The Reaction To "Game" & Other Past Vile Behaviour - After Enlightenment - Thread

I've seen comments, here but mostly on other social media platforms, that a lot of dudes are lonely, lack any kind of network, and frankly, lack the ability to gain friends and social circles on their own. In a way, Game was designed to work on getting dates with women (at least Roosh's, his was less one-night stands and more of a 3-date bang), but Game can also be used to make friends and grow your social circle. My wife naturally games people in the sense that she gives them a good first impression, shows genuine interest in them, asks them questions and grows a small bond, especially if there is anything in common (in our case, having a kid in the same school). Because of this, we've grown a network of people and we've only lived in an area for a year and our business is gaining success to due to her natural outgoingness.

I had always hoped to see PUA and Game to lead to Christianized offshoots to help good men find wives, but the guys who were the most successful at it had no intention to do that. I had hoped when Roosh became Christian he would have gone in this direction, but he went full monk-mode. Vox Day, a Christian who knows all about Game and created a socio-sexual hierarchy, proved his lack of leadership abilities, heck, maybe even a lack of love for others by doing very little to help young men find a spouse. I never understood the intention to help ALL men instead of focusing on one group of men (Christians).

Essentially, I think Game could have evolved into a 'How To Win Friends And Influence People' 2.0 but it remained unpurified and focused on lust. There was this guy, Married Man Sex Life, Vox had briefly promoted on his blog, but the guy was an atheist.

I guess all I'm saying, or concluding, from this is I learned about Game when I already had a fiance. But what I had wished at the time was that I could have known about Game years before I met my current wife, this is because there were scores of girls I would have wanted to meet before I met her, who may have been better for my Christian life, but I was too green and bluepilled to do anything. That's where I think the ball was dropped greatly.
I don't have a disgust for "game" per se, depending how you define it, but I do have a disgust for that 2000s era PUA/PU mindset, which is still pervasive in some places. It's autistic, ideological, and insulting because it discounts the experiences and unique circumstances of the individual for the sake of axioms that are stated as absolute fact "that's just the way it is bro". Plus, that crowd teaches NOTHING about actually keeping women or long-term relationship advice in general.

If you define "game" as all knowledge and behavior related to dealing with women, then I don't have a problem with it. I think men are in desperate need of a deep level philosophy that teaches how to deal and relate to women and understand their behavior. Things like setting boundaries, holding frame, dealing with shvt tests, vetting for high quality women, detecting gaslighting/poison dripping, detecting signs of infidelity, trusting your gut, etc are skills most men seem blissfully unaware of, and these are things every man needs to know about.