no accident. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are clearly planning a strike, and in preparation for it they are assessing the most suitable route."


"NATO reconnaissance operation in the Black Sea. February 9, 2024

▪️ At night there was unrest in Crimea again: six drones were launched from the territory of the Odessa airport in the direction of Crimea.
▪️ Having flown to Crimea, five of them hovered in the air near the peninsula, either approaching or moving away. And one flew in the Sterehusche area and was eventually shot down by a crew of the Pantsir air defense system over Hvardiiske. Other drones were overwhelmed by Electronic Warfare crews and fell into the water.
▪️ The essence of this sortie was simple: it was not delivering damage, but an assessment of the reaction of air defense systems and checking the most acceptable route for the UAVs. And one UAV reached Simferopol, which indicates the presence of small gaps in the defenses.
▪️ In anticipation of this, NATO aircraft and drones carried out a comprehensive reconnaissance operation. In the air were American U-2S, MQ-9A, P-8A and even a British RC-135, accompanied by two Typhoon fighters.
▪️ And today the activity did not subside: the standard MQ-9A drones and the R-8A anti-submarine aircraft were joined by the RQ-4B UAV, flying south of the Crimean Peninsula.
▪️ Let's see what such intensity will lead to, but, as the practice of past months has shown, nothing good should be expected from this."

"Drone raid on Russian territory. February 9, 2024

▪️ Not only the Crimean Peninsula was under attack by drones: yesterday and today more then 14 UAVs were shot down in the Oryol, Bryansk, Kursk and Nizhny Novgorod regions, as well as two in the Krasnodar Territory.
▪️ All drones were eventually either shot down or suppressed by air defense systems. During the day, 20 interceptions of UAVs of various types were recorded; some infrastructure facilities were slightly damaged by debris.
▪️ Another important point is that either during the raid or right before it, more than a dozen different reconnaissance aircraft, including long-range radar detection, were operating in the air near the Russian borders.
▪️ Without taking into account the RQ-4B near the Crimea, an E-7A AWACS aircraft of the Australian Air Force, which flew several months ago, was operating over Poland near the Belarusian borders, and a Swedish Saab 340 Global Eye was operating over the Baltics. At the maximum range of electronic reconnaissance to search for emitting objects, these aircraft can operate up to 850 km (E-7A) and 450 km (Saab 340), which allows them to cover the western regions of Russia.
▪️ NATO intelligence activities on the eastern flank obviously do not bring anything good for Russia. Indeed, in addition to the above-mentioned AWACS aircraft, there were P-8A, CL-650 and even a Gulfstream IV in the air, observing the Olenya airbase in the Murmansk region.
▪️ Considering such activity near the Russian borders, one should be prepared for new drone raids, missile attacks on Crimea, and sabotage near important military installations: including bases of the strategic aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces."
Kharkov - 10.02.2024

"Strike with kamikaze drones on an oil depot in Kharkov. February 10, 2024

▪️ At night, Russian Armed Forces launched a series of kamikaze drone attacks on a fuel terminal in the Nemyshlyansky district of Kharkov. The tank farm itself is located on a hill right in the middle of a residential area.
▪️ The tanks were not even protected with the required embankments, so after their destruction, tons of burning fuel simply flowed down between the fences of the industrial zones. A massive fire broke out and is still being extinguished.

Coordinates: 49.967743, 36.357382
▪️ In the short term, the strike may affect the supply of fuel and lubricants to the enemy in the Kharkov direction. However, it is not yet possible to talk about completely depriving the Armed Forces of Ukraine of fuel - for this it is necessary to hit absolutely all such infrastructure in the region, including numerous gas stations."
Chasiv Yar - 10.02.2024
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"Offensive on Chasiv Yar, situation as of 09:00 /Moscow time/ February 10, 2024

▪️ To the west of Bakhmut, Russian troops are advancing in the direction of Chasiv Yar, the most important defense center of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the occupied part of the DPR.
▪️ Fighting is taking place at the heights in the Bohdanivka area, where the Russian Armed Forces were able to expand the control zone by several hundred meters.
▪️ But if the changes in the village itself are not so significant and do not greatly affect the tactical situation, then to the south of the village Russian units were able to knock out the enemy from several important strongholds. Archangel of the Special Forces channel published footage of the enemy’s retreat from one of the positions in the direction of Chasiv of Yar.

Artyomovsk direction, 98VDD are conducting assault operations, the enemy has abandoned their positions and is moving towards the settlement. Chasov Yar!

This stronghold turned out to be a cemetery south of Bohdanivka. Coordinates: 48.605810, 37.917833
▪️ At the moment, fighting is taking place in the area of the Popovsky Forest, an extremely important natural shelter from which a further attack on Chasiv Yar can be developed. The enemy's channels do not simply draw attention to the importance of this area in defenses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
▪️ At the same time, reports also appeared about the success of the Russian Armed Forces north of the cemetery at hill 187. Considering the proximity to the cemetery and the mass flight of the enemy from positions, the option of control by Russian troops over this area along the railway line is close to real.
▪️ The advance of the Russian Armed Forces near the cemetery and along the railway line creates a threat to the contingent of the Armed Forces of Ukraine n the southern outskirts of Bohdanivka, which is located in the lowlands relative to the positions of the Russian Army.
▪️ But, despite the flight of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from positions, there is no need to rush to move further. Without confident control over the Popovsky Forest, an assault on Chasiv Yar is impossible, and in the immediate vicinity of the forest there is the "Kanal" microdistrict at an altitude of over 230 meters."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 10.02.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 11:00 /Moscow time/ February 10, 2024

▪️ The assault on Ukrainian positions continues in the Avdiivka fortified area.
▪️ In the north of the city, in the residential sector, Russian troops are attacking positions on Sapronova and Lesi Ukrayinky streets, taking control of one block of residential development. Consolidation in this quarter allowed the fighting to be concentrated on Donetska and Chystyakova streets, adjacent to the railway line - the emphasis on this sector is not accidental, because the railway line is convenient for building a defense.
▪️ Battles are also reported in the area of the "Khimik" train station. If the current pace of advance is maintained, the Russian Armed Forces will be able to cross the railway track in another section within a few days.
▪️ On the southern flank of Avdiivka, Russian troops are advancing from the Tsarska Ohota stronghold. Fighting continues here on Kolosova and Soborna streets. So far it has not been possible to advance further, but against the backdrop of successes in the north and center, the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will only worsen.
▪️ Realizing the gravity of the situation, the Ukrainian command transferred reserves from Lastochkyne, Orlivka and Semenivka, trying to stop the advance of Russian Army in the south and north of the city. However, the enemy used known routes that had long been discovered by the Russian Armed Forces and the movement of troops was quickly identified, and artillery and aviation attacked the accumulated units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, disrupting their rotation."


"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 19:00 /Moscow time/ February 10, 2024

▪️ Russian troops continue to advance in the residential sector in the vicinity of the Ivushka garden cooperative.
▪️ To the east, assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces reached the outskirts of the quarry, and to the north of it they were able to advance in forest plantations: it is possible that the enemy retreated from their positions in advance, leaving only mine barriers.
▪️ However, key events are taking place in the area of the Avdiivka autobase: after taking the surroundings of the railway bridge, Russian units were able to gain a foothold on Chystyakova Street, moving even closer to actually cutting the city in two.
▪️ At the moment, the industrial zone between the railway and Industrial Avenue remains under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which acts as the last relatively safe supply route between the detachments of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the northern and southern parts of Avdiivka. If it is lost, Ukrainian formations will have to retreat to the west across open fields.
▪️ The question is what decision will the enemy command make now - to retreat in order to preserve personnel or to hastily transfer reinforcements to hold positions, falling under massive artillery strikes and guided air bombs?"
Chasiv Yar - 11.02.2024
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"Offensive on Chasiv Yar, situation by the end of February 11, 2024

▪️ To the west of Bakhmut, Russian troops continue to advance in the direction of Chasiv Yar.
▪️ The enemy was driven back a kilometer on the O0506 highway leading to the city from Khromove.The fighting is taking place near the Valyanivka stopping point, where Russian UAV operators intercept enemy infantry.
▪️ Forests to the north also came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, which made it possible to increase pressure on the enemy still located in Bohdanivka.
▪️ In addition, the Russian Armed Forces managed to take Popovsky Forest. The enemy retreated from here after losing the dominant height 187 south of Bohdanivka. This allows access to the forests through which assault detachments of the Russian Army can relatively secretly get to the "Kanal" microdistrict, located east of the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal.
▪️ In Bohdanivka itself, it was also possible to restore previously lost positions on the eastern outskirts of the village: the enemy was thrown back to the center of the village.
▪️ The situation in this sector for the Armed Forces of Ukraine is difficult, but so far not critical. The advance of the Russian Armed Forces on Chasiv Yar will go through the lowlands, which does not promise rapid progress."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 11.02.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation by the end of February 11, 2024

▪️ Russian troops continue their assault on the residential sector of Avdiivka. Progress is recorded on several streets.
▪️ In the area of the railway bridge near the embankment on Chystyakova Street, the Russian Armed Forces apparently advanced northeast to at least 1 or 2 streets of dachas southwest of Lake Vodokachka. There is no enemy to the south, at least until the intersection of Chystyakova Street and Zheleznodorozhny Lane. Zheleznodorozhny Lane, judging by some footage, is under the control of the Russian Armed Forces at least up to the intersection with Lesi Ukrayinky Street, the fighting is going on southeast no closer than Tolstoy Lane. As far as we can judge, further advance to the south is not a priority and is only conditioned by ensuring the stability of the wedge cutting Avdiivka in two.
▪️ Information about Russian detachments crossing the railway in the direction of the Avdiivka Autobase has not yet been confirmed by objective footage, although it is actively circulating on the network. According to the most optimistic estimates, the Russian Armed Forces were able to take at least part of the dachas in the triangle between the railway track behind the bridge and establish control over the Autobase, advancing to the Avdiivka Construction Parts Plant, at least to Timiryazev Street.
▪️ In the residential sector, Russian formations advanced right up to Shestakova Street - our sources partially confirm the taking control of the triangle of dachas between the Alter Group, the railway bridge and the Avdiivka Autobase, but the motor depot itself remains under enemy control.
▪️ At the same time, the RF Armed Forces advanced along Chystyakova Street to the northwestern end of Heroiv Street.
▪️ In the southern area, in the vicinity of the Tsarska Ohota, the advance of the Russian Armed Forces was not recorded. Most likely this is due to the presence of the enemy in the forests to the west and the concentration of enemy forces in the "Khimik" microdistrict - an area with high-rise buildings that serves as one of the defense nodes. At the same time, footage appeared online from the intersection of Soborna and Chekhova streets, where two unarmed members of the Ukrainian formations were probably looking for an escape route. This indicates a very serious deterioration of the enemy's forces.
▪️ No progress has been recorded near the Avdiivka Coke Plant in the north either. The enemy uses the industrial zone and is supported by artillery from Berdychi and Orlivka. The enemy's supplies and general position in the Coke Plant are somewhat better than in other areas of Avdiivka."
It is now confirmed by both the Russian and Ukrainian sides that the Russians have officially cut Avdiivka in two, reaching the western road into the city (which was also the Ukrainians' main supply road). They had been fighting in that area trying to reach that road for a few days, and today secured it.
Ukraine has reportedly suffered big losses as their reinforcements towards Avdiivka were massed in a couple of spots 40km from the front and hit by a large salvo of Iskander missiles. RWA speculates it might have been the worst day in the entire war for Ukraine:

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Ukraine has reportedly suffered big losses as their reinforcements towards Avdiivka were massed in a couple of spots 40km from the front and hit by a large salvo of Iskander missiles. RWA speculates it might have been the worst day in the entire war for Ukraine:

"Strike by the Russian Armed Forces on a temporary deployment point in Selydove. February 13, 2024

▪️ This afternoon, Russian troops launched a series of attacks on targets in the town of Selydove in the occupied part of the DPR. According to incoming information, a large enemy temporary deployment point has been hit. During the raid, Iskander tactical ballistic missiles with cluster warheads were used.
▪️ The city itself has long been used by the Ukrainian command as a transshipment point for the subsequent transfer of units to the hottest spots, including Avdiivka, which is about 40 km from Selydove. The town quite regularly comes under fire from the Russian Armed Forces: for example, just this morning local authorities reported on the consequences of the last night's shelling of the town.
▪️ At the same time, everything necessary is available to accommodate a significant amount of manpower both in the town itself and in neighboring settlements. Our team identified the main places where the enemy’s temporary deployment point could be located: the territory of mines and large farm plots, a machine-building plant, as well as hangars near the Selydovka railway station.
▪️ However, due to the lack of objective footage, it is very difficult to establish the exact location, as well as confirm information about hundreds of dead. Nevertheless, the rapid isolation of the area and the SBU raid indicate the defeat of a high value target: either a large concentration of personnel or high-ranking Ukrainian officers."

At the same time, a few miles to the south of Selidovo, a concentration of ukrainian equipment came under Russian attack.

"▪️ Against the backdrop of a hotly debated attack on the temporary deployment point of Ukrainian forces in the city of Selydove, footage appeared of a hit on a parking lot of Ukrainian equipment in the village of Tsukurino, located a little to the south.
▪️ The enemy’s position was identified from the air, after which the targets were struck using rocket artillery.

The video shows that the Russian Armed Forces first used shells with cluster warheads, and after the evacuation of the equipment began, they struck with conventional ammunition.
▪️ At the same time, the content of the material sharply contrasts with the words of propagandists of the Kiev regime that during the shelling of the settlement only two "two-story buildings" were damaged. If we judge this way, then more than one pair of these “buildings” will never end up in Avdiivka, where they were planned to be sent to strengthen the grouping of troops."
Chasiv Yar - 13.02.2024
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"Offensive on Chasiv Yar, situation by the end of February 13, 2024

▪️ Russian troops continue their offensive in the direction of Chasiv Yar.
▪️ Assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces were able to expand the zone of control south of the Popovsky Forest, pushing the enemy away from Khromove. Such successes cannot but worry the Ukrainian command: if you look at the map, the approach to the northern outskirts of Krasne/Ivanivske is becoming more and more clearly visible, which will complicate the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine there.
▪️ Against the backdrop of the successes of the Russian Armed Forces, the enemy is forming an operational reserve of armored vehicles in the Kramatorsk area. Evidence of this is the appearance of at least two dozen tanks, self-propelled guns and infantry fighting vehicles in neighboring areas. Considering how much the defenses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were crushed, the lack of reaction from the Armed Forces of Ukraine will seriously worsen the tactical situation and affect morale. And the introduction of reserves is quite logical from the north to pin down the RF Armed Forces from the flank.
▪️ At the same time, a large batch of ammunition was sent to Druzhkivka on civilian trucks. Using the legend of humanitarian organizations is a long-standing feature of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In this way they are trying to protect cargo from attacks by the Russian army.
▪️ On the southern flank, fighting takes place on the heights northwest of Klishchiivka, where Ukrainian formations attempt counterattacks from time to time. But as the situation worsens in Krasne/Ivanivske, these enemy attacks become more and more faded."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 13.02.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation by the end of February 13, 2024

▪️ The Russian Armed Forces are systematically advancing in the central part of Avdivka.
▪️ The available information is still contradictory. Various sources agree that Russian forces managed to cross the railway along Chystyakova Street in a section at least from Sapronova Street to Zaliznichny Lane with further access to the dachas all the way to the Avdiivka Autobase. Fighting is taking place in the industrial zone on Industrial Avenue and in the vicinity of the Autobase, however control over the motor depot has not yet been confirmed, as has the advance on Timiryazeva Street to the south.
▪️ The same can be said about the access to the fortified area near the Brevno restaurant, which still remains in question.
▪️ At the same time, reports appeared about progress to the southwest from the flooded quarry to Shestakova Street. There is even an extremely positive assessment of the breakthrough to the beach or the Quartz Sand Plant, adjacent to the quarry from the south, which, due to the lack of any objective footage, looks overly optimistic.
▪️ However, the enemy’s retreat from the residential sector is quite logical from the point of view of the ability to defend: after all, there are no concrete multi-story buildings there, and the Russian Aerospace Forces are actively using FABs. In such conditions, retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the industrial zone in front of “Khimik” microdistrict, in the area of the Reinforced Concrete Structures and Building Parts plant does not look unrealistic.
▪️ It is worth noting that there is very little footage from this area, since the enemy does not benefit from demonstrating territorial losses, and the Russian troops, judging by the intensity of the offensive, are now a little uneasy about it. Because of this, little attention is paid to the official media support of the operation."

FABs on Avdiivka compilation.
Ukraine has reportedly suffered big losses as their reinforcements towards Avdiivka were massed in a couple of spots 40km from the front and hit by a large salvo of Iskander missiles. RWA speculates it might have been the worst day in the entire war for Ukraine:

Apparently, at night Russia delivered a follow up strike on Selidovo, this time targeting a local hospital.

Another Russian warship was attacked, and allegedly sunk (unconfirmed at the moment), by ukrainian naval drones.

Ukraine’s GUR military intelligence agency said the warship appeared to have been loaded when it sank and that, before the attack, it had spent some 10 days at a loading site used by the Russian military.
It published grainy footage on Telegram purporting to show several naval drones approaching a large vessel at night and at least one large explosion.
Reuters was able to verify the ship in the video as the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s Tsezar Kunikov based on its main mast, antenna, bridge and deck. The location and date the footage was filmed could not be independently verified.
Some of the footage at the end appeared to show major damage with the vessel listing heavily to one side.
